Ronald Speaks from Jail #1

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And what does the 40 or 50 years comment mean ? He sure is giving himself a lot of time to catch whoever "took" Haleigh. I guess he's a "long range goal" type of guy.


Maybe he knows that the cops have got evidence that will put him away for the drug trafficking charges for quite some time?
I REALLY REALLY hope the jailhouse interviews stop ASAP. I really do think ronald was sending a message to mc re the 3 minutes here, here and here........."stick to the plan mc". The threat of killing somone is directed right at her forehead.........."you talk; you die". The manson comparison is uncanny! rc is the mastermind of this whole cluster. He had his "follower" mc who carried out his requests; ronald has been the common denominator all along. I really hope he is deprived of ANY newspapers as well; so he won't know what is going on and it will drive him NUTS! Just the mere fact that he is no longer in control "in person" has to be getting to him......deprive him of his "newspaper" would put that noose a little tighter around him!

yes... but if that reporter did mail him a newspaper, he wouldn't have received it by the time he was transferred to Putnam County. And now he won't have the "jail corporal" that liked him anymore either....
CUMMINGS: "That still remains that it don`t matter, 40, 50 years from now, if I find out whoever done it before they do, you know, whatever might be done, whether they took Haleigh because they lost a child or whatever the case might be, you know. Yes, if I find out who or however, there`s two people, three people, whatever did it, whatever took my daughter wherever, then when I find out, if I find out before the police, it`s going to be done for them, done dealing. I`ll have satisfaction knowing that I got the person who stole my daughter from me."

A simple "I'll kill whoever is responsible for Haleigh's disappearance" would have done the trick. Why does he need to use so many words to get one point across ? Why is he so nervous talking about this subject ?

He's trying to think on his feet and stumbling over his words. A lot of times, that is a sign of lying. The pauses, the "whatevers," the "yeah" at the end of a sentence and "Yes" at the beginning of a sentence (as if trying to convince himself that he's saying the right thing) can be signs of lying. If he were sincere (IMO) he would simply state he will kill whoever is responsible for Haleigh's disappearance, like you said. There is a site called Eyes for Lies that explains all of this very well.

Then you have the lunacy of someone threatening to kill a person who could possibly return his daughter unharmed, imo. I don't think LE would ever condone this kind of public message to a possible kidnapper.
And what does the 40 or 50 years comment mean ? He sure is giving himself a lot of time to catch whoever "took" Haleigh. I guess he's a "long range goal" type of guy.

I know, right? I'll tell you what sent me over the edge...I can't quote it verbatim, but when Ronald was tripping over the number of people in his 'scenario'. What in the world would possess him to say 'whether it was 1, 2 or 3 people that "stoled" his daughter. Trying to cover all his bases I guess, depending on which story he told at the time.

I suppose I wasn't aware that he had studied law enforcement, lol. I thought I would lose it when he was telling the reporter that it would be "justifiable homicide". Hopefully he will have lots of time to study the law books in the prison library very soon!

Maybe he knows that the cops have got evidence that will put him away for the drug trafficking charges for quite some time?

OR he knows that someone is going to spill the beans regarding what he did to and with HaLeigh and is hoping that's all he will be sentenced to! Of course he can't and won't say that, but you know he has to be thinking about it...
OR he knows that someone is going to spill the beans regarding what he did to and with HaLeigh and is hoping that's all he will be sentenced to! Of course he can't and won't say that, but you know he has to be thinking about it...
Yes, he's thinking about it. It seems his mind (and mouth) have been in overdrive since he has been placed in jail (apprehended). It will be interesting to see how many interviews, phone calls he gets now that he's in Putnam County's facility. I am guessing that the calls will be drastically reduced.
CUMMINGS: That still remains. That it don`t matter 40, 50 years from now, if I find whoever done it before they do, you know, whatever might be done whether they took Haleigh because they lost a child or whatever the case might be, you know -- yes. If I find out who or however, there`s two people, three people, whatever did it, whatever took my daughter wherever.


Although he mentions 2 or 3 people, this part really bothers me. Whatever did it? Could he be talking about the drug overdose mentioned earlier and when he mentions the 2 or 3 people, could he be giving away the amount of people that it took to get rid of Haleigh's body? I'm extremely bothered by this statement. It just bothers me that he went from "whoever' to "whatever". Why? maybe I'm reading too much into it but it just doesn't sound right......none of it.
Ronald seems to know who took Haleigh

His "I'll kill him" statement.
And what does the 40 or 50 years comment mean ? He sure is giving himself a lot of time to catch whoever "took" Haleigh. I guess he's a "long range goal" type of guy.

And to think that woman on NG had the audacity to state he wasn't a "BIG PICTURE" thinker..JMO
Ronald seems to know who took Haleigh

His "I'll kill him" statement.

IMHO.. No one took Haleigh, she was not abducted. And he knows that. He also knows he is the one who is responsible for whatever it is that happened to Haleigh...No one stole his child as he is still claiming..JMO
IMHO.. No one took Haleigh, she was not abducted. And he knows that. He also knows he is the one who is responsible for whatever it is that happened to Haleigh...No one stole his child as he is still claiming..JMO

I agree with you 100% and my beliefs have only grow stronger since the arrests. Everytime Ron opens his mouth it puts one more brick in place on my belief wall.
How does Ron know Haleigh's case is a homicide? LE never said it was, what makes Ron say it is?

