Ronald Cummings, drug trafficking charges

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Questions for FL Convict:

It appears as though Ronald Cummings has gotten a new tattoo while in prison. It is a tattoo that looks as though he may have joined a prison gang.

1. Is the Aryan Brotherhood still alive and well in Florida prisons?

2. Is it against rules for inmates to be into tattooing in prison? If it is, are there consequences for the inmate doing the tattoo? Also, for the inmate getting the tattoo? Or, do guards just look the other way?

3. RC transferred from Liberty to Wakulla (at his own request to take part in some programs there). He was transferred back to Liberty within a few weeks. Could he have completed the programs in such a short time? Or, is it more likely he was transferred back to his original facility for other reasons?

You must be talking about other states. Here in Florida we don't have radios, TVs in our cells, etc....most inmates dont even watch TV much...I only watched it for sports as that is the only reason to tbh. The TV in the dayroom comes on at 5PM when we get back from chow and/or work. we saw some of the CA trial in the morning cuz the guards wanted to see it lol,but it is not allowed to be on til 5pm. I saw most of the trial when I got out and watched the DVR.

I dunno anyone in there that wants to stay there or go back when they leave.

The prison food is not even real food...without commissary we would all end up like Ethiopians. In my pod, me and my group made inmates pay rent and that was paid through commissary. I was nice enough to let the guys keep a portion, but most of it was to us.

that is how it is in pay rent...well not in all prisons, but the ones I've been at.

if they gave us half decent food to eat then less inmates would get beaten (to death) over honey buns.

dont forget there is a prison staff that can get attacked by a hungry and angry inmate. i am sure they and their fam will disagree with wanting inmates to have no rights as that will cause mass chaos.

That food is definitely not in FL. And inmates get beaten or killed for a variety of reasons and food is one of them...

have u even been to prison? dont rely on the media to tell you how it is nowhere near comfortable. no one wants to be there.

Ahh, refreshing.. welcome! What society seems to forget is that jail and prison weren't meant to be all about punishing and demeaning those convicted of crimes but about their rehabilitation, growth and change.

I am a convicted felon and I'm here to tell you (not you specifically lol) we will not change our ways if you throw us in a cage, take away all of our rights and treat us like animals and then unlock those cage doors and let us free back into society. If anything.. it makes many of us worse! Life is different behind bars and if you take away our rights as humans we will forget what being human feels like.. society should be very thoughtful about what it wishes for it's convicts because most of us will get out one day. Wouldn't you all rather we be rehabilitated when we land back on your streets?
Questions for FL Convict:

It appears as though Ronald Cummings has gotten a new tattoo while in prison. It is a tattoo that looks as though he may have joined a prison gang.

1. Is the Aryan Brotherhood still alive and well in Florida prisons?

2. Is it against rules for inmates to be into tattooing in prison? If it is, are there consequences for the inmate doing the tattoo? Also, for the inmate getting the tattoo? Or, do guards just look the other way?

3. RC transferred from Liberty to Wakulla (at his own request to take part in some programs there). He was transferred back to Liberty within a few weeks. Could he have completed the programs in such a short time? Or, is it more likely he was transferred back to his original facility for other reasons?


Thanks for asking, I was wondering the same things, saved me some typing!

I wondered if FL Convict knows or can speculate why RC would go to the RMC after he left Wakulla Annex (it was for around 24 hrs.) but before he went back to Liberty CI? TIA
I've been wondering where you were, and have been waiting for your input on this. What's up with Texas, being so behind the times? My brother in law quit his guard job, because he got attacked. That prison would feed those guys bologna for days, and would only let them go to the commissary maybe once a month, if they were lucky. They had guys threatening to riot over not being able to buy their soap and toilet paper. It was a mad house.

State supplies soap and TP; however, it is a mixed bag. I can't tell you how many times they clog the toilets on purpose. Many will break the pipes and flood the cells. It is a nightmare. No fighting over soap and TP. I have witnessed the aftermath of killings, suicides, etc but it was never of food or supplies.

Canteen was X1 a month and it was a free for all. It was pay back time as inmates promised things they couldn't provide. ugh!

But TV's were purchased and most had TV. I worked in a special situation though so this may not be the norm. I know the prison next door (it was divided)had 150 inmates in a gym it was triple bunked..ugh! There wasn't tv there but almost all the cells I worked were single and double celled. There were a few with 13 to a cell and they don't get TV...too much chance of somebody throwing it and killing an inmate.

