SC SC - Tammy Kingery, 37, North Augusta, 20 Sept 2014

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I used to think that PK knew more than he has stated, and possibly had something to do with he disappearance, but having just watched the Disappeared episode again, I now think she left of her own accord with someone.

I knew someone years ago that was depressed because she had constant conflict between staying in the life she had, or setting up a new life with someone she'd met and loved...she left her husband and kids to live with another guy...and that's why I think Tammy was depressed.

I think the dogs not finding her scent is indicative that she left the area via a vehicle, and she didn't have one to hand.

She'd locked the door and left the keys, thus making the home secure, but also making that psychological break from the old life. Hence her phone, purse etc also being left, all possible items that could led to her being found (assuming there were bank cards or other documentation in the purse).

We know she had romantic texts to two other men on the phone she left, which leads me to wonder if she had a second phone to contact the person I believe she ran away with.

Her not being well at hospital could all be staged as a cover for other activities: the person I knew did similar things, she'd go home from work "ill" and have sex sessions with her lover. On one occasion she was left at home "ill" by her husband, who went to work, while the woman's mother took their child to school...then her lover came round and gave her a rogering for the morning...

I'm open to any idea and interpretation, but the dogs found no scent, that means she didn't walk from the home, someone picked her up. The home showed no sign of struggle, and I think the mystery of the note was to give her time to get away...she knew if she'd texted PK she was walking that she'd have to text back every time he texted her...and she she knew she wouldn't have her phone -PK thought she was ill in bed, and so wouldn't be disturbing her...

The only puzzle I have is why the dog was outside...
Hello board. I am a long time lurker, but now joining as a first time poster.
I have never heard about this case until today, and once I learned about it I promptly read thru the entire thread.
Sadly but ironically, what I believe to be the probable outcome of this case occurred in my personal life when I was a child.
My mother suffered greatly from depression and at the age of 37 ended her life.
Someone in an earlier thread actually referenced the kind of note that they believe Tammy would have left.
It was a brief note very similar to a deeply hidden note that was left behind to my brother and I.

Growing up with a plate full or survivors guilt, I will add my two cents which probably isnt even worth that.
I have spent my life after that horrific moment breaking down the "Why" aspect to suicide far too often.
These are just based on my personal life and hopefully I do not offend anyone as it is not my intention.

--Suicide is not a "Selfish Act". Yes mental illness can be and usually is a determining factor, but other times the person has reached their breaking point.
Tammy sounds like she was past her breaking point, and it certainly doesnt mean she didnt love her children.
She held her family together financially, and sounded like she was more of the grown up in her marriage.
More than likely her husband was the fun parent, and she was the strict one. Another stressor.

--Suicides are not always planned, and can be done in moments of heightened anguish.
She probably was sick, and its possible she had no plans to harm herself. The note could have been written in an open ended manner.
If she comes back its innocuous, but yes the "Love" reference does add a touch of deepering inference.
She leaves for this "walk" and hasnt predetermined if she is coming back or not. Maybe she has taken pills with her, and has a note with her in case she goes thru with it.

--Someone who has attempted suicide twice needs every resource available to them:Counseling, medication, even hospital admittance.
She seemed like what she was receiving was less than adequate.

--The affairs were just a desperate attempt to find some brief or greater happiness to her life. Her marriage wasnt what she hoped for and she just wanted to feel alive.
I do not believe for one second she ran off with some guy though. Leaving her life behind to be with some other guy and not her kids is a different animal than suicide.
She seemed to want to end the pain, but not create another myriad level of anguish.

--Her husband might not have been husband of the year material, but really what motive would he have for killing her?
Her disappearance crushes his finances. By all accounts he liked to partake in his hobbies and interests, and raising three children on his own really puts a dent in that.
The timeline and opportunity here doesnt really allow for him to have committed murder. In addition, has anyone found any instances of domestic violence in their marriage?
It doesnt seem like this guy has an OJ Simpson type resume pre-wife murder, and this is normally the case.

