Roy Kronk suing Casey Anthony

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Of coure I was jesting. Neither Casey Anthony nor Roy Kronk have a chance in heck of winning a suit against each other. They have an equal nill chance.

Surely you jest? :floorlaugh:

FCA....I would like to bring a law suit against Roy K.

May I ask for what?
FCA.....Finding my daughter. He almost ruined my bella vita! :banghead:
The tobacco company sells the poison that contributed to the smoker's death so I can see a connection there but what did Roy Kronk ever do?

Her lawyers, however, did in fact say some pretty damaging things about RK.

So that makes the playing field inequal imo.

There is no chance that she'd win a wrongful death case against RK when she's told a dozen different stories in which he played no part but the defamatory comments are on tape.
The tobacco company sells the poison that contributed to the smoker's death so I can see a connection there but what did Roy Kronk ever do?

I don't think he was responsible for anyone's death....not even the snake. jmo
Of coure I was jesting. Neither Casey Anthony nor Roy Kronk have a chance in heck of winning a suit against each other. They have an equal nill chance.

Just keeping saying that over and over three times while you click your heels do have those ruby red slippers, don't you?????? lol jmo
Of coure I was jesting. Neither Casey Anthony nor Roy Kronk have a chance in heck of winning a suit against each other. They have an equal nill chance.

I think it's a long-shot that Kronk could win a judgment...not sure the law would exactly provide a way, but the thing is...that dreadful (in my opinion) woman, Anthony, and her morally bankrupt (in my opinion) attorneys, according to Ms Anthony's defense KNEW that Kronk wasn't involved, since they asserted in open court that Caylee died by accident, but they went after him anyway, said horrible things about him that a reasonable person could take as inferring he were guilty of some crime. He may not be able to go after these sleezoids and win, but he SHOULD be able. The character assassination of Kronk by Anthony, et al, once again shows us the awful underbelly of the US judicial system.
Whether he wins or not he has made a public statement. And I support him on that.

(Not responding to anyone's post just throwing in my thoughts :))

Even if he doesn't win, I just hope the aggravation of this law suit irks her. (mumbles filth in the direction of KC).
Not even close to accurate. Most common example - relative sues tobacco company for the wrongful death from smoking. Was the tobacco company there? Some states allow wrongful death suits against the state itself.

Perhaps you should make that statement on the 'verifed attorneys" thread, and see if they agree.

You are comparing a tobacco case to the murder of a two-year-old baby? Seriously? So could Casey file a "wrongful death" lawsuit against Henkel Duct Tape? Whitney Design Laundry bags? Glad trash bags? Or maybe even the above ground pool brand where Caylee died?

ETA: Even better, maybe Casey could sue Google for making it so easy to obtain directions on how to make Chloroform? Why not even take it a step further and sue the actual computer company for making computers for the internet to even be possible?

Why not just sue her parents? Caylee died at their home... according to Casey. Caylee died in the Anthony pool... according to Casey. Caylee was wrapped with duct tape from their home... Caylee was then stuffed into a laundry bag and two trash bags... from their home. Cindy even had the audacity to buy Caylee a nice little Winnie the Pooh blanket!

ETA: Even MORE... Maybe Casey can sue Pontiac for making the trunk big enough to stash the body of a two-year-old baby?

ETA: Wow, I just can't stop?? Maybe Casey can even sue the land owner off Suburban Drive? Or the animals who tore Caylee's remains apart? Or maybe... just maybe Casey could sue Caylee?

Yeah, that is how disgusting it is to compare a tobacco lawsuit (a product... a thing) to the life of a human being. Congratulations and Merry Christmas.

I don't see how RK can lose if you think about it, except the loss of $ incurred in suing her. Either FCA, and/ or, her lawyers have to appear in court. In the case of her lawyers, this will cost them valuable time regardless, time they could have been spending representing a paying client. If it makes FCA's life more miserable, he still wins. JMHO
IMHO, Kronk does have a slim chance of prevailing. If you read the motion, his attorney cites that the defamitory information was PUBLISHED by the DT in all sorts of media, which doesn't fall under the immunity of the courtroom.

Also, in the civil suits, Mark NeJame is not representing anyone.

