GUILTY Sarah Lawrence College (Larry Ray) - sex trafficking and abuse *arrests*

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Jul 3, 2019
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Hi all, I only recently created an account, but have been a lurker for a really long time. This isn't a new story, but I had been surprised that no one had ever posted this completely bizarre story on here. The New Yorker also ran this story. To summarize, a college student's father was released from prison and moved into her dorm. He began "counseling" her roomates, things got really weird, it turned into a sex cult of sorts, he had complete control over everyone and brainwashed them, separated the from their families, extorted hundreds of thousands of dollars from them, etc. Also included in this man's story is a Russian conspiracy and political intrigue.

He was psychologically evaluated, and this is the findings: "A psychological evaluation of the family members commissioned by Teresa’s lawyers and submitted to the court characterized Larry as “literally impossible to evaluate” because “he is able to manipulate and control almost any situation in which he finds himself, including a psychological interview with a forensic examiner, no matter how experienced that examiner may be. Mr. Ray is very good at what he does.” The report went on to say that Larry “can be utterly charming and one can be disarmed by his childlike simplicity and smile. But Mr. Ray is no child; he is a calculating, manipulative, and hostile man.”

The Stolen Kids of Sarah Lawrence

Googling this guy really leads you down a rabbit hole...
Hi all, I only recently created an account, but have been a lurker for a really long time. This isn't a new story, but I had been surprised that no one had ever posted this completely bizarre story on here. The New Yorker also ran this story. To summarize, a college student's father was released from prison and moved into her dorm. He began "counseling" her roomates, things got really weird, it turned into a sex cult of sorts, he had complete control over everyone and brainwashed them, separated the from their families, extorted hundreds of thousands of dollars from them, etc. Also included in this man's story is a Russian conspiracy and political intrigue.

He was psychologically evaluated, and this is the findings: "A psychological evaluation of the family members commissioned by Teresa’s lawyers and submitted to the court characterized Larry as “literally impossible to evaluate” because “he is able to manipulate and control almost any situation in which he finds himself, including a psychological interview with a forensic examiner, no matter how experienced that examiner may be. Mr. Ray is very good at what he does.” The report went on to say that Larry “can be utterly charming and one can be disarmed by his childlike simplicity and smile. But Mr. Ray is no child; he is a calculating, manipulative, and hostile man.”

The Stolen Kids of Sarah Lawrence

Googling this guy really leads you down a rabbit hole...
Good grief, a rabbit hole indeed.
What a story. Just odd, sad, weird and evil. It's frightening that such good, searching and trusting young men and women got waylaid -- they were just trying to find their way at a school where broad thinking and a good bit of freedom of thought are encouraged for good things like maturity, sound thinking, self-honesty, and growing in a healthy way. Some kids who were finding their way got detoured by this I-don't-know-what-to-call-it kind of person. Did he enjoy *advertiser censored*ing with the bright minds of these students? Why, why, why?
Until I read this, I had no idea about this sadness.
Thanks for sharing -- very thought-provoking and scary.

And this --
Welcome to Websleuths,
EvilOlivE !!
Good grief, a rabbit hole indeed.
What a story. Just odd, sad, weird and evil. It's frightening that such good, searching and trusting young men and women got waylaid -- they were just trying to find their way at a school where broad thinking and a good bit of freedom of thought are encouraged for good things like maturity, sound thinking, self-honesty, and growing in a healthy way. Some kids who were finding their way got detoured by this I-don't-know-what-to-call-it kind of person. Did he enjoy *advertiser censored*ing with the bright minds of these students? Why, why, why?
Until I read this, I had no idea about this sadness.
Thanks for sharing -- very thought-provoking and scary.

And this --
Welcome to Websleuths,
EvilOlivE !!
Thank You! :)

I don't even know what this is....this is a webpage of one of the girls who is apparently still living with him in NYC, with at least one other girl:
Absolutely terrifying. As a mother of three daughters, I cannot imagine what the parents of these young adults have gone through.
This man very much reminds me of my dad. It’s honestly refreshing to hear other peoples reactions to the story so I can gauge how outrageous my childhood experience was. I would love to learn more about the story if anyone has any updates.
Larry Ray has just been indicted:

Sarah Lawrence Parent Accused of Sex Trafficking and Abusing Students

A former convict from New Jersey has been charged with targeting his daughter’s friends at Sarah Lawrence College for indoctrination and exploitation, engaging in sex trafficking, extortion and forced labor, according to an indictment released on Tuesday.

