SC - KB, 30, (alive) & Charlie Carver, 32, (dec'd) Anderson, 31 Aug 2016 *Arrest* #2

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"keep in car for when you have to hide the bodies and you left the full size shovel at home.... does not come with a midget, which would have been nice"
Not that it's not already just horrifying, but, it sounds as if it could get worse. If someone wrote that on a review, once, as a joke, okay. They were being funny. But, a lot of his reviews are strange and could have double meanings now that we know what he is.
2 selections from TKA's Yelp.

June 2016
"[...] Research showed this realtor had not sold anything within two years. Obviously hungry, would not discuss price negotiation. Will not recommend this firm, and the home, its been on the market for years without a buyer more than likely due to misrepresenting what it is. Easy to contact free public records and get info. But this is MY experience, hope others are better."

and the irony...

January 2015
"Very Ethical. Did the right thing even when it would have made him more money to follow the other agents game plan... Would have gotten the house.. but we would have ended up in court months later we are sure of.... Todd fixed it so that we stayed legal and everything closed without any further games"

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Very good points. I am going to have to read that book.

There have been quite a few people that crossed paths with this guy and their intuition made them back away. Thank goodness they had the intuition they needed.

I know my weakness is I usually have pretty good intuition but where I fail is I sometimes toss it aside and blow it off. I need to do much better in that regard.

I think we're all guilty of this, which is what makes his book so eye opening. He really drives the point home by detailing the many ways our innate instincts and intuition warn us about potentially dangerous situations and really stresses that it's our best tool (above and beyond any weapon that exists) for defending ourselves. We live in a society that often views "intuition" as some silly little thing that cannot be trusted, so we've conditioned ourselves to brush it off and ignore it. In actuality, we are the only living creatures on earth that ignore our natural instincts and it can be detrimental to our survival. One example he points out is how many people are willing to trust their dog's instincts above their own. We tend to think our dogs can somehow sense ill will but that we can't. The only difference between our instincts and their instincts is that we also have the ability to reason and they cannot. Our reasoning may tell us that we're just being silly so we ignore them, and we've ignored them for so long that we don't even know we do it anymore. de Becker believes that our dogs begin to act strange whenever they pick up on OUR fear because they innately know that fear equals danger. So, when your dog starts to act all weird and skittish around the stranger who just approached you in the park, he isn't acting that way because he senses an ill will in the stranger, he's probably acting that way because your own instincts have kicked in and he senses your fear. Even when we ignore our instincts on a mental level, like we've been conditioned to do our whole lives, our fight-or-flight response still engages and your dog picks up on that even if we never know it.

I HIGHLY recommend. :)

ETA: Moral of the story: always listen to what your dog is telling you regardless if they're his instincts OR yours. Who really cares if your instincts get a mixed signal somewhere along the way and end up making you look silly? YOU'RE STILL ALIVE.

I actually have a huge notebook filled with notes on this book and thought about creating a synopsis of sorts... with the most important info I took away from the book... and posting it on WS somewhere. I just didn't know if anyone would care about it or where I would post it, etc.

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That's exactly what I was thinking too. After 2 months, TK thought he was in the clear and got away with it and turned on her phone.

WSPA 7 Brianna Smith gives case update This feed from WSPA 7 in Greenville/ Spartanburg area has the reporter Brianna Smith stating that the phone pinged on the 95 acres on Aug 31st but because of the nature of the time that it takes in getting info back from a cell phone company through search warrants, LE did not get the info back until 2 weeks ago. She states that their news station was aware that the Sheriff's office was doing surveillance of the property by helicopter 2 weeks ago but LE asked the media to keep quiet to keep from tipping TK off until they got all of the search warrants they needed to move forward. I remember when my ex did search warrants when he worked in narcotics investigations, him talking about how they had to have all of their ducks in a row before they raided a location. If I am not mistaken, he mentioned more than once that he had to have satellite photos of some locations when he was dealing with joint operations with the DEA and ATF to prove that they were serving the right address, and that there was a lot more red tape that had to be gone through to ensure that when they went to court the perpetrators would not get off on a technicality.
I get what you're saying, and it makes a lot of sense since he had issues w both his father and step father.

Okay, so here's what I'm wondering, now that I'm about caught up:

Is he choosing his victims because he fixates on them, or does he fixate on the men in their lives first?

- In the incident when he was a teen, he used the boyfriend to lure his victim. Was he trying to get her, or trying to get her because he wanted to show up the boyfriend?
- People mentioned that he would be very aggressive/competitive with the men he interacted with. One of his tenants said this, and apparently he did it on (his own) Facebook.
- Did he go after KB because he was obsessed with her, or would he have been completely uninterested if she was single?

I think these are important questions when (or if, in the event they find more bodies) it comes to figuring out who his potential victims were. If he was obsessed with showing up other men and the women were, in his mind, just a bonus, his victims are going to look different than serial killers/kidnappers like Bundy, who clearly had a type of victim. He might even have male victims who were single, but who TK felt threatened by in some other way, or who had something (other than a girlfriend) that he wanted.
This guy went to prison for about 15 years and anybody in their right mind who looked at his record should have realized that it was a severe crime if he ended up doing 15 years time in prison.

