SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 #30***ARREST**

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I do not understand why if the police report says Heather was killed at PTL, people keep coming up with theories where she was killed elsewhere. Do people think the police report is lying? It's like people don't understand how the murder could happen in about 3 minutes, so they figure it had to have happened somewhere else. And I do think it makes more sense that she was kidnapped from PTL, but the police report says she was killed there.

I wonder if they found evidence she was killed in the truck, and were not able to find any evidence that she was killed in their home, so they mean she was killed in the truck at PTL?

I really do not think LE found evidence Heather was killed at their house. Didn't Tammy allow them to search the home a day later? Also, after the big search, I remember a quote by LE that said how the search helped to tie up some loose ends, but there was nothing significant found. Another thing is, LE seems to think Heather's body was dumped in the water at PTL, and why would you go back to where the victim's car is? It makes more sense for them to have killed Heather at PTL, and dumped her body immediately afterwards.

I think that LE does not have much physical evidence Heather is dead (People have speculated they could have found Heather's DNA (?) in the gun barrel (?) or something like that but LE says they do not know how she was killed) but are instead going to use the fact that she was very active on SM before this, no use of credit cards, had a very fulfilling life here, would not just get up and leave, to convince a jury she is dead.
Yeah, my main point was just identifying the trigger and reason TM was pissed off that night.

Once they got Heather to PTL, I am not sure exactly how that went down. I am still thinking its possible that only SM was in the truck and he met up with her and they calmly drove her to the house (if kids were made sure to be gone by then).

Or as others have said, TM was hiding in backseat and attacked her once she got in.

I wonder if the trigger that set her off could have been this: while TM and SM were at home that night or out, whatever they were doing, SM could have accidentally addressed TM as Heather. I'm pretty sure this would get her pretty angry pretty quickly. An argument between the two could have then ensued and maybe SM was trying to convince TM that things were really over between Heather. TM wasn't buying it and told SM she wanted to hear it from Heather herself. They try to get in touch with her, she doesn't answer. They decide to use a pay phone to see what would happen, and when HE answers SM tells her what happened. HE may have told BW that what SM said. We know it was a short conversation and we don't know the exact words said , but HE could have said something like 'SM called TM my name and she is going to kick him out unless I tell her were through', in other words she was upset because she ruined a marriage, and it wasn't even her fault. So anyway, HE had told SM she wouldn't talk to TM, for obvious reasons, and after thinking about it, she decides that she will TM it is all over, that was she won't be breaking up their marriage, and also because they really may have been through with one another. HE gets in touch with SM and TM and they decide to meet at PTL, talk about things and squash it, and go home. When TM and SM get there, TM just gets enraged by seeing HE and just snaps. Maybe she killed her there, maybe not.
I apologize that this is so long but it could, in a way, make sense. It would just be nice to know what happened, when, where, how, and why. And really the only question that really needs to be answered is WHERE IS HEATHER? All of this is JMO and once again I do apologize for the length.

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I think she was a home sex "operator". You know the 1-800 sex lines. JMO

I absolutely agree with this! I think that is what kept her up at all hours while the kids were asleep. Would also explain the extra income. Working from home... while SM is repairing restaurants latenight
Regarding the bolded part. I am beginning to wonder if LE was just being "generic" about her being killed right at the landing area.

During the court proceedings we have already seen how LE has changed their tune about the last cell phone communications (which scares me for the case). Perhaps we will find out that LE is no longer trying to claim she was actually killed right at the landing area.

I think we tend to take all the statments too literally because that is all we have to go on. So we pick them apart and analyze them to great detail. So maybe we will find out later they were mistaken when they actually claimed she was killed at the landing area. Maybe their case will keep that part more OPEN as to where she was killed.

I agree much more evidence is coming and they need to be very careful how everything is presented. If they dont know something, they need to be very honest about that.

There would need to be probable cause to get the arrest warrant for murder and kidnapping. I don't know if them saying that it happened there is going to be a concern. It may be. It depends what they included to get the warrant. Them driving back and forth and the texts is not evidence of murder. Either is the journals. They have to have facts that both acts were committed by the parties for the warrants. Hopefully they can prove she was kidnapped and prove she was murdered, and that it was done at PTL. Because if not, a lot should and will be called into question.

If we on WS are questioning things, imagine when the defense starts weeding through things, like this timeline, warrants, etc. the jury may also question things. I am fully aware that everything is not released yet, but the things that are released still will remain of question to me.
I know someone with some of the personality traits of TM. She's small and her husband is rather large, yet the control she has over him is a little frightening. Our 6 year olds became friends at preschool and I didn't know her level of craziness right away, but once it started becoming apparent I distanced myself and subtly introduced my daughter into other peer groups. While we were friendly she was an over-sharer and told me all the ways her husband had "wronged" her. Even the slightest offense brought out scathing remarks. And she could hold a grudge against him like no other. She had told me a story of how he sent his mom money without her knowledge...I thought she had just found out because she was SO angry. Turns out it was two years prior. My point in all this rambling is that even though it seems totally nutso to us (and thank God for that), there are people that let things fester and they obsess to the point that infringes on their normal life. I am not so sure there needed to be any contact after 11/5. It's possible TM just couldn't let go and decided as long as HE existed she could never return to her little Disneyland in her head. Where she was the fairest of all and SM was her Prince Charming. I also think that she sent that text from SM about "choosing someone f-ed up" as a protective measure. She wanted to imply that he was going to make it all better. The phrasing of it sounds like her and I think she was still hoping to sell the idea of an open marriage and HE not meaning anything.

