RK is considering legal action against LP

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Could be that RK and his attorneys needed a few weeks to pass to notice that it's caused RK a measurable degree of inconvenience... maybe he's receiving threats, etc.

It says in the letter that RK has reason to believe that LP is contacting his former and current relatives to dig up dirt on him. That might have been the straw the broke the camels back. This MO is similar to how LP ran his last election campaign, so it is not out of the norm for LP to go about trying to dig dirt up on people.
I don't think LP's words of Saddle Up are threatning. To me it was said in the same vain you might say, " I won't take my bat and ball and go home. I can go another inning. So if you want to play ball I can hang!
Leonard Padilla was been one of ny favorites. And yes, he is a character. But I believe him to be a godd hearted character, and I believe too he will be the first to apologize when he hears how wrong some of his theoroies have been taken. But his " theories are stated as though they are fact. That is ause for big trouble for him and for those theorized about/against.vvLP should cool it with his theories , unless he begins his theorizationa by saying this is my opinion, my opinion only, and only a theory that I am throwing out there.
Anything less is asking for some misery for himself and mny innocent people.

Well said! I feel the same.
With the exception of Tim Miller I have litte use for anyone involved in this case from the whiners (my life has been destroyed) to the media *advertiser censored*. I am just left wondering why RK doesn't just file a suit if he thinks he has just cause. Is he being altruistic and refusing to hop on the "make money on Caylee" bandwagon or is he hiding something? I don't know the answer to that question, but I can't wait to see how it pans out.
I don't think LP's words of Saddle Up are threatning. To me it was said in the same vain you might say, " I won't take my bat and ball and go home. I can go another inning. So if you want to play ball I can hang!

If he is indeed prepared to square up against RK in a courtroom (as his alleged response implies) then I hope his sources and evidence for this conspiracy accusation prove to be more credible than the 'facts' he expounded about LA's familial relationship with Caylee! :rolleyes:
I have always taken anything LP said as his opinion not fact. I can see for some people hearing him say things on TV makes it the truth. I don't remember seeing him on NG last week, I thought maybe she was tired of him bashing CA all the time. I am definately on RK's side of this lawsuit.
You know LP is a character, its a love/hate relationship that I have with him. However, nothing he says is newsworthy to me... Its pure speculation and thats it.
What happened was, the media needed info on the case, and LP was happy to give them his IDEAS... they took them and ran with them. IMO the media is as much to blame as LP. They gave him the airtime.
It says in the letter that RK has reason to believe that LP is contacting his former and current relatives to dig up dirt on him. That might have been the straw the broke the camels back. This MO is similar to how LP ran his last election campaign, so it is not out of the norm for LP to go about trying to dig dirt up on people.

Aha. I just read the letter. It's a tactful way of telling LP to "shut up or else". Wonder if he'll listen.
My first thought is that the reward money and appearance fee streams have dried up.....

You mean Kronk is not really upset about being accused over and over on tv to be involved in a daisy chain that starts with his supervisor, supposedly a friend of Lee's and ends with Kronk? A daisy chain that involves Kronk knowing the bag contained Caylee's remains all the way back to August?

I may be misinterpreting your comment, but it seems to infer that Kronk is only suing because he wants money, not because LP's statements about him are hurtful and untrue.

Biting tongue hard.

I have been increasingly disappointed with LP's supposed inside information that consistently turns out to be false. When he slanders people like this, it hurts them and it bothers me that he takes such a cavalier attitude that he would make a comment like "if he wants a legal fight, saddle up." Huh, why so threatening? All this guy did was find Caylee's body. Why should he be demonized?

you are GOOD, girl! DITTO for me, too!

I think he's good-hearted too and even though he's wrong on this theories sometimes I haven't minded - because he seems to be speculating. On the RK thing, though, I became dismayed when the daisy chain theory was repeated so many times. Throwing it out there once, early on, wouldn't have bothered me too much but the repetition made me so uneasy. I truly think RK did nothing wrong and his contribution to breaking open this case has not been appreciated to the extent it should. He deserves thanks.

I don't think it's good hearted to accuse Mr. Kronk of being told where the body was, of knowing it was there and letting it lie there and rot for months. I don't think it's good hearted to accuse Lee of commiting incest with Casey, either. Maybe we just see things differently.

LP did not present the daisy chain as a theory, either. He presented it as "inside information."

I agree with you that Kronk deserves thanks and did nothing wrong.

It would help if news personalities like NG would stop having him as a guest. I'm not an LP fan, but NG has a habit of asking him questions that he doesn't know the answer to, and they both pretend he does.

What is even worse is that even when Nancy knows LP is making a HUGE leap based on misunderstanding science, she does not correct him and continues to let him repeat his misinformation......such as when he declared Lee to be Caylee's father because he didn't understand mtDNA. She lets him talk and then makes a little face or says "oh, that Leonard." to exonerate herself, but IMO, she is a willing participant and allows him to spread misinformation because she knows many will tune in to hear him. And ratings are more important to her than truth. Of course, just my opinion.

I like LP but agree he shouldn't have been putting out false info on RK if he is just speculating.

However, why is RK worrying about this now and threatening lawsuits? I haven't heard LP mention his name in weeks. Seems a bit after the fact, doesn't it?

