Santa' s secret visit

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kactres said:
I personally think we are making too much of the Secret Santa Or Santa's secret visit..I'm not sure if it has been clarified as to which it is...anyway...
could this been nothing more than the fact that they were goin to Charlevoix for Christmas with the other kids and Patsy did in fact state that she had additional presents for JB and Burke..hence a "second Santa Coming"....JAR of Melinda could have possible alluded to the Santa thing..or one of the friends at the party...

Groucho: It's all right, that's in every contract. That's what they call a sanity clause.

Chico: Ha ha ha ha... you can't fool me. There ain't no Santy Clause
Seeker said:
JonBenet was only 6 years old, so she may have said secret instead of special because she didn't remember the correct word, OR Barbara Kostanick is mistaken.

I'm only going by what Bill McReynolds said. He said it was a special visit, not a secret visit.

I'm not sure if this was suggested or if I read, or heard it somewhere but I seem to remember that he said something about not having her gift with him at the time. I don't recall why. Anyone else remember this?
I'm thinking that a six year old knows the difference between secret and special. And I don't personally think Barbara Kostanick is mistaken. She found it odd enough that she contacted the police to relate this story.

Maybe "Santa" DID tell this to JonBenét. Could be another Santa. Or a "friend" of Santa. Doesn't have to be McReynolds. And as far as Santa Bill goes, if I remember correctly, he denied saying anything at all to JonBenét about a separate visit- neither special nor secret.
Toltec said:
There was a torn up note found in JonBenet's wastebasket alluding to a "Secret Santa"....John was asked about this note but he claimed not to recognize it.

It was thought to have come from the AmeriKids pageant along with the stuffed bear santa.

Why it was torn is anyone's guess.

When I heard Trip DuMuth say there was a note about the special visit I assumed he'd been misinformed. Is he your source? Can you tell us any other details about this, and mcSanta allegedly saying he didn't have JonBenet's gift with him at the time? Seeker? You too? TIA
Eagle1 said:
When I heard Trip DuMuth say there was a note about the special visit I assumed he'd been misinformed. Is he your source? Can you tell us any other details about this, and mcSanta allegedly saying he didn't have JonBenet's gift with him at the time? Seeker? You too? TIA

JonBenet-The Police Files...pg338:

John was then shown two photos showing a torn-up letter that was found in the trash can in JonBenet's room.

LS: Have you ever seen a letter like that?

JR: It doesn't look familiar...its says, "Somebody loves you all. Merry Christmas."

LS: I can tell you that these items were found in the trash can in your daughters room and it was torn up.

JR: Do you know what the word before "loves" is? "Somebody loves you all."

LS: I am sure that has been looked at very closely. It appears to be a Santa Clause letter.

JR: (trying to read the torn-up letter)..."Friend, enjoy your holidays, Christmas." Well, it doesn;'t look like anything I have seen before...and I don't know what it would be doing, you know, torn up in...
I was never able to find that book.

Thanks for your post. But I don't see where anyone said the torn card promised any visit.
Eagle1 said:
I was never able to find that book.

Thanks for your post. But I don't see where anyone said the torn card promised any visit.
Here ya go, Eagle- Available new & used from $0.29!

JonBenet the Police Files
It sounds like a typical Christmas card. I'm sure the Rams got as many cards and newsletters as they sent out themselves, which must've been dozens and dozens. The "you all" sounds like a letter addressed to the family, definitely not JonBenet alone, and "Friend" is totally generic.
IrishMist said:
Here ya go, Eagle- Available new & used from $0.29!

JonBenet the Police Files

I'm probably going to order one, first want to see if Amazon has any other JonBenet books I don't have.

Meanwhile, who would tear up the Christmas card and put it in JonBenet's waste basket? Is it evidence of an intruder? (I'm a fence person but like to hear all sides of a thing.)
It was a "special" visit, but it was supposed to be a secret.

According to PMPT (paperback pg. 50):

Then JonBenét said, "Santa Claus promised that he would make a secret visit after Christmas."

I thought she was confused. "Christmas is tonight," I told her. "And Santa will be coming tonight."

"No, no," JonBenét insisted. "He said this would be after Christmas. And it's a secret."

-Barbara Kostanick

Respectfully Quoted IrishMist

( :twocents: )
Since JB was so insistent that it was "Santa Claus" that had promised her this visit, it makes me wonder what about this "person" made JB know him/her as Santa Claus? Did this person, was this person wearing a Santa suit when they told her of this visit? From Thanksgiving on, there would be reason for a person to wear a Santa suit but still a person would be limited as to where they could/would be wearing the suit.

Maybe someone relayed a message to JB supposedly through Santa by word or (the mentioned) "note"? Although, to me the way it is worded it seems JB got this message first hand from Santa.

Could be as simple as someone she trusts telling her this story, so she believes it.

ETA: Just read about the note that was ripped up in the trash. Will read more about this.


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