scotland yard investigation

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Amaral was pretty clear in his book that he suspected the Mcanns pretty early doors - it was not the McCann's fault that they waited till they did before the Arguido status was introduced.

I also doubt that they were having an easy ride = the press were hounding them - both brit tabloids and portugese lots of lurid headlines etc .

If Scotland Yard can find 38 new people of interest that were not fully investigated then then I challenge the fact that they looked at all possibilities

But lets see what SY bring out.

Another point I find interesting is that Amaral never actually interviewed the McCann's himself - In fact I don't think he ever spoke to them

i see you didnt answer my post.oh well, what a load of claptrap...anaral would be LAPSE in his duty as would any other PJ officer if he did not suspect anyone. Hello? Get real and deal with it ie the fact the parents SHOULD have been prime suspectas from day one...amaral nd his team didnt make them so until three months later ir 3 months TOO LATE rather!!!!
i see you didnt answer my post.oh well, what a load of claptrap...anaral would be LAPSE in his duty as would any other PJ officer if he did not suspect anyone. Hello? Get real and deal with it ie the fact the parents SHOULD have been prime suspectas from day one...amaral nd his team didnt make them so until three months later ir 3 months TOO LATE rather!!!!

CLAPTRAP ? so sad that the usual insults start so early

forget it I don't really fancy this sort of debate -
So, it follows that Blaming Amaral for the Unfortunate Direction of The Investigation is pointless and inaccurate.

He wasn't the one who interviewed them = someone else did = someone else developed the information against them.

We now know that the driving force behind the McCann as Suspects was the British Police.

Yes, those police. The ones who right now are saying "let's go back and finish what we started!"

The question here surely is, why do they need to "go back"? Why didn't they persue the evidence properly at the time?


He was in charge - it was his case yet he didn't actually interview them once ?

The British Police supplied help and assistance it was not their case . Now 6 years later they are going back in but ultimately it still is Portuguese jurisdiction and PJ will / must be closely involved
Amaral was pretty clear in his book that he suspected the Mcanns pretty early doors - it was not the McCann's fault that they waited till they did before the Arguido status was introduced.

I also doubt that they were having an easy ride = the press were hounding them - both brit tabloids and portugese lots of lurid headlines etc .

If Scotland Yard can find 38 new people of interest that were not fully investigated then then I challenge the fact that they looked at all possibilities

But lets see what SY bring out.

Another point I find interesting is that Amaral never actually interviewed the McCann's himself - In fact I don't think he ever spoke to them

I just wanna know how it was Amaral's fault that he suspected them from beginning? How is it his fault the story's were inconsistent? He suspected them & then 3 months later highly trained and respected British cadaver & blood dogs hit on there apartment. Seem's like his suspicions were well justified.
I just wanna know how it was Amaral's fault that he suspected them from beginning? How is it his fault the story's were inconsistent? He suspected them & then 3 months later highly trained and respected British cadaver & blood dogs hit on there apartment. Seem's like his suspicions were well justified.

The IDI theory is always going to be negated by the inconvenient facts.

The evidence points, has always pointed, in one direction only. The McCanns and their supporters have tried to discredit it over and over, all while never uttering a word about the IDI evidence.

Mainly because there isn't any.

My Opinion Only!:seeya:

If the McCann's killed their daughter, why not wait until the morning to sound the alarm that she was gone? According to the McCann's and the Tapas seven, the timeline for Madeleine missing was anywhere between 9:10 to 10:00 pm--minutes. why not just go back to their room and wait until the morning, giving themselves hours to dispose of her small body? Instead, there were people and Portuguese LE there looking and investigating until after 4:00 am May 4. There was no time to hide her away. And where would they have put her?

They timed it so that they would have evidence that they were together with their Tapas friends and to try and ensure they weren't immediately thought of as suspects.
I just wanna know how it was Amaral's fault that he suspected them from beginning? How is it his fault the story's were inconsistent? He suspected them & then 3 months later highly trained and respected British cadaver & blood dogs hit on there apartment. Seem's like his suspicions were well justified.

Nothing wrong with suspecting the Mccanns - I never said that . It would be entirely normal to look at parents first.

The point I meant is that it looks like all his energies seemed to go into proving the case against them - when the DNA evidence was found to be inconclusive he didn't have any case and no other suspects ( apart from Murat ) There was no other leads - he was taken off the case and then the that was it - The AG soon after closed it !!

