S.B.T.C sound that out loud to yourself

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves


Jan 23, 2015
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If you take a look at the ransom note the last thing the author wants you to read is S.B.T.C
A lot of speculation has been made about what this stands for and i think if you sound this out slowly and out loud to yourself you will hear SBATCEE. Now...what does that sound like to you SBATSY.

Look again at the ransom note and you can see that the letter "B" in the S.B.T.C looks very much like a "P" and then filled in to make a "B".
Sound it out loud with using a "P" and what do you get SPATSY. Make the S silent and its


Now was someone trying to FRAME Patsy??
IF Patsy was the author of the note would she really use something that when sounded out loud as one word sound very much like her name with a silent S!
This was done in a very subtle manner. Very sneaky yet quite cleverly. Were people being groomed with this subtle mind control to think Patsy was the author.
Who would benefit from doing this? Hmmmm
Let's NOT forget that the author also included the words "southern" another push for the reader to believe it was Patsy. BUT again why would Patsy try to incriminate herself when she if she was the author would stay far away from incriminating herself in a ransom note.

Why would Patsy use one of her own paintbrushes? To incriminate herself???? or was someone trying to frame her!!!????
If you take a look at the ransom note the last thing the author wants you to read is S.B.T.C
A lot of speculation has been made about what this stands for and i think if you sound this out slowly and out loud to yourself you will hear SBATCEE. Now...what does that sound like to you SBATSY.

Look again at the ransom note and you can see that the letter "B" in the S.B.T.C looks very much like a "P" and then filled in to make a "B".
Sound it out loud with using a "P" and what do you get SPATSY. Make the S silent and its


Now was someone trying to FRAME Patsy??
IF Patsy was the author of the note would she really use something that when sounded out loud as one word sound very much like her name with a silent S!
This was done in a very subtle manner. Very sneaky yet quite cleverly. Were people being groomed with this subtle mind control to think Patsy was the author.
Who would benefit from doing this? Hmmmm
Let's NOT forget that the author also included the words "southern" another push for the reader to believe it was Patsy. BUT again why would Patsy try to incriminate herself when she if she was the author would stay far away from incriminating herself in a ransom note.

Why would Patsy use one of her own paintbrushes? To incriminate herself???? or was someone trying to frame her!!!????

Why would Patsy use one of her own paintbrushes? To incriminate herself???? or was someone trying to frame her!!!????
Good question. I seriously doubt its Patsy self incriminating, else why bother with the staging?

IMO all the Patsy related forensic evidence suggests Patsy is staging someone else out of the case?

Since if the case was PDI along Steve Thomas lines then staging JonBenet in her bedroom as the victim of a psychopathic intruder is a no brainer, as Patsy has an alibi for any of her forensic evidence found.

Relocating JonBenet to the basement smacks of a last minute cleanup affair, it seems both parents were removing vital evidence, consider John's Israeli fibers found on JonBenet's crotch along with Coroner Meyer saying someone wiped JonBenet down?

I've come round to thinking SBTC is Patsy's take on a psychopathic identity come monicker, she was a Literature Graduate skilled in prose, so she knew how to structure text, its just that SBTC being a Christian acronym appears to juxtapose with a Foreign Faction RN?

Why would Patsy use one of her own paintbrushes?
To mask whatever went before, its classic staging, in other cases people have set fire to the crime-scene, so to scramble the evidence. Relatives repose victims who decease as a consequence of Erotic Asphyxiation, something insurance companies take an acute interest in.

The glaring Red Flag though are the size-12's, does that scream Patsy to you, as Burke's old longjohns might as they can be considered practical?

What is really interesting is if you stand back and think so: Patsy fashioned the ligature and paintbrush and John wiped JonBenet down, so it could be John put the size-12's on JonBenet, but would it not be evident they do not fit JonBenet, so why not fetch a pair of clean size-6 underwear from the same place Patsy sourced the longjohns?

It would be nice to see the fiber analysis for the size-12's, e.g. were there any fibers from the pink pajama bottoms deposited?

