Found Deceased SC - Brittanee Drexel, 17, Myrtle Beach, 25 April 2009 - #17

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It appears she's wearing a pair in this photo:
Appears so. Which I guess brings me back to the father's questions why did they show up 8 month way off where her cell phone last pinged. In a rather good condition to consider the elements for 8 months and there be absolutely no DNA.

If they are hers they were cleaned and placed there to throw detectives off (IMO)
I would like to address the "trafficking" aspect of this case and other cases. I am doing my dissertation on sex traffickers, and have done primary source research with sex trafficking victims, so I feel knowledgable enough to speak and educate in this area. It is unfortunate that many families of missing women are now latching on to the trafficking narrative as a possible alternative to their loved one no longer being alive. I feel it is not helpful for law enforcement uneducated in trafficking to perpetuate this narrative either.
Sex traffickers do not kidnap single women off the streets in the middle of the night. They would never take that risk. What they are looking for is a young, vulnerable, probably impoverished, possibly unparented (in the sense of being a runaway, or in a foster or group home, or just neglected at home) girl who can be wooed or seduced into inadvertently but willingly (in the sense of consenting, even though she is not of consenting age) prostituting herself for their benefit. Like child sexual abuse, this is a grooming process that may take place over several weeks or months. Young girls - and I mean young, as the average age of entry into prostitution is 14 years old - living in rough neighborhoods who may have self-esteem issues or a desire or reason to run away are seduced by often older men, showered with gifts, money is spent on them, they are wooed into "falling in love" with an older guy, and because she likely has very little sexual or romantic experience, she can be easily manipulated. Once a sexual relationship has commenced, he will start to push and test her boundaries. This again might take place over a long period of time. The key is to manipulate the girl into believing this is part of a loving relationship so she is compliant. This is how pimping often works. ("Gorilla" pimping - pimping by force - is FAR less common. But it still involves vulnerable young girls from impoverished backgrounds in dire situations.) He might see if she'd be willing to commit sexual acts with his friends. He is secretly taking money from these so-called 'friends". Or, he might put her in a position where he has showered her with so many gifts that he suddenly pulls back on those gifts, and manipulate her into thinking that the money train will end unless she "gives" something. There's a LOT of manipulation and brainwashing involved. Girls are also manipulated by older women in group homes into running away from that group home to join her and her "boyfriend" who has a great apartment and makes a lot of money. and from there it begins, and one becomes involved in "the life". The women might be moved around to where the market is - brought to Vegas, brought to Florida along the east coast 95 corridor; pimps might know eachother and drive women back and forth between Boston, New York, DC, and Providence, and Hartford. They may have several women they prostitute; they may operate in tandem with a family member or friend, as part of a drug ring. This is nothing new - it is how prostitution has been operating for decades. The "trafficking" aspect kicks into play when women cross state lines, according to the legal definition. But the method and the process remains the same.
Labor trafficking is very different, usually involves people smuggled into the country or who are from other countries, who come here for one reason or another and become indentured servants to their traffickers. They are exploited specifically for labor.
Middle-class drug-free women, women on vacation, do not get abducted and forced into sexual servitude, or shipped overseas by traffickers. That is not the way it works. The traffickers are looking to make money, there is no value to them in a terrorized victim who will fight back or run to the cops the first chance she gets There is no value in it for them in a victim whose loved ones will get the FBI and law enforcement involved the first day. First, traffickers do not take this risk when they can seduce girls into believing they are making this choice. Second, Americans attract too much attention overseas, and these men do not want attention from the feds. Overseas trafficking is almost always from a foreign country INTO the U.S. In their home countries, women are also carefully targeted. Sometimes, they know what they are being brought here for. Sometimes, they are misled or promised other working conditions, and when they get here, the situation changes.
I just want to reiterate: traffickers do not forcibly kidnap women off the street who look like they have something to lose. Brittany was nicely dressed, looked like she already had the resources to provide for herself, and would not have been easily wooed. Traffickers do not go after girls who already have resources, even basic resources. The process of grooming a victim is a slow strategic situation. Preventing trafficking involves giving vulnerable young girls resources, self-esteem, and education. Girls who are at high risk for trafficking are girls who are in foster care, group homes, possible high school dropouts, or have experienced abuse in the home. Identifying girls at high risk and addressing their needs is the best way to prevent this kind of crime.