IT seems to me that the only thing he ever had was the dogs - 3 months after the event . If you think that is enough so be it. I don't
CLAPTRAP ? so sad that the usual insults start so early

forget it I don't really fancy this sort of debate -

yes claptrap, and saying your response was claptrap is not an insult...its a true reflection of your ignoring my factual and in detail rebuttal of your claim that mr amaral ( noted mr amaral was used to lay blame as if he was a one man band.... and not as it WAS, the whole PJ) followed no leads and no other suspects...which was so blatantly untrue and disinformation....debate? You dont do it so no need to spit dummy out when it doesnt go your way


Ps your, the mccanns and others attempts to demonise this policeman for doing his job, and that includes KATE MCAANN wishng him a life of fear and misery are despicable..especially when she says she forgives the abductor!!!!!

.it wasnt HIM that leftthreebabies alone in the dark, in an unlocked apartment in a foreign country and went out to wine and dine, AND told total strangers that is what they did every night!!!! get real

Hopefully their commuppance will soon come when they LOSE their so called libel trial for a million euros brought to totally destroy him...maybe they be happy then? Watch this space!
yes claptrap, and saying your response was claptrap is not an insult...its a true reflection of your ignoring my factual and in detail rebuttal of your claim that mr amaral ( noted mr amaral was used to lay blame as if he was a one man band.... and not as it WAS, the whole PJ) followed no leads and no other suspects...which was so blatantly untrue and disinformation....debate? You dont do it so no need to spit dummy out when it doesnt go your way


Ps your, the mccanns and others attempts to demonise this policeman for doing his job, and that includes KATE MCAANN wishng him a life of fear and misery are despicable..especially when she says she forgives the abductor!!!!!

.it wasnt HIM that leftthreebabies alone in the dark, in an unlocked apartment in a foreign country and went out to wine and dine, AND told total strangers that is what they did every night!!!! get real

Hopefully their commuppance will soon come when they LOSE their so called libel trial for a million euros brought to totally destroy him...maybe they be happy then? Watch this space!

absolute rubbish never heard so much spiteful nonsense do a bit of reading about the case before you start to jump down peoples throat
absolute rubbish never heard so much spiteful nonsense do a bit of reading about the case before you start to jump down peoples throat

If you know anything at all about this case, you also know that the McCanns were made Arguidos, which means that the "spiteful rubbish" you speak of was enough for them to become POI.

The only spiteful rubbish I have seen during this entire investigation is the McCanns' public witchhunt of a CIO, which in itself is inexplicable. Madeleine McCann is not to be found in the public gallery of a British or Portugese court, so why are the McCanns so frequently in one? They are highly litigious, having already attempted and failed to block the publication of GA's book, which ironically had the unintended effect of it selling even more copies.

They've now actually had the nerve to complain about the "bad timing" of the UK police arriving back in Portugal, mainly because it may interfere with their attempts to sue Amaral in Portugal, this after already offering him an "out of court settlement", which he rightly refused.

Huh? :dunno:

I thought they were all excited because Madeleine "may still be alive"? Surely any investigation would be welcomed with open arms, any time, regardless of their litigations or timing...but no.


KATE and Gerry McCann face more agony next week when their libel action against a former Portuguese police chief comes to court in Lisbon.
Published: Sun, September 1, 2013
The couple are seeking £1million in damages from Goncalo Amaral over allegations he made about the fate of their daughter Madeleine.
The hearing could not come at a worse time, however, as Scotland Yard detectives begin work in the Algarve to try to solve the six-year-old *mystery of Madeleine’s disappearance. The Sunday Express understands officers have advised the couple not to attend the civil hearing.

Yes, you read that right. Six years later they are still pursuing damages from GA and now complaining about them proceeding.

Unfortunately for them, previous attempts to block GA's book failed miserably. Now the attempts to settle their own law suit confidentially have failed. GA wants his day in court. :)

Team McCann attempted to settle because it was rightly pointed out that "libel" must be false, and as no one knows what happened to Madeleine, no ideas or theories or facts are "false", which means there is no proof of libel.

Now they are going after damages (based on what? what damage?) because for some reason they think they need to be paid by the Chief Investigating Officer whose career they ruined. It wasn't him that lost Madeleine, so it seems kind of pointless and just another money grab to want money off well as spiteful rubbish, to borrow a term.

I'm sorry but if you know anything at all about this case, you also know that the McCanns were made Arguidos.