Uncut Audio: Ronald Cummings' Jailhouse Interview

Respectfully snipped from Donjeta's post w/the transcript;

CUMMINGS: They know I haven`t found out anything, Dana. They know I haven`t because they know that they`d be the first ones to know. I wouldn`t call them or nothing else, they would be notified probably by the news media or somebody, you know, reporting a homicide. So they already know that I haven`t found out anything. They don`t have to ask me a dumb question like that.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Because you`re saying that if you found out, you`d do what you think you need to do and they`d find out about that.


My thoughts;

I think what Ronald's reference to "homicide" meant was that if he finds out who is responsible for HaLeigh's disappearance, he will not contact LE; instead he will go find & kill the person(s) - thus the word "homicide" - LE will find out after the fact and should assume, if Ronald commits a murder or murders, that he somehow found out, before LE, who was responsible for HaLeigh's disappearance and, as he stated on the original 911 call, he killed the person/person. With that said...

IMO, Ronald's reiterating this claim, COMBINED with his use of the term "justifiable homicide" is extremely revealing and frightening IF my interpretation is correct. In an attempt to take the focus off himself, Ronald could have ( and may have been seriously exploring and contemplating this - thus his understanding and use of the term "justifiable homicide") set somebody else up for this.
He could have planted some sort of evidence giving the "appearance" that there was a connection between this person(s) and HaLeigh. In order to embellish his "defense", Ronald might claim to LE that the person(s) even made an admission to him before Ronald killed them.

I think Ronald is right where he needs to be - albeit it isn't (yet) for his responsibility in what happened to HaLeigh - at least it will protect the safety of others. JMHO -
Lucky Dana! Besides "Inaudible", the NG transcript named him "UNIDENTIFIED MALE".

You'd think the transcriber could easily ask the producer for a list of the clips in the show and the people talking in them.
I know, right? I'll tell you what sent me over the edge...I can't quote it verbatim, but when Ronald was tripping over the number of people in his 'scenario'. What in the world would possess him to say 'whether it was 1, 2 or 3 people that "stoled" his daughter. Trying to cover all his bases I guess, depending on which story he told at the time.

I suppose I wasn't aware that he had studied law enforcement, lol. I thought I would lose it when he was telling the reporter that it would be "justifiable homicide". Hopefully he will have lots of time to study the law books in the prison library very soon!

He saw "three" far as the justifiable homicide, he has had a lot of time to watch TV.
Ronald seems to know who took Haleigh

His "I'll kill him" statement.

Hi Beatrice, MOO, I agree with your first sentence: Ronald seems to know who took Haleigh. Yes, Ron does know who took Haleigh. He killed her and then took her to an undisclosed place to hide her body. I don't agree however, that Ron will "kill" him because that would mean that he would "kill" himself and I don't think he will ever do that. He is way too much of a coward.
Ron Cummings, who cannot reason, lacks integrity and is volatile when provoked is downright dangerous with a gun. He loves guns and they give him an identity....scary guy.

Through the interview with Dana, he told us that, essentially, he has not spoken at all with police. He has told us this before last Spring. He said, "He has nothing to say"....repeatedly he has said, I wasn't there, there is nothing to say."

He leaves out the fact that he could remember something misty said or did. He is not willing to talk...period.

On his first interview, he said he was at work, came home and didn't have a daughter no more..his words. He then followed up with and "That's it, that's all I know..that's all there is to it". Whenever anyone puts a limit on their statement like that reagarding the loss of a can be sure there is plenty more to it. Ron shut down on the first day and hasn't remembered, recalled, analzyed or asked anything about Haleigh and her disapppearance since that day.
IMHO.. No one took Haleigh, she was not abducted. And he knows that. He also knows he is the one who is responsible for whatever it is that happened to Haleigh...No one stole his child as he is still claiming..JMO
I'm really surprised no one here has discussed a certain comment made by Ron in his interview from jail. This one popped right out at me....
I mean, the 911 call -- I haven`t changed my mind about the 911 call since the minute it was made.

IMO Ron used this interview to get certain messages out to certain people. He hasn't changed his mind about the 911 call? Why even bring the 911 call up in conversation when talking about your daughter? In a true moment of panic most people wouldn't even know what they said to 911...let alone use it for future reference in an interview. Sounded to me like he was saying the 911 call was their story and everyone should stick to the story told to 911. He was letting them know that he hasn't cracked and he will not say anything otherwise. All JMO...
I'm really surprised no one here has discussed a certain comment made by Ron in his interview from jail. This one popped right out at me....
I mean, the 911 call -- I haven`t changed my mind about the 911 call since the minute it was made.

IMO Ron used this interview to get certain messages out to certain people. He hasn't changed his mind about the 911 call? Why even bring the 911 call up in conversation when talking about your daughter? In a true moment of panic most people wouldn't even know what they said to 911...let alone use it for future reference in an interview. Sounded to me like he was saying the 911 call was their story and everyone should stick to the story told to 911. He was letting them know that he hasn't cracked and he will not say anything otherwise. All JMO...

You're so right Em! It makes perfect sense that Ronald, unlike a genuinely panicked parent, would recall his words in the 911 call AND revert back to them as those words were Ronald's very first part of his script in the story... JMHO -
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