Found Deceased SC - Brittanee Drexel, 17, Myrtle Beach, 25 April 2009 - #13

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Yes, I still agree that there is no clear reason to release that last video of Brittanee and the boy. What's more, we were all thinking that she went with her friend to THEIR hotel and waited in this guy's room while her friend and his friend 'had relations'. Instead, she was in her own hotel room...which explains her behavior. She wasn't ignoring him in HIS room...he was in HER room....likely hoping he could hook up with her while his friend did the same in the other room. She, clearly, wasn't having it.

I also agree with ID and with some others of you. The glasses sound like a plant....or at least an unrelated issue. The only thing....the photo of her at the beach with glasses on her head. Did JG recognize THOSE glasses? I thought that photo of her with those glasses is what made LE believe they had a match in the first place. I think, in this case, they are just unrelated to Brittanee...not a plant.
For one, I don't think our POI's would have purchased designer knockoffs. I don't think they would have thought to do that...nor that they would spend money doing that. I also don't think they would have gone to that location where the glasses were found unless there is a clear path or roadway nearby (it appears that there is not). The glasses are far too close to the Taylor home. If you are trying to throw people don't typically draw them close to your home.
Regardless, I am very intrigued about the tower info....way more specific. It seems like...if they have had this info all along....they should be able to set up grid searches over that 4-5 mile area. It devastates me that they believe she would have been eaten in this area. Not only for her but for other missing women in the area. I certainly don't think this is their first time.
Ok, I now remember what a pain in the @$$ it was to figure out these cell towers. After reviewing several sites, I found to be the most helpful. (Also some info here -> is where I got the information in the picture attached to my previous post.

NOW - this numbering system that they use is beyond me... This might just be something internal that they use to refer to the towers. I don't know.. Here is all the info that I can get:

Ownership InfoRep Company: Verizon Wireless
Contact: Jerri L Janjua
Phone: (770)797-1070
Address: 1120 Sanctuary Pkwy #150 GASAREG
Alpharetta, GA, 300097630


Owner Company: Charleston-North Charleston MSA Limited Partnership d/b/a Alltel
Contact: Not Recorded
Phone: (770)797-1070
Attn: Regulatory
Address: 1120 Sanctuary Pkwy #150 GASAREG
Alpharetta, GA, 300097630

Tower CharacteristicsRegistration #: 1045734
Latitude: 33.1623
Longitude: -79.4172
Structure Type: Tower
Status: Granted
Date Constructed: 10/17/1994
Ground Elev: 26.9 feet
Height Of Structure: 250.0 feet
Overall Height: 290.0 feet
Structure Address: 975 S. SANTEE ROAD

I guess it is time to dig a little deeper... I will contact the owner of the tower if I have to...
Ok, Mlatta

CityData has the Lat/Lon points for all of these, I guess to start, we need to map your tower and find the lat/lon for that location. Then we will just match it to those listed on that site.
At the very worst, it looks like most of these towers are owned by about 5 there aren't that many phone calls to make...if it comes to that.
I see all of you have posted some recaps already. I'm at school right now, but I have a 30 minute break between classes, so I'm going to type of some of the information I collected. I haven't had much time to read all of your postings yet, so I'm sorry if this has already been covered!

-At one point we were discussing whether or not the actual content of text messages can be obtained. It can! Detectives on the show had a timeline of all of the messages.

-JG began to get worried after exactly 30 minutes of no texts from B. This could help solidify a timeline which I know has always been up in the air around here.

-I was aware of 3 different groups of kids that traveled from Roc to MB. DD stated that there were approximately 30-40 individuals. Did anyone else know it was this many?

-We wondered of B was invited on the trip or if she imposed herself and they obliged. Turns out, they asked her.

-I didn't know that B was having such a hard time before she left for spring break. CD said she had been skipping school and that she had recently overdosed twice on her mom's paid medications. Both of these times were immediately following a breakup with JG. She saw a counselor at one point also.

