Ron's possible plea deal?

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I was thinking the same thing Patty G but there does seem to be either a shadow or a bruise in that area too.

I've never chewed tobacco, myself, and I'm not about to get into any argument about it, but I've got a problem believing even Ronald Cummings would enter a courtroom, for what was going to be a trial for a significant part of the balance of his life, with a "chaw" so large it pushed his lower lip out as the picture indicates.

How's he supposed to testify about being not guilty with a clear and succinct enunciation of his words with that in his mouth?
While I think that it is entirely possible that it's a small amt of tobacco in his bottom lip, I have to say that in my opinion it's improbable. Here is why I think this; If tobacco is considered contraband, as I've been told it is...would LE give it to him on say, the ride over to court? Mmmm I don't know...I can't see anyone in LE going the distance with media coverage and all, turning a blind eye for RC. I think it is highly more likely that it's something else... I'd be more willing to accept at this point, that it's weight gain and a habit of biting lower lip, that has given it markings... JMO
Good point. That shot was taken on the way to the hearing?

FWIW, to me, his left eye looks sort of.... injured. IDK.

I thought so too, Kant. And that his left cheekbone had seen the business end of "a door" or something.

Perhaps he just got his leg irons caught in the elevator gap, ala Casey.
Trying to remember and just can't, when is tc expected back in court? Wondering if he looks banged up!!

Anyone or KSH---have they said when he will go back to court again?

I try to keep up with Haleigh's threads. TIA!

I'm pretty sure when he pleads they will set a sentence date...
Good point. That shot was taken on the way to the hearing?

FWIW, to me, his left eye looks sort of.... injured. IDK.


...maybe he has been crying...

You know, earlier I was irritated that this was being dragged out even further, but now that I've cooled down, I'm actually somewhat relieved, because I'm worried that once these three head off to the big house and are out of county that that's it as far as Haleigh's case goes and they'll label it a cold case, if they haven't already.

Somewhere upthread, someone posted a link to a story about a man who had murder charges dropped for testifying against an accomplice. For a very long time, I've wondered if the only way to resolve this case was to offer one of the players some sort of immunity or some sort of prearranged deal for their part in whatever happened to Haleigh, if it was helping to dispose of her or helping to clean up or whatever, if they would roll over on the other two (and anyone else involved). Clearly whatever happened to Haleigh carries a stiffer sentence than the drug charges or IMO one of them would have already talked. And there's the very likely possibility that whoever was chosen for immunity would lie and ruin the whole thing, but maybe if the real story was revealed, the other two would freak out and open up.

Could a deal like this be in the works?
I snuck out of work early to see the results of his 'trial'.

I wants my money back.

Whom should I contact?

Thanks ever so,

You know, earlier I was irritated that this was being dragged out even further, but now that I've cooled down, I'm actually somewhat relieved, because I'm worried that once these three head off to the big house and are out of county that that's it as far as Haleigh's case goes and they'll label it a cold case, if they haven't already.

Somewhere upthread, someone posted a link to a story about a man who had murder charges dropped for testifying against an accomplice. For a very long time, I've wondered if the only way to resolve this case was to offer one of the players some sort of immunity or some sort of prearranged deal for their part in whatever happened to Haleigh, if it was helping to dispose of her or helping to clean up or whatever, if they would roll over on the other two (and anyone else involved). Clearly whatever happened to Haleigh carries a stiffer sentence than the drug charges or IMO one of them would have already talked. And there's the very likely possibility that whoever was chosen for immunity would lie and ruin the whole thing, but maybe if the real story was revealed, the other two would freak out and open up.

Could a deal like this be in the works?

Just to let you know so you don't worry HaLeigh's case is not a cold case. PCSO is still actively working the case.

With Lisa and Hank in the court room today ( they looked so sad ) and them knowing that part of the plea deal for Ronald will be to testify against their daughter my hope is that they get this information to Misty. I also pray that when Misty finds out the years she will be facing she will make a plea deal and finally tell the truth about what happened to precious little HaLeigh and let the chips fall where they may.

