Found Deceased SC - Misty Johnson, 39, Greenville, 12 September 2013 *Arrest*

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What exactly is their definition of "left in a hurry"? Did she seem panicked, worried, upset, excited? Did she get up abruptly and leave? Did she completely finish her second beer? We need more details. Do bars in SC stay open past 3am? Here in VA where I'm from they close at 2am. Was the bar closing up and she was rushing to finish her drinks so they could close?

As far as I know the bars in SC close at 2 am. This 2 am. closing time may not apply to private clubs, I know that in the last 5-10 years the laws have changed up a bit. Some bars used to be open alllll night, it may be a county by county thing.


Thanks for posting Junior's Sportsbar's business hours.. It confirms for me what I've seen mentioned several places on the web, that Junior's was a known industry in known to be a common hangout for a lot of the people who actually work in the bar industry(bartenders, servers, etc) who go hangout/have drinks after their late night shifts have ended.. Obviously the biz hours of Junior's would be preferable for those who don't get off work until 2-3am due to the vast majority of bars having closed by the time their work shift is over..

It makes sense that she'd be likely pretty well known to the staff at Junior's and IMO its quite likely that of course there is greater known details about her seeming hasty departure from Jr's in those early Thursday morning hours..tho, to us, the public they're details we are not privy to regarding that window of time of Misty's last being seen alive while at Juniors having a couple Bud Lights before seeming to hastily rush off..

IMO they'd be able to really fill in some of the more telling "blanks" we are left What was her demeanor, state of mind, and well being when she arrived, while she was there, and as she left the bar??..those details alone could really tell us so much, not to mention some of the other very crucial pieces such as did anyone know or notice that there was a phone call/text that seemed to set off her seeming hasty departure ??.. Maybe even more specific details regarding what was her plan/agenda after leaving the sports bar.. Was she supposed to be meeting up with someone??.. Was someone supposed to be coming over to her home thus the reason for her hasty departure??..

IMO I believe that several of these above mentioned details are known to LE via friends, coworkers, other bar patrons, etc, etc..I hope that LE has a good lead on working this case, most importantly a good lead on who is responsible and where exactly it is that they have hidden Misty ..
Just stopped by before I go to bed...was hoping for good news. Praying she will be found safe and alive.
Morrow said police have a "male suspect" in Johnson's disappearance, but declined to elaborate.

Authorities have remained tight-lipped about the status of the investigation. They have yet to confirm whether they suspect foul play or do in fact have a suspect or person of interest in mind.

From what I have read, those who know her feel strongly that she would not have just left.
Local TV has not had anything in 2 days, about Misty. I checked the newspaper today, and nothing. There is another woman missing from that area and they had that on the morning news. I am looking for that info now, as I just got home. But she was 55 years old.
I am sort of local and this is the first I've heard of her.
OK, first off I'm wanting to know if any locals(or anyone) knows what info was reported on the 11pm broadcast that the reporter refers to at the very end of the above linked video??.. Its the news report that has Misty's female cousin via Skype and the last thing the cousin says is that she believes that Misty trusted the wrong person..the reporter then says that at 11pm they are going to discuss this issue implying that this mystery person could be the reason for why LE is being so very tight lipped..??.. So, did anyone see that 11pm follow up report..if so what, if anything, was said(and I'm not holding my breath on it being anything of significance as I know all too well these little cliffhanger-promises-type-tactics are used by reporters in the media all the time)..

A couple of other quick little nuggets of info(info that many/all probably already know) that I gleaned from the cousin's Skype interview was that Misty left her dog behind.. This is the first time I personally had heard that particular detail and while it may not be important to some I will say that for me it just further solidifies that Misty did not in any way take off of her own free will, nor IMO has she been of her own free will at any point since her disappearance(and that's sadly if she is even still alive).. If this woman had been of her own free will at any point since those early Thursday morning hours SHE WOULD HAVE WITHOUT DOUBT, AT THE VERY LEAST, HAVE CALLED SOMEONE ENSURING HER DOG WAS BEING CARED FOR..