Good Points.

And good for you that you were smart to distance yourself in a polite way.

It is a tough situation to politely distance ourselves from people that may be unstable to a degree. We have to always remember it is our lives we are responsible for and we dont owe anybody anything. Other people tend to use guilt trips and our kindness to move in to our lives when we least expect it.
It becomes easy to get into bad situations before we know it.
This is a great post to remind ourselves how to properly handle situations like that and if someone gets a little mad or upset that we dont want to be their friends anymore than so be it. It is our lives that we have to look out for and nobody else. We dont owe people anything, even if they try to make us feel like we do.
I just got back, the red Chevy truck is back at the M's residence. Since it was returned by LE I assume no evidence was found inside that truck.
What do you think that means? Sorry to be dense. I have never believed she was moved due to threats on SM and LadyHawke said pretty much the same thing, but couldn't say why she was moved.

That Sidney talked.
Got to thinking about something. Most of us think this was well planned for some time.

I am wondering though if it was a little more spontaneous and maybe just that TM wanted to beat her up and then it got way out of hand
and she killed her with SM luring her. Here is why I am wondering about this.

They could not have known that Heather would even agree to meet them that night. They only got confirmation she would even meet SM during the phone call she made before leaving.

So wouldnt that mean that the SMs would have to scramble and put their plan into action. They were probably panicking themselves with what to do and how to do it.

It makes me think that it was more like something really pizzed off TM that night and she wanted to beat her up. Like ordering SM to get that girl and I am going to teach her a lesson sort of thing.

I think it may have been more spontaneous than what I first thought.

BBM- Before we were privy to the time-line, I had the same theory. However, my theory didn't include SM luring Heather to PTL. I thought Tammy found out Heather and Sidney were meeting there. Tammy shows up. She and Heather got into a physical confrontation. Tammy gets the upper-hand and kills her.Due to the timeline and LE stating Heather was killed at PTL, I have dismissed my theory. I don't think the time-line allows for a physical confrontation at PTL.
Unless TM left to go confront Heather and SM was handcuffed or not but had to try to get to the payphone at PTL to try and warn her?
This is so sad.

I'm pages back trying to catch up so forgive me if this has been covered already. There is NOT a pay phone at Peachtree Landing PTL, maybe you meant to say the Peachtree Grocery that you keep bringing up.

The majority of Websleuthers on here are not from this area and count on the locals to be providing facts rather than assumptions based on what we know about our town.

Something interesting I have been thinking about. One time on CNN there was one of those FBI contributors that said live telephone conversations can be retrieved. The interviewer sort of did a double take (was in disbelief) and asked him again, you're saying live conversations, not just voice mail or text? He said yes, but didn't really delve into it. I was wondering if this is really so and since they have FBI people on the case, is it possible they know what was said in the live calls between Heather and the m's?

Interesting. I do know with Homeland Security and the whole debacle that occurred with "Snowden" I think was his name....that it appears that certain calls are recorded for large numbers of people. My understanding is that the selected phone calls to record were done by a computer program that picks up certain key words and those calls are separated from other calls. Key words such as "bomb, attack, etc.".

Whether or not the FBI would have been able to access live recordings from the Ms is up for debate I suppose.
I totally agree. I know everyone has good intentions- but could we all try a little harder not to perpetuate half-truths and misinformation? If someone asks a question and you don't know the answer, you don't have to respond. It's frustrating to have to wade through I bunch of, "I don't know, but I think..." posts. Again, all well intended, but not particularly helpful to the greater goal.

Agreed, thank you for this!
In NC we only have license plates on back. Not required in front. Could be the same in SC? Make it a little more difficult to get plate/tag information as they would have to get the angle just right coming or going.


ETA I checked and SC is one of the 19 states along with NC that only require a back license plate at this time.

I had no idea so many required a front one, too! wow.
Fla only requires back...

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There would need to be probable cause to get the arrest warrant for murder and kidnapping. I don't know if them saying that it happened there is going to be a concern. It may be. It depends what they included to get the warrant. Them driving back and forth and the texts is not evidence of murder. Either is the journals. They have to have facts that both acts were committed by the parties for the warrants. Hopefully they can prove she was kidnapped and prove she was murdered, and that it was done at PTL. Because if not, a lot should and will be called into question.

If we on WS are questioning things, imagine when the defense starts weeding through things, like this timeline, warrants, etc. the jury may also question things. I am fully aware that everything is not released yet, but the things that are released still will remain of question to me.

