RK is considering legal action against LP

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I think most people don't have a clue what it's like to be
in the
~~~~~ KC ~~~~~~ WEBBBBBBBBB ! ! ! then.......... whammie !!!!

I think it is just unreal..........
I think I don't know what I would think = or do ! ! !
I think it is just a BIG _________________________________

I'm sorry for the nice people who try to help..
and are either ~~~ Hurt ~~~~ Or misunderstood ! ! !

I am just AMAZED at how S T I C K Y the KC WEBBBBBBB !

It is suppose to be "ALL ABOUT C A Y L E E" KC


God Bless ! Sorry for RK & Sorry for LP & TM and on & on & on
and on & on & on............ everybody who tried to
help find the Little Girl....taken by the "Zanny=NANNY" has been
hurt because of KC's LIES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RK is a hero, he found Caylee. No one else did. Not that they didn't try, but he was the guy who actually did it. He had a hunch and kept after it, and thank God he did or Caylee would still be lost. I don't blame RK one bit for fighting back, I would too. LP needs to back off on this, maybe he should spend some more time investigating the secret fingerprints on the duct tape, lol.
RK is a hero, he found Caylee. No one else did. Not that they didn't try, but he was the guy who actually did it. He had a hunch and kept after it, and thank God he did or Caylee would still be lost. I don't blame RK one bit for fighting back, I would too. LP needs to back off on this, maybe he should spend some more time investigating the secret fingerprints on the duct tape, lol.

He is a hero in that he found Caylee's remains and he did stick with it and not give up...


He also DID receive the $5,000.00 compensation from M. Nejames, correct?

And whatever happened to LP stating he was going to give him some amount of reward? I wonder if THAT ever came to pass...

And he was paid for an interview with ABC...

And now he is considering legal action against LP?

It begins to be more about the money and less about the heroism as these issues creep in.:rolleyes:
He is a hero in that he found Caylee's remains and he did stick with it and not give up...


He also DID receive the $5,000.00 compensation from M. Nejames, correct?

And whatever happened to LP stating he was going to give him some amount of reward? I wonder if THAT ever came to pass...

And he was paid for an interview with ABC...

And now he is considering legal action against LP?

It begins to be more about the money and less about the heroism as these issues creep in.:rolleyes:

Bold mine

First LP said he wanted to give Kronk a reward but Kronk, as a county worker, was not allowed to accept it. When that was proven untrue, LP made the reward conditional on Kronk allowing LP to question him about the daisy chain. That's the last we heard of it.
Bold mine

First LP said he wanted to give Kronk a reward but Kronk, as a county worker, was not allowed to accept it. When that was proven untrue, LP made the reward conditional on Kronk allowing LP to question him about the daisy chain. That's the last we heard of it.

Well, there is another suspicious thing. If there was no daisy chain then why not answer the questions and clear it all up once and for all...


there WAS a daisy chain...

and then we arrive back at square one...

For my own self-if I found a dead body, I would not do a press conference, I would not do public interviews and I would not be concerned about monetary reward for stumbling upon a body. I would be more concerned with the nightmares that would be haunting me at night from such a grisly discovery and forgetting about it-not keeping it all stirred up with public appearances and perceived threats of legal actions...But hey...that's just me.:)
Well, there is another suspicious thing. If there was no daisy chain then why not answer the questions and clear it all up once and for all...


there WAS a daisy chain...

and then we arrive back at square one...

For my own self-if I found a dead body, I would not do a press conference, I would not do public interviews and I would not be concerned about monetary reward for stumbling upon a body. I would be more concerned with the nightmares that would be haunting me at night from such a grisly discovery and forgetting about it-not keeping it all stirred up with public appearances and perceived threats of legal actions...But hey...that's just me.:)

I commend Kronk for not being so money hungry that he would jump through hoops for the money LP dangled. Who's to say LP would have even come through if Kronk had lowered himself to that level? Kronk answered everything to the satisfaction of LE - the real investigators of this case. That's all he was required to do.
