SC - Mica Miller, 30 yr old Found Deceased - Pastors Wife's Death Being Investigated, May 2024 #2

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In a March 14 police report, Mica was accused of stealing nearly $1,200 in donations meant for the church’s “Dare to Care Mission” effort in Africa. The investigation was closed without any charges being filed.

Mica’s husband, John-Paul Miller, the church’s pastor when the complaint was filed, was listed as an an “involved other” in the police report. John-Paul was relieved of his ministerial duties last week after his wife’s death.

Attorney Regina Ward said a postnuptial agreement, which is made after you’re married, was drafted between Mica and John-Paul in February. It states that “Mica shall be entitled to the Africa missions, Dare to Care Mission and the bank account at South State Bank.”

Ward said the police report was filed weeks after the agreement was drafted, and she said she obtained an unsigned copy from Mica at the time. News13 was told Mica did eventually sign it, but we have not been able to verify that it was filed into court records.

“So she was under the impression, in my opinion, that they had reached an agreement that she would be able to remove those funds and continue her heart’s desire, which is that mission,” Ward said.
*this article reminds me of a site hyperlinked from the church website. If you choose to donate to the missions fund, you can choose some or all of it to go to a sub mission fund? I posted earlier about the donations are divided into three groups as they are here but listed as different categories. I'll see if I can find the article again. *found it and I guess they match up with Tithes, building fund and missions.
So, did he set her up to take the fall for misspent funds (spent by JP) by coercing her to sign the post-nup? TIA
At this moment I do still believe that she committed suicide and was not physically shot by JPM or by any of his cohorts.

Which is not to say that he was not instrumental in her death, because IMO he certainly made her life unbearable.

IMO they had a very torturous obsession with each other…not blaming the victim but that’s how it appears to me, and I completely blame JPM for initiating an inappropriate relationship when she was very young.

I think his twisted relationship with her developed into her believing she was in love with him, but nothing about him was holy or good, and she found that out the hardest way.

If I were a church member I’d be turned off immediately just knowing he owned a bar. What Christian pastor invests in a bar where people would get drunk?

He is rotten to the core and I’m astonished that the church members and/or overseers would embrace him in any way after his double life has been revealed.

He is toxic, he’s a hypocrite, he’s a sex addict, he’s greedy, he’s a cheater, he’s a liar, he’s an attention hog, possibly a pedophile…I cannot fathom how anyone going forward could allow him in a ministry.

What?! He is part owner of a bar?! (I stepped away for 2 days and missed so much.)

Your last 3 paragraphs... so spot on!!
Where does a pastor with 5 kids, one ex-wife and one wife get money to become a part owner of a bar?
Mandy Matney:

"Could you imagine THIS man telling you that YOU are the crazy one?
THEN imagine watching a church full of people listen to his sermons and giving him 10 percent of their income??
It's honestly horrifying."

WTH is wrong with him? Can anyone understand what he's saying (whining)? Was he just trying to pretend to show how broken he is after Mica's death and way overacting it?
I heard something about medications??
And that he felt like ants were all over him? (So get up off the ground - duh!)
And he said Mark was on the way... is that his son? (how EMBARRASSING to let him, or anyone actually, see him like that!)

Lol, and his neighbor who's out there helping him -- and filming it all -- then runs and posts it online! (Thanks, neighbor! We're glad you were there!)
Where does a pastor with 5 kids, one ex-wife and one wife get money to become a part owner of a bar?
That's actually not a very big salary for a senior pastor of a church like Solid Rock.

Most pastors receive salary packages. Ministers are considered self-employed so they pay self-employment taxes. Their packages are broken down into categories, such as: Salary, Housing Allowance, Office/Education Expense, Travel Expense, Insurances, Retirement, etc. So if a Pastor has a package of $100,000, not all of that money goes in his pocket. After paying the self-employment taxes, and reserving line items to pay for those other expenses, he might bring home $700 per week.

I have a feeling JPM made much more than what's being shown on that site.
Hey folks .. in answer to a question we received, we are approving Mandy Matney as a source for this specific discussion (not blanket approval yet but perhaps that will happen down the road). Mandy was approved in the Murdaugh case and there were no issues.
Is New York Post an approved site? I can't remember. I wanted to link something but I couldn't remember if they were approved or not.

The court documents state, Mica told her sister that John-Paul was moving assets that were in his name, such as his car, changing the deed to their house to the church and transferring interest in Crocodile Rocks to one of his sons. Crocodile Rocks is a piano bar in Myrtle Beach. According to Horry County's online land records, the land was transferred from John-Paul Miller to Solid Rock Ministries, Inc on December 15, 2023.

