Australia Samantha Murphy, 51, last seen leaving her property to go for a run in the Canadian State Forest, Ballarat, 4 Feb 2024 *Arrest* #10

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No one is saying they have done anything wrong, the only person who has caused this is the accused murderer.
And possibly putting his poor family in danger, if he has told them crucial information, names of anyone else etc, leading up to court proceedings. It's a safety net

But no one else has been charged. Police have not said they are looking for anyone else.

Who are they in "danger " from ??
We all have our own opinions, and that's all good. I feel a lot more will be coming out
No doubt... that's just how things seem to go in Australia.

The case of the 12 year old girl shot and disposed by a parent or step parent is currently on trial.

All the information has been coming out day by day.

Before then... Not much was given.

Expect exactly the same with the Samantha Murphy case.

All you can expect from here until the the trial now is "We have located human remains. They have been identified as those of SM. The family has been notified".
Perhaps you misunderstood my post. Patrick Stephenson would be considered a past student of a Catholic School who has now been charged with murder. There is no precedent for the Catholic Church having paid Legal Fees under these circumstances.

The articles you attached refer to abuse within the Catholic Church By Priests, Brothers or similar... not a parishioner.
No doubt... that's just how things seem to go in Australia.

The case of the 12 year old girl shot and disposed by a parent or step parent is currently on trial.

All the information has been coming out day by day.

Before then... Not much was given.

Expect exactly the same with the Samantha Murphy case.

All you can expect from here until the the trial now is "We have located human remains. They have been identified as those of SM. The family has been notified".
very good points.
The same can be said in the Greg Lynn murder trial of Russell Hill and Carol Clay in Vic High Country.
I always appreciate your comments Trooper, they are always well thought through.

I’ll preface this with it all being entirely hypothetical and my opinion only.

I recall, in the very early days of SM going missing, a local resident shared footage they had taken of someone driving extremely fast down the dirt roads in the area. The resident had been walking and, seeing the fast car approach, had taken their phone out of their pocket and filmed the hoon out of frustration and anger. They shared the video simply demonstrate that some people drive erratically down those bush tracks and to explore the possibility that SM had been hit and was lying down the side of a track somewhere.

What if SM had similar frustrations? Perhaps she saw the car hooning towards her and takes her phone out to video. PS sees that she is videoing and realises that further evidence of him driving dangerously will not bode well with his already impending court case. Maybe, as others have noted, he is on a restricted license and isn’t even meant to be driving.

Panicked and enraged (possibly still drug affected from the night before, but not necessarily), he either swerves, doubles back or stops, but either way, he has an altercation with her - he attacks her in some way, hitting her with the car or physically chasing her down. Either way, the video is still rolling and his deliberate attack is sent to the cloud, providing the irrefutable evidence that we are all curious for.

If he hit her with the car, it may explain why the police were initially asking about information about a damaged car.

He does not leave the scene (giving police plausibility to refute the “hit and run” scenario), but instead loads her into the back of his car.

A deliberate attack such as this may have been enough to warrant the murder charge, however, if we aren’t satisfied that is the case, perhaps she was still alive at this point, unconscious, which is possibly substantiated by her watch data. Further panicked about the situation he has found himself in, he ends her life in the back of his car, resulting in a substantial about of blood / dna in the back of his car (the has been talked about in other forums but is unsubstantiated).

Either way, her heart stopping is substantiated by her watch data, giving LA the confidence that she died at Mt Clear at 8am.

A scenario such as this would offer a motive and sufficient evidence. Again, just my opinion and entirely hypothetical.

As you say @Trooper , all will be revealed in time!!
Sounds like a pretty reasonable theory.
I always go back to the Motor Collision Investigative Unit being involved in one of the searches, from my understanding this unit only investigates if a death results from a collision. The timing of the search IIRC would've been after Stephenson became the number one POI.
Perhaps the police had some digital evidence and after the MCIU investigated they were able to determine there was a collision and the impact was non-survivable.

In previous threads I've posted a few examples of drivers being charged with murder in Victoria.
This is another recent case in Vic. I'm not across all the details but after reading a few articles it seems that the victim responded to a break in at his workplace, offenders were still on the premises, there was an altercation and then the victim hit by a car deliberately. One of the alleged offenders charged with murder last March.
Another terrible story :(
But no one else has been charged. Police have not said they are looking for anyone else.

