SC SC - Kynande Bennett, 4, Conway, 29 Sept 2002 *V. White guilty*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I think you're on to something. I don't recall too many tennis shoes for girls in black. Mostly girls shoes are white, pink, etc. The age range of UID fits also it may have been placed older than Kynande because of height of the remains. The shoe size is definetly in toddler sized, which I believe go up to size 12. I doubt a 9 year old would have a size 8.5 shoe size, so I'm leaning the remains were of of a child no older than 6. I don't understand the 50# difference in the weight range. Maybe the piece of clothing had a size tag, or looked larger. But children do wear t-shirts oversized. I think this is a good possibility of being Kynande going by height and weight.

I think it could be a boys size . Alot of girls wear black sneakers in grammar school. I was thinking they might sell that size at Stride Rite.
Thank you, one and all for the replies. I have not contacted LE yet, I wanted to get some other opinions first. Now, I will contact them. You know, I hate so much to be a pain to LE if I'm wrong, but I guess there isn't any other way.

Thanks guys!

AFTER MIDNIGHT - Is this YOU??? Did you contact LE?


Body found in New Jersey could be that of missing Whiteville girl

By Deuce Niven
WHITEVILLE — A laboratory in Texas is testing DNA samples to determine
whether a body found in New Jersey is that of a 4-year-old girl who went
missing in 2002.

The girl’s mother, Vartasha McCullough White, was sentenced to 20 years in
prison for killing Kynande Bennett even though the girl’s body never was

White claimed Kynande disappeared from a Kmart in Whiteville in 2002.

Sean Adison, a detective with the Conway Police Department in Conway, S.C.,
said the DNA testing will determine whether the body found in New Jersey is

“They’ve got the DNA profile we developed during our case,” Adison said.
“They are comparing it with the remains they recovered in New Jersey.”

Adison said he does not know when the Texas lab will complete its work.

Conway police took over the case after officers in Whiteville decided that
White lied when she said the girl went missing at the store there.
Investigators don’t believe Kynande was in Whiteville on the Sunday evening
she was reported missing. White was living in Conway at the time.

An anonymous Internet user put police on the New Jersey trail, e-mailing
links to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children to news
outlets and to police, asking if a body found in Upper Freehold Township in
Monmouth County, N.J., in March 2005 might be Kynande.

White was convicted in 2006 of homicide by child abuse, aiding and abetting
child abuse, and child neglect.

Her lawyer, Ralph Wilson, is aware of the remains in New Jersey and wants
the DNA analysis done, said his son, Ralph Wilson Jr. The younger Wilson is
a clerk in his father’s office. The senior Wilson is out of the country, his
son said.

Composite sketches
A hunter walking in Clayton Park in Monmouth County discovered a partially
buried skull and jawbone in tall grass on March 18, 2005, according to a
statement from the New Jersey State Police.

Detectives found a complete skeleton and some canvas material that is
possibly from a handbag or a book bag, with a print of the cartoon character
Sylvester the Cat.

Forensic anthropologists have created two composite sketches from the skull
and from DNA analysis that tells them the body is that of a girl, probably
black, who was between 5 and 9 years old when she died.

Tests on the girl’s teeth indicate she lived in a community where the water
is fluorinated. No fillings or dental work were found.

Two images of the child’s face give “a useful range of looks, depicting the
possible age range for the girl,” the statement said. One is a
computer-generated image based on a CAT scan of the child’s skull made by
the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. The other is a
drawing by a New Jersey State Police artist.

“It’s almost school time again, and we hope these images will trigger
someone’s memory of a child that disappeared between three to seven years
ago without an adequate explanation,” said Lt. William Sykes of the New
Jersey State Police.

A tip line has been set up by New Jersey police. Anyone who recognizes the
girl in the sketches, or who knows something about the case is asked to call
(866) 657-7411.

“This is a very solvable case if the right people see these images,” said
Lt. Col. Gayle Cameron, deputy superintendent of investigations for the New
Jersey State Police. “Until then, the tragic death of this child will be on
the minds and hearts of our detectives working this case.”

