Found Deceased SC - Brittanee Drexel, 17, Myrtle Beach, 25 April 2009 - #11

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Nope...I think I felt the same way you did that it is depressing to think about BD in that scary place. Since I am not from the area, I find it extremely helpful when someone like Rose describes how it really is. Even though it may be hard to hear...we need to know these facts. I think, speaking for myself only, I go along doing pretty good with all of this information and then I get into a weak moment when I perhaps "think too much" about what BD or any of these victims that are missing, etc. have gone through or are possibly still going through. Then someone on WS kicks things up a notch and you realize we all have the same intentions....get our Brittanee home where she belongs. I have seen nothing wrong with anything you or RoseC has posted. I think you will both find nobody on Ws sees anything wrong with either of your posting...My opinion of course. I believe our RoseC will be posting when she feels she wants to share more information with us. She seems to care so much that MLatta is safe going into that scary place alone. Hope I am not sticking my nose where it does not belong. I'll shutup now.
I just wanted to thank you MLatta for putting yourself at risk like this you are a very special person we are all very greatful you are doing this as I'm sure the Drexel's will be too.
Good to see your post Rochestergirl. Been thinking a lot about the terrain down in the area where LE is "possibly" searching for BD. RoseC had posted about the dangers of that swampy area down there in Georgetown. Made me sit up and take notice that really, those dangers are almost anywhere (or so my husband tries to tell me when I see a snake in our yard)....We live exactly 3 miles from two major hospitals and 3 miles from downtown...We have a big old farmhouse on 6 acres and seeing as how I grew up in the city (4 miles from here)....the first time I saw a snake in our yard...I was ready to move into a hotel. So what I'm saying is, although we probably don't have the alligators or wild boars, we deal with the wildlife as well. There is no way in ____ that I would even walk to the end of my driveway by myself at night, and then I think about the even more terrifying area in Georgetown and does worry me too if MLatta is down in there by himself. I can see exactly why so many on WS have told him to be careful and take someone with him, especially those of you who live or have lived down near MB.
Bumping up for Brittanee!

I look forward to mlatta's report from his
'excursion' although it will probably be tomorrow before we hear from him, realistically.

Miss you RoseC.

Bumping up for Brittanee!

I look forward to mlatta's report from his
'excursion' although it will probably be tomorrow before we hear from him, realistically.

Miss you RoseC.


Good morning.

Trying to keep Brittanee at the top part of the page.

I agree waltzingmatilda...we need RoseC back and looking forward to mlatta's report.
Good Morning to all,
Keeping BD in my prayers!!
Hi Rose!

Locals: Just curious... What's the local chatter, if any, regarding Brittanee? Locals still talking about this case?
Hi Rose!

Locals: Just curious... What's the local chatter, if any, regarding Brittanee? Locals still talking about this case?

for last few weeks no word on BD, not sure what is going on,,,,there still fliers up not alot in MB but you know how that goes, her billbroad is still up,but alot of fliers are gone, any word from Matt? i have not heard from him,,,
Hi everyone... I had fun, got some pictures, and coordinates.. I was unable to locate the red cone, or the mysterious structure. I was able to navigate around a little bit, and learned a few things which I am here to share.

The dyke that runs along the WMA is pretty much impassible :( It was totally overgrown. Grass was knee high; That prevented me from travelling Eastward along the Southside of the North Santee river. (I hope that made sense, I think I got it right)
When i went back there in the early spring, it was a lot different, guess it will be fall before i can return there... it was along that dyke that i saw "Alligator Alley"

I was able to get to the riverbank from the WMA; I attached a picture of that.

I also rode all around Crow Hill rd area... It's a little misleading at first, because it looks like it is only the entrance to Hopsewee plantation, which appearantly is pretty beautiful, but costs $25/person to visit. After you pass the plantation entrance, you enter the crow hill neighborhood. This looks like a pretty nice area. there are some nice homes back there, lots for sale too. The Crow Hill HOA has a neighborhood use boat landing and dock - see Attached pic.

I took my mountain bike down Old Yard way. This road is right off Pole Yard way. Pole Yard way is a VERY short road off of the E side of hwy 17, that dead ends into pole yard boat landing. Old Yard Way is closed, and has been for quite some time. it is property of one of the plantations nearby, no signs prohibiting me, so i biked on in. the road is several miles long, goes through deep woods (BUGS! mosquitos, deer flies - so thick my 40 DEET insect repellent was futile) around a pond, and then, eventually Old Yard Way connects to North Santee River Road. North Santee River Road is very desolate. There are 4 or 5 plantation homes out there, and that is IT. North Santee River Road ends at South Island road, South Island road runs through some very nice areas, Belle Isle, Winyah, Whitehall, and then ends back on hwy 17 just inside Georgetown City limits.
The water of the N Santee river, runs east toward the Atlantic. If we wanted to get a look at where the red cone is, as well as the mysterious structure, we have to go by boat. It would make for a good "Float". (I don't know if any of yall have tried that before. its crazy fun! Very popular around here! The Edisto River is river of choice for a Float) If you put a boat (or raft, or dinghy, or canoe) in at Harris Landing, navigate south through a small canal to the N Santee river, and then float down to Pole Yard, you should able to pass the areas of interest, relatively easy... That actually sounds like a lot of fun to me, and it can actually be done in July-August, as opposed to mountain biking which would be incredibly difficult in the heat of these months.