So rather than someone trying to frame Patsy it looks to me as if she was trying to invent a psychopathic personality along with, according to her, a crime-scene to match?


Good question. I seriously doubt its Patsy self incriminating, else why bother with the staging?

IMO all the Patsy related forensic evidence suggests Patsy is staging someone else out of the case?

Since if the case was PDI along Steve Thomas lines then staging JonBenet in her bedroom as the victim of a psychopathic intruder is a no brainer, as Patsy has an alibi for any of her forensic evidence found.

Relocating JonBenet to the basement smacks of a last minute cleanup affair, it seems both parents were removing vital evidence, consider John's Israeli fibers found on JonBenet's crotch along with Coroner Meyer saying someone wiped JonBenet down?

I've come round to thinking SBTC is Patsy's take on a psychopathic identity come monicker, she was a Literature Graduate skilled in prose, so she knew how to structure text, its just that SBTC being a Christian acronym appears to juxtapose with a Foreign Faction RN?

To mask whatever went before, its classic staging, in other cases people have set fire to the crime-scene, so to scramble the evidence. Relatives repose victims who decease as a consequence of Erotic Asphyxiation, something insurance companies take an acute interest in.

The glaring Red Flag though are the size-12's, does that scream Patsy to you, as Burke's old longjohns might as they can be considered practical?

What is really interesting is if you stand back and think so: Patsy fashioned the ligature and paintbrush and John wiped JonBenet down, so it could be John put the size-12's on JonBenet, but would it not be evident they do not fit JonBenet, so why not fetch a pair of clean size-6 underwear from the same place Patsy sourced the longjohns?

It would be nice to see the fiber analysis for the size-12's, e.g. were there any fibers from the pink pajama bottoms deposited?

So rather than someone trying to frame Patsy it looks to me as if she was trying to invent a psychopathic personality along with, according to her, a crime-scene to match?

Hi UKGuy,

It appears to be the minds of two people (male and female) desperately trying to concoct a crime scene and ransom note and making a mess of both. Layers of staging where someone adds a bit here and then someone adds another bit there.
Hi UKGuy,

It appears to be the minds of two people (male and female) desperately trying to concoct a crime scene and ransom note and making a mess of both. Layers of staging where someone adds a bit here and then someone adds another bit there.

It sure looks that way. I reckon most folks think the case is RDI and that the parents helped stage the basement crime-scene, even the Grand Jury thought the parents were involved.

The big unknown is of course who did it? Since the parents might have been covering for each other, or they were covering for someone else?

IMO it boils down to JDI or BDI, the sexual assault is the corroborating factor, does anyone think Patsy was sexually abusing JonBenet?

Out of all the theories BDI is the most consistent, yet due to Burke's age at the time appears less credible than JDI.

At time passes and more evidence is released into the public domain this will alow some theories to be dismissed.

I'm hoping to see the photographs taken at the White's Christmas Party or for anyone present to describe JonBenet's hairstyle, since that would end completely speculation regarding the Ramsey's version of events.

That there has been no release of information on this topic surely must mean that JonBenet had her hair dressed in ponytails for bed, and that BPD are keeping this nugget for any future court-case, similarly with the Days Of The Week and sizes of the underwear removed from her underwear drawer?

'IMO it boils down to JDI or BDI, the sexual assault is the corroborating factor, does anyone think Patsy was sexually abusing JonBenet?'

I think a few people do think that, as she was most likely abused herself. Nedra 'she was only a little bit molested'.

Could Patsy have caused the injuries to JonBenet by severe wiping?

Johns fibers are pretty hard to explain away- what did he say regarding that do you know UKguy?
I won't go down the rabbit hole of endless speculation that an unknown intruder broke into the home, I never believed that fairytale.

I also wondered who else could have been in the home, and the family covered up for that person who left. We don't have any independent verification aside from Patsy and John, that no one else was there.
There was no intruder. jmo of course.

I guess there is a possibility someone else could have been in the home, but I doubt it. They were planning on leaving early the next morning..and were at a party the night before.
'IMO it boils down to JDI or BDI, the sexual assault is the corroborating factor, does anyone think Patsy was sexually abusing JonBenet?'