It's so hard for me on this one; but speaking out of like/dislike for the guy; this is the land of free speech. Kronk should not have gone on TV himself. He should have somehow remained anonymous. Worked with police to remain annonmous. The moment he gave his own press conference with the lawyer was the day he opened himself up to scrutiny by the media.

sorry: If guns kill people, I blame my computer for all my mis-spellings in that post lol
Well, there is another suspicious thing. If there was no daisy chain then why not answer the questions and clear it all up once and for all...

Mr. Padilla has no bearing on this case, so why should RK have to answer his questions? LP does not control this case, is not a vital part of it (hence, he is not on the court docket as a part of the case), RK owes not one word of explanation to the man. I would not be surprised if that the lawyer OCSO paid for RK to have, advised him to not talk to LP.

And now he is considering legal action against LP? It begins to be more about the money and less about the heroism as these issues creep in.

RK has a valid argument against LP running his mouth and spewing conspiracy theories about RK, like they are facts. BUT, the bigger picture is that RK has only given LP a warning. The ball is in LP's court, and if he keeps his stuff up and RK has to follow through on legal actions to stop him and LP gets hit in the pocket: LP will only have himself to blame.

I agree and he has made himself a "public figure" by having a press conference so it would be very hard to prove

Oh, it will not be hard... there is enough video, voice recordings and media print of LP accusing this man of taking part in a cover-up crime, that could nail LP to the wall. Heaven only knows what behind-the-scene evidence they have that makes RK feel that LP is unjustly investigating the man by contacting current and former family members. As for RK being a public figure: he's not... he's an innocent bystander that had a press conference where his lawyer put forth who he was because people were naming names, left and right, and digging and digging to find out who he was. From day one it was even going on here on the boards (seeking out his identity). The question of his identity was not going to go away, so he stepped up to the plate and had his lawyer put it to rest, once and for all. In the press conference the lawyer also shot down speculation that he was involved in the case in some kind of shady way. Obviously, LP did not believe that part...

Those that take issue with Kronk taking LP to task: ask yourself how you would feel if you were in Kronk's shoes. Here is this self-styled media entity that is not part of the case, accusing you of something you have not done and is digging in your background, when all that you did was find a missing child that everyone wanted found.

On a secondary note about LP making money off of the case: by his own words on The Dana Pretzer Show, 9/28/08 starting at the 52:00 mark, LP claims to have signed something with a lawyer to prove he was not interested in money or proceeds involving the case. In other words, he signed something saying he was not there to profit off of Caylee. Now, if LP has taken one red penny, he has gone back on his word... or his claims of signing something showing he was not there for the money was a lie put forth to make himself look unsoiled and untarnished by greed.
I totally agree, Magiccat.
As far as I know, LP never accused RK of being complicit In the murder of Caylee,
but only questioned the "discovery". I agree with LP...it doesn't add up.
And why would someone be considered a "hero" for pointing out the suspected location
of the body of a murdered child?
Rk did find the body and I'm thankful he did but some things
he as said didn't add up to me either when I frist heard him
talk a few times...Now that's just me but then there are a lot
of things I don't understand about this case..Casey in her
own little world while a lot of others are getting hurt by
this case and it's not just one it's many getting hurt and
pulled into this big mess of hers...
magic-cat said:
Exactly...He stepped into the limelight by doing the press conference. He did not have to do that, and frankly, I question his MOTIVE in doing that since he said it was SO important for him to remain anonomous and he did not want his co-workers harassed, etc...and so to accomplish THAT he does a widely televised HUGE press conference and then interviews as well? Not much on the anonymity tactics is he?

Well, there is another suspicious thing. If there was no daisy chain then why not answer the questions and clear it all up once and for all...

(Snipped for clarity)

I have trouble reconciling these ideas, as they appear totally contradictory. If he doesn't do the presser to answer questions, he's hiding something. If he does, he's spotlight and money-hungry. All I have to say is this: God save me if I ever get thrown into a similar situation by virtue of an unlucky stumble upon. After all that I've seen in this case, I may just keep right on walking. :frown:
I think it is utterly ridiculous for RK to consider doing this. It ALMOST goes to show he IS in it for the money and it makes me very suspicious of him and his motives. I mean, who cares what LP says or thinks? What does it matter? His suppositions and theories are his right, just as all of ours are-even though we are not on national television broadcasting ours. This country has gotten plain stupid about bringing lawsuits. Everyone brings suits for everything...and why? MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY and oh yeah, did I mention MONEY?

