Found Deceased SC - Brittanee Drexel, 17, Myrtle Beach, 25 April 2009 - #15

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Thanks! Are gators that common to be in back yards? That's scary.

I know the reptile zoo is a stretch; but, I couldn't get the thought out of my head. There's plenty of marsh area that you walk across before you get to the gate and gators right inside the gate. It's also off to the side. I could easily see someone being in that area w/out being detected. I think there are definitely a lot of places someone could get rid of a body in that area though.

We go to Myrtle Beach every year. I hate to think these things about an area that my family loves so much. :sick:

No, alligators are not common in people's back yards. Where my dad lived there was a lot of swamp around and they traveled at night. No one had outside pets.......for long. I learned one thing. NEVER squirt an alligator with a hose. It will attack!

I drove down late one night and it was really foggy. We had to cross a one lane bridge with NO rails. Swamp on both sides. I was terrified and it wasn't a short bridge. I was afraid I would meet another car and neither of us could back up, or meet an alligator on the road and my little sport car would be no match for a gator. I never went at night again!

My dad bought lots there for all of his children and none of us wanted them. God Bless you Dad but no thanks!
Has anyone on here had this same thing happen like different cases and one day maybe it was 2 years maybe 10 years but a case you thought wasn't gonna be solved and then one day on the news you seen the case was finally solved . Has anyone had that exsperience if so who was the missing person. This case is one that and i hate to say it but it is getting colder and colder. theres a handfull like this look at tara greinstead and jen kesse . Im just curious if anyone has had that exsperience where u were shocked to see it was solved one day i guess it would be like all of us a few years ago when we had kinda moved on from Jon benet ramsey and that moment when all of a sudden they had an arrest of marc karr Mind you it didn't turn out that way but that senario..

I heard of one on TV the other day but didn't know the names so I can't tell you who they were. It had been 13 years since a man killed his cousin's wife.

I found one on here but I'm sure there are more. Now that the Feds have given grant money to LE for Cold case more are being solved.

KS - Arrest made in '48 Hours' cold case murder

Let's hope LE knows more than they are saying. This is a real heart breaker.
Has anyone on here had this same thing happen like different cases and one day maybe it was 2 years maybe 10 years but a case you thought wasn't gonna be solved and then one day on the news you seen the case was finally solved . Has anyone had that exsperience if so who was the missing person. This case is one that and i hate to say it but it is getting colder and colder. theres a handfull like this look at tara greinstead and jen kesse . Im just curious if anyone has had that exsperience where u were shocked to see it was solved one day i guess it would be like all of us a few years ago when we had kinda moved on from Jon benet ramsey and that moment when all of a sudden they had an arrest of marc karr Mind you it didn't turn out that way but that senario..

There was a teen girl that went missing in my area in the early 80's. To this day, they have never found a clue to what happened to her. That case has always bothered me. Knowing her parents still have her car and are still looking for answers breaks my heart. No parent deserves that. I really hope Brittanee's case will not go the same route.
How did the older kids that took Brittanee to Myrtle Beach not get charged w/ transporting a minor across state lines (multiple state lines at that)?
How did the older kids that took Brittanee to Myrtle Beach not get charged w/ transporting a minor across state lines (multiple state lines at that)?

I don't think that's illegal if they had any reason to believe she had parental permission. At the time she was 17, going with a group of just slightly older young people, it's believable they thought she had permission.

Also, the age of consent in New York is 17, so she isn't considered a minor there.
How did the older kids that took Brittanee to Myrtle Beach not get charged w/ transporting a minor across state lines (multiple state lines at that)?

I don't think that's illegal if they had any reason to believe she had parental permission. At the time she was 17, going with a group of just slightly older young people, it's believable they thought she had permission.

Also, the age of consent in New York is 17, so she isn't considered a minor there.

I don't want to look now but I thought she was 16. :waitasec: They need to do something to get those kids to talk. They know a lot more than they've told, IMO.
I don't want to look now but I thought she was 16. :waitasec: They need to do something to get those kids to talk. They know a lot more than they've told, IMO.