That means that the "spiteful rubbish" you speak of was enough for them to become POI.

The only spiteful rubbish I have seen during this entire investigation is the McCanns' public witchhunt of a CIO, which in itself is inexplicable.

Madeleine McCann is not to be found in a British or a Portugese court, so why are the McCanns so litigious?

They've actually had the nerve to complain about the "bad timing" of the UK police arriving back in Portugal, mainly because it may interfere with their attempts to sue Amaral.


I thought we were all excited because Madeleine "may still be alive"? Surely any investigation would be welcomed with open arms, any time, regardless of their litigations.

KATE and Gerry McCann face more agony next week when their libel action against a former Portuguese police chief comes to court in Lisbon.
Published: Sun, September 1, 2013
The-couple-are-seeking-1m-in-damages-from-Goncalo-Amaral The couple are seeking £1m in damages from Goncalo Amaral

The couple are seeking £1million in damages from Goncalo Amaral over allegations he made about the fate of their daughter Madeleine.

The hearing could not come at a worse time, however, as Scotland Yard detectives begin work in the Algarve to try to solve the six-year-old *mystery of Madeleine’s disappearance. The Sunday Express understands officers have advised the couple not to attend the civil hearing.

Yes, you read that right. Six years later they are still pursuing damages from GA. They have already settled their "libel" case out of court, because it was rightly pointed out that "libel" must be false.

As no one knows what happened to Madeleine, no ideas or theories or facts are "rubbish"...they lost the libel case, essentially.

So now they are going after damages (based on what? what damage?) because for some reason they think they need to be paid by the Chief Investigating Officer. It wasn't him that lost Madeleine, so it seems kind of pointless and just another money grab.


can you tell me what Libel case the McCann's have lost in court ??? They haven't lost any in fact they haven't ever gone to court yet on a libel case . I will be happy to see a documented link to that libel case that ended defeat for the mcanns ........ I think I will be waiting a while
can you tell me what Libel case the McCann's have lost in court ??? They haven't lost any in fact they haven't ever gone to court yet on a libel case . I will be happy to see a documented link to that libel case that ended defeat for the mcanns ........ I think I will be waiting a while

Just like we wait and wait for some IDI evidence/discussion...

absolute rubbish never heard so much spiteful nonsense do a bit of reading about the case before you start to jump down peoples throat

yet another failure to address points raised, instead just spouting out rubbish, rubbish....hmmmm, none of it was rubbish,just the facts

can you tell me what Libel case the McCann's have lost in court ??? They haven't lost any in fact they haven't ever gone to court yet on a libel case . I will be happy to see a documented link to that libel case that ended defeat for the mcanns ........ I think I will be waiting a while

They issued a libel writ in part of that exercise they sought an injunction, in secret I might add originally, to ban Mr Amarals book, the focus of the action, (whoever tries to ban books in this day and age?), which was granted...they did go to court in Feb 2010, dont you remember?? ***** Mr Amaral then appealed to a higher court and his appeal was granted,the Mccanns appealed to supreme court, but the appeal courts decision was upheld, so yes they LOST....their upcoming trial is just the next part and parcel of their writ, which they are bound to lose IMO as it has no legs to stand yes, they have been to court already, no case waits 5 years go be heard, it began back in late 2009 with rulings and further rulings and delays..and here they are today

*****Just to refresh your memory
McCanns outside Lisbon Court, 10th Feb. - YouTube


Gerry McCann gets annoyed outside Lisbon Court - YouTube
Nothing wrong with suspecting the Mccanns - I never said that . It would be entirely normal to look at parents first.

The point I meant is that it looks like all his energies seemed to go into proving the case against them - when the DNA evidence was found to be inconclusive he didn't have any case and no other suspects ( apart from Murat ) There was no other leads - he was taken off the case and then the that was it - The AG soon after closed it !!

IT seems to me that the only thing he ever had was the dogs - 3 months after the event . If you think that is enough so be it. I don't

The point is, surely, that DNA existed at all, especially only in the exact same places Eddie indicated? Extraordinary coincidence, in fact, astronomical, incalculable even.

Someone died in 5a, they clutched cuddle cat and Kate's clothing, they rested at some stage in the garden in front, and then partially defrosted in the Renault 24 days later. That's what the physical evidence tells us.

Where they went after that...who knows.

