Ronald proposes to Misty

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When one is that close and has raised children you see and sense things differently. Sure I heard reprimands (yelling if you will), but who hasn't yelled at their kids ? I told that in all my interviews with the LE folks and off the record I was told that was normal family. Beatings would be obvious as the children played within 20' of me daily. Haliegh went to school everyday, she was in hermothers hands every other week. In reality do you think, for an instant, that abuse was there ? I am sorry that you may have had worse, but I will say "I don't think any 2 children were loved more than Haliegh and JR". I could be wrong, but I highly doubt it. Let us get on with finding Haliegh. After she's home we'll go into the personalities. Let us quit the innuendo, casting aspersens (spelling there) and outright accusations. Just because someone doesn't do it my way I have to overlook certain things and get to know that person. Enough lecturing. I just needed to vent a little.

I'm sure both RJ & Haleigh were loved, I can tell when I see their grandmother and great grandmother on t.v. that their hearts are broken.
Ron moved into the house next door in June 08. Misty came into the picture Sometime around Sept and didn't start staying there until sometime in October. If I am a little off on my time frame forgive me, but I don't keep a calendar on my neighbors LOL

and then they moved in November, correct?
It is none of my business, however I heard a number when he first took the job around $13/14 p/h and raises at 30/60/90 days.

Just an FYI: Ron testified in court at the end of December that he made $10 an hour.
When one is that close and has raised children you see and sense things differently. Sure I heard reprimands (yelling if you will), but who hasn't yelled at their kids ? I told that in all my interviews with the LE folks and off the record I was told that was normal family. Beatings would be obvious as the children played within 20' of me daily. Haliegh went to school everyday, she was in hermothers hands every other week. In reality do you think, for an instant, that abuse was there ? I am sorry that you may have had worse, but I will say "I don't think any 2 children were loved more than Haliegh and JR". I could be wrong, but I highly doubt it. Let us get on with finding Haliegh. After she's home we'll go into the personalities. Let us quit the innuendo, casting aspersens (spelling there) and outright accusations. Just because someone doesn't do it my way I have to overlook certain things and get to know that person. Enough lecturing. I just needed to vent a little.

Haleigh went to school everyday? I thought I had heard several family members comment on how much school she missed due to her Turner's Syndrome complications?

I haven't seen anyone make accusations of child abuse or claiming that Misty killed the child. They made their engagement public information, posed for media pictures. I have seen many of us express our opinions about those actions. Opinions have been expressed about the wisdom of a 17 year old playing mom 24/7, while Ron works in excess of 65 hours (by your own account). Opinions have been expressed about Misty's ever changing account of what occured that night.

No one picked them out of thin air to comment on. Tragedy put them in the spotlight. It could happen to any of us. But to expect people to not comment on a multi page rap sheet, shacking up with a minor, and commenting on the things they now CHOOSE to put in the public eye is just unreasonable and will prove to be a never ending source of frustration for you if you can't accept that. The stranger abduction theory has also been discussed in great detail. RSO in the neighborhood have individually been discussed. The persecution of Ron and Misty that you are perceiving is not there.
Haleigh went to school everyday? I thought I had heard several family members comment on how much school she missed due to her Turner's Syndrome complications?

I haven't seen anyone make accusations of child abuse or claiming that Misty killed the child. They made their engagement public information, posed for media pictures. I have seen many of us express our opinions about those actions. Opinions have been expressed about the wisdom of a 17 year old playing mom 24/7, while Ron works in excess of 65 hours (by your own account). Opinions have been expressed about Misty's ever changing account of what occured that night.

No one picked them out of thin air to comment on. Tragedy put them in the spotlight. It could happen to any of us. But to expect people to not comment on a multi page rap sheet, shacking up with a minor, and commenting on the things they now CHOOSE to put in the public eye is just unreasonable and will prove to be a never ending source of frustration for you if you can't accept that. The stranger abduction theory has also been discussed in great detail. RSO in the neighborhood have individually been discussed. The persecution of Ron and Misty that you are perceiving is not there.