Also, I was happy to see probably 80% percent of my flyers still in place.. some had faded, but still readable.

I will post a map with some waypoints illustrated tomorrow... I will put the rest of the pics up too, WS only lets 5 per post. I hope every-1 had a great weekend!


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Hi everyone... I had fun, got some pictures, and coordinates.. I was unable to locate the red cone, or the mysterious structure. I was able to navigate around a little bit, and learned a few things which I am here to share.

The dyke that runs along the WMA is pretty much impassible :( It was totally overgrown. Grass was knee high; That prevented me from travelling Eastward along the Southside of the North Santee river. (I hope that made sense, I think I got it right)
When i went back there in the early spring, it was a lot different, guess it will be fall before i can return there... it was along that dyke that i saw "Alligator Alley"

I was able to get to the riverbank from the WMA; I attached a picture of that.

I also rode all around Crow Hill rd area... It's a little misleading at first, because it looks like it is only the entrance to Hopsewee plantation, which appearantly is pretty beautiful, but costs $25/person to visit. After you pass the plantation entrance, you enter the crow hill neighborhood. This looks like a pretty nice area. there are some nice homes back there, lots for sale too. The Crow Hill HOA has a neighborhood use boat landing and dock - see Attached pic.

I took my mountain bike down Old Yard way. This road is right off Pole Yard way. Pole Yard way is a VERY short road off of the E side of hwy 17, that dead ends into pole yard boat landing. Old Yard Way is closed, and has been for quite some time. it is property of one of the plantations nearby, no signs prohibiting me, so i biked on in. the road is several miles long, goes through deep woods (BUGS! mosquitos, deer flies - so thick my 40 DEET insect repellent was futile) around a pond, and then, eventually Old Yard Way connects to North Santee River Road. North Santee River Road is very desolate. There are 4 or 5 plantation homes out there, and that is IT. North Santee River Road ends at South Island road, South Island road runs through some very nice areas, Belle Isle, Winyah, Whitehall, and then ends back on hwy 17 just inside Georgetown City limits.
The water of the N Santee river, runs east toward the Atlantic. If we wanted to get a look at where the red cone is, as well as the mysterious structure, we have to go by boat. It would make for a good "Float". (I don't know if any of yall have tried that before. its crazy fun! Very popular around here! The Edisto River is river of choice for a Float) If you put a boat (or raft, or dinghy, or canoe) in at Harris Landing, navigate south through a small canal to the N Santee river, and then float down to Pole Yard, you should able to pass the areas of interest, relatively easy... That actually sounds like a lot of fun to me, and it can actually be done in July-August, as opposed to mountain biking which would be incredibly difficult in the heat of these months.

Also, I was happy to see probably 80% percent of my flyers still in place.. some had faded, but still readable.

I will post a map with some waypoints illustrated tomorrow... I will put the rest of the pics up too, WS only lets 5 per post. I hope every-1 had a great weekend!

Well good see ya made it back safe,,ive seen the planation it does have beautiful places inside, so if you get fever take some Benadryl,,,,i guess like CUE pple and LE said to hard search in those areas, this time of the year,,you did jam up job :) glad you had fun!! Have a great week!!!
Gotta ask this. If people go to that one area for a "Float"....what about the alligators/snakes? Also, I may look stupid here, but what is "WMA"? Probably something we have all discussed or super easy to figure out but I am not seeing it. I am really glad to know most of your fliers have remained in place. That is good to know.

I also rode all around Crow Hill rd area... It's a little misleading at first, because it looks like it is only the entrance to Hopsewee plantation, which appearantly is pretty beautiful, but costs $25/person to visit. After you pass the plantation entrance, you enter the crow hill neighborhood. This looks like a pretty nice area. there are some nice homes back there, lots for sale too. The Crow Hill HOA has a neighborhood use boat landing and dock - see Attached pic.

Welcome back, Mlatta!!

One question: Crow Hill Rd looks fairly decent, but this boat deck looks pretty bad.....this is THE HOA shared boat deck??
Also, you're saying that the only way to access Crow Hill Rd is VIA the Hopsewee Plantation entrance? If that's correct, It would seem an unlikely place to take Brittanee to harm the possibility of being stopped or being seen would be higher than if you didn't have to pass an entry/check point.

