RIP-Actor Gary Coleman has passed away 28 May 2010

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Utah Valley Regional Medical Center released a statement saying Gary had signed an "Advanced Health Care Directive that granted Shannon Price permission to make medical decisions on his behalf if he was unable to do so."

Perhaps this was one matter that was not undone with the dissolution of marriage; on the other hand, perhaps he 1) wanted her named or 2) had no one else to declare.

Very sad, any way you look at it. This person was not the ideal choice to serve in this capacity, jmo.

R.I.P. Gary
And she went on about the car Gary bought her. So at some point she was able to drive.
Did Gary Coleman's wife have the right to pull the plug?

Gary Coleman was divorced at the time of his death, says his attorney, so did Shannon Price have the right to pull the plug?

``Now issues are being raised about whether or not Shannon had authority to terminate the life support,'' said attorney Randy Kester, who is not aware of a will for Coleman. The two were set to work on one.

Kester told The Associated Press that the divorce occurred in August 2008.

Read more:
Gary Coleman's parents seek custody of his remains

The estranged parents of former child TV star Gary Coleman are seeking custody of his body and want it returned to the star's boyhood home in Illinois, his former manager said Thursday.

His parents have said they learned about his hospitalization and death from media reports and that they had wanted to reconcile with their son before his death.

"The arrangement we're working on now is to get Gary back to his next of kin, which is his parents. The funeral home has been notified, the sheriff's office, we've notified them that there is to be no communication on where the body is to go unless its dealt with legally with Gary's next of kin, and that's the way it stands right now," Perillo told The Associated Press in a telephone interview from British Columbia.

(Perillo is Gary Coleman's former manager and family spokesman.)


I am curious as to whether police even looked as to where he supposed to have fallen. Did he fall down the stairs? Did he fall on a flat surface but hit his head on something? Some people compare this case to Natasha Richardson but she fell skiing, and he fell in his home but there was so much damage.
And she went on about the car Gary bought her. So at some point she was able to drive.

My neighbor and BFF suffers from seizures and her husband bought her a car. She had to have a doctor's sworn statement that she had not had a seizure in 5 years in order to get her drivers license which was true. However she is now worried because she has suffered two seizures in the last 8 months. One more and she will lose her license. If that happens she will not get it back until she goes another 5 years without a seizure.

She is kind of a "space cadet" for a few days after having had a seizure. (our term for her mental fog). As a precaution she will not drive for about a week after having one either. So the fact that Gary bought Shannon a car really doesn't mean much to me.
I am curious as to whether police even looked as to where he supposed to have fallen. Did he fall down the stairs? Did he fall on a flat surface but hit his head on something? Some people compare this case to Natasha Richardson but she fell skiing, and he fell in his home but there was so much damage.

Natasha had a closed head injury while Gary obviously had an open head wound. He probably received blood thinners during his dialysis treatment earlier that day which would have caused really excessive bleeding.

Before her death, my mother was on dialysis and it once took the nurses more than three hours to stop the bleeding after removing her from the dialysis machine. They kept putting pressure on her arm to stop the bleeding but each time they would lift the dressing to see if it had stopped, a stream of blood would literally shoot two or three feet high into the air. She was in the hospital at the time but there was little that they could do until her blood began to clot on its own. If you had seen the room she was in you would think someone with multiple major traumatic injuries had been treated there because there was blood everywhere (and I do mean everywhere) yet it was all from just one simple needle puncture. After seeing that happen to her, then I can easily imagine how much more blood would have resulted from an open head wound. As Gary fell he could easily have struck the edge of a counter top, sharp corner of a table or even a hard tile floor with enough force to cause the skin on his scalp to split open.

I read where the hospital said that he had suffered a brain hemorrhage. The brain hemorrhage could have caused the fall resulting in an open head wound, or his fall and resulting injury could have caused the brain hemorrhage. Perhaps an autopsy will be able to determine when it occurred if the family has one done.
Yeah, I think that is fair to say.

The times I've seen this lady interviewed before she had the same demeanor. Maybe she's always medicated due to health problems (anxiety, panic attacks, etc). I heard her on the radio this morning and she certainly did seem like she was talking about a pet or something, not her husband or ex-husband.

The ex-wife's rambling on about her high-end purchases is so not going to garner her much financial sympathy in regards of getting people to send her money to help in regards of a funeral. I know if I wanted to send money to help out on the funeral, in no way shape or form would I want it to be accessible to her... I'd send it right to the funeral home.
Here's the latest from TMZ - smiling pictures of ex one day after Gary died.

Also (and I didn't check to see if this was posted earlier in this thread, sorry...) on the site "Eyes for Lies", the author breaks down what they think of the ex's behavior. Here is a link to all articles with her label:

(it wouldn't let me hyperlink it for some reason with the original site name so here it is in tiny form...)
The more Shannon talks the more I'm convinced she's at least guilty of being ignorant. Video at the below link.

Gary Coleman's ex-wife is taking a shot at Lindsay Lohan -- saying Gary was a role model who could have taught Linds a thing or two about Hollywood.

Shannon Price blabbed about LiLo, Britney Spears, and life in the spotlight during an interview obtained by TMZ -- one she taped just a day after deciding to pull the plug on Gary's life support.

Price says she used to respect Lindsay because, y'know ... "she had red hair" and was in "Parent Trap."
Gary Coleman's Ex -- Conundrum with the Car

Sigh. Videos at the below link.

On May 26th, Shannon told the 911 operator she couldn't take Gary to the hospital because, "I cant drive … cause you know, like I said, I have seizures."

But on May 29th, hours after Coleman died, Price told a camera crew, "[Gary] has done a lot for me ... he's bought me a car."

Sounds like Gary made a bad investment.
Gary Coleman had a will; parents drop burial plans

Gary Coleman's estranged parents abandoned their effort to bury him in his native Illinois Friday after a Utah attorney revealed the actor named an executor in a 1999 will.

Salt Lake City Attorney Kent Alderman said he has a will Coleman wrote that he will take to a Utah County court sometime next week. The will was written before Coleman moved to Utah and met his future wife during filming for the 2006 comedy "Church Ball." Alderman wouldn't reveal details of the will, including the name of the executor, but said Coleman will not be buried this weekend.

Sorry to be a ping pong ball here, but now that TMZ pointed out that his ex wife stated on the tape that she could not drive because of her seizure disorder, but she talked about how nice it was Gary bought her a car....I am really getting puzzled.
Sorry to be a ping pong ball here, but now that TMZ pointed out that his ex wife stated on the tape that she could not drive because of her seizure disorder, but she talked about how nice it was Gary bought her a car....I am really getting puzzled.

She was making every excuse possible to not help Gary. The 911 call was all about her and her problems instead of the man laying there bleeding to death.
Gary Coleman funeral plan 'pending' as executor takes over

Price "has absolutely no rights or authority, with regard to the disposition of Gary's remains, services, estate management," said Dion Mial, Coleman longtime friend and former manager.
"Plans for any services are pending, at this time," Mial said.


Sounds like the Executor is having none of Price!

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