Guess we will find out in August.
I have jury duty beginning the last week of this month. What is done here is a large pool of jurors are pre-selected, then you have to call in every morning and see if you are needed. Here you have to go for one day in the beginning, and thereafter call in and see if your juror number will be needed that day. You have to be ready to serve for a period of time.

It is a daunting task for sure.

Hey, thanks for the info. I've been called for jury duty in August, same state. Honestly, I'm hoping for a murder trial where I can vote for somebody to get the death penalty. After watching these Florida cases, I'm fighting mad. :furious:
You know, earlier I was irritated that this was being dragged out even further, but now that I've cooled down, I'm actually somewhat relieved, because I'm worried that once these three head off to the big house and are out of county that that's it as far as Haleigh's case goes and they'll label it a cold case, if they haven't already.

Somewhere upthread, someone posted a link to a story about a man who had murder charges dropped for testifying against an accomplice. For a very long time, I've wondered if the only way to resolve this case was to offer one of the players some sort of immunity or some sort of prearranged deal for their part in whatever happened to Haleigh, if it was helping to dispose of her or helping to clean up or whatever, if they would roll over on the other two (and anyone else involved). Clearly whatever happened to Haleigh carries a stiffer sentence than the drug charges or IMO one of them would have already talked. And there's the very likely possibility that whoever was chosen for immunity would lie and ruin the whole thing, but maybe if the real story was revealed, the
other two would freak out and open up.

Could a deal like this be in the works?

A LE friend told me last week that there would be almost no convictions without plea bargains. A single perpetrator can get a lighter sentence or avoid the death penalty or LWOP; when there are accomplices, one can bargain for immunity, a lighter sentence, etc. in exchange for testimony against the principal suspect.

I don't assume that RC is involved in Haleigh's death. If he is testifying against her in the drug case, that is an indicator that RC is off the radar in Haleigh's case. First, why would LE give HIM a deal if they thought he was a murderer? They would be putting more pressure on him if they felt he was at the center of the case. And when Misty found out that he was going to testify against her, she would have implicated him if she could. Certainly, she would have no reason to protect a man who was testifying against her, and she'd
have every reason to make a deal in order to avoid life in prison. I could be wrong, but I just can't think of a plausible scenario where Tommy keeps quiet to protect RC for any reason or Misty sits still while RC testifies against her. Or for that matter, why LE would deal with a guy who killed his own child.

The reason the other two are still not telling the whole truth is that murder of a child is going to be LWOP or the death penalty.
Hey, thanks for the info. I've been called for jury duty in August, same state. Honestly, I'm hoping for a murder trial where I can vote for somebody to get the death penalty. After watching these Florida cases, I'm fighting mad. :furious:
FYI, AK, in Louisiana the jury service procedures vary by parish.
We know the prosecutor doesn't need Ron's testimony, the tape says it all, do you suppose they just want Ron to testify against Misty in front of her so she will get mad & spill the beans (assuming Ron was involved that is) either then or later? It's the only reason I can see Ron could be of value.

The tape might not "say it all." A good attorney would challenge its admissibility, probably unsuccessfully. We also don't know the particulars of the case against Misty; the prosecutor may want details of where the drugs came from, etc. Until we see his testimony, if we do, we can't know for sure what testimony RC will give in the drug case. Remember, too, that the prosecutor will be happy to get drug dealers off the streets for 15-20 years; Florida's drug laws have harsh sentences, but all states are short of both prison space and money to keep these guys in prison. Note that California is letting non-violent drug offenders out of prison because there they need the room for violent offenders.