Another detail gleaned from the report was that this female cousin makes mention of more than just food being left out in Misty's kitchen(as we had prior learned and discussed) we learn that according to this cousin Misty's home was in a mess.. She did not go into detail about the extent or what specific areas of the home she was speaking of..just that Misty's home was found to be very uncharacteristically messy.. Quite obvious why this too would cause great concern and alarm to all those who know her when they all have been very adamant about the fact that Misty was very much known for her OCD type nature in always keeping an extremely neat and organized home..

I'm wondering what extent the home was found messy?.. As indicative of what!?.. Are we talking indicative of a struggle through which the home easily could become in disarray while Misty was struggling with the perp??.. Or are we talking indicative of more of an intentional mess throughout, or in certain areas of her home?.. As in someone intentionally created a mess in the home to attempt to misdirect the investigation??.. I'm not too sure on exactly what areas of Misty's home were found to be in disarray, but I do know that it obviously is enough of an issue that several have mentioned it, along with just how very out of character it is for Misty..

And then the last little thing I learned from the cousin on Skype was that Misty's cell phone has been going directly to voice mail since they've begun looking for her..IMO likely indicating that her cell has been powered down and/or battery removed either immediately preceding, during, or immediately thereafter she was attacked and/or abducted..

Sadly all in all the few little nuggets of info that I did glean from the report all seem to only further solidify my thoughts/opinions on Misty having quite likely been deceased from last Thursday when she went "missing".. I fear that as I said earlier this has already ended tragically for Misty in her losing her life at the hands of another..its only the actual discovery that is left to be made:(

What have they done to you, Misty and where have they hidden you?.. I do have a feeling that this woman fought for her life once understanding what was happening and that gives me great hope that in that fight she was able to leave behind clues to solve the case and who it is that is responsible.. If they could only just find where this person has hidden her..because time truly is of the essence, even more so for the reasons I just mentioned in her possibly having her killer's dna(ie.for example under her nails) and various other ways/areas that she could hold the key to outting her killer with the evidence left with her body.. The clock is ticking and the evidence is deteriorating with every minute that goes by..Jmo..

I'm praying this LE does indeed have a suspect in their cross hairs and that resolve will be much sooner rather than later for Misty's many loved ones, friends, and family. All Jmo!
I didn't see the news this evening, but I did see their spot a few minutes ago saying the local "missing woman" had made national news. More at 11.
I also know the cousin seemed to think they had talked with a suspect, but didn't know any more. She said her cousin was anal, and wouldn't leave a mess. Some of the comments on local news reports speak very highly of her and said she was a quiet and kind person. If the 11PM news has anything new, I will post it.
Nothing new and WYFF said the police are not giving any info so as not to compromise the case. This makes no sense and I think they need some help with this case from SLED. When there's nothing for a week, it's time to start talking. If they have ideas about, I hope they are good ones.
Prayers for Misty and family..Hope she is found safe!

It will be interesting to see if the 'suspect' is a neighbor....
I agree with all of you and have the same questions as well! My best guess with the little information we have is that she left the bar to meet someone at home. Since she was observed leaving the bar in a hurry, her cell phone records could tell a lot if she received a text or a call that caused her to leave. I also lean toward someone familiar to her.

I am wondering if the someone is familiar enough with her to have a key to her home.... May have been making him/herself food while calling her at the tavern...

Just some thoughts...
Posted below is a link to one of the newest articles about Misty.. Attention to what appears to be comments made by the cousin(CM posting under his name) that's been vocal in the media about Misty.(One of his comments is presently the 2nd one down in the comment column under the below linked article).


The most recent comment on that article, by "S" is also interesting. I wonder if that's been looked into (either a link between the two and the wrong person pinned for Myranda's disappearance OR if there might have been a second person involved in that one)?

And definitely those around her seem very certain where Misty disappeared from...they obviously know more than they are able to say. :(

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