Found Deceased SC - Brittanee Drexel, 17, Myrtle Beach, 25 April 2009 - #11

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A lot of what i'm saying is being taken out of context. I guess that is because I only feel comfortable with saying so much. No politicians are involved or anything like that. I feel that they're trying to solve this but their also protecting their best interest.
Well, I guess I'm stupid because I don't get it. The only thing that MB could be protecting besides a politician< then I guess, would be tourism.
Well, I guess I'm stupid because I don't get it. The only thing that MB could be protecting besides a politician< then I guess, would be tourism.

...or one of their own (meaning LE).

I am curious who is running in the local elections in MB and GT.


Sorry Doc :blushing:

A lot of what i'm saying is being taken out of context. I guess that is because I only feel comfortable with saying so much. No politicians are involved or anything like that. I feel that they're trying to solve this but their also protecting their best interest.
I understand why Doc cant say anything, so its not fair we try get her to,,i know its hard for us on WS cause we all care, been with BD's story from the start, but truly understand there are things some of us know,but cant say,,we were told some things but was, asked to respect BD and family and to just hold on till LE decide its time we know (thats if they do, my guess it wont be till after summer is over ( probley by winter) ,,,no, it is not right,but right now most,of family hands are tied,etc,my heart goes out to them,,but i promise if i get a hint that LE is hiding things we can all call/or email all SC ,radio,newspapers,tv stations to go public,in fact i think thats what DD,CD needs to do,,but i gota respect there privacey and let them do first steps, im sure there be more in sc that back them,we just have a few crooks lol,rest ,of us do have hearts and belive in justics!!!
Should we keep trying to figure this all out or are we just spinning our wheels in vain? I don't want to give up, but getting harder and harder to think what to do next. Sounds like if people "know things" and the family "knows things" and they are laying low...maybe we are just spinning our wheels? Does the family want anyone to keep trying to look for BD? I am going to stop posting since supposedly "some people know things" and it appears to me by a couple of things being said..."out of respect of the family" just hold off, so this is me stopping posting I guess. God bless everyone who has been so persistent on WS for Brittanee Marie Drexel. I truly hope justice is done for Brittanee and her family one day. I am not going to post anymore out of respect for the family and especially for Brittanee. I will be following the case, and perhaps following other cases as well.
Should we keep trying to figure this all out or are we just spinning our wheels in vain? I don't want to give up, but getting harder and harder to think what to do next. Sounds like if people "know things" and the family "knows things" and they are laying low...maybe we are just spinning our wheels? Does the family want anyone to keep trying to look for BD?

Yes Yes, never give up trying find BD, she has not been found, i think (hope im not saying to much if so im sorry and will remove my post **DOC** ) still no found of BD, problem is POI's,,LE,,,,,,,,,im hoping i can talk to DOC or DD, something needs to stir law into move on with this,,, I am going to stop posting since supposedly "some people know things" and it appears to me by a couple of things being said..."out of respect of the family" just hold off, so this is me stopping posting I guess. God bless everyone who has been so persistent on WS for Brittanee Marie Drexel. I truly hope justice is done for Brittanee and her family one day. I am not going to post anymore out of respect for the family and especially for Brittanee. I will be following the case, and perhaps following other cases as well.

I have to agree Strawberry and it seems the drexel's have backed off too so maybe ur right. Maybe we should all stop and just wait. Hopefully we'll know soon. I am going to stop posting since supposedly "some people know things" and it appears to me by a couple of things being said..."out of respect of the family" just hold off, so this is me stopping posting I guess. God bless everyone who has been so persistent on WS for Brittanee Marie Drexel. I truly hope justice is done for Brittanee and her family one day. I am not going to post anymore out of respect for the family and especially for Brittanee. I will be following the case, and perhaps following other cases as well.

Strawberry, i hope you didnt take our post the wrong way,im sure DD and family,do want us to try and help find BD, im saying just somethings that cannot be told online, in case our POI's are reading these threads, when trying to locate them we talk on it online they then can be a step ahead of LE,im sure LE is watching these threads,,,but we should never just stop and forget BD till shes found one way or the other,,,but in noway does the DD,and family want us to stop,they at the end of there ropes with leads,and i wish it was away we could get attention ,put out in news on this,but we the public cant step in ahead of DD and family,they we have to get something going,then we all can back it etc,,i hope this made since ,,,i hope you not up set at us,but somethings you cant leak out,but i wish one of the newspapers would at least bring BD story back to the public,its almost 2 months now, and i was on ocean blvd today i seen only 3 posters of bd,but i dont no about on business store windows,,so people thats down at beach now will be forgot about it ,so i think at least news story would be good,i have email 2 of our newspapers but i never heard back,,,but i can say theres no gossip,no one talking on it or trying figure out who poi are,its been hushed ,,that so sad,,,,
With Respect to all posters and followers here, nothing Doc has said has in ANY WAY implied that Doc or other posters are somehow withholding information from the group or the family.....nor that anyone knows who these POI's are. I really don't want to have ANYONE leaving or not posting on account of a misunderstanding, so I'm just reposting Doc's comments following my own. I don't know Doc or anyone else outside of this forum....and I don't know what anyone knows or doesn't know regarding this case or the POI's....but it APPEARS that Doc is saying ONLY that these POI's and this case is being hampered by the summer tourism season and, more specifically, higher-ups who want the best possible 'face' on Myrtle Beach during a difficult economic time.

