SC SC - Dail Dinwiddie, 23, Columbia, 24 Sep 1992

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And another bump up. I, too, have been haunted by this case. I was at the U-2 concert the night of her abduction and would have normally been in 5 Pts afterwards except that it was a Sunday night and I had to work the next day, so we went home immediately afterwards. I know the area. I grew up here. I have followed the case in the years since '92 and have never heard the "donnieatlex" story before now.
What an absolutely beautiful girl Dail is, this case has haunted me also since reading about it on WS. I only hope someday soon someone talks so her family may know some peace.
I recently sent an e-mail to a columnist that still has connections with Dail's family and is also a person that Dail used to babysit for. I asked the columnist if she thought the family would mind or be interested in a website for Dail to give her case more coverage and also told about this thread on websleuths. In the past the columnist has replied to me in discussions about Dail but not this time. So I'm assuming (and I hate to assume) that the family doesn't want a website for her. Maybe it's too painful for them, I don't know. I do know Dail has an older brother and wonder how he would feel about this.

Dail's case brought me to websleuths and like others on here, it haunts me. Seems to me that a renewed public campaign about her case couldn't hurt. It's been so long that maybe someone who knows something wouldn't be as afraid to tell now.

After reading up on Rivera, I do not believe he had anything to do with Dail's disappearance. I think she either accepted a ride from someone she knew or was snatched off the street.

I'm working on some info, nothing new in the case but info that might be a good link. Will post if it pans out.
Bumping this back up. It seems like someone in the media would be interested in renewing public interest in this case. Why have we gone for so long and heard NOTHING?
I think that the bartender needs to be looked at again. So many of these people who just seem to vanish into thin air--well, they don't just vanish. The people who saw them last seem to be questioned and then released! Of course they're just going to say stuff like "Well, we talked for ten minutes about blah blah blah and then she left." Police need to question them more! And why on earth would he have let her leave without calling a cab? Seems to me that any decent human would at least insist on doing that--especially someone who works at a club and could be held accountable.
I don't suspect the bouncer. 5 points was very busy that night and if you are familiar with it you know it's got lots of restaurants and clubs. I doubt that bouncer would have had time to do something with her unless he left his post and it's never been said he did. 1 am after a U2 concert is still early in the evening so I don't see how the bouncer could get by with leaving his post long enough to not be detected. And it's very possible to walk from club to club at 5 points and done all the time so it's not unusal he didn't call a cab for her unless she said she was gonna walk home and I believe the bouncer reported that she went off in search of her friends, meaning she headed to another club. Of course, you are right the bouncer was the last one to see her and I'd like to see coroborating statements.
Here are some similarities between Dail's case and another I just read about, Bridget Pearl.

The Date--Dale Dinwiddie disappeared at about 1:30 am on September 24,1992. She was leaving a bar in downtown 5 points Columbia and was walking to another bar (or posssibly home but that is doubtful). Bridget disappeared Sept 5, 1992.

The City Both of these occured in their respective state capitol cities, which are only at most, 4 hours apart

Time of disappearance both occured close to 1am

Physical and other similarities both are female caucasians, both are of small stature, both disappeared without a trace while supposedly walking at night
Wanted to post/store this here before it disappears and also want to state that I have no reason to believe or disbelieve the poster Donnieatlex, I'm just copying and pasting for info.

This is from a comment/blog on and the remarks are in response to this article
"Human Remains Found in Calhoun County"

poster ThatsBS wrote wondering if these remains could be Dail and said

I wonder about Dail too. I have wondered if the cops ever checked the old tunnel system that runs underneath Five Points for her. Her mom does a good job of keeping her story in the news every so often. I wish they'd find out what happened to her so that her parents could have some closure.

this is a reply further down the blog from Donnieatlex

Donnieatlex wrote

"Dale Dinwiddie is dead. They know who killed her. He is also the prime suspect in the kidnapping and murder of the Marchant girl. He lives in Rosewood and made a living for most of his life working as a professional informant for Richland, Lexington and Horry County narcotics. I am afraid they will never bring charges against him. He was my brother's best friend."

Then after someone questioned the above Donnieatlex replied with

Wont print his name, but I have spoken with local law and the FBI. My brother is dead now, and we never could convince him to tell what he knew. I beat him so badly over this that I was originally charged with attempted murder. They dropped the charges as soon as they found out what it was about. The suspect flees when he sees me or my vehicle, but I dont intend to do anything to him. My brother did state flat out that he knew for a fact that this guy did it. I said the only way you could know for sure was if you saw it. He said he knew for sure. My sisters and I immediately went to police. My brother was brought in and the matter has been followed as far as it can go. I am sure they are not looking at anyone else but this creep as a suspect. Everyone in Rosewood and Olympia, that grew up with us knows about this. He rarely leaves his moms home on Wando.

Has this information been turned over to the investigating officer? They would be able to track who this donnieatlex person is, and it just might lead to some closure for this family.
Has this information been turned over to the investigating officer? They would be able to track who this donnieatlex person is, and it just might lead to some closure for this family.

