SC - Walter Scott, 50, fatally shot by North Charleston PD officer, 4 April 2015 - #1

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I mean, I'm just gonna throw it out there again that he did pull into an auto parts store parking lot lol. Coulda fixed all a' these problems with one little comment "Go buy a tail light".

You have to know you have a tail light out to begin with. Y'all need to get to arresting my husband for driving for who knows how long with a blown out brake light because no one ever pointed it out until I happened to watch him drive away one day. That is a COMMON issue with cars, and MOST people who do get pulled over for it get asked "were you aware you have a tail light out" and then they get a warning and everyone goes about their day.

Why does a license or plates need to be run to be told you have a light out? Why does he need to go back to his squad car for ANYTHING?

If we treated things like this how they should be treated, police pulling us over to inform us and help us to remedy the situation rather than treating it like some criminal act, then everyone would be happier.

But then again, gotta get them tax dollars with those tickets. Nevermind that most in poor neighborhoods literally can't afford those traffic tickets. Which is why it circles back to why didn't Slager inform him and give him the opportunity to remedy the situation.

I'm just going in circles now.

You are correct in saying that they most of us find out about rear tailights or brake lights being out is to be informed by another driver. On the other hand the reason why an officer doesn't usually just mention the defective light is because many motorists just ignore the warning and never get the light fixed causing a hazard. Thus the states have some variation of a safety repair order which requires that the owner get the defect fixed within a certain number of days.

There has to be something to hang over the car owner's head otherwise he will not comply
You are correct in saying that they most of us find out about rear tailights or brake lights being out is to be informed by another driver. On the other hand the reason why an officer doesn't usually just mention the defective light is because many motorists just ignore the warning and never get the light fixed causing a hazard. Thus the states have some variation of a safety repair order which requires that the owner get the defect fixed within a certain number of days.

There has to be something to hang over the car owner's head otherwise he will not comply

Well said. In my state, a ticket is issued but it will be dismissed if you provide proof within a period of time. This happened when I was pulled over for an expired tag. It was a legit stop. The City of Chicago hands out tickets for things like being parked on a street during a scheduled street sweeping. Either be vigilant and obey it or risk the $60 ticket or the $75 non-permit ticket or the $50 expired meter fine. All metro areas have traffic laws that apply to everybody. This is how cities make money and it has absolutely nothing to do with race, gender or anything else but being a licensed, responsible driver. My husband has informed our college-age daughter that he will take away her car if she accumulates any more tickets.

Admin Note:

Hey guys, been doing the 9-5 drill and just now hopped online.

This thread needs to be reviewed. I'm seeing all sorts of stuff being presented as fact that are not being supported by links, etc...

We need a new thread anyway so I am going to close this one now. Need to cook dinner and throw a load of laundry in the line-up. Then I will review this one and open a new one. Just want to make sure the new one is securely on the tracks.

Everybody take a breather for a bit. This gives y'all time to dig up those supportive links 'cause I am going to be asking for them. ;)

Dear Websleuths Members,

We strive to be the best, most factual, and enjoyable true crime discussion forum on the Internet.

Part of our job is making sure we are not part of the problem in regards to misinformation being spread around the world within a millisecond.

The discussion of Walter Scott will remain closed while the moderators continue to clean up the thread.

A handful of posters have stated rumor as fact, discussed in many posts anything but the Walter Scott case, and in general made the thread a mess.

When the thread is open for discussion we will have new rules in place. We will make the rules very clear and succinct when the thread opens. Please make sure you understand the new rules before you post.

Thank you for your participation. We will continue to make Websleuths the best place in the world for discussion true crime.

Dear Websleuths Members,

The good news is this thread will be re-opening tomorrow (Tuesday) in the morning Pacific time.

We will leave this one closed and start a new one.

Thank you for your patience.

Dear Websleuths Members,

Did I say in the morning Pacific time? Silly me. I meant afternoon. ;)

Please forgive me but something unexpected has come up and I have to leave for a few hours.

As soon as I come back I will re-open the thread.

Thank you for your patience.

We will continue the Walter Scott discussion RIGHT HERE
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