Thanks M!!! Good to have you back safe and sound.
Gotta ask this. If people go to that one area for a "Float"....what about the alligators/snakes?

The Edisto is the most popular river to float down, and I think there is less of a problem with alligators and snakes in that area. But the Santee River does not seem like a bad choice... From what i have seen and learned over time, Alligators and snakes preferr the canals, swamps, impounds, and, to a lesser extent, the riverbanks. They like the stillness of those water bodies better than the river itself. Though there is still a risk involved. I've heard a couple stories growing up about people who were attacked on Lake Moultrie, and even the Goose Creek resorvoir. Most of the time, in those cases of death, there is at least one behavior that led to the attack.. It is a risk that I am willing to accept.. here is a couple things i keep in mind:
Alligators are scared of humans. They will generally not attack you, rather they will retreat when you approach. The major exceptions being - if you near their eggs/babies, or if you "back them into a corner" (Fisherman accidentally do that sometimes when they try to fish deep in the weeds, cat tails and such...

If you put your boat in, and get it out, in a public place like harris and pole yard, and you stay in the river, away from the weeds.. That, and I also go armed.

Also, I may look stupid here, but what is "WMA"? Probably something we have all discussed or super easy to figure out but I am not seeing it. I am really glad to know most of your fliers have remained in place. That is good to know.

Wildlife Management Area. The Santee Delta WMA is a sanctuary for various species of plants and animals. It is managed by SC Dept of Natural Resources (DNR) there is very limited access, and restricted hunting. they have a special series of impounds that they can control (Drain and refill as needed) they also do controlled burns. This is the area i call alligator alley

I hope this helps clear things up a little :)
Welcome back, Mlatta!!

One question: Crow Hill Rd looks fairly decent, but this boat deck looks pretty bad.....this is THE HOA shared boat deck??
Also, you're saying that the only way to access Crow Hill Rd is VIA the Hopsewee Plantation entrance? If that's correct, It would seem an unlikely place to take Brittanee to harm the possibility of being stopped or being seen would be higher than if you didn't have to pass an entry/check point.

Thanks M!!! Good to have you back safe and sound.

Thanks Krista! glad to be back!

Crow Hill road is right off 17 on the west side. There is a large pretty sign for Hopsewee plantation there, and a white fence. I didnt know there was anything more back there, until you brought it up. So when you turn down this road, you follow the white fence and you meet face-to-face with the main entrance to HP.. The road makes a 90 degree turn and continues right, the white fence follows for a while until the HP property ends. There are some VERY nice homes back there.

Seems almost every home had a boat on the side too... I admit, the dock appears to be a little shanty, but asthetics aside, this is the *ideal* boat landing/dock for this neighborhood. There's not very many homes back there.. maybe 20-35 homes? I recall one home with a long driveway that had a camera mounted in a weather-resistant box on a tree, at the beginning of the driveway. I thought about taking a picture of it, but decided against it...

If you continue to the end of Crow Hill rd you will find yourself right in front of a Santee Crossing sign. It has a couple cameras too! This is a real estate GEM! in my opinion. If only I had $1.1M Check it out -

couple more pics too! The purple flower was growing along the river bank, and i thought it was picture worthy...


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Very, very interesting information. Thanks Matt. Hope you got some rest after all you did this weekend.
Moving our girl up the page.

Prayers for Brittanee and her loved ones. Hoping she'll be found soon.
Looks like we have slowed down a bit here. I know we will kick it up again soon. Meanwhile, Lindsay...looking forward to another lovely picture. That really gives me the little nudge I need to "keep the light on" for BD.
For those that follow the Vander Sloot case he is finally screwed. Why? Because even though he got away with the crime against the girl in Alabama, he was put under the microscope into the public eye and it finally caught up with him. The 3-4 POI's who "know" what happened to BD, are being protected for reasons that I won't get into may never have to face this type of heat. Very unfortunate.
For those that follow the Vander Sloot case he is finally screwed. Why? Because even though he got away with the crime against the girl in Alabama, he was put under the microscope into the public eye and it finally caught up with him. The 3-4 POI's who "know" what happened to BD, are being protected for reasons that I won't get into may never have to face this type of heat. Very unfortunate.

Oh Doc, your post is very disheartening to me and I hope you are wrong. However, I have had the same fears as you about these POI's. I have felt you may know a bit more than the rest of us here that you cannot discuss and I respect that. Perhaps if justice is not served for Britt then the POI's will be brought to justice in a future case just like Joran.

I would really like to see Brittanee get justice and the ' who hurt her brought to justice. That's what I'd really like. As time passes, whoever is in power and protecting them will no longer be in power, just like Joran's father. And where will they hide then? The wheels of justice do turn slowly don't they?

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