RULED OUT: Have we found Anna? Possible match to NamUs case UP 9597 - *NO MATCH*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Annasmom, I haven't been on line much in the past year and half, only to read occasionally. Having medical problems with surgery and treatment but I want you to know I think of you and Anna often. So glad the lab report came back and that it wasn't Anna, she is still out there. May God guide her home.
Glad to finally have THAT answer. Praying for better news, and SOON. Peace, love and prayers.

My goodness, what a ride life is.
Have they identified the male child? I thought dna could not tell gender?...

As mentioned above, DNA can be used to determine gender. There were a set of bones found of a young child assumed to be female based on clothing found a few years ago in Marin County that local authorities thought might be Anna. The bones were sent to the lab and it was quickly discovered that the remains were from a male and, thus, not Anna.
How long do they believe this male child was there for?
Thanks for letting us know about this post, though it certainly is a "dark side" site with some very misleading information about Half Moon Bay in general and about Anna and our family in particular. I was very interested that the person who posted on this site said she rode the school bus with Anna. Anna was five, not seven, when she disappeared. Half Moon Bay is about 32 miles from San Francisco. I have lived here for forty years, and I can assure you that this is not a raging crime center where bodies frequently wash up on the beach. Furthermore, we are a small rural community about 50 miles away from Santa Cruz, a college town, with a completely different ambiance and history.
Brandi Krajewski disappeared from Nipton, California on October 7, 1982 and Laura Bradbury 3 years old went missing from Joshua Tree National Monument on October 18, 1984 in the Digital Journal they talk about a man who reported seeing her in the presence of a woman and two men at a very isolated mine he was kidnapped and murdered. Some more here CA CA - Nipton - WhtFem 778UFCA, 18-30, In Mineshaft, May'76 - Page 3 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
I find it questionable that this rule out is accurate.

If the information given to Annasmom indicating this specimen belonged to a male child, why does the NamUs case file still say gender unknown?

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