Documents state that before she was hospitalized, Mica was gathering "evidence" to bring to a divorce attorney, which allegedly supported her claims of John-Paul's abuse, character and "associates he paid off or blackmailed." While she was admitted to the facility, those documents, emails and files were removed from her phone, laptop, vehicle and purse and were never recovered, per the affidavit. Mica was also reportedly not able to access her iCloud account, email or Facebook profile. John-Paul used at least one of Mica's accounts, causing any recipient to believe they were communicating with Mica, the probate documents read.

The court documents state, Mica told her sister that John-Paul was moving assets that were in his name, such as his car, changing the deed to their house to the church and transferring interest in Crocodile Rocks to one of his sons. Crocodile Rocks is a piano bar in Myrtle Beach. According to Horry County's online land records, the land was transferred from John-Paul Miller to Solid Rock Ministries, Inc on December 15, 2023.

Documents state that before she was hospitalized, Mica was gathering "evidence" to bring to a divorce attorney, which allegedly supported her claims of John-Paul's abuse, character and "associates he paid off or blackmailed." While she was admitted to the facility, those documents, emails and files were removed from her phone, laptop, vehicle and purse and were never recovered, per the affidavit. Mica was also reportedly not able to access her iCloud account, email or Facebook profile. John-Paul used at least one of Mica's accounts, causing any recipient to believe they were communicating with Mica, the probate documents read.

There's a motive for murder, if that's what happened. jmo
Part 3 (20ish minutes in to the video) - earlier parts linked at the bottom of this post

I highlighted a bit in red that I thought was good to note for those who hadn't seen/heard this.

Also some specifics on the grooming that I've not seen mentioned here previously (JP was friends with Mica's first husband, had her working for him, etc.).

So Sierra Francis now joins the conversation. This is Mica's sister. Thank you so much for coming on. (snip for apologies, etc.)

I've already spoken to your father a lot about what you guys believe might have happened here. I want to talk to you about this legal claim you have filed against Mr Miller and the church. Walk us through what that claim is and what you're hoping to get from that.

A (about 21:30) I don't have you know perfect details of everything. I'm just trying to pick up where Mica left off and make sure that justice is served and that we are able to remain over her estate and make sure that it is used or allotted in the way she would have wanted it to.

Q: Do you know anything about the FBI being a part of this investigation now? Were you told anything about that? What they might be looking into?

A: So we are aware that Robeson County did come out and say that the FBI is involved. But as far as, you know, what they're investigating and the extent of their involvement, the family's not sure.

Q: (22 is minutes) Ok, ok, um, I wanted to ask you this, both of you. So look, the main argument, and it's being put forward by Mr Miller, and um what we've seen is Mica, they say, had suffered from mental illness. Do you know anything about that? Could you tell us about that because one of the things that Mr. Miller has said is he had this power of attorney (POA) set up for that reason. Um, what can you tell us about what Mica might have been going through?

A (sister) So before Mica married JP she had no signs, no history, no indications of mental illness at all.

Q: Why did he, why did she presumably agree to a POA? Usually the person who sets it up would have to agree to it and sign to it?

A (sister): He had every way to control her and he was very good at manipulating the situation.

(dad) And so she thought that he would be doing the right thing and that she wanted to trust that Mr Miller was actually doing the right thing for them

(dad) Until she got away from him and had more time, when she spent more time with us, uh, to peel off some of those layers and realize what was going on and then she started becoming herself again, and got a job and everything else, and was doing fine and was happy go-lucky self again, excited about the future, which is something he did not like. Just you know just very terrible.

Q (23 minutes in) There are these allegations that he groomed her. What do we mean by that?

A (sister): He had his sight set on her from a very young age, I would guess probably 14 years old, 14 or 15 years old, when we first came to the church, um, he made sure that he kept her exactly where he wanted her.

To the point of who she married, um, what job she picked up after she was you know 18. He got her married and then he made her his secretary and his babysitter and his 'let's go to lunch' person and oh you're so beautiful.

(dad) And then when she was married, same thing. [JP was] Best friends with her previous husband, and uh, manipulated the situation where he could have him doing something because he was his right-hand man, and then spend time with Mica alone uh, which is very inappropriate.

Q: To be clear about that, are you alleging that he engaged in criminal contact with Mica and if so, again my understanding is there's no time bar in SC to bring charges. Is this something that you're speaking about with authorities?

A (24:45 - sister) I don't think he physically had a relationship with her until after she had already been married to Jeremy.