The articles say she was 17, so I guess that little bit of difference makes a large difference in how this is handled.

I really think her girlfriends were extremely callous and cold, throughout the time she was there and then after when it was clear she was truly missing. But I don't think they know what happened to her - I think she was picked up by a stranger walking to her hotel from the hotel where the guys were staying.

I just think that even if the girls immediately reported her missing the moment they suspected something was wrong - she was already gone.
I'm not sure I buy the human trafficking; but, IF that were the case here, then it is odd that the very 1st night in MB they went to a club where, somehow Brittanee got in (underage), taken to the VIP room and gotten drunk. IF Susan Murphy Milano's theory is true about Peter and his club promoting job, then it's possible they do know something and set her up. I said p-o-s-s-i-b-l-e.

I would really love to know exactly what happened between Brittanee and the girls she went w/. Was there a plan to get her down there and begin an argument to alienate her to where she would be off on her own? Was it all a set up? Why did the girls invite Brittanee, someone obviously younger and underage, to go w/ them to begin w/? I don't buy that they really believed Brittanee had her parent's permission to go either. The girls really need to talk. There's no need in wasting time in conspiracy theories if only they would come forward and be honest about what went on. Perhaps they are too ashamed of their actions to come forward. Ashamed or not, I'd have a lot more respect for them if they all just came out and told everything they knew and did.

I personally believe that she was abducted. I don't understand how she was forcibly taken from the sidewalk w/out anyone noticing during spring break though. She was walking and texting her boyfriend, mostly looking down according to the traffic video. You would think, if someone grabbed her, she would have dropped her phone, screamed, fought ... something. Those that knew her said she would be one that would have put up a fight ... petite or not. Although, someone just grabbing her isn't out of the realm of possibility. It does happen.

So, we know from the hotel room video taken by another guy there for spring break, that she interacted w/ people she didn't know. I read in one of the comment sections where a person posted that they met Brittanee in a club in MB. Brittanee came over, sat down, and chatted w/ this person. Brittanee strikes me as a friendly, people person that makes friends easily. Would she have accepted a ride from someone she had met while there? Perhaps a little naive and too trusting. Then, once in the car she had no way out?

The T-clan does bother me because we know they have done things like this before. It fits. Only, now we have this odd RSO in the picture now. I really want to know WHY LE thought it was important to search his room? Has anyone found a connection between him and any of the boys in the Taylor clan?

ETA: I'm also bothered by that fire that was ruled arson in the area where they were searching for Brittanee.
Where Brittanee was taken I find it very easily to see how someone could get her right off the sidewalk. This was basically the last day of Spring Break when she went missing...lots of the kids had left (Sat. to Sat. or Wed. to Sat. seems to be the usual stay). She was just over 1 mile (south) from the hotel she was staying (Bar-Harbor) at PB's hotel (Bluewater Resort). This area where PB's hotel was located is not a "hot spot". It's almost a mile, south, from the amusement park & water park and from there it's probably at least another .5 to .75 miles to the downtown area.

I don't know for sure, but possibly a bar in the Bluewater and maybe a bar in some of the other hotels near the Bluewater - but not really a teenage/young adult nightclub type atmosphere (like Club K).

This is an area where, yes there is some foot traffic, but not like what one would see in an area around the amusement park or downtown.

Someone local - correct me if I'm wrong - but I do not believe the water park was open (maybe only on weekends?) and the amusement park was only open on weekends - I'm almost 100% certain of that.

So there's nothing really in that area that Brittanee went missing from to attract lots of foot traffic. Cars, yes - but if they are traveling 35 mph and it's dark, one isn't going to see much. Especially if there are several in the car - music up loud, talking, not paying attention to anything but what's going on in the car.

I guess one just has to be there to see that area right there at the hotel. Too many places for someone to lay in wait for just an instance of grabbing someone.
I haven't been able to find anything on her for a while.
What is the guys name that got a lawyer right away Im wondering cause i was just reading the Lspirer case and one of the POI'S sounds like its the same name as the kid that lawyered up in this case . Is it the same kid in both cases ?
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