Final thought: if RC is looking at a long prison sentence (nearly the length of his life to date) it's hard to argue that he is receiving preferential treatment. I know that for many people this idea is a given, but he is in jail. He is going to prison for a long time. When he leaves, he will be a convicted felon and his son will be an adult. I understand that people believe RC got away with a lot of bad behavior in the past, and that can really only be determined by looking at how his offenses were handled in comparison to others in the same county with similar offenses and overall records--not by how in retrospect we wish he had been treated. But the only purpose this idea serves now is to keep alive the idea that LE is still giving him a pass, this time on a murder of a child. However, given that LE has him sitting in jail and looking at a long prison sentence, clearly LE has the will to arrest and prosecute him for serious felonies. Because that is what is happening right now.
It's interesting that the SA asked for the continuance. I would think an offer in exchange for Ron's testimony against Misty in the drug case would be a take it or leave it deal. Considering how many transactions involved Misty and a variety of other cohorts, why is Ron's testimony so important? Why didn't they offer Hope a deal? I haven't kept up with Donna's case, but I don't think they offered her a deal. For that matter, how about all of the sources who supplied the drugs. They have their addresses and in one case, a license plate number. They don't need Ron. Which leads me back to what I suspected months ago: he's holding information that would implicate Misty in Haleigh's murder. But if that's true, he must've been involved, as well. Otherwise, he would've come forward a long time ago. Now what? Is he going to get a pass on the drug charges and Haleigh's murder???

It's late, and I've only been able to peek in and out today, so I'm just getting caught up on the details. I might see it differently tomorrow, but at this point, that's how it's looking to me.
I noticed the smirk/smile on Ron's face today and I can only hope the SA and Judge are willing to drop his jaw when the time comes. While not required I can't imagine the type of person who could obstruct and lie about the disappearance of my daughter. One more lie, one piece of misinformation then I hope he gets sentenced to 50 years or more. The truth and nothing but the truth.

There's really no reason to make a deal unless he cooperates about Haleighs disappearance, every last detail. The only reason he may not cooperate is if he's complicit of her murder OR he's protecting a close family member. If something he did caused her murder he would be a coward not to disclose this to LE.

I know the drug case is separate from Haleigh but as a member of the viewing public and taxpayer, I don't care. To me this whole drama is not about Ron, it's finding Haleigh.

At this point and since Ron is still behind bars, I'll trust the SA and Judge to apply the maximum allowed unless he's fully cooperative and nothing less. Today was disappointing but the little hope I do have is in hoping Ron discloses everything that's happened and realizes his daughter is more important than he is.

Zipping it now, thanks for listening.
It's interesting that the SA asked for the continuance. I would think an offer in exchange for Ron's testimony against Misty in the drug case would be a take it or leave it deal. Considering how many transactions involved Misty and a variety of other cohorts, why is Ron's testimony so important? Why didn't they offer Hope a deal? I haven't kept up with Donna's case, but I don't think they offered her a deal. For that matter, how about all of the sources who supplied the drugs. They have their addresses and in one case, a license plate number. They don't need Ron. Which leads me back to what I suspected months ago: he's holding information that would implicate Misty in Haleigh's murder. But if that's true, he must've been involved, as well. Otherwise, he would've come forward a long time ago. Now what? Is he going to get a pass on the drug charges and Haleigh's murder?

The plea bargain on the drug deal will mean many years in prison, a felony record, so RC is not getting a pass on the drug deal.

We also don't know what RC has told LE about Haleigh's disappearance. He may have told everything he knows and many things he suspects.

As I recall, Hope had a chance to make a deal for some kind of first-offender program, but she lipped off to the judge and pretty much refused a deal. Very stupid choice. I have no idea about Donna. I am not even sure why she's in the case. Which lead me to the next point--we don't know all the ins and outs of the drug case. The state may be trying to avoid the expense of a trial but in order to move the case, there has to be some reduction in the very high sentences in Florida drug cases. No one is going to plead and still do 35 years in prison for illegally selling prescription drugs. It may be that the state has decided not to offer Misty a plea in the drug case--and therefore they are looking for testimony. We think the case is a slam dunk because of the video, but the prosecutors never rely on just one piece of evidence.