Q: I wanted to ask you about something else, um, this goes back tot hat idea of why he says, and Ron, why he says he had to set up the POA. It was concerned about whether Mica would be taking money. Because there was this allegation that Mica was a suspect in the theft of $1200 in donations for the Solid Rock um, this missionary efforts. I understand that you want to clear the record up on that.

A (sister): That was investigated. I have seen um, you know, police excerpts on that, and from what I've seen, to the best of my knowledge, it said that it was just a domestic dispute, and there was no criminal charges to be filed.

(dad) And also, as far as the amount that was mentioned, uh, Mica was having trouble with the websites releasing the money to her from the donations, (sister) such as Venmo or stuff like that, (dad) and they were holding onto those funds as they do for like the three-day period, or whatever, gaining interest, and so during that period where the money didn't show up yet, he was accusing her of stealing money. And then after the fact, after she's passed, all the money showed back in except one penny.

(sister) Not to mention that money wasn't money that was donated and she was stealing it. This money was 'hey, I've put $600 out of my pocket with the intention of I know I'll be reimbursed from this,' because that's what she was told. 'Hey, spend your $600 to purchase, you know, all the donuts you're using for fundraising. It's a charity, we'll make sure we reimburse you.' So it's not stealing, it's reimbursement for what she's already put into.

Q: (26:30 ish) Before I let you go, I have to ask you about this letter that came out, that he had seemingly apologized to Mica, uh, for what he said was releasing a nude photograph of her on the internet. What was your reaction to that letter?

A (sister): He's a faker. He likes to band-aid everything so he can steal, control and manipulate people.

(dad) I told him straight up, because of his behavior before, ok, now go ahead and go cry in front of your church and apologize like you always do. And he didn't. During the sermon and his bombshell drop at the last point, he didn't do his fake sniveling crying fake stuff, he just, you know, until later.

But he would numerous times, he would go in front of the church and say I'm sorry I did this and I did that, I'm sorry if you don't want me to be the pastor. I'll leave. And they would say, 'oh no, you do such a great job,' and then it would happen again and again.

(sister) And if they did stand up against him, he would threaten them with removing them from the church or he would just straight out remove them in front of everybody and then later in sermon said, 'oh well, they just left for no reason, I don't know why they left.'

(dad) Anything that comes out of his mouth, it's all backwards.

Q: Here's what I wanted to ask you. This is going to be an on-going disucsison and I was hoping - and first of all, thank you for being so forthcoming to explain this, give your perspective on what's happening - as this progresses, can we keep an open line? And can you come back and let us know any updates that are happening on your end? We would really appreciate it because, um, I think a lot of people have questions about this.

A: Sure, as long as our attorneys are in agreement and such and we will keep it open, most likely that would be yes.

So listen, again, thank you so much for coming on. We really appreciate this, and again, my heart goes out to you and your family, uh, about this loss, and I'm so sorry for what you're going through. But again, we really appreciate you taking the time.

Video transcript part 1 here

Video transcript part 2

Video source:
Pastor John Paul Miller didn't pull the trigger, but in my mind he is responsible for Mica's suicide. I hope LE stays hot on this con artist's heels and discovers something for which he can be charged and arrested.
The last place he should land is in another church where he can start over with conning, money laundering, and abuse. imo
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So the POA Mica signed possibly wasn't notarized in her presence. At the very least, it wasn't signed and notarized at the same time, date or in the same location!

She supposedly signed it 12/4 at the church.

It was notarized 12/5 at the law offices (law offices of the guy who owns the property adjacent to where Mica's body was found).

Texts received by MyrtleBeachSC News show that Power of Attorney documents were supposedly signed by Mica Miller on December 4th at the Solid Rock church. However, those documents were not notarized by Winslow Law employees (Briyana and Tiffany) until the next day at Winslow’s law office.

According to the S.C. Secretary of State, a notary must be present at the actual signing of such documents to prevent fraud.

AND the POA wasn't filed for over 3 more months

But what makes the case even more odd is that JP’s power of attorney documents were not filed until March 20, 2024, despite having been signed and notarized three months prior.

We knew this bit about the delay on it being filed, but the fact that it wasn't signed and notarized on the same date is newer info (as far as in MSM I believe) - and of course it's only 2-3 days since we learned this attorney Winslow who is the one who had it notarized in his office that he owns the 200 acres of land adjacent to where Mica was found.

IMO, it makes all the oddities around the POA dates (plus her family saying she was fine until she married JP, etc. and their POA info) even more odd knowing the Winslow connection to the land and the POA.

I can't believe this!

Mica Miller's father-in-law Reginald claims she was prone to 'psychotic states' and had previously tried to 'kill herself' - as he defends his pastor son...​

Since Mandy is approved source now the last podcast she did is worth a listen!

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