Found Deceased SC - Brittanee Drexel, 17, Myrtle Beach, 25 April 2009 - #15

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I mentioned this college kid awhile ago and I said that i found it odd that he only later came forword saying he didn't know he even took a video of brit untill one night going through his phone and finding it to me that don't sound right I mean if you go home and hear someone that was in your hotel room a few nights ago is now dissapeared why are you not calling the police I just don't see how you forget taking the video it just does not sound right ..
Have they ever released the full phone records to read the text's going back and fourth between the too.
This was interesting to listen to. I guess I didn't catch the part about the additional texts from the boyfriend. I think the grandmother was confused on the time frames though. The grandmother at around 1:06:00 states that BD's last text came 22 minutes after she left the BlueWater which would have been at 9:10 pm. If BD was texting 22 minutes after she left the BlueWater she would have walked by the traffic cam and would have been almost all the way back to the Bar Harbor hotel. Kari just a short time before that says her last text was 10 minutes after she left the hotel which would have been 8:58 pm which is accurate. Kari even states what was said in the text which is also accurate. The grandmother said that BD's phone was pinging cell towers until noon on Monday. We know that isn't the case either since the last ping was at 11:58 pm on Saturday. I think the texts are far as the 'they weren't good conversations' might be BD expressing her feelings to her boyfriend about the so-called friends and the trip being a disappointment. In the disappeared episodes it shows the texts from 8:58 pm and 9:15 pm and I don't see anything else there. I wish they would release the cell phone records but I suppose that is part of the case.
I have never seen any release to the public on the phone records; Dawn has said their is alot of information the general public does not know.

Have they ever released the full phone records to read the text's going back and fourth between the too.
Ya see I got the impression from the Disappeared show that the bf was a pretty good guy . But then after listening to the mom i think it was on here tricia's show awhile back I totally got the impression that the mom wasn't to thrilled about the bf to the point when he was brought up she said something like she wasn't sure if he had been cleared by LE she wasn't out right saying he did it or anything but she certinally didn't have his back and maybe thats why maybe theres alot more to these text's we don't know about.
Ya see I got the impression from the Disappeared show that the bf was a pretty good guy . But then after listening to the mom i think it was on here tricia's show awhile back I totally got the impression that the mom wasn't to thrilled about the bf to the point when he was brought up she said something like she wasn't sure if he had been cleared by LE she wasn't out right saying he did it or anything but she certinally didn't have his back and maybe thats why maybe theres alot more to these text's we don't know about.

I suppose DD probably wasn't too happy with the boyfriend when she found out he knew BD was in MB and when asked by BD for his advice on the trip he said to go. I understand they had a on again off again relationship but as stated in the radio show by Kari Drexel she was in contact with him 99% of the time. I guess I don't see him having anything to do with it.
Ya I agree I just chalked it up to DD being just what you said pissed off for saying to go and for keeping DD out of the loop.
Just wanted to share with you all!

A few weeks ago, I was listening to one of those true crime radio shows, like the ones Susan Murphy Milano used to do. This particular show had Brittanee's aunt (Keri D.) and paternal grandmother (Linda) as their guests. The segment was something like two hours long...even though I skipped around a little, there was still a lot of interesting information they talked about.. mostly Brittanee's childhood along with the days leading up to her leaving for MB. Her stepfather, Dawn's ex-husband Chad, first met Brittanee when she was about two years old, and then legally adopted Brittanee when she was five after he and Dawn got married, and was pretty much the only Father she ever knew until she got older. The birth father is apparently Turkish, and his family didn't approve of him being with any woman that was not of the same nationality, and they definitely didn't approve of having a child with someone who wasn't the same race. They don't clear this up 100%, but I think that they tried to keep the adoption thing a secret from her, because obviously finding out her real Father wasn't interested in being a part of her life would hurt her. Her Grandmother says that by the time Brittanee reached age 16, Dawn & Chad were in the process of separating, and then the real father just pops out of the blue and decides he wants to be a part of her life, which caused even more issues and confusion for Brittanee.

