Revisit Photo of Caylee Crying in Red Shirt - was it the last ever taken?

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Aug 7, 2008
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Let's discuss this particular photo - which is the only one I'm aware of that depicts an extremely upset Caylee.
Do you believe, as I do, that it was the last ever taken, perhaps on the evening of Father's Day, June of 2008, after Casey left with Caylee?

ETA: If you double click on it, you can enlarge it to look more closely at it. There are table legs in the background, and the floor appears carpeted.


  • Caylee Anthony.jpg
    Caylee Anthony.jpg
    17.9 KB · Views: 751
Let's discuss this particular photo - which is the only one I'm aware of that depicts an extremely upset Caylee.
Do you believe, as I do, that it was the last ever taken, perhaps on the evening of Father's Day, June of 2008, after Casey left with Caylee?

I don't know if it is the last picture of Caylee, but I do know I hate that picture of her crying.
HOLY MOTHER OF GOD.....Where did this pic come from? I have never seen it.....was it part of the doc dump?? It is so haunting!!! I think I am going to cry.
I don't know if it is the last picture of Caylee, but I do know I hate that picture of her crying.

I do, too. Makes me terribly sad for her. Some posters have commented in the past that the reason they think this was the last photo taken is because Caylee is crying and reaching out for whomever was taking this photo - and what kind of a person would take such a photo anyway? The last thing I want to do is photograph my child when she's crying - I immediately go and pick her up. I certainly don't think about photographing her...
HOLY MOTHER OF GOD.....Where did this pic come from? I have never seen it.....was it part of the doc dump?? It is so haunting!!! I think I am going to cry.

It has been posted on the scared monkeys website for quite a while. That is where it came from. It is very disturbing, I agree. :cry:
For starters ... I can *really* see a strong resemblance to CA. Is that an Ohio Jersey she is wearring? Also, does anyone have any more detailed info on the carpet that was said to have been removed from LA former residence? as per when he moved from his rental home (close by) to his parents home?
I do, too. Makes me terribly sad for her. Some posters have commented in the past that the reason they think this was the last photo taken is because Caylee is crying and reaching out for whomever was taking this photo - and what kind of a person would take such a photo anyway? The last thing I want to do is photograph my child when she's crying - I immediately go and pick her up. I certainly don't think about photographing her...

A cold, selfish person is the kind of person who takes a picture of a crying child instead of picking her up. :furious:
OMG! I just got sick looking at that! I'd never seen it before, and my heart just jumped. I'm about to cry too ... she looks so horribly scared so horribly upset!
What makes you think this is the last picture of Caylee?
Where can i see this photo because when i click it tells me i dont have access i guess i dont have enough posts yet. TIA :)
Where can i see this photo because when i click it tells me i dont have access i guess i dont have enough posts yet. TIA :)
same here, I was just thinking maybe I should have placed the error message to help explain my issue like you have-thanks!
That's why I wanted to put it up with its own thread now. It's good to look at it by itself, now that we've seen and read so very much about this case.
I've been wondering about potential witnesses who might say that they saw Casey, without Caylee, around midnight at the end of that Sunday Father's Day at a hotel/motel - I can't remember who has said this or where, but I know I've heard it - anyone have more information on who might be a witness for the SA who can place Casey at some hotel/motel late Father's Day, around midnight???
I do, too. Makes me terribly sad for her. Some posters have commented in the past that the reason they think this was the last photo taken is because Caylee is crying and reaching out for whomever was taking this photo - and what kind of a person would take such a photo anyway? The last thing I want to do is photograph my child when she's crying - I immediately go and pick her up. I certainly don't think about photographing her...

That's so true Chezhire. Who would do that to a crying child who is reaching out and just wants to be comforted and held? My heart is breaking over this picture. How could anyone just stand there and snap a picture? That seems so cold and heartless to me.

I'll say this. IMO in a lot of photos, little Caylee just doesn't seem happy. Sometimes her smiles seemed "forced" or "hesitant" - like she was told to smile but she's not really sure it's really a "happy" moment or not. Maybe I'm just seeing things, but I don't see geniune happiness across that poor baby's face. I'm sure there were happy moments, but she seems unsure or scared in a lot of those photos. I'm sure her short little life was filled with a lot of contention and there's no doubt in my mind that she was confused and frightened. Who wouldn't be living in a household like that?
What makes you think this is the last picture of Caylee?

I'm wondering it. Caylee was likely very upset when Casey took her from the Anthony home - and I've never seen any photos of Caylee crying, plus she's not fully dressed and could have been wearing this as a sleepshirt... what if it was a good-bye photo...something Casey could keep...
Course, that's just for starters - I have other theories, but I want to see what the others think... ;)
I don't believe I have ever seen anything sadder than that
I'm wondering it. Caylee was likely very upset when Casey took her from the Anthony home - and I've never seen any photos of Caylee crying, plus she's not fully dressed and could have been wearing this as a sleepshirt... what if it was a good-bye photo...something Casey could keep...
Course, that's just for starters - I have other theories, but I want to see what others think... ;)
I was asking because someone else started a thread saying they had what could be the last pictures of Caylee, so I was wondering why.

I know we have had discussion about this photo before, and one where she is crying when Lee is holding her. Did we ever come up with any info as to when these were taken at all? TIA.
I was asking because someone else started a thread saying they had the last pictures of Caylee, so I was wondering why.

I know we have had discussion about this photo before, and one where she is crying when Lee is holding her. Did we ever come up with any info as to when these were taken at all? TIA.

We did not in those earlier days threads, and if you actually go to those threads now, as I did, the graphics are unavailable. I think a poster had put something in that was too large graphicswise for the margins of the WS pages and the photos were deleted.

As far as when, I'm hoping that some of our computer forensics gurus might be able to help. According to scared monkeys, this photo was taken directly from Casey's photobucket - so that's about all I know re: its origin.
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