I think a few people do think that, as she was most likely abused herself. Nedra 'she was only a little bit molested'.

Could Patsy have caused the injuries to JonBenet by severe wiping?

Johns fibers are pretty hard to explain away- what did he say regarding that do you know UKguy?

Nope, JonBenet's injuries were internal, difficult to see how they arise other than from direct abuse, bear in mind some of JonBenet's internal injuries were chronic, i.e. healed, with scar tissue to prove it.

The main debate is over whether the acute injuries were staged?

The following is where John replies about his fibers being found on JonBenet's pubic area.

Atlanta 2000 BPD Interview with John Ramsey, Excerpt
21 Q. (By Mr. Levin) Mr. Ramsey, it is

22 our belief based on forensic evidence that

23 there are hairs that are associated, that the

24 source is the collared black shirt that you

25 sent us that are found in your daughter's


1 underpants, and I wondered if you --
2 A. ********. I don't believe that.
3 I don't buy it. If you are trying to
4 disgrace my relationship with my daughter --
5 Q. Mr. Ramsey, I am not trying to
6 disgrace --
7 A. Well, I don't believe it. I
8 think you are. That's disgusting.


Is it fact that JBR was sexually assaulted...I really thought that there were conflicting opinions on that....I.e.: any indication of sexual assault may have been staging and not chronic/ongoing prior to her death.....

At any rate, BR is perfectly capable of having been the one to molest her....does not have to have been an adult....MOO
Is it fact that JBR was sexually assaulted...I really thought that there were conflicting opinions on that....I.e.: any indication of sexual assault may have been staging and not chronic/ongoing prior to her death.....

At any rate, BR is perfectly capable of having been the one to molest her....does not have to have been an adult....MOO

Two medically qualified practitioners examined JonBenet separately and apparently both observed the same injuries:

During Coroner Meyer's Autopsy some of his verbatim remarks to the assembled officers and medical staff were:

1996-12-29: Search Warrant 755 15 Street, Boulder, Colorado, Excerpt
Detective Arndt told Your Affiant that she witnessed the autopsy of JonBenet Ramsey which was conducted by Dr. John Meyer on December 27, 1996. Detective Arndt told Your Affiant that she observed Dr. Meyer examine the vaginal area of the victim and heard him state that the victim had received an injury constant with digital penetration of her vagina. Detective Arndt told Your Affiant that Dr. Meyer told her that it was his opinion that the victim had been subjected to sexual contact. For further details on the autopsy see the attached document entitled Addendum To ...

In the latter excerpt the phrase to note is sexual contact. Going on this we can assume JonBenet had been sexually assaulted.

Yet some members reckon it was all staging to deflect suspicion away from one of the residents?

the thing is, if this was the case why hide it beneath redressing and wiping down JonBenet?

On the evening after the Autopsy JonBenet was examined again:
Foreign Faction by James Kolar, Excerpt
Following the meeting, Dr. Meyer returned to the morgue with Dr. Andy Sirontak, Chief of Denver Children’s Hospital Child Protection Team, so that a second opinion could be rendered on the injuries observed to the vaginal area of JonBenét.

He would observe the same injuries that Dr. Meyer had noted during the autopsy protocol and concurred that a foreign object had been inserted into the opening of JonBenét’s vaginal orifice
and was responsible for the acute injury witnessed at the 7:00 o’clock position.

Further inspection revealed that the hymen was shriveled and retracted, a sign that JonBenét had been subjected to some type of sexual contact prior to the date of her death.

Dr. Sirontak could not provide an opinion as to how old those injuries were or how many times JonBenét may have been assaulted and would defer to the expert opinions of other medical

On balance a sexual assault seems more probable, we would need to hear it again from Dr. John Meyer's lips before it could become fact.
The sign off is Victory! S.B.T.C They go together.
If you say it backwards it sounds like "The walrus is Paul".
Try it.