No wonder she was depressed! It seems like everything happened at once.. Parents separating, breakup off and on with the boyfriend, the real Father showing up randomly.. that just sounds like so much to handle.

There were a few points that stood out to me: When her Aunt is explaining the last text messages that were sent/received between Brittanee and her boyfriend, she says that Brittanee and John had been in contact 99% of the time while she was there. She did say though that Brittanee seemed to cut the conversation(s) off a few times, presumably while she was either hanging out with that college kid that took the video of her, Peter, or whoever else she could have met while there. And she says "and the texts.... they weren't good conversations", then says that she doesn't really want to go into detail.

Brittanee and the rest of the group she was at MB with had went to a restaurant at some point, and the waiter who served them told Law Enforcement that Brittanee was actually the only one out of the group who was respectful and polite, and the rest of them were acting like fools and seemed to be drunk and very rude.

She also says that as far as she knows, Brittanee didn't have plans to go out that night. Supposedly, on the afternoon of April 25, 2009, Brittanee had been at her own hotel that she was sharing with the other girls she traveled with. I think she had been sleeping on one of those Murphy Wall beds (The ones that fold up inside the wall).. She was either sitting or sleeping on the Murphy Wall bed when one of the girls came over and pushed the button that causes the bed to fold up for storage, and Brittanee pretty much got slammed into a wall. Apparently that was the last straw for her, and this is what caused her to start walking down to Peter's hotel to hang out.

Here is the link if anyone is interested in listening!

Thank you so much for posting the link to this radio talk show. I had never known about it and I just listened to the entire segment on Brittanee. One thing that stood out to me really was when (I think it was Keri) was talking about the girl wanting her shorts back. I had never heard that the girl asked in a text for Brittanee to describe the top she was wearing. This stood out to me as to wonder why the girl wanted that information. Did she think Brittanee she had her top on, along with the "black shorts" she said were hers and she wanted back, or was she getting a description of what Brittanee had on for some other reason. I have followed this case from day one and this is something I never knew.

If you recalled back in the first few threads one of the members had a photo album where JO was wearing the exact top and shorts (not sure if actual same set or if they were just the identical type) that BD had on when she disappeared. I wonder if Brittanee borrowed both the shorts and top.

Thank you so much for posting the link to this radio talk show. I had never known about it and I just listened to the entire segment on Brittanee. One thing that stood out to me really was when (I think it was Keri) was talking about the girl wanting her shorts back. I had never heard that the girl asked in a text for Brittanee to describe the top she was wearing. This stood out to me as to wonder why the girl wanted that information. Did she think Brittanee she had her top on, along with the "black shorts" she said were hers and she wanted back, or was she getting a description of what Brittanee had on for some other reason. I have followed this case from day one and this is something I never knew.
Found the pic. This was originally from Autumndreams not sure if she is still a member.

It never fails , everytime I see a pic of Brit its an instant reaction that I find myself saying WoW she is absolutly gorgious...
It never fails , everytime I see a pic of Brit its an instant reaction that I find myself saying WoW she is absolutly gorgious...

This young lady wearing this blouse in this picture seems much bigger than our Brittanee, and not sure how the blouse would fit Brittanee too, if this was the same top that she was wearing upon her disappearance.

Hate to say it, but I was wondering why the girl asked her to describe her top for a totally different "angle" in my mind, but did not want to say too much about it. This angle (the one I'm thinking of) has been debated so much through the years since she disappeared though, and I guess may no longer be a consideration in the scheme of things. Sorry if I sound vague.

If you recalled back in the first few threads one of the members had a photo album where JO was wearing the exact top and shorts (not sure if actual same set or if they were just the identical type) that BD had on when she disappeared. I wonder if Brittanee borrowed both the shorts and top.
Sorry Rochestergirl and CanManEh. I quoted off the wrong post above. Meant to pull from yours, RG.