Sadly, I believe she took her life in a walkable proximity to their home, and expected to be found(just not immediately).
I hope and pray her family gets closure one day as I can greatly empthasize with them.

I very much agree with your suspicions. It was my first thought as well. I haven’t read the thread yet but did see the disappeared episode multiple times. I’m sorry for your loss. I too lost a family member to suicide and agree with you. Thanks for posting!
I used to think that PK knew more than he has stated, and possibly had something to do with he disappearance, but having just watched the Disappeared episode again, I now think she left of her own accord with someone.

I knew someone years ago that was depressed because she had constant conflict between staying in the life she had, or setting up a new life with someone she'd met and loved...she left her husband and kids to live with another guy...and that's why I think Tammy was depressed.

I think the dogs not finding her scent is indicative that she left the area via a vehicle, and she didn't have one to hand.

She'd locked the door and left the keys, thus making the home secure, but also making that psychological break from the old life. Hence her phone, purse etc also being left, all possible items that could led to her being found (assuming there were bank cards or other documentation in the purse).

We know she had romantic texts to two other men on the phone she left, which leads me to wonder if she had a second phone to contact the person I believe she ran away with.

Her not being well at hospital could all be staged as a cover for other activities: the person I knew did similar things, she'd go home from work "ill" and have sex sessions with her lover. On one occasion she was left at home "ill" by her husband, who went to work, while the woman's mother took their child to school...then her lover came round and gave her a rogering for the morning...

I'm open to any idea and interpretation, but the dogs found no scent, that means she didn't walk from the home, someone picked her up. The home showed no sign of struggle, and I think the mystery of the note was to give her time to get away...she knew if she'd texted PK she was walking that she'd have to text back every time he texted her...and she she knew she wouldn't have her phone -PK thought she was ill in bed, and so wouldn't be disturbing her...

The only puzzle I have is why the dog was outside...
I agree with you. I do believe that the woman seen on a motorcycle with a man was likely her. Just a hunch; however, it was her teen daughter and the daughter’s friend that said they believed they saw her pass them on the back of a motorcycle. Then the neighbor mentioned hearing a loud muffler noise close by, which could’ve easily been the motorcycle. I wasn’t sure what had happened to Tammy until i watched that episode of Disappeared several times. Each time, I felt more convinced the daughter and her friend were probably right. Only a hunch though, and those aren’t always worth much.
I used to think that PK knew more than he has stated, and possibly had something to do with he disappearance, but having just watched the Disappeared episode again, I now think she left of her own accord with someone.

I knew someone years ago that was depressed because she had constant conflict between staying in the life she had, or setting up a new life with someone she'd met and loved...she left her husband and kids to live with another guy...and that's why I think Tammy was depressed.

I think the dogs not finding her scent is indicative that she left the area via a vehicle, and she didn't have one to hand.

She'd locked the door and left the keys, thus making the home secure, but also making that psychological break from the old life. Hence her phone, purse etc also being left, all possible items that could led to her being found (assuming there were bank cards or other documentation in the purse).

We know she had romantic texts to two other men on the phone she left, which leads me to wonder if she had a second phone to contact the person I believe she ran away with.

Her not being well at hospital could all be staged as a cover for other activities: the person I knew did similar things, she'd go home from work "ill" and have sex sessions with her lover. On one occasion she was left at home "ill" by her husband, who went to work, while the woman's mother took their child to school...then her lover came round and gave her a rogering for the morning...

I'm open to any idea and interpretation, but the dogs found no scent, that means she didn't walk from the home, someone picked her up. The home showed no sign of struggle, and I think the mystery of the note was to give her time to get away...she knew if she'd texted PK she was walking that she'd have to text back every time he texted her...and she she knew she wouldn't have her phone -PK thought she was ill in bed, and so wouldn't be disturbing her...

The only puzzle I have is why the dog was outside...

