SC SC - Brandy Hanna, 32, North Charleston, 20 May 2005

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DNA Solves
the billboard for Brandy is up The Mayor was pretty much forced to do what he said, with help from a lot of people
pushblazer said:
Brandy`s website has been updated quiet a bit if you haven`t already check it out http://www.missingbrandyhanna,com

For some reason I can't get that link to work. I've tried several times and it keeps taking me back to the same place.

I wonder if the person in the dream that Brandy tells her mom is the person that murdered her has taken a polygraph? I know for a fact that polygraphs can be beaten...especially by sociopaths because they don't have the emotions that we do. Even if it was just a dream I think I would give the name to LE if it were me. It can't hurt to bring the person in and have a talk with him and ask him to take a poly if he hasn't taken one yet. Who knows, maybe the guy would end up confessing. Did he have an alibi for that time period? It can't hurt for the police to talk to him.
Sorry I put comma instead of . my mistake. Yes I told the police and he has taken a polygraph and passed, but I don`t believe in the polygraph he himself told me he could beat one. The local police have not put much time at all in investigating this case. The police have talked to him but I was told by the Dect. there was a lot of things in his story that has not added up and they were going to talk to him again. When is a good ?
pushblazer said:
Sorry I put comma instead of . my mistake. Yes I told the police and he has taken a polygraph and passed, but I don`t believe in the polygraph he himself told me he could beat one. The local police have not put much time at all in investigating this case. The police have talked to him but I was told by the Dect. there was a lot of things in his story that has not added up and they were going to talk to him again. When is a good ?

Do the police think that Brandy just left and left everything behind never to return? If they would listen to her family they would understand that she was close to her family...liked her reason for her to just up and leave.

Boy, that guy bothers me. He must have taken polygraphs before and lied and passed to know that he could do that. I hope LE get on the ball and make this guy prove where he was when Brandy went missing. Was this guy a friend of Brandys or just someone that she knew? Was anything missing from her when she disappeared? Had she ever had problems with this guy before?
This Is The Guy That Lived With Brandy For A Short Period Of Time And Moved Her To This Neighborhood Even Tho I Begged Him Not To. Once He Moved Her There He Went Back To His Wife After Being Separated For Almost A Year. But Even After He Went Back To His Wife He Continued To See Brandy. Brandy Was Sick Of Playing The Other Woman It Was Not For Her And She Told Him So.

The Only Thing Missing From Her Apartment Was Her And Her New Cellphone I Had Got Her 2 Days Prior And The Phone Has Not Been Used Since That Night.

The Police Have Did Very Little On This Case And Did Not Even Process Her Apt. All The Dect. Did Was Walk Thru.
pushblazer said:
This Is The Guy That Lived With Brandy For A Short Period Of Time And Moved Her To This Neighborhood Even Tho I Begged Him Not To. Once He Moved Her There He Went Back To His Wife After Being Separated For Almost A Year. But Even After He Went Back To His Wife He Continued To See Brandy. Brandy Was Sick Of Playing The Other Woman It Was Not For Her And She Told Him So.

The Only Thing Missing From Her Apartment Was Her And Her New Cellphone I Had Got Her 2 Days Prior And The Phone Has Not Been Used Since That Night.

The Police Have Did Very Little On This Case And Did Not Even Process Her Apt. All The Dect. Did Was Walk Thru.

Do you think that the guy planned to keep both of the women on a string and he didn't like it when Brandy let him know that she wasn't playing his game any longer? Could he have done something to her? Some men are bound and determined not to let go and the woman pays a huge price when she trys to break free. I'll never understand it but there are a lot of men like that. That is what happened to my daughter. It was her ex-husband that murdered her. Do you think by any chance that he was the person that had called Brandy at work that last day and made her angry. She made a remark to a older male customer about the call if I remember right. I'm just wondering if maybe he didn't call her after she got home or later in the evening and talked her into going for a ride to talk or something. She took her phone with her so that may have given her a feeling of false security.

What in the world is wrong with those cops :furious: They should have gone through her apt and looked at it as a crime scene or at least a possible crime scene. After all this time do they still have the same attitude as they did in the beginning? If they would have just listened to you they would have known that Brandy would never just walk away and not look back. That is the impression that I have gotten anyway. When a person is close to their family and likes their job they would never leave without saying something first.

I wonder if the cops ever looked at that guy's car for evidence. Probably not huh! Had he ever gotten rough with Brandy or threatening in any way? Did you tell the cops that the guy said that he could beat a poly?

I've kept track of this case since the beginning. Something about Brandy just touched my heart. I hope and pray that she is somewhere safe. This married man really bothers me though. I hope that you get some good news soon. You and Brandy will be in my prayes until she comes home.