I really was not thinking along the lines of if BD had borrowed the top, but why did this girl ask BD to describe what she had on in the text she allegedly sent to BD. In this radio broadcast from 2011, that I had never listened to until yesterday, I learned about those texts for the first time. Somewhere around 56:00 minutes in, either the grandma, Linda, or the auntie, Keri D, talk about one of the girls texting her and asking for her shorts to be returned, and also asking her to describe the top she has on. That seemed like a red flag to me, but don't want to go into detail why it struck me that way. Hopefully you can read between the lines here. I do not know anything at all about these alleged texts and if they did occur, and IF, and that is a big IF, BD did respond by describing exactly what she had on, then she disappeared literally minutes later, that seems to be at the very least "thought provoking" to me. All my very own opinion.
i agree i think it is as least worth looking into i dont understand why they would ask her to describe what she was wearing if my friends were to ask me the same it would be more likely they would ask me to send a pic then to describe it...idk i have thought something was wrong with the "friends" from the get go
Wow great thought; I didn't put that together. I had just always remember the pic of JO. Yeah CanHanEh we said then we didnt' think BD could wear either girls shorts and clothes she was alot smaller. But the shirt definately didn't hang on Britt the way it does on JO.

Sorry Rochestergirl and CanManEh. I quoted off the wrong post above. Meant to pull from yours, RG.

I really was not thinking along the lines of if BD had borrowed the top, but why did this girl ask BD to describe what she had on in the text she allegedly sent to BD. In this radio broadcast from 2011, that I had never listened to until yesterday, I learned about those texts for the first time. Somewhere around 56:00 minutes in, either the grandma, Linda, or the auntie, Keri D, talk about one of the girls texting her and asking for her shorts to be returned, and also asking her to describe the top she has on. That seemed like a red flag to me, but don't want to go into detail why it struck me that way. Hopefully you can read between the lines here. I do not know anything at all about these alleged texts and if they did occur, and IF, and that is a big IF, BD did respond by describing exactly what she had on, then she disappeared literally minutes later, that seems to be at the very least "thought provoking" to me. All my very own opinion.
Found the pic. This was originally from Autumndreams not sure if she is still a member.


I'm not incredibly knowledgeable on women's apparel but it looks to me like the shirt could be adjustable. It looks like an elastic drawstring is around this girl's neck, like if you wanted to you could pull it tighter and then tie it in back behind the neck. Almost like one size fits all? It looks like something you would wear on the beach. It also looks like the clothing could be slid up over the shoulder via the drawstring if you wanted to wear it like that. The other girl in the black, yellow and pink appears to have the same style shirt but has adjusted her's differently? But yeah this girl appears to be a little more rotund than BD.
the sizes are way to different for it to be the same top look how baggy it is on the girl in this pic britt was ALOT smaller and it wasn't as baggy on her so it maybe both girls owned the same shirt and didnt want to wear it out on the same night?
Thank you so much for posting the link to this radio talk show. I had never known about it and I just listened to the entire segment on Brittanee. One thing that stood out to me really was when (I think it was Keri) was talking about the girl wanting her shorts back. I had never heard that the girl asked in a text for Brittanee to describe the top she was wearing. This stood out to me as to wonder why the girl wanted that information. Did she think Brittanee she had her top on, along with the "black shorts" she said were hers and she wanted back, or was she getting a description of what Brittanee had on for some other reason. I have followed this case from day one and this is something I never knew.


This is very hinky to me too Strawberry. I think if she was wanting to know if Britt had on her shirt why not just ask "hey are you wearing my shirt that looks like this?" Very fishy to me. I wish we had more details from the texts and I really want to know exactly how long her friends were questioned in MB.
Found the pic. This was originally from Autumndreams not sure if she is still a member.


Sorry in advance but who are these friends? Which one is JO? They look like they belong on Jersey Shore! I wish just one would call DD and apoligize for how rude they have been to her in the last 4 years. UGH.....4 years since she has been missing...this month. It's just not right.
the sizes are way to different for it to be the same top look how baggy it is on the girl in this pic britt was ALOT smaller and it wasn't as baggy on her so it maybe both girls owned the same shirt and didnt want to wear it out on the same night?

I see this as more plausible then the 2 girls sharing shirts. The same size shirt jsut wouldn't fit both of these girls since they are different sizes/shapes.
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