LOL! Nice reference to a terrific old conspiracy theory! ;)

But seriously, I think "S.B.T.C. Victory!" Is "Saved By The Cross" as discussed elsewhere. For me, when I try to pronounce "S.B.T.C" as a word, all I get is "Essbeeteecee". Not even close to "Patsy". Maybe it is an accent thing. :)
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If you take a look at the ransom note the last thing the author wants you to read is S.B.T.C
A lot of speculation has been made about what this stands for and i think if you sound this out slowly and out loud to yourself you will hear SBATCEE. Now...what does that sound like to you SBATSY.

Look again at the ransom note and you can see that the letter "B" in the S.B.T.C looks very much like a "P" and then filled in to make a "B".
Sound it out loud with using a "P" and what do you get SPATSY. Make the S silent and its


Now was someone trying to FRAME Patsy??
IF Patsy was the author of the note would she really use something that when sounded out loud as one word sound very much like her name with a silent S!
This was done in a very subtle manner. Very sneaky yet quite cleverly. Were people being groomed with this subtle mind control to think Patsy was the author.
Who would benefit from doing this? Hmmmm
Let's NOT forget that the author also included the words "southern" another push for the reader to believe it was Patsy. BUT again why would Patsy try to incriminate herself when she if she was the author would stay far away from incriminating herself in a ransom note.

Why would Patsy use one of her own paintbrushes? To incriminate herself???? or was someone trying to frame her!!!????
Hmmm. Very clever. Someone would try to frame her to cover for their own crime.
LOL! Nice reference to a terrific old conspiracy theory! ;)

But seriously, I think "S.B.T.C. Victory!" Is "Saved By The Cross" as discussed elsewhere. For me, when I try to pronounce "S.B.T.C" as a word, all I get is "Essbeeteecee". Not even close to "Patsy". Maybe it is an accent thing. :)
I wonder if this is what children in the family pronounced her name as a child? Could be another inside wink.
In 1968 and 1969, while in the U.S. Navy, John was Stationed at the S.B.T.C. (Subic Bay Training Center) in the Philippines.
In 1968 and 1969, while in the U.S. Navy, John was Stationed at the S.B.T.C. (Subic Bay Training Center) in the Philippines.
Interestingly, my husband visited there for an engineering trip. I just finished James Kolar's book. I am convince that he is undeniably intuitive.
Interestingly, my husband visited there for an engineering trip. I just finished James Kolar's book. I am convince that he is undeniably intuitive.

Totaly agree. due to legal restrictions, employment contractual disallows, etc. James Kolar cannot reveal all he has ever read or been told regarding the JonBenet case.

So what his book is suggesting is an alternative focus, albeit on Burke, but through the prism of an medical condition.

Indirect evidence backing James Kolar up is the Grand Jury True Bills, meaning he is onto something but legally cannot offer detail.

All the other RDI theorists including IDI have to demonstrate why the current evidence removes Burke from consideration?

LOL! Nice reference to a terrific old conspiracy theory! ;)

But seriously, I think "S.B.T.C. Victory!" Is "Saved By The Cross" as discussed elsewhere. For me, when I try to pronounce "S.B.T.C" as a word, all I get is "Essbeeteecee". Not even close to "Patsy". Maybe it is an accent thing. :)
Paul is alive. jk. The S.B.T.C. thing is a giant leap.
Totaly agree. due to legal restrictions, employment contractual disallows, etc. James Kolar cannot reveal all he has ever read or been told regarding the JonBenet case.

So what his book is suggesting is an alternative focus, albeit on Burke, but through the prism of an medical condition.

Indirect evidence backing James Kolar up is the Grand Jury True Bills, meaning he is onto something but legally cannot offer detail.

All the other RDI theorists including IDI have to demonstrate why the current evidence removes Burke from consideration?

I came away from several books written by those investigating the case. There is probably good insight in each of these. Kolar definitely examined as much about each family member as possible. In my humble opinion, unless someone was invited into the home, it really leaves the three we know were present. I thought Kolar really worked both possibilities (outsider/insider). He landed at two strained parents covering for their son. I am not sure we will ever know the full truth. My personal opinion is that Kolar shared his investigation well as how it came to this possibility. I trust the Grand Jury's decisions though they were dismissed.

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