Deceased/Not Found SC - Jason Knapp, 20, Clemson, 12 April 1998

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Exactly 14 years ago, on April 12, 1998, Clemson University sophomore Jason Knapp drove to Table Rock State Park in northern Pickens County and disappeared.

It was Easter Sunday. Knapp was 20. He now would be 34.

“In my mind he’s still the boyish 20-year-old and always will be,” said Knapp’s mother, Deb Boogher, of York, Penn., who returns to the Upstate each year in hope of finding the clue to unlock the mystery of her son’s disappearance.

She never missed a year, even when she battled cancer|mostpopular|text|NEWS
:bump: for Jason, missing 15 years this week. :cry:


Knapp was last seen by his roommate at their residence in University Terrace Apartments at Clemson University in South Carolina on April 11, 1998. His roommate said that Knapp was watching a movie at approximately 10:30 p.m. that evening. Knapp has never been seen again.


Jason Andrew Knapp
From article above:
What was his state of mind? While some say Jason was in good spirits, other people interviewed during the investigation had mentioned how Jason had been depressed, Brooks said.

Sadly, to me this has always felt like a suicide...I think he went to that State Park and probably ended his life there.
I may be getting two cases confused-was this the case where the room mates packed up the belongings right away? I can't seem to find that in reference to Jason.
the pic on the right although computer generated reminded me of another computer generated pic. Do you recall
[h=3]Timothy Guthrie? ( any who in my eyes the latest pics on both are not identical but are similar. date of birth is not spot on but if you steal a kid(tim) at the age of about 4. he wont recall his earlier life. Tim's date of birth Feb 6, 1977... Jason Andrew Knapp December 30, 1977. did i also mention aside from they are both missing they got the same hair,skin, and eye color. maybe i am just having wishful sight. please let me know what you guys think.[/h]
I think Jason has a quite significant nose, Timothy's nose is totally different IMO.

knapp_jason_andrew4.jpg knapp_jason_andrew1.jpg knapp_jason_andrew3.jpg knapp_jason_andrew2.jpg
Classification: Endangered Missing
Date Of Birth: December 30, 1977
Age: 20
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 150 lbs.
Hair Color: Light brown
Eye Color: Blue
Race: White
Gender: Male
Distinguishing Characteristics: Knapp has a faint scar
on the knuckle of his right middle finger. His blood type is B-positive.
Clothing: Blue jeans, a white t-shirt, blue sneakers and possibly a
Case Number: 9811656
NCIC Number: M-115258619

Details of Disappearance
Jason was last seen at his apartment in the vicinity of the 100 block of Calhoun St. in Clemson, SC. His vehicle was found at Table Rock State Park in Pickens, SC approximately 30 miles from his apartment. Despite an extensive search of the park area, Jason has not been located.

Message from Jason's Mom:

"PLEASE HELP ME FIND JASON ANDREW KNAPP My son, Jason Andrew Knapp, disappeared on Easter Sunday, April 12, 1998. he was a twenty (20) year old student at Clemson University in Clemson, South Carolina where he was a sophomore majoring in mechanical engineering. He was last seen at approximately 10:30 PM on Saturday, April 11, 1998
Did they interview any hikers or people who were at the park that day? The park staff, etc. Had anyone else disappeared from that park before? Did they bring cadaver/search dogs into the initial search?
I stumbled upon this old case last night. On here I read he had picked up a 6-pack of soda and a full container of juice before his arrival at the park. After his trip to Wendy's. I wonder if he could have been meeting someone there, and the drinks were to be shared. If it was regular grocery shopping I would find it more likely he'd pick it up on the way back to his apartment.

Has it ever been mentioned if the friend he was looking for an apartment with a man/woman or one of the roommates he was currently living with? It just feels like he went to meet someone there with buying all those refreshments.
This article from 2014 has very detailed info about his activites that day and insight from his mother and close friend Amanda:

Interesting points I hadn't read elsewhere:

1) Lake has been drained for maintenance and trails reworked. No sign of him anywhere. An account from a hiker who fell off a cliff and landed on a ledge. Was rescued but showed how an accident could happen, and he still couldn't be found.
2) His close friend Amanda had seen him just days prior and described him as in good spirits. I see references to some described him as depressed but not who. She and his mother said he was obsessive about taking off the cover to the stereo where it could be seen and would leave a diner to do it if he could see it from inside. His car was found locked with the stereo cover attached which Amanda found very strange and out of character. He arrived b/t 3-5PM I believe.
3) His roommates had gone out of town for the Easter weekend. The last one saw him watching a movie the night before and left. When they returned they assumed he had simply gone out of town. Explains why they didn't see him that day or would know where he was going.
4) Still no mention of who the friend is he was looking for an apartment with or what that person had to say.
5) He ate at a Wendy's close to his apartment and picked up a 6-pack of root beer and a large container of juice on the way there. His fingerprints were on park admission ticket. No mention of whether all the drinks were found in the car.
6) He was described as more of a mountain biker than a hiker, but Amanda thought he could have gone to hike. He was parked in the front row next to the lake. I'm not familiar with it but could he have gone perhaps to watch a sunset and not to hike? With someone?

A 6-pack of root beer and a large container of juice seem like a lot of liquid provisions to take for a hike by just one person. I'm really curious if they were still in the car or if he took some out.

I'm just wondering if it has ever been discussed who this friend was he was looking for an apartment with and if he could have been planning to meet up with this friend.
I agree, a great deal of liquid to consume for one person. If he arrived between 3-5 PM, that is somewhat late to start a hike. His friend Amanda, I believe, felt that if he left the cover on his car radio (the face plate) he knew he was not coming back. But why?
His mother, Deborah Boogher, petitioned the York County courts in recent months to have him legally declared dead. His father, John Knapp, agreed to it.

Two memorial services -- one in York County and one at Clemson University -- will be held this month to remember the young man who dreamed of working for a NASCAR racing team and having a family someday.

A plaque also will be placed in Susquehanna Memorial Gardens to remember him.



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