-Britt started feeling alienated from the crew on the second day of the trip. This was because they were using drugs and she didn't do those kinds of things, per JG. B did things on her own in MB such as going to the beach and going out to eat.

-One of B's friends in MB talked to DD on the phone as if they were a parent in Roc and stated that B was doing fine.

-Timeline info: B left Blue Water at 8:48.

-Calls to B's phone from family and friends rang and rang the first few times, but eventually began going straight to voicemail. It is unclear to LE if this was because the battery died or if it was destroyed (they did not give the option that it was turned off intentionally).

-Timeline; LE estimates walking time from BW to BH to be 15 minutes.

-PB and lawyer were cooperative with investigation upon returning to Roc. He provided the explanation that a mom of one of his friends requested that they return to Roc and that's the reason for the sudden departure.

-B's last texts to JG: staying at the hotel, going to pack, and then probably go to sleep (10 mins. after leaving BW)

-B's phone pinged a tower every time someone tried to call her or text her.

-Last ping from cell tower #332. Cell phone zone for this tower is 4 miles wide and 5 miles deep,

-"If she's in this area, she would have been eaten within 6 hours." A quote from one of the searches, I didn't get a name.

I don't have as much hope for the sunglasses as I once did.

-They were not weathered or buried. LE thinks they could have been placed there as a deterrent. They may have been put there with the hopes they'd be found.

-There was no DNA on the classes per Graeme.

-DD still thinks B was trafficked.

-LE says probably not because it isn't an issue in the area?

-B's best friend TF says that B has always been too trusting of people and that you always have to look out for her.

-LE put the video out in hopes of gaining new information? My question is WHAT kind of info could you get from that video??

-The video was shot in B's hotel room, not the boys.

-They received no info from the video that allowed for an arrest.

I can elaborate on this info later, but these are just a rough copy of my notes.

Hi, great post!
Sorry to just jump in. I tend to read more than I post.

I just watched this program on my DVR and did notice one error in your timeline tho, which may or may not be important?

The traffic cameras are reported as being about 15 min between the hotels, which are over a mile apart--so walking times between hotels is longer than 15 min.
When she left the Bar Harbor, she hit the camera's at around 8:15. She left the Blue Waters at 8:58, when she suddenly goes silent she was on the street for approx. 10 min. and had not been seen again in those videos.

I need to read previous threads to get caught up. This case has got my attention, I just hope some one else saw it that can remember seeing her that night and offer some help in finding this beautiful young girl!

ETA: I noticed the camera's showed her walking against the traffic (south) on the way too the BW--but--she's walking with the traffic (north) on the way back to BH. Since she didn't make it to the traffic videos--how can this be accurate info? Were the hotels on the same side of the street or did she need to cross at any point after being seen on the video going to the BW???
Could the POI's cell pings match that of BD's?
If a snatch and go, the perps likely didn't think about their cells until all the way to that creepy area at almost midnight. I think this was entirely a crime of opportunity. The perp's saw her walking alone, in the dark and she was not paying attention to traffic coming up behind her because she was busy texting her boyfriend. (NOT at all her fault!!)
If that's the case, that's good evidence for the state. Some criminal's don't realize just how important their cells are in helping to solve crimes and get good evidence! Maybe they figured getting rid of her cell would solve the issue and they'd be home free....until they got ID'd!
Just look at Casey Anthony, we can pretty much tell where she was the entire month her child was supposedly 'missing' and it wasn't out SEARCHING! Terri Horman has a story that doesn't match her pings and there was another search at the SI this past weekend. I understand that even with the cells shut off they still ping their locations.
Could the POI's cell pings match that of BD's?
If a snatch and go, the perps likely didn't think about their cells until all the way to that creepy area at almost midnight. I think this was entirely a crime of opportunity. The perp's saw her walking alone, in the dark and she was not paying attention to traffic coming up behind her because she was busy texting her boyfriend. (NOT at all her fault!!)
If that's the case, that's good evidence for the state. Some criminal's don't realize just how important their cells are in helping to solve crimes and get good evidence! Maybe they figured getting rid of her cell would solve the issue and they'd be home free....until they got ID'd!
Just look at Casey Anthony, we can pretty much tell where she was the entire month her child was supposedly 'missing' and it wasn't out SEARCHING! Terri Horman has a story that doesn't match her pings and there was another search at the SI this past weekend. I understand that even with the cells shut off they still ping their locations.

