Roy Kronk suing Casey Anthony

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Quote- "Cindy knew in August 2008 that Caylee was deceased".So did everyone with two functioning neurons- both Casey and Cindy were born liars-only idiots like himself believed anything Cindy told him and then he spent all his time trying to find the culprits and/or blame innocent people- duh!

In my opinion .... Dominic also KNEW and was cooperating in the bogus live sightings and press conferences and digging in the wooded swamp and claiming the psychic led him there, in order to ASSIST Cindy and Casey Anthony. Now he is unhappy with his partners in crime because they never PAID him ... so he is pointing fingers at them.
You are comparing a tobacco case to the murder of a two-year-old baby? Seriously? So could Casey file a "wrongful death" lawsuit against Henkel Duct Tape? Whitney Design Laundry bags? Glad trash bags? Or maybe even the above ground pool brand where Caylee died?

ETA: Even better, maybe Casey could sue Google for making it so easy to obtain directions on how to make Chloroform? Why not even take it a step further and sue the actual computer company for making computers for the internet to even be possible?

Why not just sue her parents? Caylee died at their home... according to Casey. Caylee died in the Anthony pool... according to Casey. Caylee was wrapped with duct tape from their home... Caylee was then stuffed into a laundry bag and two trash bags... from their home. Cindy even had the audacity to buy Caylee a nice little Winnie the Pooh blanket!

ETA: Even MORE... Maybe Casey can sue Pontiac for making the trunk big enough to stash the body of a two-year-old baby?

ETA: Wow, I just can't stop?? Maybe Casey can even sue the land owner off Suburban Drive? Or the animals who tore Caylee's remains apart? Or maybe... just maybe Casey could sue Caylee?

Yeah, that is how disgusting it is to compare a tobacco lawsuit (a product... a thing) to the life of a human being. Congratulations and Merry Christmas.


The BBM part just hit me. If Caylee drowned in that pool, KC could have and SHOULD have sued her parents. I can't believe she would have passed up getting a nice settlement from the homeowners insurance if that's what truly happened. I do not like the Anthony's one bit, not one little bit.
The BBM part just hit me. If Caylee drowned in that pool, KC could have and SHOULD have sued her parents. I can't believe she would have passed up getting a nice settlement from the homeowners insurance if that's what truly happened. I do not like the Anthony's one bit, not one little bit.

I bet she tried but they reminded her that she was living there and knew of the dangers and she was in charge of insuring her child's safety. (oops!)

Wonder what "boy" she is obsessing over now. Wonder if anyone would date her. I wonder what happens should she ever have another child. (Honestly, I bet CPS would "fast track" on that baby)
I wonder if Roy Kronk's attorneys will subpoena Dominic Casey for their case?

another comment from a person who read the Part One Kindle book

July 16, 2013 at 7:25 pm
"I read Dominic Casey’s book on Kindle [you can get Kindle free from Amazon on your computer]. Don’t bother reading it. It’s only Part 1 and most of it is documents. Only 16 pages of text which at this point only alludes to what you will learn"

some highlights of Part One, written by Dominic Casey:

Casey Anthony, the mother of this child had the responsibility to ensure that her child would be loved and protected at all times.
Casey Anthony , the mother of Caylee provided a statement to the Orange County Sheriff’s Department on July 16, 2008.
In her statement, Casey Anthony wrote: “On Monday, June 9, 2008, between 9 am and 1 pm , I, Casey Anthony, took my daughter, Caylee Marie Anthony, to her nanny’s apartment . . . On the day of her disappearance . . . I took Caylee to the Sawgrass Apartments.”

At the time of Casey’s statement she knew that Caylee was dead and how she had died. The alleged disappearance of Caylee Marie Anthony had become the epitome of deceit.