But you're right, the DNA was not conclusively Madeleine's. Just 15/19 alleles. Which seems quite a lot to me especially when she's supposed to have been spirited away by a silent unseen intruder 24 days earlier, but then I'm not scientist.


There WERE 15 out of Madeleines dna out of her personal 19, but those 15 were found in a mix of 37...and the other contributors were probably members of her own family so they woukd share some stuff..dunno, only a scientist can answer

Which means her alleles were mixed up with other not a scientist either, and even if somethng was found 19/19, there was nothing to say eg a blood smeared clothing wasnt in the boot..which is where Keela the blood dog alerted, and from where the samples were taken, she did after all cut her knee when she was boarding that plane to portugal, perhaps her unwashed clothes were put in there? Loads of things lawyers could argue.....I think the dna results were confusing and IMO not honest or explained clearly enough.. I dont however believe the mccanns transported her body in their car three weeks after her disappearance when they hired it, or any time up until it had the dog set on it in august 2007, is possible IMO though, IF there was a death,that the car got contaminated with other items surrounding that

There WERE 15 out of Madeleines dna out of her personal 19, but those 15 were found in a mix of 37...and the other contributors were probably members of her own family so they woukd share some stuff..dunno, only a scientist can answer

Which means her alleles were mixed up with other not a scientist either, and even if somethng was found 19/19, there was nothing to say eg a blood smeared clothing wasnt in the boot..which is where Keela the blood dog alerted, and from where the samples were taken, she did after all cut her knee when she was boarding that plane to portugal, perhaps her unwashed clothes were put in there? Loads of things lawyers could argue.....I think the dna results were confusing and IMO not honest or explained clearly enough.. I dont however believe the mccanns transported her body in their car three weeks after her disappearance when they hired it, or any time up until it had the dog set on it in august 2007, is possible IMO though, IF there was a death,that the car got contaminated with other items surrounding that

Yes the science isn't 100%, but what cannot be explained is that DNA exists in the Cadaver alert sites, in the first place. :stormingmad:

Particularly on Cuddle Cat and in the Renault and in 5A.

No one had ever died in 5A.

Cuddle Cat was in Madeleine's possession immediately before she disappeared.

The "bodily fluid" in the Renault is believed by the PJ to have dripped.

Not transferred. Dripped. As in, what something frozen would do when it defrosts.

They know this because the location it was found which was not easily accessible. Drips run down where you can't see them even if you think you've cleaned thoroughly.

So, something dead containing DNA consistent with Madeleine, apparently defrosted in the boot of the Renault.

That's what the physical evidence tells us.

They issued a libel writ in part of that exercise they sought an injunction, in secret I might add originally, to ban Mr Amarals book, the focus of the action, (whoever tries to ban books in this day and age?), which was granted...they did go to court in Feb 2010, dont you remember?? ***** Mr Amaral then appealed to a higher court and his appeal was granted,the Mccanns appealed to supreme court, but the appeal courts decision was upheld, so yes they LOST....their upcoming trial is just the next part and parcel of their writ, which they are bound to lose IMO as it has no legs to stand yes, they have been to court already, no case waits 5 years go be heard, it began back in late 2009 with rulings and further rulings and delays..and here they are today

*****Just to refresh your memory
McCanns outside Lisbon Court, 10th Feb. - YouTube


Gerry McCann gets annoyed outside Lisbon Court - YouTube

they have not lost a libel case - they go to court for the first time in libel supposedly this month vrs Amaral - I didn't ask if they had been to ciourt I answered the wrong claim that they had lost a libel case. which they haven't
The point is, surely, that DNA existed at all, especially only in the exact same places Eddie indicated? Extraordinary coincidence, in fact, astronomical, incalculable even.

Someone died in 5a, they clutched cuddle cat and Kate's clothing, they rested at some stage in the garden in front, and then partially defrosted in the Renault 24 days later. That's what the physical evidence tells us.

Where they went after that...who knows.

But you're right, the DNA was not conclusively Madeleine's. Just 15/19 alleles. Which seems quite a lot to me especially when she's supposed to have been spirited away by a silent unseen intruder 24 days earlier, but then I'm not scientist.


DNA exists everywhere for goodness sake = I shake hands with a person I transfer DNA

They found a minute amount of DNA in the boot that came from at least there people or maybe five three of these were direct relatives in which Madeleine shares 100% of DNA - its not difficult - hence the FSS scientiosts were categoric in their concklusions -
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