Who are they in "danger " from ??
We will have to wait until August. But police will only be telling the media on what they want to say. If something big is happening, the police certainly won't be saying anything that could cause damage to the case. There seems is more to this and why a young bloke supposedly is keeping quiet, but crucial information has come out from somewhere about the location of her phone relatively easy to find and everything seeming intact, and that it's in pretty good condition. But it seems the accused murderer was meticulous in hiding the body, murder weapon, and other evidence relating to the crime.
A good barrister can project many facets, all of which appear to be the genuine thing.. one day a promoter of old lady bashing, next day a protector of sleazy off course betting spivs.. it's all in a days work.

The feminist provocation thing ( gritted teeth , here :p ) was once a real thing in Victoria 's courts. Back in 2003, Jamie Ramage murdered his wife, and claimed provocation, he said she made disparaging remarks about certain bodily parts attached to his person, which made him strangle her. He got 8 years for it, but the backlash was immense from Victoria's mouthy women, and the statute was struck from the ledger, no bloke can pull that one off again.

Galbally will float with the vibe, as they say. I do wonder what the defence will consist off. The curiousity is in overdrive.
Yes, who knows what defense angle they could target?!
My impression of these high profile criminal defense characters is that they love taking on seemingly un-winnable cases involving deplorable individuals for the notoriety…and even better if they can successfully plead using some rarely-cited, obscure legal mechanism or precedent that wouldn’t really pass the ‘pub test’ (ie, “bit of a stretch, mate!”)
Melbourne prominent criminal defense lawyer Robert Richter successfully pleaded self-defense for well known underworld figure Mick Gattto (who allegedly murdered ‘Benji’ Veniamen) in a restaurant in broad daylight (not far from my old house!).
He told the jury: “you read the papers…you probably think he did it. If so, you must acquit, because ‘probably’ is not proof beyond reasonable doubt”.
(Incidentally, Gatto now has Robert Richter’s name tattooed on his chest)
But no one else has been charged. Police have not said they are looking for anyone else.

Who are they in "danger " from ??
Well, possibly, if they told us, they'd have to kill us.

Seriously though, we don't know all that's happening. If, as early posts suggested, there is a flourishing underworld not too far from Ballarat, that could be a reason.

Maybe police are simply not taking any chances.

Yes, who knows what defense angle they could target?!
My impression of these high profile criminal defense characters is that they love taking on seemingly un-winnable cases involving deplorable individuals for the notoriety…and even better if they can successfully plead using some rarely-cited, obscure legal mechanism or precedent that wouldn’t really pass the ‘pub test’ (ie, “bit of a stretch, mate!”)
Melbourne prominent criminal defense lawyer Robert Richter successfully pleaded self-defense for well known underworld figure Mick Gattto (who allegedly murdered ‘Benji’ Veniamen) in a restaurant in broad daylight (not far from my old house!).
He told the jury: “you read the papers…you probably think he did it. If so, you must acquit, because ‘probably’ is not proof beyond reasonable doubt”.
(Incidentally, Gatto now has Robert Richter’s name tattooed on his chest)
RIchter, one of the least pleasant barristers in all of AU, , imo. ...

They certainly give the appearance of relishing the job, most of their work is on the basis of luck, what brief will be assigned to me if my name comes out of the barrel? ( barristers names go into a barrel for deciding who goes on the roster for a judicial season, then another lottery happens when a case is sent down by the DPP. )

This is a barristers life. One day, representing a famous footballer, or a high flying business man, next day a homeless man caught in a lethal robbery.,

It' all 'grist to the mill'..

The only defence I can think of for Stephenson is ( and this is probably why I am not a barrister ) some mental deficiency, bought about by banging his own head with a pair of cablecutters in each hand.,

(poor Benji..!. his life wasn't worth brass razoo, in the end! )
I suppose every murderers parents get interviewed by the police, generally speaking. Did his parents need to get interviewed. ?.. need being the operative, I suppose so, because there was some story that he was sort of inbetween homes, going back and forth to his girlfriends and his parents home, and he actually worked for his father on a daily basis, so.. it would be advantageous to interview them , one could argue.
I agree Trooper. IMO police would be keen to interview PS' dad to ascertain whether he was always in attendance at work through the relevant period. Any impromptu disappearances/unable to contact at various times, vehicles AWOL for a while, specific tools missing, any problems with business's CCTV? JMO
Well, possibly, if they told us, they'd have to kill us.

Seriously though, we don't know all that's happening. If, as early posts suggested, there is a flourishing underworld not too far from Ballarat, that could be a reason.

Maybe police are simply not taking any chances.

Genuine question for those that believe this is OMCG/underworld related, how often are those groups ending the lives of average, middle aged mums?
I can't think of any, except Jane Thurgood Dove and the well known police theory in that murder is that it was a case of mistaken identity.
A good barrister can project many facets, all of which appear to be the genuine thing.. one day a promoter of old lady bashing, next day a protector of sleazy off course betting spivs.. it's all in a days work.