Ending on pg. 16 the rest of this book to pg. 105 are documents
[NOTE: PDF documents which the public has already seen through Florida Sunshine Laws and Discovery in the case]
Motion to Extend Time To Respond To Plaintiff's Amended First Set Of Request For Admissions And Amended First Set Of Interrogatories
Filed by David L Schrader on behalf of Defendant Casey Marie Anthony
(Schrader, David) (Entered: 03/31/2014)

Casey wants more time to Respond to KRONK’s Request for Admissions and Interrogatories because:

- Unforeseen events – wants additional two weeks to file Responses – until April 13, 2014.

- Kronk served Casey with the Amended First Set of Interrogatories and Amended First Set of Request for Admissions on February 28, 2014, and the Responses from Casey would be due within 30 days – on March 31, 2014 [Casey's attorney filed the request for more time on the last day of the DEADLINE].

- Casey’s attorney Schrader says his assistant had a medical emergency and has been out of work for several weeks, so Schrader has fallen behind on preparation and filing of Casey’s Responses to Kronk.

- Casey’s attorney Schrader has to get additional documents and information from Casey’s previous attorneys who represented her in the State court criminal and civil actions [Baez, Mason, Greene, Chmelir, Ferwerda ....]

- Kronk’s attorney has not discussed this with Casey’s attorney Schrader.
Casey's attorney Schrader says Kronk would not be prejudiced by this extension and no other court dates need to be amended. This is Schrader’s first request for an extension on Kronk’s discovery requests.

NOTE: This document was sent by Casey’s attorney Schrader, to Kronk’s attorney Howard Marks, and to Zenaida’s attorney Scott Shuker, and to “Cheny Masson” – but NOT to Charles Greene or Andrew Chmelir or Debra Ferwerda .....
All previous documents had been sent to Charles M. Greene, as Casey Anthony’s attorney.
Did Charles Greene QUIT when Ferwerda QUIT on November 26, 2013?

The last filing in the ZENAIDA case, filed on March 21, 2014 – was sent to Casey’s attorney J. Cheney Mason [NOT to Charles M. Greene or any other attorneys for Casey].

Looks like David Schrader and Cheney Mason are the only attorneys representing Casey Anthony at this time.
Casey’s bankruptcy attorney David Schrader has asked for TWO extensions of time to file a Motion for Summary Judgment in the ZENAIDA case.

The last deadline would have been April 9, 2014 — however there is no such Motion on the docket as of April 12th.

There is an ORDER on the docket, in the Zenaida case, stating that Schrader was granted his FIRST Motion for extension of time to file the Motion for Summary Judgment by April 4, 2014 [that did not happen - Casey's attorney filed a 2nd Motion for more time, until April 9th because he needed the Transcript from the July 25, 2008 jail visit].

The ORDER also says that the Hearing set for April 29, 2014 will proceed but only as a “status conference” — the Motions for Summary Judgment will NOT be heard at this Hearing.

Where is Casey’s Motion for Summary Judgment in the ZENAIDA case???

The ZENAIDA case moves forward ...


An ORDER was filed April 11, 2014, in the KRONK case, which grants Casey Anthony more time to file her Responses to Kronk’s Request for Admissions and Interrogatories – due by April 13, 2014.

The KRONK case moves forward ….

April 16, 2014

Third Motion to Extend Time For Debtor/Defendant To File Motion For Summary Judgement
Filed by David L Schrader on behalf of Defendant Casey Marie Anthony

Casey’s attorney David Schrader is asking for a THIRD extension of time to file their Motion for Summary Judgment.
His excuse this time is that he had “computer issues” and he could not access documents.

The Motion for Summary Judgment was originally due March 21st, then extended to April 4th, then extended to April 9th, but he did not get the jail visit video until April 10th, so then the Motion was due on April 15th, but now her attorney wants the due date extended to April 18th because of his “computer issues”.

On April 5th, Schrader was informed that there is no transcript, but that a video of the jail visit is available. The video was mailed to Schrader and he received it on April 10th – making Casey’s Motion for Summary Judgment
due April 15, 2014, now extended to April 18th.

Schrader says he had “computer issues” on April 14th and 15th, so he couldn’t work on the Motion for Summary Judgment. He is asking for 3 additional days due to his computer malfunction, to April 18th.