In fairness to player, I used abuse as a "for instance" that we don't know what goes on in other peoples homes. I brought it up, but I don't necessarily think they were abused - but, it only takes one time of striking a child to hurt or kill them.
I can understand your need to vent, being so close, it must be driving you insane.

Thank you. It absolutely is. I'm not complaining just put off of my routine. That is the selfish part. I miss the kids. I used to love to watch them play on their bikes (with training wheels) and their interactions between each other and their fun spirit. Since this has happened the people her have been virtual prisoners in their homes. Until 10 days ago it was a total zoo here. At time I'd have to show I.D. to go on a 'beer run' LOL. And that ws in and out. One night I had to show it coming home from playing cards and this was 11PM. My home has been searchd, re searched and searched again. I have been questioned, requestioned and questioned again and again. I must say this: At no point did any media ever ask me a question nor anyone that was close to RC. The drift was always slanted. That is one of the things that really bothered me. I will not go on camera, but I saw from the start that all they wanted was to sensationalize this thing. The worst was Geraldo, Nancy Grace tried but she also failed, however not as rudely as Geraldo. Well it's time for my 'beer run'. That really means I'm heading to buy some things for supper. Have a good one and May GOD bless Haliegh and her family and all of you guys.
Ron moved into the house next door in June 08. Misty came into the picture Sometime around Sept and didn't start staying there until sometime in October. If I am a little off on my time frame forgive me, but I don't keep a calendar on my neighbors LOL

I realize it's the culture in that part of the nation to get married young and have babies young. A lot of people who aren't from around there couldn't fathom getting married at 17 much less having your parents approve. Where I'm from, this sort of thing just doesn't happen. Getting married at 25 is young to us.

Maybe some of the flack is because many of us are just not used to this sort of thing?

However, with Haleigh missing? Now is just NOT the time.

It looks bad. It feels bad.

Why doesn't it feel bad to them?

Attack the post and not the poster. Very easy to remember.

Also, we are fortunate enough to have people who know and live by Ron and his family on this board. Please be respectful.

To those posters who know people in the case please hit the alert button rather than respond to anyone who is being rude.

Please, play nicely.


Mistruths are not illegal.

Chapter 1, page 2 of the Cindy Anthony press relations and child recovery handbook. Wanna borrow it?

Does it offer tips on effective mistruthing, half-truthing, white lieing and/or false statementing ? Getting close to April 15.....
When one is that close and has raised children you see and sense things differently. Sure I heard reprimands (yelling if you will), but who hasn't yelled at their kids ? I told that in all my interviews with the LE folks and off the record I was told that was normal family. Beatings would be obvious as the children played within 20' of me daily. Haliegh went to school everyday, she was in hermothers hands every other week. In reality do you think, for an instant, that abuse was there ? I am sorry that you may have had worse, but I will say "I don't think any 2 children were loved more than Haliegh and JR". I could be wrong, but I highly doubt it. Let us get on with finding Haliegh. After she's home we'll go into the personalities. Let us quit the innuendo, casting aspersens (spelling there) and outright accusations. Just because someone doesn't do it my way I have to overlook certain things and get to know that person. Enough lecturing. I just needed to vent a little.

UHHHH...Haleigh did NOT go to school everyday. In fact, the records posted several places on this forum show that she had missed more school in 5 months than my 15 year old son has missed in more than 10 years of school! And he has NEVER, EVER had an unexcused absence as most of Haleigh's were!
UHHHH...Haleigh did NOT go to school everyday. In fact, the records posted several places on this forum show that she had missed more school in 5 months than my 15 year old son has missed in more than 10 years of school! And he has NEVER, EVER had an unexcused absence as most of Haleigh's were!

Again I am going to ask my fellow slueths to find her school records. Maybe I am crazy as a loon, but I didn't see to see that especially since Misty came on scene. Please, if someone has access to her school records let us put this thing to rest. Not hearsay or supposition or insinuations, but actual facts.
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