SC SC - Annette Deanne Sagers, 11, Mount Holly, 4 Oct 1988

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That wasn't her. That was a half-sister on the FATHER'S side. Annette was not Thomas' biological daughter. Even if the poster WAS Annette, she would not be related to the boys on the FATHER'S side. She would be the boys' half sister on their MOTHER'S side. However, the boys were not Korrina's sons.
I wanted to send out an update to all who were wondering about what happened with the half sister. I am the half sister although I am not Annette. The first child born although did not grow up with my biological father as he left my mother before I was born, I only happen to be the same age as Annette. The search for my father and his family back in 1994 led me to the discovery of other half siblings also fathered by Thomas Steven Malinoski and the sad disappearance of Annette and her mother Korrina. For years I searched for my brothers and we have infact reunited and correspond regularly. I could not be more proud of the men they have become then if we had grown up together and am greatful to geneology for helping to reunite us. Technology is a wonderful thing. I still hope that thier mother and sister are found safe in a new life somewhere and hope that they are able to reconnect with each other as I know they wish this as well.

Was anyone able to find any further information about the facebook page of Korrina? I looked it up and thought of sending a friend request but I don't accept friend request from people I don't know so can't imagine anyone else who would. Especially if they dissappeared of there own free will (which is my hope) They may not want to be found.
Welcome! If you have a facebook her fb profile has a message and friend request button.
I wish we had a pic of Korrina from back then to compare.
I wanted to send out an update to all who were wondering about what happened with the half sister. I am the half sister although I am not Annette. The first child born although did not grow up with my biological father as he left my mother before I was born, I only happen to be the same age as Annette. The search for my father and his family back in 1994 led me to the discovery of other half siblings also fathered by Thomas Steven Malinoski and the sad disappearance of Annette and her mother Korrina. For years I searched for my brothers and we have infact reunited and correspond regularly. I could not be more proud of the men they have become then if we had grown up together and am greatful to geneology for helping to reunite us. Technology is a wonderful thing. I still hope that thier mother and sister are found safe in a new life somewhere and hope that they are able to reconnect with each other as I know they wish this as well.

Was anyone able to find any further information about the facebook page of Korrina? I looked it up and thought of sending a friend request but I don't accept friend request from people I don't know so can't imagine anyone else who would. Especially if they dissappeared of there own free will (which is my hope) They may not want to be found.

I was wondering about what you said that you hope that thier mother and sister are found safe. Was Korrina the bio mother of your brothers?

I was wondering about what you said that you hope that thier mother and sister are found safe. Was Korrina the bio mother of your brothers?

In response to your question yes Korrina is thier mother. They still hope to find her.
I am a distant cousin of Annette Sagers. I would love more information carolinagirl56 any. I am 1 year older than Annette and this has been a mystery for our family. My grandmother raised Annettes mother off and on after Korrina's mother was killed. I would love for you to contact me about this.
Love her Iowa family.
Korrina and Annette have never contacted her family in Iowa. We have not heard from her. We have always wondered and have our own theories as to what happened. @alwayssearching. I would like to believe your story of knowing the boys and speaking to them. If you are in touch with them I would love to get in contact with them. So please send me the information.
This is the area I grew up. I went to WES, WMS, SHS. This case is also special to me. I'd like to get as much information about this case as I can.
In response to your question yes Korrina is thier mother. They still hope to find her.

I was under the impression through newspaper articles that Korrina was not the biological mother of the boys. Korrina had Annette from a previous relationship, and Steven had the boys from a previous relationship. I always thought this was why Korrina would come back for Annette and not the boys.

If this is incorrect then my mind is a little bit blown. Can you give us any information regarding life with Annette and/or Korrina from the boys' perspectives? It would be wonderful if they were willing to join in and give us insight.

I'm also curious about Steven. He seemed to sow some pretty wild oats. Can you tell us how many children he's had?

I've got to be honest, I'm pretty excited about the new activity on this case!

Bump for this case. Any new info? Seems like it was gaining momentum for awhile. Prayers for the family to find Annette and her mother.
Bump for this case. Any new info? Seems like it was gaining momentum for awhile. Prayers for the family to find Annette and her mother.

I have a current update on this case. I am one of the prior sons of Thomas Stephen Malinoski (aka Steve). I no longer refer to my self as his son and have not since he gave up his rights as a parent. I go by Tommy. I am his oldest son. My full blood brother, James, is the one that contacted our half sister (Steve's daughther) in regards to Genealogy post. My half sister keeps contact with us on a frequent basis. James and I are still looking for our mother, Korrina. We also, have another half sister that is another one of Steve's daughters that lives in Louisiana. So, Steve had 2 daughters with two seperate women prior to James and I being born. Annette was with Korrina when we were born. Now, Steve is married to another woman that lives in Florida and has three more kids. If anyone has any possible leads, please let me know.
Welcome Tommy. I think about Annette's case often. How old where you when she went missing? Where you old enough to remember what happened that day?
I am glad people are still posting to this thread. I do not remember anything about that day. I do remember living on a plantation when I was younger. I always had a gut feeling that I had an older sister that was in the house with James and I. James and I were adopted when I was about 16 and it was in '88 Steve relinquished his rights as a parent. We were in foster homes and in a large group home. I was born in '84 and I believe I was 4 when she went missing. I do however, remember moving and living with an older couple in Florida when Steve was still around. I am sure that was his parents. We moved shortly after that to the projects.