The feminist provocation thing ( gritted teeth , here :p ) was once a real thing in Victoria 's courts. Back in 2003, Jamie Ramage murdered his wife, and claimed provocation, he said she made disparaging remarks about certain bodily parts attached to his person, which made him strangle her. He got 8 years for it, but the backlash was immense from Victoria's mouthy women, and the statute was struck from the ledger, no bloke can pull that one off again.

Galbally will float with the vibe, as they say. I do wonder what the defence will consist off. The curiousity is in overdrive.
If Galbally was hired by PS, would PS have needed to speak to him and tell his story first or can it be usual to hire without the accused disclosing anything? Wondering how much PS needs to share with Galbally. I just can’t imagine PS just dropping his silent cautiousness.
Genuine question for those that believe this is OMCG/underworld related, how often are those groups ending the lives of average, middle aged mums?
I can't think of any, except Jane Thurgood Dove and the well known police theory in that murder is that it was a case of mistaken identity.
I was replying in the context of protection from "whom?"
I don't really know, and my response was simply a suggestion.
I have no idea whether or not the Stephensons are being protected, but if they are, there would be a good reason for it.

If Galbally was hired by PS, would PS have needed to speak to him and tell his story first or can it be usual to hire without the accused disclosing anything? Wondering how much PS needs to share with Galbally. I just can’t imagine PS just dropping his silent cautiousness.
Let me put it this way. A barrister receives instruction from a client. A barrister also receives instruction from the client's solicitor, should the client require this..

PS would, at the least had to have actually used his voice to say 'yes' to the attachment of Galbally to his legal team. A nod would not suffice the requirements of the contract. ie, there is now a contract between Galbally and Stephenson.

As to telling his story, one can only hope. I have no way of knowing who he has told this to, if anyone, but , you know, Mr R.. talking to one's barrister is the normal thing, Anything else is outrageously abnormal. If no one else, you talk to your Silk.

I have not been in the position of being charged with murder, but if I was, I would lay it all out at this point in the game. Stephensons options are becoming rapidly less salubrious by the day, it appears to me, so...

And , naturally. if he has a watertight defence , Galbally is the man he should be detailing it to, for sure and certain!. no one else.

Just a reminder, Stephenson has publicly only muttered one word. This was at his appearance back in, oh March, when he was arrested. He was in Remand, and the matter was ZOOMED into Ballarat circuit court, and the magisrate asked him 'Mr Stephenson, can you hear me? " and Stephenson said ' yes', and THATS IT!!.. that all there is, folks...
We will have to wait until August. But police will only be telling the media on what they want to say. If something big is happening, the police certainly won't be saying anything that could cause damage to the case. There seems is more to this and why a young bloke supposedly is keeping quiet, but crucial information has come out from somewhere about the location of her phone relatively easy to find and everything seeming intact, and that it's in pretty good condition. But it seems the accused murderer was meticulous in hiding the body, murder weapon, and other evidence relating to the crime.
It could be as simple as believing he will get away with it if he zips his mouth and then settling in to a "no comment" interview.

Re the phone's location, in this report there is mention of police working closely with a tech expert who helped find Samantha's mobile. The expert also worked on other high profile cases such as Karen Ristevski.

I don't think I'd call him meticulous. He was arrested and charged very quickly so obviously left some good crumbs for detectives, he's made mistakes. We don't know if police have the weapon or other any other evidence (other than what has been made public). It could be that luck has been on his side so far in terms of hiding Samantha's body. There are plenty of cases where a body has taken months to be found, Karen Ristevski is one.
If Galbally was hired by PS, would PS have needed to speak to him and tell his story first or can it be usual to hire without the accused disclosing anything? Wondering how much PS needs to share with Galbally. I just can’t imagine PS just dropping his silent cautiousness.
It depends if Galbally was assigned by the court to represent him, as a public service. In that case, Galbally would be flying in blind before he meets him as his client, and he his legal rep.

If Galbally is a paid rep, paid by the client, that is, he would have discussed this with Stephensons solicitor, the bloke from Ballarat who was his legal bloke in the minor matters , traffic, etc.. HE would then become part of Galbally's team for the duration of the trial.
Genuine question for those that believe this is OMCG/underworld related, how often are those groups ending the lives of average, middle aged mums?
I can't think of any, except Jane Thurgood Dove and the well known police theory in that murder is that it was a case of mistaken identity.
Roll into it that it that might not have been intended she be killed and it becomes a bit more believable.

What's Mick Gatto's claim to fame in the business world again these days? Resolving outstanding debt, I think he calls it.

This may have been a case of resolving outstanding debt gone wrong.
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