Roy Kronk is represented by Howard S. Marks and TES is being represented by another firm. I don't have the TES document handy. Can anyone help?
I guess you do not understand the meaning of the word "death" in wrongful death. Whether suing a tobacco company for the wrongful death of a of a relative, or suing anyone for the wrongful death of a two year old baby, there is a death involved. Are you saying that the death of a two year old is more "law suitable" then that of anyone else? The tobacco company was/is/are being sued for wrongful death. Seriously, read before you respond. A death is a death.

You are comparing a tobacco case to the murder of a two-year-old baby? Seriously? So could Casey file a "wrongful death" lawsuit against Henkel Duct Tape? Whitney Design Laundry bags? Glad trash bags? Or maybe even the above ground pool brand where Caylee died?

ETA: Even better, maybe Casey could sue Google for making it so easy to obtain directions on how to make Chloroform? Why not even take it a step further and sue the actual computer company for making computers for the internet to even be possible?

Why not just sue her parents? Caylee died at their home... according to Casey. Caylee died in the Anthony pool... according to Casey. Caylee was wrapped with duct tape from their home... Caylee was then stuffed into a laundry bag and two trash bags... from their home. Cindy even had the audacity to buy Caylee a nice little Winnie the Pooh blanket!

ETA: Even MORE... Maybe Casey can sue Pontiac for making the trunk big enough to stash the body of a two-year-old baby?

ETA: Wow, I just can't stop?? Maybe Casey can even sue the land owner off Suburban Drive? Or the animals who tore Caylee's remains apart? Or maybe... just maybe Casey could sue Caylee?

Yeah, that is how disgusting it is to compare a tobacco lawsuit (a product... a thing) to the life of a human being. Congratulations and Merry Christmas.

I guess you do not understand the meaning of the word "death" in wrongful death. Whether suing a tobacco company for the wrongful death of a of a relative, or suing anyone for the wrongful death of a two year old baby, there is a death involved. Are you saying that the death of a two year old is more "law suitable" then that of anyone else? The tobacco company was/is/are being sued for wrongful death. Seriously, read before you respond. A death is a death.

I think the description of death in wrongful death is pretty clear and it applies to both companies and individuals depending on where you are. Different juridictions have different rules. Bascially it's a case of an individual and/or company causing the death of another.

It's not an issue here. RK did not cause the death of Caylee and try as JB might he was never able to connect RK to even knowing the A's. Also KC's latest and greatest story had nothing to do with RK. The smear campaign lasted the 3 years prior to the trial and that is what he is going after her for.

This type of behavior by a defendant has to stop here and now. I hope the jury awards him $300,000,000 dollars. $100,000,000 for every year he had to suffer. That would send a message. jmo
Wow. A death is a death. No matter that the person who died of smoking had a choice to quit before getting sick and dying, and that smoking is a treatable habit. No matter that even after getting ill, a smoker can be treated and given some kind of comfort before they die, surrounded by loving family and friends, their death painless and fearless. No matter that a two year old didn't have a choice because she can't fight back against her stronger, angrier mother that forced duct tape onto her face, killed her, and threw her away like garbage. No matter that there is no treatment to save her from that kind of death, or that she died ALONE in the back of a car, unloved and unwanted, no comfort or treatment to make her passing free of pain and fear. Yes, those two kinds of death are equal, NOT. Now I finally understand how some people can support Casey...

I hope Roy Kronk gets the highest payout in history against Casey. He did the RIGHT thing in finding Caylee's body, and what did he get? Three years of being the defense's mascot for murder inside and outside the court room. No human being deserves treatment like that. You GO, Kronk!
Wow. A death is a death. No matter that the person who died of smoking had a choice to quit before getting sick and dying, and that smoking is a treatable habit. No matter that even after getting ill, a smoker can be treated and given some kind of comfort before they die, surrounded by loving family and friends, their death painless and fearless. No matter that a two year old didn't have a choice because she can't fight back against her stronger, angrier mother that forced duct tape onto her face, killed her, and threw her away like garbage. No matter that there is no treatment to save her from that kind of death, or that she died ALONE in the back of a car, unloved and unwanted, no comfort or treatment to make her passing free of pain and fear. Yes, those two kinds of death are equal, NOT. Now I finally understand how some people can support Casey...