As to RC getting a pass on the murder--as I said in a post above, I think the plea deal in the drug case is an indicator the LE isn't looking at him for Haleigh's murder. They are looking at the one person who isn't getting a plea deal. We don't know what RC knows or what he has told LE. I am
still waiting for one statement from LE that Ron has withheld evidence, refused to cooperate, or lied about anything he has said about that night or one statement that contradicts RC's accounts of his whereabouts. it's clear to me, at least, that LE doesn't see RC as a suspect in Haleigh's disappearance or death.
The plea bargain on the drug deal will mean many years in prison, a felony record, so RC is not getting a pass on the drug deal.

We also don't know what RC has told LE about Haleigh's disappearance. He may have told everything he knows and many things he suspects.

As I recall, Hope had a chance to make a deal for some kind of first-offender program, but she lipped off to the judge and pretty much refused a deal. Very stupid choice. I have no idea about Donna. I am not even sure why she's in the case. Which lead me to the next point--we don't know all the ins and outs of the drug case. The state may be trying to avoid the expense of a trial but in order to move the case, there has to be some reduction in the very high sentences in Florida drug cases. No one is going to plead and still do 35 years in prison for illegally selling prescription drugs. It may be that the state has decided not to offer Misty a plea in the drug case--and therefore they are looking for testimony. We think the case is a slam dunk because of the video, but the prosecutors never rely on just one piece of evidence.

As to RC getting a pass on the murder--as I said in a post above, I think the plea deal in the drug case is an indicator the LE isn't looking at him for Haleigh's murder. They are looking at the one person who isn't getting a plea deal. We don't know what RC knows or what he has told LE. I am
still waiting for one statement from LE that Ron has withheld evidence, refused to cooperate, or lied about anything he has said about that night or one statement that contradicts RC's accounts of his whereabouts. it's clear to me, at least, that LE doesn't see RC as a suspect in Haleigh's disappearance or death.


It would seem so, pittsburghgirl, but what bothers me about this is why LE doesn't suspect RC. His every word, starting with the 911 call, has been suspicious. Since I saw the visit that Misty's dad had with her (the one where she is saying that it does her no good to say anything about Ron to LE because they won't hear it), I have believed that she is covering for him and has tried to come clean but they will not listen. They either have a lot of evidence of his innocence that we have not seen or there is something very fishy going on here!
A LE friend told me last week that there would be almost no convictions without plea bargains. A single perpetrator can get a lighter sentence or avoid the death penalty or LWOP; when there are accomplices, one can bargain for immunity, a lighter sentence, etc. in exchange for testimony against the principal suspect.

I don't assume that RC is involved in Haleigh's death. If he is testifying against her in the drug case, that is an indicator that RC is off the radar in Haleigh's case. First, why would LE give HIM a deal if they thought he was a murderer? They would be putting more pressure on him if they felt he was at the center of the case. And when Misty found out that he was going to testify against her, she would have implicated him if she could. Certainly, she would have no reason to protect a man who was testifying against her, and she'd
have every reason to make a deal in order to avoid life in prison. I could be wrong, but I just can't think of a plausible scenario where Tommy keeps quiet to protect RC for any reason or Misty sits still while RC testifies against her. Or for that matter, why LE would deal with a guy who killed his own child.

The reason the other two are still not telling the whole truth is that murder of a child is going to be LWOP or the death penalty.


The bolded statements are particularly logical. LE hasn't placed the spotlight and pressure on RC, but almost exclusively on Misty and Tommy. The working relationship between LE and RC hasn't been great, but I think this has been because of a historical lack of trust between them, rather than any suspicion of guilt.