What you said is also plausible in my mind. The writing a note actually makes perfect sense in the situation you described as well. Either way, I think the kids suffer all the same though. Mommy still isn’t around and they still don’t know what happened to her.
Hi all, I watched the Disappeared episode aired here in the UK last night, and I think hubby had something to do with it, he came across as a bit off to me. I'm wondering too if her feeling ill may have been down to him poisoning her, divorce had been discussed according to her mother, she was texting other guys, did Park get jealous? As for the kid thinking she saw her mum on the back of a motorbike, the woman had a helmet on meaning only blonde hair was visible, so.. Didn't he take a polygraph with a questionable result? If suicide, why didn't the thorough search uncover her body, she couldn't go very far on foot. Just my thoughts and I could be totally wrong.
Saw the TC Disappeared episode last Fall. Extremely odd case, but one that could have a reasonable explanation. I find several elements here extremely suspicious. And, IMHO these point to a possible voluntary disappearance:

1) TC went home from work because she allegedly wasn't feeling well & by all accounts was lying sick in bed when her husband/children left to go on errands. However, when they came back to the house she was nowhere to be found, and it was thought that she went for a walk - leaving her cell-phone/purse/etc. in the house. And, the door was locked - so presumably she locked it behind her. But, if she was actually sick, it doesn't make sense that she would have gotten up & gone for a walk outside soon after - unless she miraculously felt better. Sure, this is possible - but I don't find it probable.

2) The house showed no signs of a break-in/burglary nor was there anything apparently missing. There were also no signs of a struggle/disarray anywhere. So, it didn't appear that TC left the house under duress.

3) TC's daughter was in a car & thought she saw TC on the back of a motorcycle driven by a guy she didn't know (going in the opposite direction from her). Re: the timing here, this was thought to have occurred after TC's husband & younger children went on errands - leaving her at home. However, given that the motorcycle was going fast & given that TC's daughter was in a car that was also probably driving fast as well - this eye-witness account may have been inaccurate. could have been accurate. And, TC's daughter obviously knew exactly what her mother looked like, since she saw her every day.

Going along with this, TC leaving with someone who had a vehicle of their own - explains her being able to leave without having a vehicle @ home.

4) Also agree with post(s) above that if she allegedly went for a walk outside the house, she probably wouldn't get far. And, even if she had been injured/deceased, her body would probably have been found by now - especially given that dogs (who had her scent) couldn't find a trace of her. Yes, it's possible she went walking, had an accident of some sort - and for some reason her body hasn't been found yet. But, I find this possibility unlikely.

So, for the most part I agree with post #401 above. I suspect TC left voluntarily, and don't see foul play as being a factor in her disappearance. That being said, this theory could be completely incorrect.

Yes - in order to believe this, you would have to believe that she would leave her husband/children behind without explanation - which is obviously a cold/heartless thing to do to your family. But, after the resurfacing late last year of the deceased Robert Hoagland (missing since 2013) - it's evident that if someone wants to vanish & plays their cards right...they may be able to get away with this & not be caught. It obviously would not be easy/simple to do this, but it's still possible.
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Saw the TC Disappeared episode last Fall. Extremely odd case, but one that could have a reasonable explanation. I find several elements here extremely suspicious. And, IMHO these point to a very possible voluntary disappearance:

1) TC went home from work because she allegedly wasn't feeling well & by all accounts was lying sick in bed when her husband/children left to go on errands. However, when they came back to the house she was nowhere to be found, and it was thought that she went for a walk - leaving her cell-phone/purse/etc. in the house. And, the door was locked - so presumably she locked it behind her. But, if she was actually sick, it doesn't make sense that she would have gotten up & gone for a walk outside soon after - unless she miraculously felt better. Sure, this is possible - but I don't find it probable.

2) The house showed no signs of a break-in/burglary nor was there anything apparently missing. There were also no signs of a struggle/disarray anywhere. So, it didn't appear that TC left the house under duress.