magic-cat: It DOES matter, havent you seen the reports about his company moving RK to an inside job because he had been getting threats and threatening letters, because people believe LP that RK is somehow involved. There was a thread about this, if you want to search for it. So in this case, yeah it does matter that once and for all, it is made clear that what LP says is NOT true. Think about those protesters who showed up outside the Anthony home. Think about what they might decide to do if they can find RK's home address and just KNOW that he is involved in covering up Caylee's whereabouts in some manner, because LP 'said so'. Would you want them outisde your house in the same circumstances?
(Snipped for clarity)

I have trouble reconciling these ideas, as they appear totally contradictory. If he doesn't do the presser to answer questions, he's hiding something. If he does, he's spotlight and money-hungry. All I have to say is this: God save me if I ever get thrown into a similar situation by virtue of an unlucky stumble upon. After all that I've seen in this case, I may just keep right on walking. :frown:
Come on, Moxie. Don't go being all reasonable and fair-minded. It spoils the entertainment.
magic-cat: It DOES matter, havent you seen the reports about his company moving RK to an inside job because he had been getting threats and threatening letters, because people believe LP that RK is somehow involved. There was a thread about this, if you want to search for it. So in this case, yeah it does matter that once and for all, it is made clear that what LP says is NOT true. Think about those protesters who showed up outside the Anthony home. Think about what they might decide to do if they can find RK's home address and just KNOW that he is involved in covering up Caylee's whereabouts in some manner, because LP 'said so'. Would you want them outisde your house in the same circumstances?

No, I surely would not...but then again, I would not have done public press conferences either, nor interviewed with ABC...so the problem may not have arisen were I the one who found poor Caylee...and as yet, HAS it been shown that LP is wrong that there WAS some kind of connection or tip off? HAS that been proven or is that just what some assume because they assume that LP is ALWAYS wrong?:eek:
magic-cat: It DOES matter, havent you seen the reports about his company moving RK to an inside job because he had been getting threats and threatening letters, because people believe LP that RK is somehow involved. There was a thread about this, if you want to search for it.

In that thread you will read reports that Kronk was seeking the inside job even before any involvement with the case. It pays more than reading meters. He was given the job after determining that he was qualified.

There are no reports of Kronk being hassled on the job as a meter reader. He was concerned that he would be hassled or bothered. But the job move was something he already wanted anyway.

This is the link to the GMA interview in case anyone did not see it.

When asked if he was "tipped off" by anyone in the Anthony family, he says "I never even MET those people"...not I have had NO contact with them, but I never MET them...

One could have had a "tip" from someone without having met them in person.

Anyhow, I never DID think Kronk was involved except for the finding of the body...

But since the Anthony family was paid such a hefty fee for THEIR interview with ABC and have dumped ABC because of the "fee" they paid Kronk, I cannot help but wonder if it is somewhat about money. I mean, if he wanted to remain as anonomous as possible, interviewing on GMA was NOT the way to go about it.
RK got this monkey off his back:

A former Orange County meter reader who found the remains of missing Caylee Marie Anthony has paid part of the $10,000 child support debt he owed to his ex-wife.
Roy Kronk owed the money for his son who is now in his 20s, and stopped paying in his wife several years ago. He recently paid his ex-wife $5,000 to settle the debit, she told the Orlando Sentinel in an e-mail.

In that thread you will read reports that Kronk was seeking the inside job even before any involvement with the case. It pays more than reading meters. He was given the job after determining that he was qualified.

There are no reports of Kronk being hassled on the job as a meter reader. He was concerned that he would be hassled or bothered. But the job move was something he already wanted anyway.

Thank you. I was searching and then finally googled and could not find a thing about him being threatened and moved into another job for his own protection. Do you happen to have a link to that thread that you could put in this one?
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