So what county officials decided it was ok to give him special permission to own weapons. And a Real Estate selling license to boot not more than 5 years out of prison.

I can see why the one client said he may have been a good sales person. He was more like a good CON person as in ex-CON. They learn to con other people real good in prison I am sure.

Not only that, he was a juvenile. If a juvenile stays in prison past 21 and their record isn't expunged as an adult, you know they probably committed an extremely violent crime.
Thanks. It's a miracle she was alive after all that time. Just wow. I had no idea in a missing persons case it would take 6 weeks to get cell info.
WSPA 7 Brianna Smith gives case update This feed from WSPA 7 in Greenville/ Spartanburg area has the reporter Brianna Smith stating that the phone pinged on the 95 acres on Aug 31st but because of the nature of the time that it takes in getting info back from a cell phone company through search warrants, LE did not get the info back until 2 weeks ago. She states that their news station was aware that the Sheriff's office was doing surveillance of the property by helicopter 2 weeks ago but LE asked the media to keep quiet to keep from tipping TK off until they got all of the search warrants they needed to move forward. I remember when my ex did search warrants when he worked in narcotics investigations, him talking about how they had to have all of their ducks in a row before they raided a location. If I am not mistaken, he mentioned more than once that he had to have satellite photos of some locations when he was dealing with joint operations with the DEA and ATF to prove that they were serving the right address, and that there was a lot more red tape that had to be gone through to ensure that when they went to court the perpetrators would not get off on a technicality.
I just want to take a moment and thank all of you for all your work into finding information for this case and all of the info passed on to detectives over the last 2 months. Perhaps we will never know how much of the information we found / sent could have helped, but the sheer outpouring of support and interested and man hours spent pouring over anything related to the case gives me hope for humanity. I know the story is far from over, and the odds are incredibly high there are more victims here than just KB and CDC, KB has been brought home safe as of now, TK is in jail, and he's off the street and will probably never harm another innocent person again. Let's remain vigilant. Let's support the families. Let's provide hope. Let's dig in and do anything we can can do to help if it comes to light there are indeed more victims.

As Mr Rogers said "When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, 'Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping"

You guys are helpers. You are good people, and I'm proud to be a part of the community.
It is not unusual for serial killers to taunt and communicate in riddles. Psychopaths are very calculating, creative, deflective, and manipulative. Todd K was likely very intelligent and had two selves; good Todd and evil Todd. They think rapidly and have the ability to fool even the most experienced homicide investigators. His coworkers. facebook, and other friends should not feel guilty for being deceived by Todd K. They possess a chameleon-like ability to hide their true intentions. jmo
Oh ok. Thanks, I wasn't sure.

Just because the rule applies to minors, doesn't mean that you couldn't still choose to refer to her as KB. I see some of the other posters are using initials for for her, her boyfriend, and the perp. :)
It is not unusual for serial killers to taunt and communicate in riddles. Psychopaths are very calculating, creative, deflective, and manipulative. Todd K was likely very intelligent and had two selves; good Todd and evil Todd. They think rapidly and have the ability to fool even the most experienced homicide investigators. His coworkers. facebook, and other friends should not feel guilty for being deceived by Todd K. They possess a chameleon-like ability to hide their true intentions. jmo

Agreed! The psychology eval administered in '89 listed an IQ of 118 - so his intelligence was above average despite having poor grades. I'm sure his grades were the result of apathy and lack of effort.

O/T: Is anyone else having trouble editing in Tapatalk? Every time I try to edit a post using the app, I get an error saying something about the title exceeds the maximum character limit but I'm not editing the title. I've only had this problem for the last two days or so. I've never seen that particular error before and I'm just curious if anyone else is having the same problem. I think the app may have been updated recently (my apps are set up to automatically update if my phone is connected to wifi), so maybe an update has something to do with it.
He reminds me of the main character from the movie "We Need to Talk About Kevin".

From Rotten Tomatoes:
Tilda Swinton plays the mother, Eva, as she contends for 15 years with the increasing malevolence of her first-born child, Kevin (Ezra Miller). Based on the best-selling novel of the same name, We Need to Talk About Kevin explores nature vs. nurture on a whole new level as Eva's own culpability is measured against Kevin's innate evilness.

I've noticed quite a few similarities between the fictional Kevin & TK.

- exhibiting emotional and psychological disturbances from a very early age
- displays little to no moral responsibility towards his family or community
- seems to regard everyone with contempt and hatred
- reserves a special loathing for his mother, whom he antagonizes on a near constant basis (in one scene, Kevin destroys a room his mother had just painstakingly wallpapered with rare maps... which sounds a lot like the time TK destroyed his bedroom with a hammer only two days after his mom had finished remodeling it OR the time his mom bought him a bunch of new clothes and then found them shoved under their couch and shredded into pieces
-petty acts of sabotage (both tried to sabotage their mother's marriage and eventually succeed in doing so)

Needless to say, that movie is very disturbing.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk are spot on. That was a disturbing movie.