The meals were good, as I said. Lunches were horrid. That meat was some sort of bologna. Inmates are not that much into food from what I could tell. They were more interested in sex, drugs and drinking. It was plentiful. In many places that have locked dorms, TV is free and they can talk as much as they would be a mental health lockup and run by a psych...oh the stories I could tell. Some of these MH dorms have shakes, video games, better inmates. CO's want to work those places badly.
Thanks for asking, I was wondering the same things, saved me some typing!

I wondered if FL Convict knows or can speculate why RC would go to the RMC after he left Wakulla Annex (it was for around 24 hrs.) but before he went back to Liberty CI? TIA

Florida is obviously very different than CA but I'll take a stab at it and say they have to go back to RMC because the prisons typically don't hold your bed. They are waiting to be reassigned or assigned a new bed....just guessing
Gangs are really big in CA prisons and very dangerous. BFG was the one with the most respect. AB were big time drug pushers....causing many fights in the yard.

Here is some info on gangs in Florida. They don't appear to be as well organized as they are in CA.
Yes I remember in the beginning that she said I drove by then later changed to we took clothes to the mh . Not sure about the Chef Borardee being served and later changed to green beans .I do remember the kids were suppose to be eating on the porch with a plate on their lap . :)

The only problem with 'driving by' 202 Green Lane, is that it dead ends and one must turn around pretty much in front of their place, in order to exit out of the area. One would normally say I 'stopped by' or 'drove up' .... driving by would be hard to do. *smile*

IIRC.. Didn't it have something to do with her saying she drove by and waved at the children...I've slept since then...JMHO

I'm really not sure where the Chef Boradee came from.

As far as the "driving by", I remember some talk whether "she" could have even seen the children from the road.

You're all remembering correctly. ASSykes's first comment was the she or "we" passed the mh that night and waved to the children eating on the porch. Then she said they dropped off clothes and the kids came out to the car to give her hugs and kisses. Some weeks later, in a huff with reporters, she claimed she was there and the kiddies were eating canned spaghetti or Chef Boyardee spaghetti on the porch. A full year later, on TV, she claimed she brought clothes to the house, Misty helped her bring them inside, *advertiser censored* changed the children's clothes on the porch while they were eating. Each time *advertiser censored* commented about that night, her story was enhanced. We were astounded. The final story may have been when Chef Boyardee turned into green beans. I don't recall for sure.

So GER tells us it's impossible to casually pass by that mh without making a big production of turning around. Maybe *advertiser censored* found that out later and realized her story needed tweaking? Or maybe she realized people weren't buying what she was selling so she pumped it up a bit? Or both.

Now remember, the asthmatic Haleigh was outside on the screened porch, eating dinner, wearing a shirt that was changed outside, and it was COLD. Really, *advertiser censored*? Really? Where was your protective motherly instinct to send those wee ones inside? :rolleyes:

They've all had bogus stories since Day One. :furious:
Thanks to all our "prison informants" or "insiders" who can give us the scoop. My knowledge of our corrections systems is only by association - lots of relatives who were police officers, deputies, sheriffs, and police chiefs. No behind bars experience here. My only brushes with the law were two parking tickets, and even then, I didn't come face to face with the officer, just had a surprise waiting on my windshield. But that was decades ago.

I have been to police stations to meet a relative or drop something off, and once I was sent on a job interview at the federal prison in Atlanta which made me extremely uncomfortable even though I was told I'd only work in the front offices with the warden. I chose instead to accept a librarian's position at the public library - one of my favorite jobs ever!

This much I do know from my various LE relatives and acquaitances: If one must go to prison, the best ones are the federal penitentiaries. Everything is better there - cleaner, better food, more activities, many have better visiting hours and visiting conditions (not all), etc. It's also better to be with tax evaders, embezzlers, white collar criminals, than it is to be with druggies, murderers, and gang members. Now this was a few decades ago, but I was told they were able to separate the types of crimes better at the federal level. So I guess the moral is to steal from Uncle Sam and not from your uncle named Sam, to rob an FDIC bank rather than a local convenience store, kill a govenment politico instead of the average guy next door.

State and county prisons are horrible and usually more strapped for funds, so more suffering for the inmates. Of course, hard labor, maximum security is no fun either no matter what level.

Local jails can be tough but most are better than being sent to a state prison. Local jails are NOT like the one in Mayberry.

Underhanded things go on in most all jails/prisons.

I'm told there are no more "county club" prisons like the ones Nixon's Watergate cronies spent time. Sorry, Ron. Although, some may still exist. I dunno.

