Ron C.

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I recall reading somewhere that there will be a ground search on the weekend...I dont remember where it was posted. But I hope Ron gets invited on another search, he needs to be doing something besides sitting humped up in the trailor. It isnt good for him to spend so much time. He should be out in the community doing something, anything....I fear he could get either too depressed or his isolation could be veiwed as hiding. imo
I don't think Ronald cares how he is perceived by anyone at this point. He only wants his little girl home. He is grieving not having her beside him. He is entitled.
I don't think Ronald cares how he is perceived by anyone at this point. He only wants his little girl home. He is grieving not having her beside him. He is entitled.

I saw Mark Klass on NG the other day, and he said that he would never be able to go on a recovery search--for his daughter or anyone else's. A recovery search would be incredibly hard for any family member. JMO.

Personally, I would have to search night and day--not logical, I know. Because I would probably only be in the way and be sent to a rubber room. And then I'd be no good to anyone.
I don't think Ron should be searching either- can you imagine how awful that must be?

But I do understand his need to be doing something.
What a contrast to when the cameras show the BioMom's campsite,like a family reunion,talking and laughing,just sitting around in lawnchairs.Marie is head of thier vigils and a pastor is head of RC's family vigils.

I think their behavior could also be interpreted as
- MOM's [not biomom, gimme a break] site, they have reason for hope. Also, they are happy and grateful to see supporters, long-time-no-see friends and family.
- DAD's site, they know there is not hope.

It just depends on what you want to read into it, based on your own biases and experiences. Well, unless you're a forensic pschologist, maybe.
I think their behavior could also be interpreted as
- MOM's [not biomom, gimme a break] site, they have reason for hope. Also, they are happy and grateful to see supporters, long-time-no-see friends and family.
- DAD's site, they know there is not hope.

It just depends on what you want to read into it, based on your own biases and experiences. Well, unless you're a forensic pschologist, maybe.

I dont think the dads camp dont have hope. I think its that they deal with it different then the other camp is all. Just because the dads camp doesnt have lots of people there doesnt mean he doesnt have supporters. We have no idea if he has asked them to stay away. Personally after the GR stunt I wouldn't want anyone subject to that. The dad camp is doing what they are suppose to do and thats keep the focus on the sweet angel and bring her home. Not playing who's more popular in the press IMO.
I think their behavior could also be interpreted as
- MOM's [not biomom, gimme a break] site, they have reason for hope. Also, they are happy and grateful to see supporters, long-time-no-see friends and family.
- DAD's site, they know there is not hope.

It just depends on what you want to read into it, based on your own biases and experiences. Well, unless you're a forensic pschologist, maybe.

I agree completely. IF (and only if -- I'm not trying to point fingers) there was an innocent camp and a guilty camp, this is what I would expect to see. Not the other way around.

And I just want to add that I really hate "Biomom", too. Can that stop...please?!
I saw Mark Klass on NG the other day, and he said that he would never be able to go on a recovery search--for his daughter or anyone else's. A recovery search would be incredibly hard for any family member. JMO.

Personally, I would have to search night and day--not logical, I know. Because I would probably only be in the way and be sent to a rubber room. And then I'd be no good to anyone.

I think some people are just put together differently. I agree with you. Right now I think I would be out searching everyday too, and every night. I have an inside dog, and a fenced backyard for his pleasure. This dog is a member of our family and myself my husband and my four children love him so! He got out our front door once when a neighbor unknowingly let him slip by. It was cold and raining outside and no-one in our house slept that night until we had our missing family member back with us. We wandered the streets while my husband drove around looking for him. My point is...everyone loves differently and is capable of different things. My neighbor thought we were all nuts to be out searching for him....but I couldn't have managed my emotions any other way!
I don't think Ron should be searching either- can you imagine how awful that must be?

But I do understand his need to be doing something.

I would be quite torn.

I'd be thinking "should I go out searching, but what if she comes home when I'm gone...and I'm not here for her. Maybe I'll stay here but someone needs to search!"

It has to be heart wrenching.
I would be quite torn.

I'd be thinking "should I go out searching, but what if she comes home when I'm gone...and I'm not here for her. Maybe I'll stay here but someone needs to search!"

It has to be heart wrenching.

