Sacramento Bounty Hunter To Sue Casey Anthony

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I may be in the minority, but when LP first got involved I truly believe he thought if FICA was released she would lead them to Caylee. Oh, yes, I know he liked the publicity, but he got her out of jail when her parents couldn't afford to. He was used if you ask me. So they got what they wanted, and LP got the publicity he wanted.

He was made a laughing stock, and treated less then, JMHO. The other night on HLN when he spoke up and said he had a law degree, I applauded him silently for that. He's not really the "dumb hick" folks make him out to be.

If he wants to sue, more power to him. Why not, after all, like JB likes to say, "This is America, get over it!" LOL
Maybe the lawyers of all the people suing FCA could hold a "group deposition" and get all the questioning done at once.
Wouldn't that be fun to watch?
I may be in the minority, but when LP first got involved I truly believe he thought if FICA was released she would lead them to Caylee. Oh, yes, I know he liked the publicity, but he got her out of jail when her parents couldn't afford to. He was used if you ask me. So they got what they wanted, and LP got the publicity he wanted.

He was made a laughing stock, and treated less then, JMHO. The other night on HLN when he spoke up and said he had a law degree, I applauded him silently for that. He's not really the "dumb hick" folks make him out to be.

If he wants to sue, more power to him. Why not, after all, like JB likes to say, "This is America, get over it!" LOL

BBM-That may have been a very noble secondary gain, and it was a good gamble.

However, LP was approached by media in Cali to get his arse over to Florida and get them a scoop. He admits this in a backwards sort of way when he says that one of his "friends" out in California was telling him about the case and it piqued his one ever asked him who the "friend" was, but I am sure that "friend" had a press pass.
What exactly would his suit cover? HE didn't bail her out, his nephew played all of the money games when bonding her out and Tracy did the babysitting of Casey. HE never physically searched for Caylee... he rode TES' coattails when it came to searching, and when that went south he got some divers to volunteer for an unwarranted search of the river... as a matter of fact he had the audacity to try to take credit for the the media and volunteer turnout when in reality the media had long picked the story up before he made an appearance, and TES' reputation as a superb search group would have brought in the volunteer numbers, regardless.

Maybe he is trying to cover the cost of all the autographs he put on those fancy baseball type cards he gave out? posing fees for all of the pics people took with him? Or maybe this is nothing more than LP working a new sympathetic angle of getting his face and name back in the national media, at the cost of Florida taxpayers... heaven knows he can't go to the media now to just cash in on his part of the Casey story, alone, given the worldwide backlash. People are having none of it...

I just hope this means we will finally hear and see the name of what media entity encouraged him to take his circus tent down to Florida.
Padilla will do anything to keep his mug in front of a camera. He is a publicity seeking hound.
Personally, I hope everyone sues her, makes her poor as a church mouse and makes her life as miserable as possible.
IMO, she will leave the country and never show up for any thing after her new ID.
Does anyone know if he has filed yet? Or even has an attorney willing to take the case. Not seen any action on this despite all the hype.

N.B.: Anyone keeping an eye on the filings may also want to look at the federal dockets since this could be in the federal courts under Diversity Jurisdiction as value of claim exceeds $75K.

He is not an attorney Licensed in California.

He has a law degree from Lincoln Law School, an evening-only law school for students who wish to study law at an other-than full-time institution. Lincoln has 250 students enrolled, lacks ABA accreditation (although it was accredited by the Committee of Bar Examiners (CBE) of the State Bar of California in 1978), has a 38 percent bar pass rate on the first attempt.

He did found a law school himself, with worse statistics than Lincoln.

Source: Wikipedia Articles for Leonard Padilla, University of Northern California, Lorenzo Patiño School of Law (UNC) and Lincoln Law School.
Maybe the lawyers of all the people suing FCA could hold a "group deposition" and get all the questioning done at once.
Wouldn't that be fun to watch?

It would be like herding cats! (I'd pay to watch though.) :great:
I may be in the minority, but when LP first got involved I truly believe he thought if FICA was released she would lead them to Caylee. Oh, yes, I know he liked the publicity, but he got her out of jail when her parents couldn't afford to. He was used if you ask me. So they got what they wanted, and LP got the publicity he wanted.

He was made a laughing stock, and treated less then, JMHO. The other night on HLN when he spoke up and said he had a law degree, I applauded him silently for that. He's not really the "dumb hick" folks make him out to be.

If he wants to sue, more power to him. Why not, after all, like JB likes to say, "This is America, get over it!" LOL

I don't disagree,but once the dogs hit on the decomp,I think he knew,like most of us,that Caylee was dead.
At that point he might have expected Casey to cave and admit to an accident (again,as most of us) but she proved to be without a heart or a soul .
Totally OT, but this weekend I visted several of the Smithsonian Museums. I saw a poster of Justice ,much like Crucibelle's and thought of WS. Later in one of the Smithsonian shops they were selling LambChop puppets. Y'all are everywhere! Love my peeps!!!!:blowkiss:
"says he's going to"... do it or not. Don't talk about nothing. Sheesh. Hey... you're an "alleged" bounty hunter, Lenny... why don't you go find her!? :loser:

I doubt if he expects to win ,just tie the DT up in knots for awhile :great:

He injected himself into the case .
"says he's going to"... do it or not. Don't talk about nothing. Sheesh. Hey... you're an "alleged" bounty hunter, Lenny... why don't you go find her!? :loser:

:giggle: No kidding! Betcha Roy Kronk finds and serves LP with papers before Lenny finds Casey.
Totally OT, but this weekend I visted several of the Smithsonian Museums. I saw a poster of Justice ,much like Crucibelle's and thought of WS. Later in one of the Smithsonian shops they were selling LambChop puppets. Y'all are everywhere! Love my peeps!!!!:blowkiss:

Oh.....I have a LambChop puppet, too. Entertaining for the grandchild.
I doubt if he expects to win ,just tie the DT up in knots for awhile :great:

He injected himself into the case .

He doesn't expect to win. He just wants the major players together in a court room where they will have to answer questions under oath to try to get at the truth of what happened...especially KC and JB.

I may be in the minority, but when LP first got involved I truly believe he thought if FICA was released she would lead them to Caylee. Oh, yes, I know he liked the publicity, but he got her out of jail when her parents couldn't afford to. He was used if you ask me. So they got what they wanted, and LP got the publicity he wanted.

He was made a laughing stock, and treated less then, JMHO. The other night on HLN when he spoke up and said he had a law degree, I applauded him silently for that. He's not really the "dumb hick" folks make him out to be.

If he wants to sue, more power to him. Why not, after all, like JB likes to say, "This is America, get over it!" LOL

Sorry, I can't agree with any part of your post. LP was not used, he jumped in with both guns blazing saying, "Look at me, look at me!" He used people, including Casey and the Anthonys, to get his own smarmy mug in the media, but worse than that, he used Caylee. I think he's a disgusting excuse for a human being, second only to Casey.

He's cost the people of Florida a great deal of money by intentionally and repeatedly creating scenes where police presence was needed. He created the lies about RK that the defense used in their case. He promoted the idea that Lee was Caylee's father.

No one made a laughing stock of him, he did that to himself with his lies and media shows and ridiculous conspiracy theories.

Just like every other American, he has the right to file a suit, but he surely doesn't deserve to win, not even against Casey.
It is only good to sue people with money. I don't know if the can get a judgement future income. I hope they can. Florida is a very odd state. OJ moved out of Califonria to avoid paying money. He resided in Florida so people couldn't get his home, income.
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