I believe in dreams and that Brandy was trying to tell you something. I believe that our children's spirits are still with us even after they are gone. Some people scoff at that but since losing my daughter I am a believer in guardian angels. I know the things that happened in my home weren't my imagination. I have proof cause I was there ;)
I Still Sit Here And Wonder Where My Little Girl Is. Monica Caison Founder Of Cue Of Wilmington, North Carolina Just Completed A 8 Day 16 State Tour For The Missing Trying To Get Some Life Into These Cold Cases. Brandy`s Rally Was 6/16/2006. I Emailed Our Mayor, Chief Of Police,daily. On Thursday The Day Before The Rally I Personally Called Them And The Detective Jourdan Who Is Suppose To Be In Charge Of This Case And He Told Me He Would Be There. Not One Of Them Showed Up I Had A Good Turn Out Of Family And Friends But Not One City Official.

I Have Informed The Police What The Boyfriend Said About Passing A Polygraph And I Know He Called Her That Night .i Set Up Her Voicemail So I Heard The Message He Left And He Was Pissed When She Didn`t Answer The Phone.

I Don`t Know How To Get Them To Take This Case Serious. She Has Not Been Heard From In 13 Months I Still Have All Her Clothes,household Items, W2-forms For Last Year. None Of Her Friends Have Heard From Her. Brandy Was A Quite Person. Stayed At Home Was A Homebody. Neither Her Ex Or The Current Boyfriend Ever Offered To Lend A Hand As Far As Searching For Her Raising Money For A Reward Or Even Seemed Concerned She Was Missing.

This Has Been A Horrible Nightmare That Will Not End. I Reach Certain Points And Then I Don`t Know Where To Go From There.right Now I Don`t Know What To Do Next All I Do No Is I Will Not Give Up On Brandy. I Cannot Rest Til I Know What Happened That Horrible Night Someone Took Her From Me. I Can`t She Is My Child If I Don`t Look For Her Who Will, Not The People I Thought Was Their Job. They Have Made It Obvious They Don`t Care So Who Does?
pushblazer said:
I Still Sit Here And Wonder Where My Little Girl Is. Monica Caison Founder Of Cue Of Wilmington, North Carolina Just Completed A 8 Day 16 State Tour For The Missing Trying To Get Some Life Into These Cold Cases. Brandy`s Rally Was 6/16/2006. I Emailed Our Mayor, Chief Of Police,daily. On Thursday The Day Before The Rally I Personally Called Them And The Detective Jourdan Who Is Suppose To Be In Charge Of This Case And He Told Me He Would Be There. Not One Of Them Showed Up I Had A Good Turn Out Of Family And Friends But Not One City Official.

I Have Informed The Police What The Boyfriend Said About Passing A Polygraph And I Know He Called Her That Night .i Set Up Her Voicemail So I Heard The Message He Left And He Was Pissed When She Didn`t Answer The Phone.

I Don`t Know How To Get Them To Take This Case Serious. She Has Not Been Heard From In 13 Months I Still Have All Her Clothes,household Items, W2-forms For Last Year. None Of Her Friends Have Heard From Her. Brandy Was A Quite Person. Stayed At Home Was A Homebody. Neither Her Ex Or The Current Boyfriend Ever Offered To Lend A Hand As Far As Searching For Her Raising Money For A Reward Or Even Seemed Concerned She Was Missing.

This Has Been A Horrible Nightmare That Will Not End. I Reach Certain Points And Then I Don`t Know Where To Go From There.right Now I Don`t Know What To Do Next All I Do No Is I Will Not Give Up On Brandy. I Cannot Rest Til I Know What Happened That Horrible Night Someone Took Her From Me. I Can`t She Is My Child If I Don`t Look For Her Who Will, Not The People I Thought Was Their Job. They Have Made It Obvious They Don`t Care So Who Does?

I wonder if that ex-boyfriend left that message when Brandy was at the store or something and later stopped by after she had returned? Does her answering machine give a time that the call came in? I'll bet that was him that called Brandy at work that last day. It doesn't sound like there was any one else causing her problems.

You would have thought that even one person from LE could have shown up at the Rally. At least for a little while.

I can't imagine being in your shoes and not knowing where my daughter was for this long. Is there one certain detective that you have contact the lead detective of your case? Did they ever do searches at first anyway? Our lead detective and I used to put our heads together and try to think of things to do to catch my daughter's killer who was on the run for 8 years before he got caught. There were times that we just ran out of ideas. It's hard when there are no leads to follow.

Is that guy still with his wife? I wonder if he has the same car that he was driving when him and Brandy were seeing each other. If he does then LE should take that car and check it out. If there was blood in the car and he cleaned it up they would still find traces of it that he probably didn't notice.
LE could check it out and see what he was driving then. They could at least check that vehicle over.