He was out searching before, when there was searches available. His mother even stated he went out on one before with TES.
If I were Ron, I would not go out searching at this point. The first day or two, maybe.
Note to self -
FILE: in recesses of mind
MEMO: if one of kids vanishes, look up rules for how to react.
I hear ya, LFlorida. I don't post much anymore because it seems we always get back to this subject. Knowing what it's like to have a family member missing, I tried to get my point across yesterday, but I guess I didn't do a good job. Just for the record, I didn't cry when I got the call my sister was missing. I was in shock. I'm sure many people here would have thought I was reacting very "flat." I was in shock. I wasn't able to really cry until I knew for sure she was gone.
I find it interesting that we who have known abusive men should not let our personal experiences cloud our judgment of RC, but many here can comment often about how they feel about Crystal's demeanor. My opinion--she's a mother in shock.
That's already been posted,just for any who haven't seen it.
I guess this answers the question of why Ronald was in the trailer yesterday,they were releasing it back to him.Although he says he can't go back in it,Poor guy.They are saying he's not eating or sleeping hardly and searchs have went on.TN said people were stopping everyday with four wheelers,etc. and would take him out,so we didn't see that on media.We really don't know if he's going or not going out on searchs at this point.
I couldn't imagine having to go search for your own child in the woods.When TES were there,Tim and Ron were standing in the woods together crying.Tim would take him out with him,saw a pic of him on a horse.
I saw Mark Klass on NG the other day, and he said that he would never be able to go on a recovery search--for his daughter or anyone else's. A recovery search would be incredibly hard for any family member. JMO.

Personally, I would have to search night and day--not logical, I know. Because I would probably only be in the way and be sent to a rubber room. And then I'd be no good to anyone.

I would have to constantly search if one of my children went missing. I can't imagine not searching. That is why a certain other family (We all know who this is) has always confused me. How can you not search for your loved one?
As far as the abuse charges,a common charge in custody and divorce cases.JS and MG have a number of domestic abuse charges against one another in thier divorce,also.It would be a matter of getting the truth if it really happened,as in the GR show,when CS was asked about what drugs RC used,she couldn't remember,her parents had to tell her which ones she said she saw him take.And CS and MG had not been out to RC's trailer,so GR saying they saw marijuana plants around trailer and inside trailer,bricks of marijuana would be impossible.CS has had a charge of a false claim on file already,I think that means lying to LE.
As far as the abuse charges,a common charge in custody and divorce cases.JS and MG have a number of domestic abuse charges against one another in thier divorce,also.It would be a matter of getting the truth if it really happened,as in the GR show,when CS was asked about what drugs RC used,she couldn't remember,her parents had to tell her which ones she said she saw him take.And CS and MG had not been out to RC's trailer,so GR saying they saw marijuana plants around trailer and inside trailer,bricks of marijuana would be impossible.CS has had a charge of a false claim on file already,I think that means lying to LE.

They were never married
I don't think Ron's going to return to the trailer even though it's been realised.,0,7780500.story

"Haleigh's father, Ronald Cummings, quickly retrieved some clothes today then left because he doesn't plan to stay in the home, his mother, Teresa Neves, said today.

"If he has enough money, he'll have the movers come and move the thing so he doesn't have to go in there at all," Neves said. "It's where Haleigh lived ... Haleigh filled that home with laughter."

I feel real bad for him, i just don't understand how they can't question all Misty's inconsitancies in her stories..
They were never married

I know they weren't married,but what I'm saying is her charging abuse is common in divorce or custody hearings,doesn't mean it really happened.Especially since she made a false claim and was charged in lying to LE,previously.
This is a sad situation. I feel for Ron. He is going through so much pain. I thought it was just awful that GR was there bringing up awful things between he and Crystal during this heartbreaking time. GR really got me during the JL case. I never got over how crude he was to her grandmother during that time as well. So much for him.

I feel for Ron. His mother is so heart broken as well. She cannot even talk on tv without crying, bless her heart. He has probably retreated since all of this nasty stuff has came out on TV. It's true that a crisis will either bring a family closer together or drive them further apart. It's sad. They are in grief and grief and cause feelings of anger and misplaced guilt. I hope Haleigh is found safe and alive. I know that she is loved very much by her family.
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