It would be very interesting to find out. I wonder if LE has done this yet. I would assume that they have, but they aren't going to release this info to the public in an ongoing investigation though. If their cell phones almost perfectly matched BD's pings that would be one heck of a powerful connection, but LE is going to need much stronger evidence than that. I am wondering though what kind of other evidence is available though.

1575 SEVEN MILE ROAD - Tower 2

975 S. SANTEE ROAD - Tower 1 The tower in the above photo is tower one according to latitude and longitude coordinates.
Hi traffics, good to hear from you! Glad you decided to post :)

Your first post, #45, is confusing me! Maybe I'm just so caught up in everything to sit and actually read what you said. After I post this I'll go back and try to take a look.
Hi, great post!
Sorry to just jump in. I tend to read more than I post.

I just watched this program on my DVR and did notice one error in your timeline tho, which may or may not be important?

The traffic cameras are reported as being about 15 min between the hotels, which are over a mile apart--so walking times between hotels is longer than 15 min.
When she left the Bar Harbor, she hit the camera's at around 8:15. She left the Blue Waters at 8:58, when she suddenly goes silent she was on the street for approx. 10 min. and had not been seen again in those videos.

I need to read previous threads to get caught up. This case has got my attention, I just hope some one else saw it that can remember seeing her that night and offer some help in finding this beautiful young girl!

ETA: I noticed the camera's showed her walking against the traffic (south) on the way too the BW--but--she's walking with the traffic (north) on the way back to BH. Since she didn't make it to the traffic videos--how can this be accurate info? Were the hotels on the same side of the street or did she need to cross at any point after being seen on the video going to the BW???

I'm sure it's just me, but I'm still having difficulty understanding what you're saying about the timeline. Are you able to re-word it so that I can understand better? Thanks traffic!
332 !?

both of these were on seven mile rd

two different towers



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Don't mean to get everyone off track here, but thought I would pass this on to you.

Human Remains Found In The Woods of Colleton County, SC

Hunters found human remains Tuedsay in a heavily wooded area near a hunting club on Ritter Road near Catholic Hill in Colleton County. The body had apparently been at the location for several months and investigators with the Colleton County Sheriff’s Office are in the process of trying to identify the remains.

Looks like it is less than 2 hours away from McClellanville so thought I would mention. Hoping someones family is getting answers!
I am also curious about this Soul125. This is pure speculation on my part but I doubt any T family will come forward with info. This family is a clan which seems to be headed by thugs. I don't know what their income is.....but I don't think the T women would speak up for fear of losing their lifestyle or risk of retaliation. IMO the family members know what the thugs are capable of and probably have knowledge of things for which they are fearful. I feel it is a whole different culture and mentality which is beyond my understanding.

This is all MOO.


Hi friend,

Just checking in and thought I would give my input on neighbors reporting anything. Unfortunately, neighbors will be too terrified to report anything. If words get out, their homes may mysteriously burn to the ground. I can remember a similar case close to my home and work. A big time drug lord's location was called into LE. When LE closed in, a gun fight ensued but the drug lord was caught. Three nice brick homes were burned to the ground within days. That is just one example of what can happen if this T family even think that one of the neighbors talk to LE.
I'm trying like hell to find that show available for download or streaming somewhere...

The attached picture shows the location of cell tower I think it may have been.

I have mapped the approximate location of this particular cell tower. Here I have it indicated as a red star-like object. Point A, just to the southeast of that point is the address of STT's house. As the bird flies, this appears to be just a couple thousand feet. Yikes. And they still say there's no correlation between the cases!