Almost forgot, guards sneak things into prisons and take a cut! :eek: Where's the rehabilitation? Where's the job training? I know prisons are supposed to be punishment, but wouldn't it be wise to re-train the inmates to become productive, law-abiding citizens? Shouldn't Ronald, Misty, Hope, Donna, and Tommy be making good use of their time by furthering their educations? Shouldn't Misty be learning to read and write at her age level???? Can you imagine what they'll be like after their release with no formal training and no moral compass?
You're all remembering correctly. ASSykes's first comment was the she or "we" passed the mh that night and waved to the children eating on the porch. Then she said they dropped off clothes and the kids came out to the car to give her hugs and kisses. Some weeks later, in a huff with reporters, she claimed she was there and the kiddies were eating canned spaghetti or Chef Boyardee spaghetti on the porch. A full year later, on TV, she claimed she brought clothes to the house, Misty helped her bring them inside, *advertiser censored* changed the children's clothes on the porch while they were eating. Each time *advertiser censored* commented about that night, her story was enhanced. We were astounded. The final story may have been when Chef Boyardee turned into green beans. I don't recall for sure.

So GER tells us it's impossible to casually pass by that mh without making a big production of turning around. Maybe *advertiser censored* found that out later and realized her story needed tweaking? Or maybe she realized people weren't buying what she was selling so she pumped it up a bit? Or both.

Now remember, the asthmatic Haleigh was outside on the screened porch, eating dinner, wearing a shirt that was changed outside, and it was COLD. Really, *advertiser censored*? Really? Where was your protective motherly instinct to send those wee ones inside? :rolleyes:

They've all had bogus stories since Day One. :furious:

Is it possible that what I thought I might have dreamed was actually true -- that AS hadn't even been to the mh prior to February so really didn't know that it's almost impossible to "drive by"?
Thanks to all our "prison informants" or "insiders" who can give us the scoop. My knowledge of our corrections systems is only by association - lots of relatives who were police officers, deputies, sheriffs, and police chiefs. No behind bars experience here. My only brushes with the law were two parking tickets, and even then, I didn't come face to face with the officer, just had a surprise waiting on my windshield. But that was decades ago.

I have been to police stations to meet a relative or drop something off, and once I was sent on a job interview at the federal prison in Atlanta which made me extremely uncomfortable even though I was told I'd only work in the front offices with the warden. I chose instead to accept a librarian's position at the public library - one of my favorite jobs ever!

This much I do know from my various LE relatives and acquaitances: If one must go to prison, the best ones are the federal penitentiaries. Everything is better there - cleaner, better food, more activities, many have better visiting hours and visiting conditions (not all), etc. It's also better to be with tax evaders, embezzlers, white collar criminals, than it is to be with druggies, murderers, and gang members. Now this was a few decades ago, but I was told they were able to separate the types of crimes better at the federal level. So I guess the moral is to steal from Uncle Sam and not from your uncle named Sam, to rob an FDIC bank rather than a local convenience store, kill a govenment politico instead of the average guy next door.

State and county prisons are horrible and usually more strapped for funds, so more suffering for the inmates. Of course, hard labor, maximum security is no fun either no matter what level.

Local jails can be tough but most are better than being sent to a state prison. Local jails are NOT like the one in Mayberry.

Underhanded things go on in most all jails/prisons.

I'm told there are no more "county club" prisons like the ones Nixon's Watergate cronies spent time. Sorry, Ron. Although, some may still exist. I dunno.

Almost forgot, guards sneak things into prisons and take a cut! :eek: Where's the rehabilitation? Where's the job training? I know prisons are supposed to be punishment, but wouldn't it be wise to re-train the inmates to become productive, law-abiding citizens? Shouldn't Ronald, Misty, Hope, Donna, and Tommy be making good use of their time by furthering their educations? Shouldn't Misty be learning to read and write at her age level???? Can you imagine what they'll be like after their release with no formal training and no moral compass?
From what I've read and seen on tv, women's prisons are better. When they were all 1st locked up, I was surprised at how sparse the programs were at Ron's prison, compared to Misty's. As outsiders, we kind of assume that the programs are there, and available to everyone, but that isn't the case. I can't imagine doing 15 years in a place like that. It's ironic that Misty, who got the longest sentence, seems to be suffering the least. JMO.
Except for the gross tatt (Oh, his son is going to be so proud of him someday) what is going on with all those that are locked up? Are they getting in fights, misbehaving? OR, have they taken the higher road and tried to improve their lives and educate themselves or learn a trade? Anyone have any answers? txs
Except for the gross tatt (Oh, his son is going to be so proud of him someday) what is going on with all those that are locked up? Are they getting in fights, misbehaving? OR, have they taken the higher road and tried to improve their lives and educate themselves or learn a trade? Anyone have any answers? txs
I've looked, but can't find what prison Tommy is in. Is he in the same one as Ron? I've forgotten. Also, does anybody know if Misty is still friends with HS and DB?
My Response is in red.