If we all can remember, DD and CD BOTH seemed VERY certain that new info was about to come that would bring these POI's to justice. I have no doubt that LE and the Drexel family are very confident about these POI's.....and I have no doubt that these POI's are/have already begun to cave. But, for whatever reason, someone is delaying this new info from being heard by the public.
And, while there are many possible reasons for the delay, the MAIN one that comes to mind is the fact that the HUGE tourism season is upon us....and NO ONE in power wants MB to be in the national/regional press with this type of story during the summer season. IMHO.

Originally Posted by -Doc-
For those that follow the Vander Sloot case he is finally screwed. Why? Because even though he got away with the crime against the girl in Alabama, he was put under the microscope into the public eye and it finally caught up with him. The 3-4 POI's who "know" what happened to BD, are being protected for reasons that I won't get into may never have to face this type of heat. Very unfortunate.
I still believe the case can be solved. I just don't think the police are applying enough pressure to the POI's. Going back to Vander Sloot... the girl he killed went on his computer and found out he was a suspect in the Holloway case and he went off and broke her neck. When you are accused of murder you are viewed and treated differently by everyone you meet.
We saw how Brozowitz was initially treated back in Rochester, yet these 3-4 guys completely dodge the public eye. The only fear they have to deal with is one of them saying something there not supposed to. Politics are serving an injustice to Brittanee Drexel.
The hard work & dedication on here is greatly appreciated and needed.
I will be in MB in a couple of weeks. I have limited time, but I will FINALLY be walking the strip between the two hotels and driving down to Georgetown: Powell Rd area. I'll also be visiting the state forest there on the opposite side of N Santee River.

If anyone has any place they'd like me to search...or if anyone would like to meet up, please contact me in PM. I can only spend about a day or two this time, but I'll be back at the end of the summer, around late August/early September.
Even though I never had ideas about where to find Brittanee or anything to say that was of much help, I'm not going to stop posting. Posting so that Brittanee stays on the first page. While I know we here will never forget her it just makes me feel better when I check the board to see her name. One day I'll check it and it will have "found" beside it.

Prayers for you Brittanee
I understand why Doc cant say anything, so its not fair we try get her to,,i know its hard for us on WS cause we all care, been with BD's story from the start, but truly understand there are things some of us know,but cant say,,we were told some things but was, asked to respect BD and family and to just hold on till LE decide its time we know (thats if they do, my guess it wont be till after summer is over ( probley by winter) ,,,no, it is not right,but right now most,of family hands are tied,etc,my heart goes out to them,,but i promise if i get a hint that LE is hiding things we can all call/or email all SC ,radio,newspapers,tv stations to go public,in fact i think thats what DD,CD needs to do,,but i gota respect there privacey and let them do first steps, im sure there be more in sc that back them,we just have a few crooks lol,rest ,of us do have hearts and belive in justics!!!

Ok i need to try explain my statement,,,,i didnt mean it to sound as not talk or post about BD, i meant ,doc and myself know things (that family already knows) im saying me or doc cant say what we know (in respect to Drexel family for trusting what we were told by them,) to run tell it, we promise not to repeat it,,but they need us ALL to help keep BD face/name out to the public, or this case be cold again,,so please know the DD,CD DO want us to keep BD in public eyes, so please im asking ALL of you here on WS to KEEP posting Keep BD name going they need us all to help,,,
Ok i need to try explain my statement,,,,i didnt mean it to sound as not talk or post about BD, i meant ,doc and myself know things (that family already knows) im saying me or doc cant say what we know (in respect to Drexel family for trusting what we were told by them,) to run tell it, we promise not to repeat it,,but they need us ALL to help keep BD face/name out to the public, or this case be cold again,,so please know the DD,CD DO want us to keep BD in public eyes, so please im asking ALL of you here on WS to KEEP posting Keep BD name going they need us all to help,,,

RoseC, Thank you for clarifying this. I respecct and understand the position of both you and Doc. It won't do anybody any good to break confidences, especially Britt. All things are where they belong, I suppose.

Many times, I throw out a new theory or questions to keep the discussion going so the thread doesn't get pushed way back. Sometimes those theories may seem controversial due to thinking outside the box. Posting here is the only way I feel I can help Brittanee and her family. I'll never give up on her being found.

StrawberryFields, please continue to post. We have a good group here, all with a common goal.....Bring Brittany home! We need eveyone. I do however, take breaks from posting sometimes. I get frustrated at the lack of info and must back off so as not to type emotional posts or say unkind things about the way the investigation is being handled.

I just want Brittanee to found and brought home one way or the other. I keep telling my self, patience is a virtue. I cannot imagine how The Drexel family is coping with all of this.


Not sure if this article has much more to add, but this all seems terribly like something that could have occurred with BD. Not blaming any of these young men, just noticing how quickly this young girl went "waltzing out of the hospital" with these two guys.

This story is disturbing, to say the least. Have we gotten info on these 2 guys she left the hospital with.

I think there's one more page to this thread, and I hope to get a couple answers, but I am so not liking what is happening to these poor girls.

Let me apologize to RoseC and Doc. I am as frustrated as I can be and yet I realize it is selfish of me to think of myself being frustrated and saying I am not going to post is a childish gesture. It just felt like it was being stated that "out of respect for the family" meant I needed to back off. Not that I am doing or have done very much anyway. I hit my rock bottom this week in worrying and feeling frustrated, but I know this can never compare to the emptiness felt by DD and her family. I want to support DD and help in any way I can.

I did think of one possible reason that LE is holding off that could explain why they are saying possible after summer could it be the grand jury would need to meet and decide if there is enough evidence to make a case for charges on these perps?

I am sorry for saying I am not going to post. It is really just me feeling like I am not helping.
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