This is our story as follows...

James and I asked to go to a friends house. Steve was in the bathroom and said "Yes, I'll be here in a second." Needless to say, he never showed up, Our friends mother called the police around 12 and 1 in the morning and they came to pick us up. I tried to tell them I thought I knew where he might be, but they would not listen and said they they were running out of time and had to return to the station. James and I spent the night in a cell and had a midnight snack. We woke up the next morning on our way to our first foster home. They soon packed up and moved out of state and we then went to the next foster home. It was soon after this, that we started having supervised visits with Steve. This did not last long, as he gave up his rights.

James became known as the problem child and I was the Goody-Two-Shoes. For the next three foster homes, we were together at first. He would leave after the foster family had enough of him and he would go to a home for problem children. James and I would meet up when I moved onto the next foster home. HRS, now known as DCF, was trying to keep us together, I guess (I think it was more our case workers than anything else). We finally moved to a group home that was family oriented and had six homes on the campus that varied in age groups per home. We were there together for 4 1/2 years.

In that time we met one family that was going to adopt the two of us, but when it came down to it, they backed out. I am sure it was because of pressure that was being put onto them by the home we were living and possibly DCF. About a year before we left there, we met another family and they fought for us and succeeded in an adoption of the two of us.

James and I both served in the US Marines. He did 2 tours in Iraq and I did 3. We were both Honorably Discharged for our services. He did do some college, but he has not found his niche in life just yet because he cannot make up his mind. This is because there is so much that he want to do. Currently, he is doing well and I talk to him on a weekly basis. When I was done with the Marines, I started college, and just recently graduated with my Bachelor's in Computer Sciences.

We both keep in consistant contact with out half sister that was looking for us through

In the previous posts, others have posted linked for social sites. I have done a little investigating of my own on them, but do not see any solid resemblances to pictures that we have of Korrina and Annette.

If there are any more questions, feel free to ask. I will keep lines of communication open. I look forward to more information on my missing sister and mother.

Thank you again, all.
I think her stepdad was responsible for both disappearing.

This is what many people think. I have spoken to him once over the phone. He denies that he had anything to do with their disappearances. I was just calling to see if I could get some questions answered and if there was any family medical history that I needed to know about.
I searched for her email and her names Debbie. I found her blog. She's a teacher in SC. I will email her to find out what she knows, not sure if she will tell me anything. but worth a try.

This is my aunt. She is married to Steve's brother.
BTW, there is a posting from S. Sagers on the geneology posting also thinking that the half sister is Annette! Debbie does not respond to her after this.

Also, there is a posting from a man that says he is James. So if this is true he is the other son.

I think Annette could be alive!

S. Sagers is married to my mom's brother and you already know James is my brother.
As I read it, ONLY Annette was her biological child. SHe was not the biological child of her mom's husband, nor were the husband's children the biological children of Annettes mom.

She came back and took HER child, but would not have taken children who were not her own and who she was probably less attached to than her own daughter, being step-children.

Yes, she may have come back for her daughter. James and I are her biological sons. She loved just as equal as her own daughter. I have heard this from my aunt and uncles and have pictures to prove it.
D. Malinoski claims she is the aunt of the half-sister looking for her brothers.

The half-sister claims she is the boys' 'half-sister on the father's side.' Annette would be their step-sister, seeing as they have no biological parents in common. Annette is Korrina's daughter from a previous relationship, and the boys are Thomas' sons from a previous relationship. So a half-sister previous to the boys' births is plausible.

I'd like to know when Korrina and Thomas were married.

I'd like to state, hypothetically, that if Korrina took Annette and not the boys, it should not be assumed it was because she had a poor relationship with them/that she didn't love them/that she had not bonded with them. Annette was her biological daughter. If she had taken the boys, it could be construed as kidnapping.

Carolinagirl56, I hope you're still around. You said she was not a happy child. Do you think she could be classified as an abused or neglected child? I went to WMS too, some years later.

As I stated before, Korrina is our mother. Annette is her daughter from a previous marriage. James and I were the children of Steve and Korrina. We have bitrh certificates to prove it and pictures of us kids with mother (all happy). There is a picture I have that also shows Annette playing with me when I was between 1 and 2.

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