I haven't contacted LE about it. If Donnieatlex is serious and not a pathologial liar or dilusional, then from what he is saying LE already knows the deal but can't bring charges. I've tried to get in touch with Donnieatlex and he posts on topix out of Columbia, SC regularly but his info isn't pubic so I can't send a message to him.
Apparently donnieatlex is/was a "Building Official" for Forest acres, you can see his comment made on another comment forum here:
donnieatlex wrote:
Mr. March- here is the solution. You wont go to jail. When I was the building official for Forest Acres, the public school parents at Satchel Ford school would park across the driveways of the people that live on Satchel Ford. They did not care that the folks could not come or go until little Bif and Buffie were picked up. One day, they actually parked on a homeowner's lawn - not the right of way. This is what he did. Get a long chain - a thick one - and chain the vehicles together. Then you do not allow the car owner back on your property. Call the police and have them come. Have all discussions with the officer and the car owner in the public right of way. Tell the officer you want to immediately place the person under trespass notice. He carries a form for this. Do not give in. Insist that they notify the local magistrates court and request a hearing at which time they can request that you RELINQUISH POSSESSION OF THEIR VEHICLE. You will then have 30 days to do so. You have already established the parameters to have them fined for trespassing $1080 ! when you placed the sign in the lot. This is better than towing and a lot more fun. A photo in the press of the chained cars will be all you need to end your parking problems. This method worked for a restaurant on Beltline that was havings its lot completely filled by the D's restaurant next door.

Mmmmm, interesting! A Building official, someone that has the ability to oversee foundations???? Just a thought!!!
I was originally drawn to Web Sleuths because of the Dail Dinwiddie case. I born, raised, and have lived in the Columbia area for my entire life. I remember when Dale went missing. I remember seeing the heartache that her family was going through on the TV and in the paper.

I also follow the commenting on, where Donnieatlex is a very frequent and regular commentor. Having read here what he has stated in previous stories (which were posted prior to my following the commentors), I was at first VERY alarmed, almost to the point of being convinced that he was directly involved. However, after reading so many of his other comments about other stories on that site, I now believe that what he says about his brother's friend to be true.

There have been alot of rumors in Columbia passed around for years about the Columbia police department (the Primary LE agency that investigated this case) and the Richland County Sherrif's Department and possible corruption, including questionable actions by the Former Cheif of Police and the Current Sherriff. While I cannot speak to the truth or non-truth of these rumors, Donnieatlex's statements makes me DEFINITELY rethink my position on some kind of cover-up at some level. I wonder if the State Law Enforcement Division (SLED to us local South Cackalackians) has ever been contacted about these stories or have ever been asked by Dale's family to investigate?

I guess what bothers me so much is that I have, in my 20's, spent soo much time in 5 Points, in many of the same bars that Dale and her friends frequented, walking the same streets from bar to bar, by myself. I have seen the posters that are still hanging in some 5 Points establishments of Dale, and I hate that there has never been any closure, not just for her family and friends, but for the Community as a whole.

thanks for letting the new gal speak from the heart for a few. Keep up the good work, for as long as the people here keep looking, none of these missing will be forgotten.
I actually have a different theory about what happened to Dail. In the 90's, we didn't know as much about trafficking as we do now, but I bet that back then it was just as prevalent--just not talked about as much. (I will also add that I developed this theory after seeing "Taken," so...feel free to take this theory with a grain of salt!)

I did some research a few months ago about the owners of Jungle Jim's when I was researching this case, and as I recall, they were not the most law-abiding bunch of people. I think it's possible that Dail was a victim of sex-trafficking ring. Think about it: she was young and pretty, and looked much younger than her years--she could have easily passed for a teen. The bartender could have even been acting as a spotter, you know? There might have been someone else working in the club who actually abducted her. The unfortunate thing about this theory, however, is that if it's true, finding her will be next to impossible--she'll never resurface. She's either deceased, or...God knows what. Even if this scenario doesn't apply to Dail's case, think about the many other women who have disappeared while out at night spots, etc. Trafficking of women is a very real problem, and I don't think it's just a second or third world kind of thing. And who knows--the police could even be in on it.

But like I said, take this theory with a grain of salt. It's just curious that NOTHING has resurfaced after this many years.
I will admit, it is an extremely interesting theory; but for what its worth, having acutally known several of the bar owners in the 5 Points area, they are generally more worried about getting all the college kids in and getting their money versus being a part of a international sex slave trafficking conspiracy. I will admit, several of the owners of our local bars (Jungle Jim's included, although I don't know them personally, just what I have heard from mutual friends in the past) aren't the most law abiding people, but being part of an international sex slave trade route is not necessarily something I would seeing them having the cojones to actually do. Also, there probably would have been major outcries from the Univ. of South Carolina student body and faculty if female students started turning up missing and the local news stations weren't covering it like fire on coals (heck, we can't even get them to stop with the continous coverage on our illustriously quack of a Governor and his globe trotting escapades)- these guys here LOVE to smack the face of hypocracy in local govenrment.

But like I said, it IS an extremely facinating theory. Much better than one of the guys I used to go to church with, who swore on the bible that she ran away with Bono from U2 after the concert. (His elevator doesn't always leave the bacement if you cat my drift.)

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