I don't think Mr. Kronk is just now becoming upset. He denied being part of a daisy chain very early on. His lawyer has made past attempts to get Leonard to stop trashing Kronk. His denials and his lawyer's attempts have not stopped the flow of daisy chain accusations. When you've attempted appealing to someone's humanity and they don't respond, the legal avenue is often the only one left.
IMO, I hope RK's attorney copied all the other guests on various national cable stations the same letter, of which, a majority of them are attorney's.

I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that NG had a nice, freshly-faxed copy of that letter waiting on her desk this morning. :D

LP may just well have created a daisy chain long enough to hang himself with.
If he is indeed prepared to square up against RK in a courtroom (as his alleged response implies) then I hope his sources and evidence for this conspiracy accusation prove to be more credible than the 'facts' he expounded about LA's familial relationship with Caylee! :rolleyes:
I think I need to see the comments again made by LP discussing Caylee's paternity from the beginning. I don't remember LP stating as fact that LA was the father. I do remember him asking the question on NG about the paternity markers on a paternity test and then the boards lit up with speculation of lA being the possible father. I personnaly am not taking sides on this one because I feel everyone this connected to the case as RK and LP are should be sluethed to the nines before trial. Maybe both men will X each other out before then!
Snipped for time:

I don't think it's good hearted to accuse Mr. Kronk of being told where the body was, of knowing it was there and letting it lie there and rot for months. I don't think it's good hearted to accuse Lee of commiting incest with Casey, either. Maybe we just see things differently.

LP did not present the daisy chain as a theory, either. He presented it as "inside information."

I agree with you that Kronk deserves thanks and did nothing wrong.

I'm not understanding your comment on my post. I said I supported RK fully. I stated, and I feel, that LP was dead wrong and that RK deserves unlimited praise for his contribution to this case. If not for him the community would still be suffering greatly and Caylee's body might still be rotting in the woods. The topic of this thread is "RK considering legal action" and that's what I commented on.

ETA: The tone set early on in this thread was not to bash LP indiscriminately but to choose our words wisely and stick to the point.
Well, considering the fact that I would hate to get a time out or worse:eek: I will limit my contribution to this thread to the following sentence:

I would be more than happy to make a financial contribution to Roy's attorney to be used for any future legal action taken against ole Lenny.
Snipped for time:

I don't think it's good hearted to accuse Mr. Kronk of being told where the body was, of knowing it was there and letting it lie there and rot for months. I don't think it's good hearted to accuse Lee of commiting incest with Casey, either. Maybe we just see things differently.

LP did not present the daisy chain as a theory, either. He presented it as "inside information."

I agree with you that Kronk deserves thanks and did nothing wrong.

I'm not understanding your comment on my post. I said I supported RK fully. I stated, and I feel, that LP was dead wrong and that RK deserves unlimited praise for his contribution to this case. If not for him the community would still be suffering greatly and Caylee's body might still be rotting in the woods. The topic of this thread is "RK considering legal action" and that's what I commented on.

ETA: The tone set early on in this thread was not to bash LP indiscriminately but to choose our words wisely and stick to the point.

I'm totally in agreement with your statements supporting Mr. Kronk. I am not in agreement with your statement that LP is good-hearted. That (maybe just in my own mind) would indicated that LP's statements about Mr. Kronk being the end of the daisy chain would have been made in a good-hearted way, and I don't think that is true. If his comments were good-hearted, then we would expect Mr. Kronk not to sue, wouldn't we? That's all I meant!

Sorry if I upset you....I really agree with almost 100 percent of your post!
I'm totally in agreement with your statements supporting Mr. Kronk. I am not in agreement with your statement that LP is good-hearted. That (maybe just in my own mind) would indicated that LP's statements about Mr. Kronk being the end of the daisy chain would have been made in a good-hearted way, and I don't think that is true. If his comments were good-hearted, then we would expect Mr. Kronk not to sue, wouldn't we? That's all I meant!

Sorry if I upset you....I really agree with almost 100 percent of your post!

Thanks kgeaux. :blowkiss:
Well, considering the fact that I would hate to get a time out or worse:eek: I will limit my contribution to this thread to the following sentence:

I would be more than happy to make a financial contribution to Roy's attorney to be used for any future legal action taken against ole Lenny.

Well, here are his attorney's practice areas:

Practice Areas:

Appellate Practice
Corporate & Business
Health Care
Media and Entertainment

Interesting mix.... :confused:

BTW - are there ANY law firms in Orlando that do not have piece in this case ? :confused:
Thank you and I agree. I believe that if RK truly wanted to bring a case against LP, he should have thought about that after the first 2 weeks of his name being mentioned (on a daily basis) by LP on NG. But, I highly suspect it is the lawyers that are seeking him out, so that they may make a quick buck...if it's even possible. I don't see what LP is doing wrong, to be honest. I think he's just throwing different theories out there to bring justice to Caylee and it's the media that's running with it in all different directions. As a matter of fact, it's the media that keeps showing him on the air, so if anyone's responsible, it would be...anybody's guess.

I was thinking the same. Thanks for letting me share your thought on this one. :)
Well, here are his attorney's practice areas:

Practice Areas:

Appellate Practice
Corporate & Business
Health Care
Media and Entertainment

Interesting mix.... :confused:

BTW - are there ANY law firms in Orlando that do not have piece in this case ? :confused:

If I wanted someone to stop talking smack about me in the media I'd want an attorney who had experience in media law as well as litigation. I think I'm missing why you consider that a bad thing.
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