Russian passenger plane crashes in Sinai, Egypt Prime Minister says, 31 OCT 2015

DNA Solves
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Airbus A321-200420operated asMetrojet
Bombardier Challenger 8502—operated for VIP-charters

Here she is


31/10/2015 11:46 BREAKING Lufthansa and Air France have made the decision to avoid flying over Sinai

31/10/2015 09:09 UPDATE Russia says it is examining fuel samples from the last refuelling stop

Around 150 bodies now recovered up to 5km radius away from the wreckage. Some bodies burnt (@RT_com) - @NewsHazbail

BREAKING Airline Kogalymavia believes human error wasn’t cause of Sinai plane crash - @NewsHazbail

UPDATE Officer says the plane has ‘split in two’ - @NewsHazbail

if this accurate , it is not congruent with media bs that it distingrated at loss of radar contact -- loss of radar contact was the beginning of the accident sequence (Swiss Air ?)-- there is a huge difference (fire ?) that resulted into controlled flight into terrain

I do not know if casue it russian - I want the aircrafts history flight cycles, age etc , but it is NOT coming upn like I can usually get ???

I post this now while searching afraid of my computer !
It is definitely a statement when Lufthansa and Air France will not fly over the area!

ETA: was posted earlier that the plane broke in two with passengers still belted in their seats. How does anyone know this? I'm sure the plane wasn't in two pieces after it hit the ground.
One of the articles linked above stares technical problem caused the crash. How can they know this already, unless the pilot reported a problem before the crash. Same article indicates a militant group has claimed to have caused the crash.

I was just reading that. They also stated that they had put in several requests for some one to look at the engine of this plane. They had been having trouble with it before the crash. :(
Why would they allow the plane to even exit the run ramp? SMH.
Early reports about the pilot communicating with ATC that there was a problem were false, per CNN. No mayday call.

The so-called black boxes -- the flight data recorder and voice data recorder -- have been recovered and transported to Cairo for analysis, Egyptian Civil Aviation Minister Hossam Kamel said at a news conference.

"There was nothing abnormal before the plane crash," he said. "It suddenly disappeared from the radar."

Air traffic control recordings did not show any distress calls from the pilot before the plane vanished from radar screens, Kamel said.

(Google translation)
The pilot crashed on Saturday in the Sinai Russian aircraft did not seek help from air traffic controllers at the airport in Sharm el-Sheikh before the disaster, said the Minister of Civil Aviation of Egypt Husam Kamal.

Earlier, Egyptian sources reported that the pilot is in the air aircraft appealed for help because of technical problems.

"Communication with the Russian air traffic controllers the plane was carried out in normal mode until the catastrophe" - the minister said at a press conference in Cairo.

According to him, "Russian pilot did not ask for help, the plane suddenly disappeared from the radar."

The airliner Airbus-321 of airline "Kogalymavia" which fly 9268 Sharm el-Sheikh - Saint Petersburg, flew from Egypt to 6.51 (MSK) and disappeared from radar screens 23 minutes. On board were 217 passengers and seven crew members. According to the Russian Embassy in Egypt, no one survived the crash.
It is definitely a statement when Lufthansa and Air France will not fly over the area!

ETA: was posted earlier that the plane broke in two with passengers still belted in their seats. How does anyone know this? I'm sure the plane wasn't in two pieces after it hit the ground.

From here:

The first rescue workers at the scene described the plane as “completely destroyed” and an Egyptian security officer told Reuters that many passengers had died strapped in to their seats.

“The plane split into two, a small part on the tail end that burned and a larger part that crashed into a rock. We have extracted at least 100 bodies and the rest are still inside,” he said
When you reach cruising altitude, how soon does the signal to unfasten your seat belts come on? Do most passengers unfasten them or leave them fastened?
When you reach cruising altitude, how soon does the signal to unfasten your seat belts come on? Do most passengers unfasten them or leave them fastened?

They'd only been in the air 23 minutes. That doesn't seem long enough to already have the seatbelt signs turned off. Although I think most passengers leave them buckled in flight because they ask you to keep them on while you're in your seat.
I was reading a thread over at and thought this comment was interesting
Man, this is weird. So as user diverted stated above, the wings are laid flat upside down, and the nose section looks to have also impacted flat but upside down. The tail section looks like it landed flat, but right side up.*
Would a break up at 31,000 ft result in a rapid loss of consciousness?

Jon Ostower also noted that the wing is upside down but doesn't want to speculate and say what he thinks happened, just that its "interesting"

Thanks. Here's the tweet with the pictures.


Eta: He tweeted some video too.

eta: The image of the tweet keeps disappearing?
The tail piece can't be seen in the background of the the photos of the fuselage/wings, and the wings/fuselage can't be seen in the background of the photos of the tail. Makes it seem like there is quite a bit of distance between where the tail piece landed and the rest of the plane.
The tail piece can't be seen in the background of the the photos of the fuselage/wings, and the wings/fuselage can't be seen in the background of the photos of the tail. Makes it seem like there is quite a bit of distance between where the tail piece landed and the rest of the plane.

You're right. Have you seen anything about the size of the debris field?
I've read desert, rugged, desolate. Maybe similar in some ways to the Germanwings site?

It last made contact near the city of Hasana, Egypt. I searched the images and it looks like where Moses wandered for 40 days. Rocky, dry, no vegetation.

It is desert. The Sinai Desert.

And IT IS where Moses wondered for 40 days! LOL

Sharem El Sheikh used to be a beautiful resort town. It is no longer safe to travel there.
You're right. Have you seen anything about the size of the debris field?

Some sources were reporting the bodies were scattered over at least a 3 mile radius.

I'm leaning towards the tail having broken off in the air and the rest of the plane was in a flat spin until it hit the ground on its side/top. That just makes the most sense at this point.

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