You must be talking about other states. Here in Florida we don't have radios, TVs in our cells, etc....most inmates dont even watch TV much...I only watched it for sports as that is the only reason to tbh. The TV in the dayroom comes on at 5PM when we get back from chow and/or work. we saw some of the CA trial in the morning cuz the guards wanted to see it lol,but it is not allowed to be on til 5pm. I saw most of the trial when I got out and watched the DVR.
Casey Anthony had a radio in her cell that she brought from the commisary.

I dunno anyone in there that wants to stay there or go back when they leave.
Okay, thats fine and good. But why are the jails and prisons full of repeat offenders?

The prison food is not even real food...without commissary we would all end up like Ethiopians. In my pod, me and my group made inmates pay rent and that was paid through commissary. I was nice enough to let the guys keep a portion, but most of it was to us.
I'd bet Ethiopians would pay a pretty penny to have that prison food.
Prisoners make inmates pay rent? You were "nice enough to let the guys keep a portion"? How noble of you. A is a whether on the streets or in jail/prison.

that is how it is in pay rent...well not in all prisons, but the ones I've been at.

if they gave us half decent food to eat then less inmates would get beaten (to death) over honey buns.
Here's a novel idea. How about NOT commiting a crime to put you in that position?

dont forget there is a prison staff that can get attacked by a hungry and angry inmate. i am sure they and their fam will disagree with wanting inmates to have no rights as that will cause mass chaos.
If prisons were run the way I'd run em, not one prisoner would have a chance to harm another human being again ever. You'd be shackled to the nines and muzzled when out of your sound proof cell. (yes each cell would hold one person and it wouldn't be as big of a cell as provided now. Sound proofing would keep inmates from communicating with each other. You'd have no rights what-so-ever.

That food is definitely not in FL. And inmates get beaten or killed for a variety of reasons and food is one of them...

have u even been to prison? dont rely on the media to tell you how it is nowhere near comfortable. no one wants to be there.
I've never been to jail or prison as I don't commit crimes that would get me there.
I know I'm harsh, must be my up-bringing. I want to thank you for your honesty and coming to educate us on jail/prison soceity.
My Response is in red.

I've never been to jail or prison as I don't commit crimes that would get me there.
just about every person I know who has been to prison, has been in for drug related crimes. They were all, except for 1, non violent addicts. I don't think they deserve to be treated like you suggest. The 1 person I know who was violent, used his fists, and the violence, if not legally justified, was asked for, IMO. It didn't hurt that the victim's mother worked for the DA. In every one of these cases ecept the 1, the only people they hurt, were themselves. If it wasn't for the Haleigh case, I wouldn't want to see these people serve these long sentences. Some day, I hope to see their sentences fit their crimes. Just a few days ago, here in my town, a police officer and his wife, (who works for the county clerk), were arrested for molesting the woman's 11 year old daughter. Besides wondering what in the world the mother did, I'm interested to see what kind of punishment they receive. If found guilty, (and according to reports, the evidence is there), I doubt very strongly that the mother will get 25 years. They'll probably drop her charges, so she can testify against her husband... and she'll get her kids back. And I bet her daughters have a dad who would love the chance to raise them, but was never given the chance. JMO
I've looked, but can't find what prison Tommy is in. Is he in the same one as Ron? I've forgotten. Also, does anybody know if Misty is still friends with HS and DB?

Tommy is in Franklin CI in Carabelle. Not the same facility as Ron.

Hope is in Lowell CI, while Donna and Misty are in Lowell Annex. It is doubtful that Hope has contact with either of them. Donna and Misty may not even see each other even though they are in the same facility because they are in different custody levels. But I'm only assuming they have no contact; don't really know for sure.

As for an inmate stopping over at RMC at any time, from what I have been able to determine there are two reasons for being there. One, it is the medical facility so if a person is sick they may go there. Another section of it is the reception facility. Every inmate makes a stop there to be processed in to the system, or to be processed for a transfer. Also I believe they might be in the reception center before being released from prison but again, I'm guessing on that.