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This is an excerpt from one of his tenants. He pegged this guy to a "T". This is why intuition is sometimes all you have to go on. True testament to the quote......."when people show you who they are, believe them".


" Michael Foster, an assistant pastor at Trinity Presbyterian Church in Spartanburg, rented a home in Moore from Kohlhepp. He moved in with his wife and five children in late August, and he believes his was one of the last homes KB cleaned before being abducted.

He said he thought it was strange that Kohlhepp neglected to check references or credit as his family moved in.

"He is a creepy dude,” Foster said. “Creepy is sort of the wrong word. He’s just someone who makes everything about himself, someone that just talks a lot about money and a lot about how many people work for him. He kept telling me he had this girlfriend that was hard to please. He said it twice, and he mentioned that he spent the weekends out on the lake in Anderson.

“I always sensed when I was around him that I needed to stay close to him. He was someone that you needed to manage his presence around you so you don’t get managed. He always made me feel uncomfortable.”

You can read the full article here:

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Honestly, how evil could a 15 month old really be? They aren't physically or emotionally developed enough to be "bad"---I wonder if he was a *normal* infant/toddler, but suffered in his enviroment during that developmental period.

So true. You can't even call a 15 month old a brat.....they are babies. Was it his mother who said that? Any parent who could refer or reflect on a baby and call them "evil"......has issues.

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Such a twist that I wasn't expecting. I truly felt the kudzu was probably hiding the vehicle. The horrors that my mind never would have jumped to. I hope KB can recover fully from this. I hope that if there are more bodies on that property or any associated with him, that LE doesn't stop until they are found, and I hope this case doesn't fade off media radar like the case with that LE stated could be a serial killer, raided the barn, found a hidden room, like a torture chamber, and then silence....I don't know if any other victims existed in that case, or if they just haven't identified other victims yet.

I don't know what we as a society do with people like this monster. Nature, vs, nurture, I don't know, and frankly not sure it matters once the extreme disfunctions are noted. Family knew, neighbors knew, victims knew, judges knew, psychiatrists knew how dangerous and disfunctional and troubled this perp is, and yet, he had served his prison term, so he had to be released back into society. Even knowing that having grown up in prison during some very formative years, his life was not a normal life. He grew up in prison....yet released into society to adjust and live among us. Didn't work out so well for society!
What he did with David, I hope LE can recover his body and allow his family to bury him. With all the heavy equipment, soil and rock moving, I'm concerned about a body being found in a 'shallow grave'...doesn't add up.
There's already been so many posts about this case. We're now already on about pg-40 of a #2 thread by now.
I don't know if I'd have the patience to look around to see if anybody knows the answer to this, but I'll try...

What kind of "background check" do people want realtors to have? And why realtors in particular?
I could understand a "Have you ever raped someone at gunpoint?" check.

But to me, "background check" means this:

What is a person capable of doing something evil to do?
If they can't work anywhere, they have a lot of time on their hands to think up (and do) very bad things.

What about people who wouldn't hurt a fly, but happen to be convicted of a victimless crime?
Even though he was only in high school, his crime indeed had a victim. In real life, that makes him worse than somebody that partied too hard in their youth.
But the eyes law don't really differentiate between those things very much.

Not sure if you got your answer yet but South Carolina did not require "background" checks for licensing until 2017. It was like an "honor-telling self disclosure". That law was changed but the new law of mandatory background doesn't go into effect until 2017.


A revision of the South Carolina Real Estate Licensing law (S.1013/Act.170) was signed into law on May 23, 2016. The new license law will take effect on January 1st, 2017. There are multiple changes which will affect licensees or applicants.

Ten (10) hours of biennial continuing education will be required for broker and salesperson licensees including 4 hour mandatory core course. (*Will begin with licenses which expire June 30th 2018)

Brokers in Charge will have an additional mandatory 4 hour CE class out of their 10 hours in addition to the mandatory core course. (*Will begin with licenses which expire June 30th 2018)

Sales initial licensure applicants will have to complete 90 hours of pre-licensing education prior to being issued a license. There will no longer be a one year "provisional" license issued after completing 60 hours and passing the exam. Applicant must complete the additional 30 hours prior to issuance of a full sales license.

Applicants who are non-residents and licensees of other jurisdictions will have to submit a certification of licensure from their licensed jurisdiction and apply to take the South Carolina sales or broker exam. South Carolina resident applicants will be required to take the South Carolina qualifying pre-licensing courses.

To become a Property Manager in Charge, applicants will need to complete a 7 hour PMIC class in addition to the 30 hour Property Management pre-licensing course.
There are many other updates, including reporting of contact information and residency changes, marketing and disclosure duties, teams, transaction brokerage, personal transactions involving licensees, and consequences of denial or revocation of licensure.

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