I don't know how pushy you have gotten with LE but I know myself well enough to know that if it were me and I didn't feel LE was doing anything I would be down at that station on a daily basis. They would get so sick of looking at me that they would do something just to shut me up. Did you play the recording that the guy left for LE?
The so called lead Detective has not touched this case since last August. This is not rumor, this is what he told the newspaper reporter. Other detectives have talked to him about turning the case over to them so far he hasn`t. I have many friends on the Police Dept. they cannot believe he has done nothing and the Mayor and Chief of Police won`t do anything. He claims there are no leads or clues, that might be due to the fact they never did an investigation. It took me a week to get a Detective to talk to me. I tried to report her missing they would not take the report because of her age. A full investigation has never been done. The Detective in charge of Brandy`s case is now with the FBI Taskforce. He personally told me when I called him he would be at the Rally yes he LIED again. I have done everything I know to get them to do something, anything, I don`t know what will convince them something happened to Brandy Hanna that night.
I'm so sorry, Donna.

You probably already have gone to the governor and state's attorney general with this, correct?
I have contacted all my Senators ,the Govenor, The FBI, The state Attorney General`s office. I called the Charleston County Sheriff`s Office today I am going to ask them to take over this case. I talk to County officers all the time in the Restaurant about Brandy and I have been scared to make the move to County just the fear of starting all over.After the Rally I realize starting over is better than just doing nothing as North Charleston has been doing for Months. Charleston County will work the case, but I have always been told I`m the one who has to make the first move and I did that today. Nobody wants to step on anybodies toes so to speak. All I want is answers to Where is Brandy? As her Mother I`m not worried anymore about their feelings they sure haven`t worried about mine or Brandy`s. I`m sure there will be some hurdles to cross, but the one thing I know where my children are concerned, I will take on anybody. I do not know how this Detective can still feel he has done his job. He has lied to me time after time ,there will be no more.
Keep us posted on how they do with the investigation. Make sure that you tell them everything about that married boyfriend and the voicemail and what he said about passing a polygraph. I think he is the guy that they should really look at. I hope that they will also take a look at his vehicle if he has the same one he did when Brandy disappeared. I really think that he is the key to Brandy's disappearance. Nothing else makes any sense. It is just to darn bad that LE didn't do their jobs in the first place. When a person disappeares it shouldn't make a diffenence how old they are but I know that it does to LE. But when that person isn't in the habit of just taking off and not calling their family especially when they are close to their family you know that something isn't right. I hope you make some headway this time.
Kelly said:
I'm so sorry, Donna.

You probably already have gone to the governor and state's attorney general with this, correct?
I have contacted the govenor,state attorney general, Lieutinant govenor, all my senators, all my legislators. The Govenors office called me said they could not do anything I had to deal with the local Authorities this was my second try with them in the LAST year. I have contacted SLED, the FBI.
As I was cleaning house today I came across the postcard I received from America`s Most Wanted. I had sent all the info the site ask for in July of 2005 and this was their 2nd response card dated Sept.05/ 05. Thank you for writing to America`s Most Wanted.We want to let you know we didn`t forget about you . Your letter deserves our personal attention but it may take a little time because we receive so many letters each day. Your patience is appreciated,and we look forward to being in touch with you soon. Can someone tell me how long is a little time and when is soon? Its been a little over 10 months since I`ve heard from America`s Most Wanted how long am I suppose to be patient, my patience is wearing thin.

My sister Yvonne wrote this note when she signed Brandy`s Petition.
America`s Most Wanted . You are bigger than Life.You are a name well known. When you are around things tend to happen . Its not only the high profile cases that need help. Please Mr. Walsh remember where you came from and what happened, you have to have resolution of some sort. Your attention here in Charleston,S.C. would be greatly appreciated in Brandy`s case. Maybe you are what it will take to end this never ending nightmare.God gave you the Voice and Wisdom so please use it for all of us not just some.:furious:
If that reached the eyes of John Walsh he should have stood up and taken notice. I can remember how frustrated he was with LE and the things that he did to try and get them to find Adam. I know that they have to get tons of letters and emails daily but some of the stuff that they do on the show could have waited. Some of the cases they have profiled have been all over the media for weeks on end and probably seen across the nation.

We were very fortunate to get my daughter's case on AMW but it was our lead detective that pushed to get it aired. I'm from a small town with one main street. We don't have a lot of murders here but thank God we have an excellant LE. They did everything that was possible to find her killer. I wish that you had the same kind of LE in your town and a lead detective that was devoted to finding Brandy and what happened to her. It just ticks me off. All it takes is one detective that is determined to find your daughter...just one.

Is there anyone that you would like me to write to? I'm more than willing and would be happy to try and help get someone's attention. How about your local LE? Got the name and email address of the lead detective? I write a pretty good letter and wouldn't be snotty or anything. Just let me know. You can PM me if you want.

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