While I agree with nearly all of your points, particularly that families of the missing should not cling to the hope their child//young adult has been snatched and is someone being used for sex. However, to state as a fact that traffickers never do it is wrong as well "traffickers do not forcibly kidnap women off the street who look like they have something to lose." Cases of abductions have been verified and prosecuted in this country:

In this case they did get them to get into the car without using force, but everything thereafter was forced. I have a feeling Brittanee encountered something very similar although it was not trafficking for monetary gain. It was simply sick individuals getting their own kicks and perhaps letting their sick friends have some too. It is all very hard to understand, but I would never dismiss abduction for sex trafficking without any exception.

I also do not think your post discusses the extent these traffickers use drugs to manipulate their girls/women. They target party girls or get them hooked so they can be controlled easily. Then, the only way they can get high is to do the things these people direct them to do. JMO but I appreciated your post and your future career goal.
I know that the FBI statement release points to a different area other than trafficking, but I have heard trafficking discussed with regard to the Myrtle Beach area (and let's be clear - there are many different kinds of trafficking, drug, sex, labor, stolen goods, etc, so that trafficking itself is really a misleading term - all it means is that you are moving something from one place to another, but just because one kind of trafficking is taking place does not mean another is present as well) and every time a young woman goes missing, it seems to enter the narrative, no matter how far fetched or unlikely (Natalie Holloway, Amy Bradley, and Jennifer Kesse's cases come to mind). Then that stupid VERY misleading movie "Taken" comes out, everyone freaks out that the film scenario actually happens (it doesn't), law enforcement perpetuates it, when they should at least have training in human trafficking or at least know better that the "Taken" scenario is NOT how trafficking rings operate. I can definitely understand it from the family's side, as you hold out hope for any scenario other than her being dead, but it also contributes to an unproven narrative and perception that ANY woman, any age, could be abducted and trafficked, when we know through years of evidence-based research that this is simply not the case.

This is a very useful and important post, future criminologist. I've made a similar, but sadly, common-sense based argument, based on the lack of even anecdotal examples over the past 50 years. The only example of a "trafficking narrative" I am aware of is the Johnny Gosch case, which involves young males and has never been "verified" other than by a grief-stricken mother. There is no way to make "organized" money but grabbing middle-class American kids off the street and trying to sell or control them while LE is engaged in a national manhunt. Even in a case like Natalee Holloway--how do you get the girl out of Aruba? Is there a boat waiting offshore on the chance that teenage boys might turn up with a victim to "traffic." You might look into become "verified" on the site as an expert in trafficking. Wishing you great good luck and perseverance as you complete your dissertation.
Regarding the glasses - They are very pretty, so maybe one of those sickos took them and gifted them to his girlfriend/sister who later lost them.
While I agree with nearly all of your points, particularly that families of the missing should not cling to the hope their child//young adult has been snatched and is someone being used for sex. However, to state as a fact that traffickers never do it is wrong as well "traffickers do not forcibly kidnap women off the street who look like they have something to lose." Cases of abductions have been verified and prosecuted in this country:

In this case they did get them to get into the car without using force, but everything thereafter was forced. I have a feeling Brittanee encountered something very similar although it was not trafficking for monetary gain. It was simply sick individuals getting their own kicks and perhaps letting their sick friends have some too. It is all very hard to understand, but I would never dismiss abduction for sex trafficking without any exception.

I also do not think your post discusses the extent these traffickers use drugs to manipulate their girls/women. They target party girls or get them hooked so they can be controlled easily. Then, the only way they can get high is to do the things these people direct them to do. JMO but I appreciated your post and your future career goal.

In essence, you don't have a big disagreement here. This was a pimp who lured kids into a car, turned them out as street prostitutes, and then got caught pretty quickly when a john called 911 because the girls were under-age. Your case here has at least the basic elements of "grooming" involved her (offering a ride, the age of the victims, the brainwashing). This case does not a near-adult on vacation who is more sophisticated and fully aware that going missing will mean a massive search by the parents. Sadly, there are way too many predators who get away with kidnapping but it is still a huge risk to take someone off the street in the age of video surveillance. That's a stupid pimp who tried it with these kids because...caught.
The sunglasses. Everyone is asking if BD could have bought them in MB. But, if these were her glasses I would think that she had them prior to coming to MB. And my reason is because, DD said at that BD she had glasses that looked like them. ( not her exact words) I would have to find the report where she says this.