The person who e-mailed law enforcement identifies herself as Andrea. She
said she would like to remain anonymous.

“I think a lot of this stuff seems to slip through the cracks because no one
sends the information on,” Andrea wrote in an e-mail. “It’s kind of
disturbing that even though this child was found two years ago, unless I’m
wrong it’s just been checked out for the first time now to see if it’s the
same person or not. It’s pretty sad, and it makes me really mad.”
WOW OMGosh, I can't believe this!
An anonymous Internet user put police on the New Jersey trail, e-mailing
links to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children to news
outlets and to police, asking if a body found in Upper Freehold Township in
Monmouth County, N.J., in March 2005 might be Kynande.

I can't tell you what I'm feeling right now. To think that family (except for the mother) will have their child back to give a proper burial....

AfterMidnight, you are just awesome. Thank you for looking so hard for this precious little girl. :blowkiss:

This is AMAZING!!!

See what you all can do? All you need to do is care enough to get involved and all kinds of good things can happen.

I am very proud of all of you.

waiting to here from Aftermidnight. ..:clap:
That's great! I hope this little Princess Doe will soon have an identity. Good Job, After Midnight.
So what's the final word on this? Anyone know?

It's been over a month since anything has been updated on this case. Have the DNA results come in?

My biggest problem with this case is the missing child height and weight. 90 pounds and 3'11" for a 4 year old (4 yrs and 1 month) is HUGE. This child would have been in almost the 100th percentile for height and weight. Actually she would be big for a child double her age. This is about normal for a 10 year old. Something is terribly wrong.

In the different articles I've read, they never mention she was a giant child.
I remember reading an article stating that the dna testing could take 6 months to a year. Also, in later articles it was stated that investigators aren't so convinced that the unidentified little girl is Kynande.

If I recall right, Kynande's parents have no known ties to NJ, whether that is why they feel it isn't her, I am unsure.
The waiting is awful. I wonder how close they are to finding out if it's her? Do they have any other possibles?
I belive the mother went to trial and was convicted of the childs murder in 2006 and sentenced to twenty years in prison.
The little girl's body has never been found. :(
I live about 45 minutes from Freehold,its really out of the way.Its towards the shore,but also near the pine barrens,which is a large tract of land(millions of acres in southern/central NJ)and that is not an area where people with no ties to NJ would find easily. I have to believe that the person that dropped this body there drove by on their way to the shore,or points north. Most likely i would say it was someone who knew this area pretty well
Any update?

It saddens me to realize they have found missing children that have no name. I feel so sad for this 4 year old girl. I hope she is named soon.
I found an update from 15 March 2008 it is an article for purchase but the first paragraph is free to see:

POLICE HORRY COUNTY Child's DNA not a match for lost Conway girl A DNA profile from a missing Conway girl did not match that of a child's remains found last year in New Jersey, according to Catina Hipp, spokesperson for Conway Police. The unknown child's DNA did not match that of Kynande Bennett or her biological parents

The child they are referencing is the one listed above as Jane Doe Case File 479UFNJ.

That child remains unidentified according to the doenetwork link above.
The Charley Project

National Center for Missing & Exploited Children

Case Type: Endangered Missing
DOB: Aug 24, 1998 Sex: Female
Missing Date: Sep 29, 2002 Race: Black
Age Now: 11 Height: 3'10" (117 cm)
Missing City: WHITEVILLE Weight: 90 lbs (41 kg)
Missing State : NC Hair Color: Brown
Missing Country: United States Eye Color: Brown
Case Number: NCMC946349

National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
1-800-843-5678 (1-800-THE-LOST)
Whiteville Police Department (North Carolina) 1-910-640-1428
I belive the mother went to trial and was convicted of the childs murder in 2006 and sentenced to twenty years in prison.
The little girl's body has never been found. :(

sure wish she would tell where the child's body is, after all she is in prison for the crime. :furious:
Vartasha McCullough White

Housed: Graham Correctional Institution
Sentence Start Date: 01/08/2006

Offense: Homicide by Child Abuse
Sentence: 20 years

Projected Release Date: 01/24/2023
Projected Parole Date: 01/28/2023

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