I hope Roy Kronk gets the highest payout in history against Casey. He did the RIGHT thing in finding Caylee's body, and what did he get? Three years of being the defense's mascot for murder inside and outside the court room. No human being deserves treatment like that. You GO, Kronk!

How anyone can compare a wrongful death suit against a tobacco company to the murder of a two-year-old baby baffles me?

An adult chooses to smoke. I am a smoker myself. I know the dangers and I continue to smoke. I cannot even believe that people even get a settlement based on a persons personal choice. What's next? Beer, wine and liquor companies? People die from alcoholism all the time?

Caylee didn't make the choice to be murdered and I do believe that there is a HUGE difference in the death of a smoker based on personal choice and the heinous murder of a two-year-old baby. How certain people can even compare the two still baffles me, but it is what it is.

I also hope Roy Kronk wins big!
I guess you do not understand the meaning of the word "death" in wrongful death. Whether suing a tobacco company for the wrongful death of a of a relative, or suing anyone for the wrongful death of a two year old baby, there is a death involved. Are you saying that the death of a two year old is more "law suitable" then that of anyone else? The tobacco company was/is/are being sued for wrongful death. Seriously, read before you respond. A death is a death.

If Caylee drowned, which is the latest story from the defense camp, KC only has a wrongful death suit against her parents who failed to put a "charlie bar" on that sliding glass door when they knew Caylee could open the door, evidenced by the picture they took of her doing so. It would be a slam dunk........ Who takes a picture of a child being able to open the door to a pool area and then neglectfully forgets to make sure the door was secured in the future. I don't see any suit possible against RK unless meter readers are obligated to give you advise on how to secure your home against toddlers drowning in your pool. jmo

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to the great WS family!
As I stated upthread - Kronk has no chance of winning a suit against Anthony, so little of a chance it is about equal to the chance Anthony would have against Kronk for a wrongful death. I have never suggested that Anthony should sue Kronk, and if she did, would have any chance of winning.

If Caylee drowned, which is the latest story from the defense camp, KC only has a wrongful death suit against her parents who failed to put a "charlie bar" on that sliding glass door when they knew Caylee could open the door, evidenced by the picture they took of her doing so. It would be a slam dunk........ Who takes a picture of a child being able to open the door to a pool area and then neglectfully forgets to make sure the door was secured in the future. I don't see any suit possible against RK unless meter readers are obligated to give you advise on how to secure your home against toddlers drowning in your pool. jmo
I guess you do not understand the meaning of the word "death" in wrongful death. Whether suing a tobacco company for the wrongful death of a of a relative, or suing anyone for the wrongful death of a two year old baby, there is a death involved. Are you saying that the death of a two year old is more "law suitable" then that of anyone else? The tobacco company was/is/are being sued for wrongful death. Seriously, read before you respond. A death is a death.

On that note, murder is murder, not an accidental drowning. An accidental drowning victim doesn't take the time to duct tape their nose and mouth before falling into the pool once they've reached the top of the ladder,then fall back out of the pool. Nor do they hop into a couple of garbage bags and then into a canvas laundry bag and then jump into the trunk of a car then drive themselves down the road from their house then pop open the trunk and drag themselves in to a trash strewn swamp knowing full well that they would be torn to shreds by animals and the elements. Nah, that doesn't happen to accidental drowning victims. It happens to murdered victims. So, what do you have against an innocent two year old that you're fighting so hard not to defend? You're starting to sound like the CA or part of the DT. Just wondering?
So, if you guys don't hear from me for a couple of days it may because I get a TO for feeding the trolls. Hey, it's a dirty job but someone has to do it. To my fellow WS I'm wishing you a Merry Christmas and may all your dreams come true.
As I stated upthread - Kronk has no chance of winning a suit against Anthony, so little of a chance it is about equal to the chance Anthony would have against Kronk for a wrongful death. I have never suggested that Anthony should sue Kronk, and if she did, would have any chance of winning.

Why is it, in your opinion, that Kronk has no chance to win this lawsuit?
I don't think it would be possible to duct tape a drowning victum as the tape would not stay on. JB never mentioned them drying her off and applying the duct tape. By the time the mystery person would have found Caylee, the jaw would have dropped significantly and we would not have seen the same results. I hope Dr. G. explains all this on her program. jmo

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