And as Two others mentioned here .. They could have been given to someone as a gift.

Or used to throw off LE by them farther away from them.

As it is not unheard of .. That perps to have kept something of the victim(s) to keep something as a trophy.
With that said this could be why they were in such good shape. And if LE was close to questioning / questioned them or others. They would have wanted to get rid of the glasses.

One more thing! At the PC the FBI said they believed she was killed in the area but then later moved. This could also be why the glasses were found so far away. From her cell phone ping.

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Good morning friends. Good morning Brittanee.

2016-06-13 (1).jpg
I hope today is the day that you get to come home.
The sunglasses. Everyone is asking if BD could have bought them in MB. But, if these were her glasses I would think that she had them prior to coming to MB. And my reason is because, DD said at that BD she had glasses that looked like them. ( not her exact words) I would have to find the report where she says this.

And as Two others mentioned here .. They could have been given to someone as a gift.

Or used to throw off LE by them farther away from them.

As it is not unheard of .. That perps to have kept something of the victim(s) to keep something as a trophy.
With that said this could be why they were in such good shape. And if LE was close to questioning / questioned them or others. They would have wanted to get rid of the glasses.

One more thing! At the PC the FBI said they believed she was killed in the area but then later moved. This could also be why the glasses were found so far away. From her cell phone ping.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

IIRC, Dawn said she gave Brittanee a pair of glasses for Easter, but I don't recall that she said they were like these. That said, I'm not sure why she'd mention it if they weren't...

IMO, if these glasses were literally anyone else's, they'd have DNA of some sort on them. LE stated that there was zero DNA on them. Weird, right? I can't imagine any of my sunglasses do not have my DNA on them unless I cleaned them...

CD said in his interview that he doesn't believe they are Brittanee's because if they were then they'd have signs of weathering. Others here have also focused on that aspect. Look, no one said that they were sitting outside in the elements for 8 months. They could have arrived here at any time via any means. What we DO know is that search teams were only a few miles away at the time the glasses were found. As some folks have mentioned, perhaps the glasses were staged as a red herring. Sure, that's a possibility. But if that's the case then it sounds like the location of an area of interest is probably nearby where the search teams were already searching prior to when the glasses were found.

What it does not sound to me like is that there was some random hiker/boater/camper strolling through the area having dropped these glasses. It doesn't seem to me that the type of person who would lose these glasses is also the type of person to frequent this terrain. All of this is JMO after having years to analyze the info.
I have undertaken the humungous task of reviewing all the past threads. I initially started because I wanted to dig up that information on a party that Brittanee et al attended (but I seemingly forgot about). But I'm finding tidbits of info that we have all forgotten about over the years. I'll bring forward anything that seems relevant.
I have undertaken the humungous task of reviewing all the past threads. I initially started because I wanted to dig up that information on a party that Brittanee et al attended (but I seemingly forgot about). But I'm finding tidbits of info that we have all forgotten about over the years. I'll bring forward anything that seems relevant.

Oh wow! That's great LLLindsayy! You are very brave. Thank you!
The sunglasses. Everyone is asking if BD could have bought them in MB. But, if these were her glasses I would think that she had them prior to coming to MB. And my reason is because, DD said at that BD she had glasses that looked like them. ( not her exact words) I would have to find the report where she says this.

And as Two others mentioned here .. They could have been given to someone as a gift.

Or used to throw off LE by them farther away from them.

As it is not unheard of .. That perps to have kept something of the victim(s) to keep something as a trophy.
With that said this could be why they were in such good shape. And if LE was close to questioning / questioned them or others. They would have wanted to get rid of the glasses.

One more thing! At the PC the FBI said they believed she was killed in the area but then later moved. This could also be why the glasses were found so far away. From her cell phone ping.

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How far away were the glasses from the last ping? It's my understanding that they were found right by the Santee Delta which is very close to the area of the last ping.