NOTE: In the KRONK case, Schrader asked for more time to file Casey’s Responses to Kronk’s Request for Admissions and Interrogatories, being due April 13, 2014 – the Responses have not been filed as of April 16, 2014, and NO additional request for more time, and no excuses offered.
The BBM part just hit me. If Caylee drowned in that pool, KC could have and SHOULD have sued her parents. I can't believe she would have passed up getting a nice settlement from the homeowners insurance if that's what truly happened. I do not like the Anthony's one bit, not one little bit.

IMO she may never really have known exactly what happened to Caylee, other than that she was dead sometime in the month between leaving the house and LE being called in.

I think Casey might have been involved in a cover up to hide the fact that she had no idea exactly what happened, but I don't believe that she killed her child.
The BBM part just hit me. If Caylee drowned in that pool, KC could have and SHOULD have sued her parents. I can't believe she would have passed up getting a nice settlement from the homeowners insurance if that's what truly happened. I do not like the Anthony's one bit, not one little bit.


There is no evidence that Caylee ever left the Anthony's home. The prosecution presented a "death hair" as evidence that the body was stored in the car, but such hairs only form during decomposition, and if the body was in the bag in the car, the hair could not have gotten out. That means that Caylee's body was stored somewhere else, placed in the bag after decomposition was well under way (and in the process, losing the hair which stuck to the outside). Then the bag was transported to the swamp in the car, dropping the hair in the car in the process. All the items associated with the body apparently came from the Anthony home, so it is reasonable that the body had been stored there. We also know that Casey was no longer living at home at the time. So how did Caylee die? No one knows, but I doubt that Casey had anything to do with it.

If children drown, you don't dump their body in a swamp. That is done to hide a criminal act typically, but if Casey didn't do it, then what exactly did happen? I don't think we will ever really know. But one thing is certain, after all that has happened, no one will be able to talk about it, so there will be no wrongful death lawsuits happening.
List of reasons why CASEY ANTHONY [alone] is GUILTY beyond a reasonable doubt.

The Court of Public Opinion KNOWS that CASEY ANTHONY is GUILTY, and will not let anyone profit off of trying to make Casey Anthony a "victim", or by trying to convince people that George Anthony is guilty. George Anthony had nothing to do with Caylee's murder or dumping in the woods.

Any book PUBLISHER who publishes a book that benefits Casey Anthony in any way, or anyone who supports the Casey Anthony is innocent baloney, will face a fierce backlash.

We will let CNN know that we do not agree with Piers Morgan or Jeffrey Toobin.

CNN legal contributor Jeffrey Toobin said:
“The news media was very unfair to Casey Anthony,” .
“The media‘s coverage is something we should all discuss.”
“The news media owes an apology to Casey Anthony.”
Jeff Toobin CNN Senior Legal Reporter"

CASEY ANTHONY IS [and WAS at trial] GUILTY beyond a reasonable doubt.

Anyone trying to plant seeds of doubt that George did it, is just publishing what BAEZ said in his opening statement at trial, and in his book. There is NO EVIDENCE whatsoever that George had anything to do with Caylee's MURDER and dumping. It is all fabricated LIES to keep Casey from being convicted of MURDER, and now to try to help her make $$$$ through books and interviews.

Many people followed the case from the beginning and read all of the Discovery documents which were released through Florida Sunshine Laws. People were not swayed by media reporting - they came to their own conclusions of CASEY ANTHONY's GUILT by reading all the documents released in Discovery and watching her behavior in the jail videos and Blockbuster video.

The TRUTH is:

- Judge Perry went on national television and told the world that HE thought there was enough evidence to convict, and that he was shocked at the not guilty verdict.

- It is a fact that P.I. Pat McKenna and attorney Cheney Mason and attorneys Dorothy Sims, Charles Greene, and Debra Ferwerda and all the others will not get PAID unless they successfully sell an “innocent Casey” to the public, and help her get TV and book deals. They have an AGENDA.

