Roy Kronk has to start paying legal bills to maintain privacy

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Dec 13, 2008
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The county employee who found the body of Caylee Anthony might soon have to start paying his own legal bills. Until now, Orange County has been paying a law firm to represent former meter reader Roy Kronk.

So far, the county has paid more than $7,500 dollars. It was an effort to help Kronk maintain privacy.

Wednesday, a county watchdog group told Eyewitness News that's excessive.

Source: WFTV
Isn't there an attorney in Orlando who will help Mr, Kronk on a pro bono basis, for pete's sake?! :waitasec:

No good deed goes unpunished...
Maybe I should cool off before I comment! $7,500.00 is excessive? Maybe, but compare that to how much it's going to cost the good tax paying people of Florida (for which I am a resident of) for KC's trial, that money is chump change!
Maybe I should cool off before I comment! $7,500.00 is excessive? Maybe, but compare that to how much it's going to cost the good tax paying people of Florida (for which I am a resident of) for KC's trial, that money is chump change!

Never mind her 3 hots and a cot for the next who knows how many years...oh, and there's talk of a college education. Health care, dental care :banghead:
What has an attorney done for him that could cost $7500? Is this an instance of an attorney seeing the county coffers open and helping himself? I am still not sure why Mr. Kronk needs an attorney. If I was him I would have issued a statement saying that I, at the request of LE, will not discuss anything. I would have simply gone to work in the new office and gone home. I would not hang out in the front yard with a hammer or yell at and push pedestrians.

The watch dog group may want to consider that Mr. Kronk's celebrity was brought on due to his heroic actions while on break time at work. It may be the county's legal obligation to protect him. I am not sure so I faithfully await opinions from the WS legal team.

And last, how come every other attorney involved seems to be pro bono while Mr Kronk's seems to be at the trough? Pigs get fed, hogs are slaughtered.
Maybe I should cool off before I comment! $7,500.00 is excessive? Maybe, but compare that to how much it's going to cost the good tax paying people of Florida (for which I am a resident of) for KC's trial, that money is chump change!

I feel that any licensing money, movie rights, book deals, etc. should be turned over to the state to help cover the costs involved if she is found guilty. Also, her room, board and medical/dental for the next 50 years is going to be expensive. I feel that the celebrity created by her crimes should be used to pay back the good people of Florida that are shouldering the burden now. MAybe The A's could also donate all the money from t-shirt and bracelet sales to help defray the costs. The money was supposed to be used to search and they never actually searched.
I have followed a lot of case's but this is one I don't think
I'll ever forget so many people being hurt and brought into this mess
because of Casey
Hey WS Friends - Can y'all do me a really big favor? If I ever happen to stumble across a dead body or the remains of one, could you all just kindly remind me to look the other way and go on with my merry life like I never saw a thing? I mean....'cause....I just can't afford to have my reputation trashed or drug through the mud, and I certainly don't want to switch jobs for privacy. Also, I really don't want my my past indiscretions dug up (GOD FORBID), or my financial history - and I certainly can't afford to pay an attorney now or in the future, so will you kind people just remind me to just MOVE ON and LOOK THE OTHER WAY if I happen to ever fall over a dead body while I'm out in the woods taking a tinkle? :crazy:

Man, what a nightmare this must be for RK!
Hey WS Friends - Can y'all do me a really big favor? If I ever happen to stumble across a dead body or the remains of one, could you all just kindly remind me to look the other way and go on with my merry life like I never saw a thing? I mean....'cause....I just can't afford to have my reputation trashed or drug through the mud, and I certainly don't want to switch jobs for privacy. Also, I really don't want my my past indiscretions dug up (GOD FORBID), or my financial history - and I certainly can't afford to pay an attorney now or in the future, so will you kind people just remind me to just MOVE ON and LOOK THE OTHER WAY if I happen to ever fall over a dead body while I'm out in the woods taking a tinkle? :crazy:

Man, what a nightmare this must be for RK!

THIS is why people hesitate to call the police!!! What a disaster.
Gypsy, the good thing is that knowing what you now know, if you stumbled across a bag containing a child's skull that was wrapped with duct tape and had a heart sticker on the mouth and you knew it was that innocent sweet baby from the news, you would step up and hear her small voice calling to be sent home properly. You would then pull out your cell phone and call 911. The majority of people on WS have a compassionate nature that brings them here. I know exactly what you, and most, would do.

My shoulders are broad enough to bear the burden for this baby.
This is awful news. This poor guy. I agree 7,500 seems way to high. What is the public gonna take from this? "Don't get involved" and thats a real shame. Isn't there some kind of agency that can help this guy, like victims of crime helps victims, actually he kind of is a victim of crime. If he can't find an atty in O to go pro bono maybe this org can help him?? MOO
Why were tax payers paying for his lawyer in the first place and why did he need a lawyer?
What an injustice to the system, yet he found CAYLEE.....this is his reward!
Yet the murderer and her whole family gets FREE FAMOUS legal teams...............
what an injustice of our system!
I have followed a lot of case's but this is one I don't think
I'll ever forget so many people being hurt and brought into this mess
because of Casey

kc is just plain evil.......and evil follows her...........IMO
It makes me very sad to see no one offer to help RK and every dill hole big shot run to the A's and give FREE service.

Calling Najame...or Morgan...

I feel for this guy. Lord knows he's probably still paying off his wife's cancer bills, and let me tell you even with insurance it's darn expensive. I work in insurance so I know. Now the poor guys has got to stump up for a lawyer because he did a good deed? That's major suckitude.

They ought to make the jailed one work work work in prison and whatever she earns should go to this guy and victim's rights groups.
Just speaking from my own work experience, I do not agree that $7500 is alot to pay an attorney. Most of the firms here where I am charge at the very least $2500-$4000 as a retainer fee alone. As high profile as this case is, I believe his attorney was paid more for Kronk's (and the county's) protection and security than actual legal aid.
Isn't there an attorney in Orlando who will help Mr, Kronk on a pro bono basis, for pete's sake?! :waitasec:

No good deed goes unpunished...

Does MNejame have any attorney friends that might assist, I wonder?
Ok I dont understand this. Here is a man that found a sweet babies body and no one will help him with a lawyer.But the very mother of this sweet baby that ended her life gets all her defense for free.What the heck is wrong with this picture.This is screwed up in so many ways. I personally believe he needs a lawyer because all the garbage thats been thrown at him for doing the right thing. And I like others that pointed out it makes you really think about whether or not you should do the right thing. After this case I honestly believe less people are gonna do the right thing in fear of being accused.I also believe no matter who would of found Caylee they would of also been accused.So many things are broken in this country and IMO this is one of them:furious:

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