Drexel was last seen April 25 — the same day a picture was taken of her wearing knockoff designer sunglasses similar to the pair found at the river. The site is not far from where her cell phone gave its last known signal that night.
I have undertaken the humungous task of reviewing all the past threads. I initially started because I wanted to dig up that information on a party that Brittanee et al attended (but I seemingly forgot about). But I'm finding tidbits of info that we have all forgotten about over the years. I'll bring forward anything that seems relevant.

Wow LLLindsayy that is quite the undertaking and appreciated!
Thread 3, page 15-ish there is discussion of photographs taken inside what appears to be a house (at least it has an attic with insulation) in MB. Folks are saying that someone in these pictures looks a lot like Brittanee. All links I can find are now broken. Does anyone remember this? And what was the outcome? So far the conversation seems to have trailed off on that topic and I'm nearing the end of thread 3.

Possibly relevant to any theories that Brittanee may have visited or partied with locals.
I have undertaken the humungous task of reviewing all the past threads. I initially started because I wanted to dig up that information on a party that Brittanee et al attended (but I seemingly forgot about). But I'm finding tidbits of info that we have all forgotten about over the years. I'll bring forward anything that seems relevant.

If you switch to Print View, it is quicker to scan/search.
After so long without any activity, it's good to see how much has been posted since the press conference. I hope the level of activity has increased like this in the area where the FBI believe she was held.
IIRC, Dawn said she gave Brittanee a pair of glasses for Easter, but I don't recall that she said they were like these. That said, I'm not sure why she'd mention it if they weren't...

IMO, if these glasses were literally anyone else's, they'd have DNA of some sort on them. LE stated that there was zero DNA on them. Weird, right? I can't imagine any of my sunglasses do not have my DNA on them unless I cleaned them...

CD said in his interview that he doesn't believe they are Brittanee's because if they were then they'd have signs of weathering. Others here have also focused on that aspect. Look, no one said that they were sitting outside in the elements for 8 months. They could have arrived here at any time via any means. What we DO know is that search teams were only a few miles away at the time the glasses were found. As some folks have mentioned, perhaps the glasses were staged as a red herring. Sure, that's a possibility. But if that's the case then it sounds like the location of an area of interest is probably nearby where the search teams were already searching prior to when the glasses were found.

What it does not sound to me like is that there was some random hiker/boater/camper strolling through the area having dropped these glasses. It doesn't seem to me that the type of person who would lose these glasses is also the type of person to frequent this terrain. All of this is JMO after having years to analyze the info.

The people who found the sunglasses were smart to turn them in to LE. I doubt I would have given them a second thought if I had stumbled upon them while out camping/fishing/hiking, etc.

Unless there was something really off about them... or unless I knew someone was recently missing (but I probably wouldn't be out there at all if that were the case). These were found like a year later, right?

I guess the people who found them thought to turn them in to LE because the sunglasses seemed to be in too good of a condition considering their location/circumstances? Or maybe they thought they were real and worth a lot of money?
I spoke to a local LE friend of mine today about last week's PC and the possible recent developments. He couldn't tell me much because he doesn't know much about the finer details himself. However, he does have more info than what's been released to the public but couldn't be more specific other than to say that we are RIGHT ON TRACK.

I shared our general consensus/theory with him (the family suspected to be involved, etc.) and he was SHOCKED at how much I (meaning all of YOU) had already managed to figure out.

I told him I couldn't take the credit for it and then I bragged on WS for a little bit (or a lotta bit!) ;)

(One thing he did add was that Massey ID'ed the wrong brother in the botched kidnapping back in 2010.)
Article from 2010 . .

On July 21, a Tennessee woman reported to police that three men in a van approached her on Ocean Boulevard and tried to kidnap her.

According to the police report, Randa Massey, 20, was walking on Ocean Boulevard near the BlueWater Resort around 4:30 p.m. when she heard what sounded like a van "creep up behind her."

Massey told police two men jumped from the van and tried to pull her into the van, but when she elbowed one of them in the face, she broke free.

She told police a third man waited in the van as a get-away driver.

On Monday, detectives from Myrtle Beach and other assisting law enforcement agencies executed a search warrant at Taylor's home on Old Collins Creek Road in Charleston County, near the Georgetown County line.

Eeerie if you ask me. .

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