However, BEFORE Mason joined the defense team – he said she was GUILTY
[Mason is recorded on video -


...Defense attorney Cheney Mason said claims made by Casey Anthony and Baez that Caylee was alive will now work against them at trial.

1:15 min - Mason - "Then all the talking, all the press interviews and the parents going on this show and that show and the lawyer going on different shows establishes they have no credibility whatsoever," Mason said.

1:20 min - Mason - "The most important thing is how did she die?" Mason said. "It could have been an accidental death -- and we've talked before -- an improper disposal, it could have been a brutal homicide. We don't know, and until the medical examiner is finished and renders a report, no one is going to know."

2:18 min - Mason - "You can pretty well predict there's going to be a life sentence, either a plea and get it over with or have a circus trial and then be convicted and get life," Mason said.

- Who in their right mind would spend 3 years in jail for a crime they did not commit if they knew it was an accidental drowning? They wouldn't. They would admit what happened and that it was accidental and they panicked etc. You only spend 3 years in jail if it was a non-accidental death and you were involved in the death. If George Anthony had been involved at all, Casey would have shouted that from the rooftops from day one.

- Why did Casey leave Caylee with the man who she says was a child molester, George Anthony, many many times? Cindy and George did all the real caregiving for Caylee - not Casey.

- Casey Anthony was NOT a "good mother". Her young friends were not around Casey and Caylee for long periods of time. Good mothers do not lie about a job to rope people into babysitting so they can go out and party. Casey Anthony only acted the part of a good mother for short periods of time. Casey Anthony wanted to be the girlfriend of a nightclub promoter [and he did not want children], not a full time mother of a toddler.

- Why was Casey LYING about having a job and where Caylee was – long BEFORE Caylee went missing? She did not have a break with reality and begin lying, solely related to the death/murder of Caylee. The Defense tries to float two contradictory theories - (1) that Casey had a psychological break with reality and (2) that Casey was lying to cover for/protect George and his involvement in Caylee's murder. Casey cannot be both at the same time -- completely delusional and also a crafty, clear-thinking liar to protect George.

- Why did Casey Anthony use the Zanny the nanny story for 3 years, until trial, and then come up with a completely new theory at trial? The lies about George Anthony's involvement were not created until trial time.

- What about the decomposing hair that matches mitrochondrial DNA of Caylee Marie in Casey's car trunk – why did CASEY [not George] drive around with Caylee’s dead body in the trunk of HER CAR? CASEY LIED to her friend about the "dead squirrel" smell in HER car [not George]

- What about all the many people who gave testimony about Casey's car trunk smelling like "death” [not rotten garbage] – even the cadaver dogs [Casey drove that Pontiac -- not George], and even CINDY who said it smelled like there was a "DEAD BODY" in the car, and her granddaughter was missing.

- It was CASEY's pants [not George's] that CINDY SAID smelled so badly of [Caylee's] decomposing body fluids, that CINDY washed them. Cindy washed out the trunk of CASEY's CAR [not George's] and sprayed Febreeze in it. Cindy washed Caylee's mama doll because CINDY SAID it smelled badly of [Caylee's] decomposing body fluids.

- What about the duct tape still stuck in Caylee’s hair? duct tape found around Caylee's skull and jaw and scientific testimony that a human body does NOT decompose with the skull and jaw stuck together and the duct tape matched the specific duct tape "Henkel Brand" that was found by police in the Anthony home

- Why put duct tape on Caylee’s mouth and nose if it was a “drowning accident”?

- What about the other computer searches that ONLY Casey did on “chloroform”, Neck Breaking, self-defense, household weapons, alcohol, acetone, peroxide, etc.?
Prosecutors proved that Cindy did NOT make those searches.

- What about the searches that ONLY Casey did on “foolproof suffocation”?
CASEY ANTHONY, alone, did computer searches for "FOOLPROOF SUFFOCATION" at 2:51pm on June 16, 2008, using HER password protected account, on her Mozilla browser, and then Caylee was never seen alive again.