Shortly after the man, Lawrence V. Ray, left prison about a decade ago, he moved into his daughter’s dormitory at the elite college in Yonkers, N.Y., and began manipulating her friends and others, the indictment said. Over the course of nearly a decade, Mr. Ray “subjected his victims to sexual and psychological manipulation and physical abuse.”

He is accused of extorting money and unpaid labor from several young adults who came under his sway and had at least one engage in prostitution for his financial benefit. The extortion came after he extracted false confessions from his victims, through tactics like sleep deprivation, psychological and sexual humiliation, verbal abuse, physical violence and threats of legal action, the indictment charged.


Mr. Ray, 60, was also accused of laundering about $1 million he obtained from his victims, the indictment said. He was arrested on Tuesday morning at his home in Piscataway, N.J.
Hi all, I only recently created an account, but have been a lurker for a really long time. This isn't a new story, but I had been surprised that no one had ever posted this completely bizarre story on here. The New Yorker also ran this story. To summarize, a college student's father was released from prison and moved into her dorm. He began "counseling" her roomates, things got really weird, it turned into a sex cult of sorts, he had complete control over everyone and brainwashed them, separated the from their families, extorted hundreds of thousands of dollars from them, etc. Also included in this man's story is a Russian conspiracy and political intrigue.

He was psychologically evaluated, and this is the findings: "A psychological evaluation of the family members commissioned by Teresa’s lawyers and submitted to the court characterized Larry as “literally impossible to evaluate” because “he is able to manipulate and control almost any situation in which he finds himself, including a psychological interview with a forensic examiner, no matter how experienced that examiner may be. Mr. Ray is very good at what he does.” The report went on to say that Larry “can be utterly charming and one can be disarmed by his childlike simplicity and smile. But Mr. Ray is no child; he is a calculating, manipulative, and hostile man.”

The Stolen Kids of Sarah Lawrence

Googling this guy really leads you down a rabbit hole...
Great thread, EOE. This should be getting much more attention here, if only for the collegial backdrop and the initial implausability alone. Fascinating case. This one draws my first Websleuths comment, and thanks again for exposing this bizarre scenario to members here.
Makes you very leary when sending your kids off to university. :eek:
Hi all, I only recently created an account, but have been a lurker for a really long time. This isn't a new story, but I had been surprised that no one had ever posted this completely bizarre story on here. The New Yorker also ran this story. To summarize, a college student's father was released from prison and moved into her dorm. He began "counseling" her roomates, things got really weird, it turned into a sex cult of sorts, he had complete control over everyone and brainwashed them, separated the from their families, extorted hundreds of thousands of dollars from them, etc. Also included in this man's story is a Russian conspiracy and political intrigue.

He was psychologically evaluated, and this is the findings: "A psychological evaluation of the family members commissioned by Teresa’s lawyers and submitted to the court characterized Larry as “literally impossible to evaluate” because “he is able to manipulate and control almost any situation in which he finds himself, including a psychological interview with a forensic examiner, no matter how experienced that examiner may be. Mr. Ray is very good at what he does.” The report went on to say that Larry “can be utterly charming and one can be disarmed by his childlike simplicity and smile. But Mr. Ray is no child; he is a calculating, manipulative, and hostile man.”

The Stolen Kids of Sarah Lawrence

Googling this guy really leads you down a rabbit hole...

On February 11, 2020, Larry Ray was indicted by federal prosecutors for sex trafficking, extortion, conspiracy and other charges. Authorities began investigating Ray in response to this article.

This is Claudia, the one he turned to an escort and made $500,000 from over 8 years. He is on the video getting her to confess she poisoned him. Irony is that in fact is the one who had 5 of victims drink poison.

The video he made of her will be part of his undoing - The FBI have a lot more serious evidence though.

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