I totally agree. You summarized it very well.
I do not understand why if the police report says Heather was killed at PTL, people keep coming up with theories where she was killed elsewhere. Do people think the police report is lying? It's like people don't understand how the murder could happen in about 3 minutes, so they figure it had to have happened somewhere else. And I do think it makes more sense that she was kidnapped from PTL, but the police report says she was killed there.
end quote

brilliant observation. Its like people keep saying they are waiting to see the video of the IE so they can see what the time dated stamp is when both LE and SM Atty say they were arrested for IE because of SM OWN ADMISSION that he and TM were having sex in their car at the two locations on the warrant.
Im really impressed with those of you who can over and over try to set the record straight with the patience of Job.
I agree--we dont have a lot of facts--but the ones we do have we need to try to stick to!

LE does not fabricate on official documents. yeah in an interview they may make statements to lead suspects to believe that they know more than they do. but NOT on official documents!
I haven't posted in a long time but have been lurking all along. HE was a beautiful young girl who had her whole life ahead of her and it truly breaks my heart that she got mixed up with these idiots.

Before the latest details came out, I felt like that controlling Minnie Mouse Wannabe had planned this out for revenge but now I'm starting to look at things differently. With the first call coming from a payphone, I wonder if maybe SM & TM were having a fight. He had finally had it with her crazy drunk *advertiser censored*, therefore he left the house and she wouldn't give him his phone so he went and called HE from the payphone. He starts telling HE that he is really done, that he can't take anymore, that he is leaving TM for good. He may not have even ask HE to meet him at that point, just called her cause he was upset and didn't have anyone else to talk to. Once he calmed down, he just went back home with his tail tucked between his legs. HE then calls her roommate upset and confused not knowing what to do. After thinking it over, decides to call and check on him (after all, this is someone she cared about). Calling back to the payphone first, she doesn't get an answer so she tries his cell phone. At this point TM sees that HE is calling and that's why SM doesn't answer the first few calls. He only answers after TM makes him. TM is livid that HE is calling. SM probably doesn't even tell TM that he called her from the payphone. She just thinks that HE is after her husband again so in a drunken rage,she hatches a plan to make SM tell HE to meet him. At that point she either goes alone in his truck and surprises HE or they both go attack her. This same scenario could apply if the phone sex with her BF part is true. He could of gotten so frustrated with TM for having phone sex with her BF while in the car with him, that he stopped at a payphone and called HE and then things progressed from there.
I'm pages back trying to catch up so forgive me if this has been covered already. There is NOT a pay phone at Peachtree Landing PTL, maybe you meant to say the Peachtree Grocery that you keep bringing up.

The majority of Websleuthers on here are not from this area and count on the locals to be providing facts rather than assumptions based on what we know about our town.


Hi. I honestly didn't mean to say there is a phone at PTL. It was a honest mistake. I truly am sorry and I apologize if this made anybody think that there was a phone at that location. Again, I am very sorry.
BBM- Before we were privy to the time-line, I had the same theory. However, my theory didn't include SM luring Heather to PTL. I thought Tammy found out Heather and Sidney were meeting there. Tammy shows up. She and Heather got into a physical confrontation. Tammy gets the upper-hand and kills her.Due to the timeline and LE stating Heather was killed at PTL, I have dismissed my theory. I don't think the time-line allows for a physical confrontation at PTL.

Yeah, I was kind of rambling. Sorry. I was mainly trying to figure out the reason why TM was pissed off that night and posts I made later honed in on that part better.

The actual events at PTL are open for debate. And you are right that the short timeline helps narrow down what could have happened there.
I had no idea so many required a front one, too! wow.
Fla only requires back...

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It constantly amazes me how every state has so many different rules, laws, etc. I think they should just be the same across the board. It is quite impossible to know what is allowed from what state to the next. And I don't understand why as a country we wouldn't want to have things like this all the same. I have homes in two states and it is unbelievable the differences between the two. In one state you can get a ticket for jaywalking and you can make a uturn at traffic lights, unless the sign says you can't. The other state, no uturns at intersections. The process of getting a drivers license is vastly different, as is the red light camera tickets. One state it sends you a picture of the back plate and the other of you driving. Both states require both plates. I could go on and on. I need a manual for each state, so I know what I can do when I am in each home. Sorry for the O/t.
I wonder if T & SM had a fight that night about sending the pictures to HRE? It was a very cruel & evil thing to do, maybe if SM was reluctant to send the pics it set her off? Maybe he did want to leave her after this, deciding she was just too crazy???

I think although TM may have wanted to confront, fight and torture HRE, but she has such poor impulse control I could see her strangling her the minute she sat in the seat if TM was indeed in the back seat and HRE got into the truck.

I found this interesting:

Specifically, urine, defecation, and vomit are signs that the victim was strangled. Pictures of these bodily fluids on the floor may help to prove that the victim was in fact strangled...
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