Ronald did not have that tatt when he entered the system, so he must have gotten it at Wakulla. Maybe they kicked him out of his programs for getting the tatt. Once again...that's a guess but so far he has not gained more time than any of the others so I question whether he completed any programs.

A wise elderly woman I knew when I was a teen once said: "Everyone has a story to tell." I think before we criticize what other posters here say about their own experiences, it might be good to consider that. Whether a person is fighting a demon of sorts, or just made a bad decision at some point in their life, the important thing is whether they take a lesson from it or not. Most of the time, personal experiences are posted about in hope of giving others a glimpse into a world they have never and probably will never know. It can be a learning experience and I, for one, appreciate the viewpoint of those who have been down a path that I can only imagine. JMO, of course.
Except for the gross tatt (Oh, his son is going to be so proud of him someday) what is going on with all those that are locked up? Are they getting in fights, misbehaving? OR, have they taken the higher road and tried to improve their lives and educate themselves or learn a trade? Anyone have any answers? txs

I wish I knew.

I don't think of Misty what many here do.. and I suspect she's doing well behind bars. The structure has probably been good for her.. probably the first time in her life she's had it. My guess on Ron, with his movements within the system is he got himself in trouble somehow.. again, my guess, he probably snitched on someone for something and may have been moved for his "safety". I think Tommy is involved with harming Haleigh and will continue on a decline as we saw before he got busted. The cousin.. I think she's probably fine since she's been away from the rest of them, it's just too bad she didn't get away before they got busted.

Sadly, it seems much of society could care less what happens to people once they go to prison.
My Response is in red.

I've never been to jail or prison as I don't commit crimes that would get me there.
I know I'm harsh, must be my up-bringing. I want to thank you for your honesty and coming to educate us on jail/prison soceity.

You're all remembering correctly. ASSykes's first comment was the she or "we" passed the mh that night and waved to the children eating on the porch. Then she said they dropped off clothes and the kids came out to the car to give her hugs and kisses. Some weeks later, in a huff with reporters, she claimed she was there and the kiddies were eating canned spaghetti or Chef Boyardee spaghetti on the porch. A full year later, on TV, she claimed she brought clothes to the house, Misty helped her bring them inside, *advertiser censored* changed the children's clothes on the porch while they were eating. Each time *advertiser censored* commented about that night, her story was enhanced. We were astounded. The final story may have been when Chef Boyardee turned into green beans. I don't recall for sure.

So GER tells us it's impossible to casually pass by that mh without making a big production of turning around. Maybe *advertiser censored* found that out later and realized her story needed tweaking? Or maybe she realized people weren't buying what she was selling so she pumped it up a bit? Or both.

Now remember, the asthmatic Haleigh was outside on the screened porch, eating dinner, wearing a shirt that was changed outside, and it was COLD. Really, *advertiser censored*? Really? Where was your protective motherly instinct to send those wee ones inside? :rolleyes:

They've all had bogus stories since Day One. :furious:

:floorlaugh::floorlaugh: I've got to ask this. Are the initials you are using for real? If *advertiser censored* is correct, I'm wondering how I missed that......LOL.
My Response is in red.

I've never been to jail or prison as I don't commit crimes that would get me there.
I know I'm harsh, must be my up-bringing. I want to thank you for your honesty and coming to educate us on jail/prison soceity.

JMO it has nothing to do with upbringing. I had a wonderful upbringing, and also have never been in jail or prison. Although not sure what you mean about your opinion being based on your upbringing. JMO I would never bash anyone for ended up in prison for drug related matters, or be an advocate for what I believe is inhumane treatment, be it Fl convict or Ron, Misty, Hope, Tommy or Donna. Jail and prison are not for petty drug crimes imo.
I wish I knew.

I don't think of Misty what many here do.. and I suspect she's doing well behind bars. The structure has probably been good for her.. probably the first time in her life she's had it. My guess on Ron, with his movements within the system is he got himself in trouble somehow.. again, my guess, he probably snitched on someone for something and may have been moved for his "safety". I think Tommy is involved with harming Haleigh and will continue on a decline as we saw before he got busted. The cousin.. I think she's probably fine since she's been away from the rest of them, it's just too bad she didn't get away before they got busted.

Sadly, it seems much of society could care less what happens to people once they go to prison.

Interesting post imo and I agree with you on several of your opinions. JMO

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