3) TC's daughter was in a car & thought she saw TC on the back of a motorcycle driven by a guy she didn't know (going in the opposite direction from her). Re: the timing here, this was thought to have occurred after TC's husband & younger children went on errands - leaving her at home. However, given that the motorcycle was going fast & given that TC's daughter was in a car that was also probably driving fast as well - this eye-witness account may have been inaccurate. could have been accurate. And, TC's daughter obviously knew exactly what her mother looked like, since she saw her every day.

Going along with this, TC leaving with someone who had a vehicle of their own - explains her being able to leave without having a vehicle @ home.

4) Also agree with post(s) above that if she allegedly went for a walk outside the house, she probably wouldn't get far. And, even if she had been injured/deceased, her body would probably have been found by now - especially given that dogs (who had her scent) couldn't find a trace of her. Yes, it's possible she went walking, had an accident of some sort - and for some reason her body hasn't been found yet. But, I find this possibility unlikely.

So, for the most part I agree with post #401 above. I suspect TC left voluntarily, and don't see foul play as being a factor in her disappearance. That being said, this theory could be completely incorrect.

Yes - in order to believe this, you would have to believe that she would leave her husband/children behind without explanation - which is obviously a cold/heartless thing to do to your family. But, after the resurfacing late last year of the deceased Robert Hoagland (missing since 2013) - it's evident that if someone wants to vanish & plays their cards right...they may be able to get away with this & not be caught. It obviously would not be easy/simple to do this, but it's still possible.
It's possible that she disappeared voluntarily, but her being seen in the company of a man on a motorcycle could just as easily point to foul play. It's really a crap shoot.
It's possible that she disappeared voluntarily, but her being seen in the company of a man on a motorcycle could just as easily point to foul play. It's really a crap shoot.

Yes - if she was indeed the woman her daughter saw on the motorcycle, then it's possible she was subsequently a victim of foul play at some point.

However, if she was the motorcycle woman - then I do believe she left the home voluntarily. I.e., there were no signs of struggle or forced entry in the home; the door was locked; etc. In other words, I don't believe that a criminal broke into the house while the father/children were away; kidnapped the woman; and left the home with her. Sure, it's possible. However, I believe that if something like this were to have happened, there would have been some indication when the father/children returned.

Also, if a criminal were to have kidnapped the woman you would think he would also ransack the house for valuables before leaving. And, there is no indication that anything of value was missing, etc.
Yes - if she was indeed the woman her daughter saw on the motorcycle, then it's possible she was subsequently a victim of foul play at some point.

However, if she was the motorcycle woman - then I do believe she left the home voluntarily. I.e., there were no signs of struggle or forced entry in the home; the door was locked; etc. In other words, I don't believe that a criminal broke into the house while the father/children were away; kidnapped the woman; and left the home with her. Sure, it's possible. However, I believe that if something like this were to have happened, there would have been some indication when the father/children returned.

Also, if a criminal were to have kidnapped the woman you would think he would also ransack the house for valuables before leaving. And, there is no indication that anything of value was missing, etc.
I agree that the initial trip on the motorcycle would have been voluntary—if that was her.

Her permanent disappearance could also be voluntary, or she could have been the victim of the crime, possibly later that day.
This is one of the only ones where I personally don't think that the husband had anything to do with it.

Did LE check the laptops that Tammy used including at work? If she had been meeting someone there had to have been somewhere to have made arrangements for that morning.

That her daughter thought she saw her mum on the back of a motorbike AND the neighbours mentioned the loud exhaust noise is quite the coincidence.

We know she had been meeting people and I wonder if it's possible that she met someone, left the note as she didn't want to take her phone because she would've had to be in text contact and then sadly met with foul play (especially if the man knew she didn't have her phone or any way of making contact, or had hidden this from family - she would be really vulnerable unfortunately).

Of course I could easily be completely wrong. Maybe she did go for a walk, although I think that's unlikely if the sick thing was real and she was sick enough to come home from work and have to be in bed. A walk would be too taxing, you would sit outside instead. 'Gone for a walk' kind of buys time and it's really the literal only thing you can say if your vehicle is at another location and you leave the house without anything else.