It is very significant that Tommy has not blamed RC for Haleigh's disappearance and I also can't think of any reason why Tommy would protect RC if he were responsible. The only conclusion I can come to is that RC is not responsible. I personally don't believe that RC has any more of a criminal history nor has he been treated any better or worse than any number of others in his local area. About 15 million Americans are active drug users so there are many others like him. Having one's child disappear is not limited to persons involved with drugs, but thankfully, it's a rare occurence.

Someone more knowledgeable than me on process can correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think the sequence of court dates is as important as people think. If RC is given a plea in exchange for testimony, I believe he can be sentenced before he actually gives that testimony. If he were to reneg on his end of the bargain, then his sentence would be changed.

To me this indicates that Ron has some knowledge that would be very damaging to either Misty and/or Tommy and of significant help to the prosecution. I suspect the testimony is for the Haleigh case and involves some actions or some comments made by Misty or Tommy after Haleigh's disappearance that collaborate evidence collected by LE. By now, LE has amassed a lot of evidence (much of which we may not know about), has a pretty good idea of what happened, and has a timeline. However, they may not have enough to prove their case and RC's testimony may be just what they need. I, for one, am all for any testimony that can help the case and bring justice to Haleigh.
The plea bargain on the drug deal will mean many years in prison, a felony record, so RC is not getting a pass on the drug deal.
Many years, but far fewer than he could have received. I don't have a problem with the plea bargain, per se. They're a fact of life. I'm bothered by what I think he's using for leverage.

We also don't know what RC has told LE about Haleigh's disappearance. He may have told everything he knows and many things he suspects.

As I recall, Hope had a chance to make a deal for some kind of first-offender program, but she lipped off to the judge and pretty much refused a deal. Very stupid choice. I have no idea about Donna. I am not even sure why she's in the case.
Donna's involved because she sold $800 worth of her prescription drugs to the UC in one transaction. In another, Misty and Hope went to a residence and picked up the drugs. And in yet another, Misty and a juvenile went to a different residence and obtained the drugs. In the first transaction a guy in a black pickup truck delivered drugs to Tommy who in turn gave them to Misty. In each instance, the UC was waiting nearby in the car. My point is that there are a number of potential witnesses the state could persuade to testify against Misty. So, why is Ron's testimony so important that the SA needs another month to work out the plea arrangement? They made him an offer. If he didn't want it, too bad. Why the back and forth?
Which lead me to the next point--we don't know all the ins and outs of the drug case. The state may be trying to avoid the expense of a trial but in order to move the case, there has to be some reduction in the very high sentences in Florida drug cases. No one is going to plead and still do 35 years in prison for illegally selling prescription drugs. It may be that the state has decided not to offer Misty a plea in the drug case--and therefore they are looking for testimony. We think the case is a slam dunk because of the video, but the prosecutors never rely on just one piece of evidence.

You'll note I have not mentioned the videos. Frankly, I can't see what the state would have to gain by taking Misty's case to trial, unless it's a way to keep the game in play. She was no drug dealer. The whole thing was clearly a set up. How many drug dealers take their customers from house to house to score the goods? Pffft! It was all about Haleigh, and if this plays out the way I think it will, LE choreographed it beautifully.

As to RC getting a pass on the murder--as I said in a post above, I think the plea deal in the drug case is an indicator the LE isn't looking at him for Haleigh's murder. They are looking at the one person who isn't getting a plea deal.
We're in agreement here.

We don't know what RC knows or what he has told LE. I am
still waiting for one statement from LE that Ron has withheld evidence, refused to cooperate, or lied about anything he has said about that night or one statement that contradicts RC's accounts of his whereabouts. it's clear to me, at least, that LE doesn't see RC as a suspect in Haleigh's disappearance or death.
You've made some good points, pittsburghgirl. You always do. But you haven't changed my mind. Ron's not the prime suspect in Haleigh's death, but he bears some degree of culpability. Therefore, he has knowledge that would implicate the primary culprit, IMO, Misty. He's withheld that knowledge because up to this point it would only incriminate him. Now, it might save his butt. IMO
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