Casey Anthony was very happy to be free of a toddler tying her down, and also free of a disapproving mother. June 15, 2008 Cindy had finally drawn the line and told Casey Anthony that she must step up and be a real mother to Caylee, not a part time babysitter of her own daughter. This did not fit in with Casey Anthony's plans.

WKMG report - Tony Pipitone 5 page report on fool proof suffocation searches

NANCY GRACE report on WebSleuth finding evidence of fool proof suffocation searches

- Why did the DEFENSE witness, Dr. Jeffery Danziger, the psychologist who examined and tested Casey Anthony say that she did NOT exhibit the signs of a molested person, and he was VERY uncomfortable being used by the Defense to hint that she was abused by George?

Danziger initially was court-appointed to evaluate Anthony for competency, but in October 2010, Baez and Mason met with him about working on the case. During his deposition with state prosecutors, Danziger explained that this was basically for "reevaluating her, seeing if, essentially, there are any psychiatric or mental health issues that would be helpful towards their defense.

"Prosecutor Jeff Ashton then asked Danziger if he recalled a conversation he had with fellow Assistant State Attorney Linda Drane Burdick at the courthouse, in which he said words to the effect of, "I have no explanation for this other than she's just pure evil."

January 11, 2012

Casey Anthony: Psychological evaluations unsealed
Danziger told prosecutors he was "deeply troubled" by ethical concerns related to Anthony accusing others of criminal behavior.
"I am very troubled about being a vector by which statements she made may accuse others of crimes past and present. I don't know what to do," Danziger said. "I am just deeply worried that I'm doing the wrong thing."
"I have lost much sleep, lost weight, and I don't know – I want to do the right thing, and I don't know what the right thing to do is except I know we're here in the deposition and my understanding is you're entitled to it, but I feel troubled," Danziger said.

- The strongest evidence of Casey Anthony's GUILT and that the molestation and drowning theory are LIES, is that the Defense would not allow their own witness, the psychologist, Dr. Jeffery Danziger, to take the witness stand at trial. They pulled him off their own Defense witness list!!!
They knew that Dr. Danziger did NOT want to be used to mislead the jury into believing that George was guilty of criminal behavior of child molestation/rape or murder of Caylee.

The facts in the case confirm that Casey Anthony is GUILTY and that George Anthony had nothing to do with Caylee's murder.
This thread is to discuss Roy Konk's lawsuit. NOT to rehash the trial.

Get back on track or the thread will shut down.

This thread is to discuss Roy Konk's lawsuit. NOT to rehash the trial.

Get back on track or the thread will shut down.


I am sorry I went off topic.
I have deleted my post.

There is no evidence that Caylee ever left the Anthony's home. The prosecution presented a "death hair" as evidence that the body was stored in the car, but such hairs only form during decomposition, and if the body was in the bag in the car, the hair could not have gotten out. That means that Caylee's body was stored somewhere else, placed in the bag after decomposition was well under way (and in the process, losing the hair which stuck to the outside). Then the bag was transported to the swamp in the car, dropping the hair in the car in the process. All the items associated with the body apparently came from the Anthony home, so it is reasonable that the body had been stored there. We also know that Casey was no longer living at home at the time. So how did Caylee die? No one knows, but I doubt that Casey had anything to do with it.

If children drown, you don't dump their body in a swamp. That is done to hide a criminal act typically, but if Casey didn't do it, then what exactly did happen? I don't think we will ever really know. But one thing is certain, after all that has happened, no one will be able to talk about it, so there will be no wrongful death lawsuits happening.


Fca suffocated her.

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Anthony's Computer Forensics[/ame]

Then she lied and blamed a bunch of innocent people, one of those being Roy Kronk.

All jmo. Except for the part where I said she suffocated her, that's a fact, imo. :wink:
I hope RK gets every penny from Casey

He deserves it. He was slandered and blamed for things he didn't do .. all in an attempt to point the blame away from the real murderer. So many people were blamed, but the things that were said about Kronk were awful. If it was a simple drowning, why blame a half a dozen people?
I just saw that she has filed for more time to respond, again.
So Casey is being deposed...good. I wonder how her attorney likes to work for nothing.

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