I don't get that vibe from the husband and also there is a tight timeline (although admittedly he could have hidden her body while he was searching for her). It seems unlikely though - the husband and oldest son saw her in bed before they left, they left with pretty much verifiable whereabouts, came back and they saw the note together. Just my personal opinion, and I'm usually suspicious of husbands/boyfriends. I will say that if the husband did it she will be in the woods near the home. I just don't think so though.
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I think the husband is involved, I thought so when I first watched the Disappeared episode 3yrs ago, and still reckon so after watching it again last night. Something is off about the guy and reading more about their marital troubles, listening to a podcast where he speaks, I'm even more convinced.
Like others who have come to this case via the Disappeared tv programme, my initial reaction was possible slow poisoning, with the dead dog and the looming doctor’s appointment potentially significant factors in terms of method and timing of her disappearance. I certainly would have wanted to see a proper forensic work up of the hut including a PM/toxicology on the dog, plus an attempt to identify where it came from - previously stolen/disappeared locally? Likewise indentation, DNA and latent print analysis of the note, just to be sure. Unfortunately, I guess all of those ships have long since sailed.
To everyone that thinks the husband had something to do with the wife's disappearance in this case - when would this have occurred?! By all accounts he left with his son/sons & his wife was still at home, presumably sick. When they came back, she was gone. IIRC the husband/son(s) were seen (on camera, possibly) at 1-2 businesses when they were out running errands. So, unless the husband came back to the house on his own at some point (before he came back with the children) - then I don't see this as a feasible explanation.
That is an interesting perspective but if you wanted to kill someone (especially someone who was a nurse) why would you slowly poison them? She could have collapsed at work at any time and been admitted, and I also know of people running their own tests through labs/getting faster treatment (I know this isn't right) when they had work connections in that field. She also was in contact with doctors etc. Surely if someone was going to poison her they would just do it in one go as slowly doing it would massively increase the chances of it not working or becoming discovered? You would surely have no idea when they were going to collapse? It sounded like the menopause tbh? Although I do see the point that she disappeared the day before she was due to see the doctor for it.

Sonny, that was my thoughts too. His teenage son was in the house when they left, she was literally in the bed, they went out (verified on camera at several stores) and relatives house (twice), returned together and she was gone. I just think if someone was to do something like that, they would not do it when the kids were around, it would be done when kids were out? Like I said I am almost always suspicious of husbands but not in this case. It doesn't mean I am right but to me at least it just does not seem likely. Wasn't it less than two hours with lots of verified spottings? How would someone have got her out of the house with a teenage son there and another son? I mean yes it is vaguely possible but it just seems unlikely (in my opinion). The neighbours hearing the loud exhaust in their drive always puzzled me. That on its own might not but combined with the daughter's sighting and the going out note.
So to clarify the timings a little - PK picks up TK from work and brings her home and then goes off to run errands with the two boys. Shortly after he leaves the neighbours hear what sounds like a loud exhaust/muffler leaving TK’s driveway. PK returns with the boys to find TK missing around midday and calls CK shortly after. CK and friend then drive around looking for TK and CK sees what appears to be her mother on the back of a motorcycle near the family home.

Sound about right?
As far as I know:

TK was feeling unwell, anxious and agitated at work. She was loud when she hadn't been before and took her blood pressure lots of times. She called PK to take her home. She got into pyjamas and went to bed to try to sleep. PK is in the house with teenage son and little son. They say bye to her when she is in bed (would need clarification on who does, definitely know PK, not sure about others but think so). They leave to buy things like vitamins and Gatorade from recollection. They drop teenage son off at relatives to mow the lawn which I think had been planned, then they go to several shops where they are seen on CCTV and do errands and pick up the teenage son. When they return home teenage son and PK see the note in the kitchen and think it is odd. She has gone. The neighbours reported hearing a vehicle with a loud exhaust noise leave the Kingery's driveway after he left to do errands with the sons. One article states they said between 10:30am and 11am (they left at 10am). I am not sure of the exact timing of the potential sighting on the motorbike, I do know it was her daughter. Some articles say "right around the time she would have gone missing" implying the sighting was earlier in the day, whereas some articles imply it was after her father had phoned her to ask her to drive around with her friend to look for her. Also some articles say it was while she was in the car with her friend and her friend's mum, which to me indicates more (but not definitively) that it was earlier in the day, because apparently the daughter and friend went looking in the car and there is no mention of the friend's mum, but who knows. (I really hate it when there are conflicting accounts like this.)