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332 !?

both of these were on seven mile rd

two different towers


The left photo is the SBA tower, which is FCC #1210149. It is listed as located at 1575 7 Mile Rd, Collins Creek, SC. I think you were right about the number being an internal thing. I don't think there is anyway we can identify which tower is 332. Did they show the tower in the show to ID with your photos?
Hi friend,

Just checking in and thought I would give my input on neighbors reporting anything. Unfortunately, neighbors will be too terrified to report anything. If words get out, their homes may mysteriously burn to the ground. I can remember a similar case close to my home and work. A big time drug lord's location was called into LE. When LE closed in, a gun fight ensued but the drug lord was caught. Three nice brick homes were burned to the ground within days. That is just one example of what can happen if this T family even think that one of the neighbors talk to LE.

Yes, that is what I fear too. Since many members of the family are involved there is no telling what this bunch of crazies might do. Obviously they will probably do anything in order to stay out of prison. Everybody in the area has to know who they are by now and what they have been accused of in the past. Who would want to speak out against a group of people who have been accused and tried for murder? It doesn't get much scarier than that. It makes you think what you would do in the situation yourself.
I'm sure it's just me, but I'm still having difficulty understanding what you're saying about the timeline. Are you able to re-word it so that I can understand better? Thanks traffic!

Sorry I took so long to get back to you!!!

I saw that you mentioned that the hotels were 15 min apart from each other (walk?) but when I watched the video, the reporter said that the traffic camera's were 15 min from her hotel. (about 1/2 way between) The hotels were over a mile apart (walk)

Maybe The reporter was wrong???

ETA: It may not even be important, except that it probably was a half our walk to the BW and would've been the same back except she only made it approx 10 min, not enough unfortunately to be seen on the taffic cams. a second time. I wondered if they really watched for a vehicle going back and forth on that street during that time-line???
I don't have anything new to add...

I just wanted to welcome TrafficsUP66, Soul125, and Distracted 1976 to Brittanee's forum!!
I know some of you post occasionally and some prefer to read....but it's really awesome to see some 'new blood' in here. We love hearing what you have to say and the ideas that you bring to the table!
This is a VERY INCLUSIVE little family we have here.....and we are so happy to have you!
I don't have anything new to add...

I just wanted to welcome TrafficsUP66, Soul125, and Distracted 1976 to Brittanee's forum!!
I know some of you post occasionally and some prefer to read....but it's really awesome to see some 'new blood' in here. We love hearing what you have to say and the ideas that you bring to the table!
This is a VERY INCLUSIVE little family we have here.....and we are so happy to have you!

Thanks krista!

I fell asleep earlier while attempting to catch up with everybody, lol. So now that I can't go back to sleep I'm thinking it's a good time to go back to the last thread.

Nite &
See you all tomorrow
Hi friend,

Just checking in and thought I would give my input on neighbors reporting anything. Unfortunately, neighbors will be too terrified to report anything. If words get out, their homes may mysteriously burn to the ground. I can remember a similar case close to my home and work. A big time drug lord's location was called into LE. When LE closed in, a gun fight ensued but the drug lord was caught. Three nice brick homes were burned to the ground within days. That is just one example of what can happen if this T family even think that one of the neighbors talk to LE.

Hi lone, Good reading you again. I agree with you about this and think I recall the case you speak of. McMillan Dr off CB road?

I just rewatched the program again. I infer from what is said that tower
# 332
is close to Pole Yard Landing. I only saw images of the top of the tower. I was intending to try and match the sign of the one pic mlatta posted to the one on the show by pausing the tivo but no luck darnit.

I'd like to welcome all of our new posters to the thread. It is great to have you all here!

Today is Oct 6, 2010. We are one day closer to finding you Britt!

Message to perps......Where's Brittanee? Give her back! It is time for her to come home to her family! They need her alot more than you do, you selfish person!

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