They did apparently verify that the writing was hers, and she hadn't apparently taken a walk before in that area (preferring to travel somewhere to walk as it was heavily wooded without roads or something similar). Personally, to me it looks like the note was written by her but instead of a text.

What I would like to know:
were the teenage son and little son in when TK and PK returned from TK's work?
did the teenage son and little son say bye to her when she was in bed?
in the two hour time period are there any noticeable gaps? for example when the older son is dropped off to do the mowing chore, are they then seen on CCTV during that bit? That was the strong implication. TBH that to me is key. If there are no gaps during the two hour time period that is really important.

To be honest I find this case quite confusing and think there are multiple possibilities really. I hate to think of someone losing someone then being blamed for it if they are innocent, it's horrible. People say she ran off but she was really devoted to her children and I think IF she did leave intentionally then it is more likely something went wrong, she would have been really vulnerable IMO meeting someone as it was hidden from everyone else. But who really knows?
As far as I know:

TK was feeling unwell, anxious and agitated at work. She was loud when she hadn't been before and took her blood pressure lots of times. She called PK to take her home. She got into pyjamas and went to bed to try to sleep. PK is in the house with teenage son and little son. They say bye to her when she is in bed (would need clarification on who does, definitely know PK, not sure about others but think so). They leave to buy things like vitamins and Gatorade from recollection. They drop teenage son off at relatives to mow the lawn which I think had been planned, then they go to several shops where they are seen on CCTV and do errands and pick up the teenage son. When they return home teenage son and PK see the note in the kitchen and think it is odd. She has gone. The neighbours reported hearing a vehicle with a loud exhaust noise leave the Kingery's driveway after he left to do errands with the sons. One article states they said between 10:30am and 11am (they left at 10am). I am not sure of the exact timing of the potential sighting on the motorbike, I do know it was her daughter. Some articles say "right around the time she would have gone missing" implying the sighting was earlier in the day, whereas some articles imply it was after her father had phoned her to ask her to drive around with her friend to look for her. Also some articles say it was while she was in the car with her friend and her friend's mum, which to me indicates more (but not definitively) that it was earlier in the day, because apparently the daughter and friend went looking in the car and there is no mention of the friend's mum, but who knows. (I really hate it when there are conflicting accounts like this.)

They did apparently verify that the writing was hers, and she hadn't apparently taken a walk before in that area (preferring to travel somewhere to walk as it was heavily wooded without roads or something similar). Personally, to me it looks like the note was written by her but instead of a text.

What I would like to know:
were the teenage son and little son in when TK and PK returned from TK's work?
did the teenage son and little son say bye to her when she was in bed?
in the two hour time period are there any noticeable gaps? for example when the older son is dropped off to do the mowing chore, are they then seen on CCTV during that bit? That was the strong implication. TBH that to me is key. If there are no gaps during the two hour time period that is really important.

To be honest I find this case quite confusing and think there are multiple possibilities really. I hate to think of someone losing someone then being blamed for it if they are innocent, it's horrible. People say she ran off but she was really devoted to her children and I think IF she did leave intentionally then it is more likely something went wrong, she would have been really vulnerable IMO meeting someone as it was hidden from everyone else. But who really knows?

Ah - so not so clear cut re the timing of the CK sighting? This was the point I was sidling towards in my previous post - if TK was whisked away on the back of a motorbike shortly after 10am, why was it still buzzing around near the house over two hours later for CK to see (and apparently attempt to pursue according to some reports)?

I’m going to take a punt that the other occupant(s) of the car were not interviewed regarding the alleged sighting (?)

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