GUILTY SD - Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg, involved in fatal car hit and run, Sioux Falls, Sept 2020 *plea *Impeached*

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Imo, the 911 release & press conference is reassuring that they do intend to be transparent & thorough with this investigation- so far. I hope this continues.

The call clears up some things. Ravnsborg did call 911- not the local PD, not the sheriff’s personal number. He identifies himself as AG- which aligns with code of ethics for full & immediate disclosure when something of a potentially legal or criminal nature occurs involving someone from a position such as his. His articulation and clarity of speech don’t raise red flags for drinking alcohol. BUT he stated several times that he hit “something”. He does not state that he thinks he hit a deer, as per later reports. When the 911 calker asks if he thinks he hit a deer, Ravnsborg says he doesn’t know, but that his car was very damaged. He states that “something” was in the middle of the roadway. 911 caller informs him that Sheriff is on duty this night & will be notified. Did sheriff show up in squad car or personal vehicle? How did Ravnsborg acquire the sheriff’s personal car to drive home?

Fatality investigators arrived on scene about 10:30 a.m. the next day. Blood alcohol samples were taken at either 1:30 pm or “late afternoon” the next day. Ravnsborg blood alcohol test came back at “zero”. Why the 3+ hr delay the next day? Blood alcohol test should have been top priority. Ravnsborg’s weight, number of drinks (if any), would impact how many hours it would take to get his blood alcohol to zero. By the time his blood was tested, at least 16 hours had passed.

Unless witnesses at the GOP event state that he had some alcohol, drinking won’t be a factor here, imo. He took correct action in calling 911 immediately. BUT was Boever really in “the middle of the road”? Didn’t appear true based on skid marks from photos of articles upthread. I’m guessing Ravnsborg was speeding (pattern from prior tickets), causing the “extensive internal & external injuries” noted in the prelim autopsy. And possibly distracted because his own reports state that the “something” he hit “was in the middle of the road”- yet couldn’t be identified as human? I think he knew or suspected what he hit, imo.

Looking forward to final report. Autopsy final could be another 5 weeks, so maybe early December?
This link also provides audio of the 911 call.
Jason Ravnsborg fatal crash: Read a full transcript of the 911 call

The news conference video is available at this link:
Officials give update on Ravnsborg investigation |

One thing I'll say about he news conference is that they had all this time to prepare, but you still can't hear the questions asked by the media. Why? In the interest of transparency, provide some mikes to the media. The sound, other than from the DPS Secretary answering the questions, is non-existent.

did it seem like there might be interesting questions? Questions they refused to answer?
in other cases, I have found that tv stations/reporters posted Facebook lives that caught reporter question audio better. You could check Facebook.
The call is pretty terrible for Ravnsborg IMO. And the governor said if he wants to resign, that is "his prerogative." Yow. Politically he is a spent force. I am reading between the lines and think this mini briefing is subtle pressure for him to go. He knew he didn't hit a deer--he couldn't even be drawn into the line by the dispatcher. He knows he hit someone on the edge of the shoulder. He knows what he ingested or distracted himself with. He tried to save his political career with his shifting story. But should have come clean right away. The evidence on and in the car must be pretty gruesome. I want to believe the Sheriff was just lazy and not a part of the cover-up, but it doesn't look good for him.
Appreciate the article, JerseyGirl. I am not sure why they would wait till after the election, but that stinks. This investigation appears to be over; thus it looks pretty ominous for the AG--either a terrible whitewash that won't play well or the expected criminal negligence.
Appreciate the article, JerseyGirl. I am not sure why they would wait till after the election, but that stinks. This investigation appears to be over; thus it looks pretty ominous for the AG--either a terrible whitewash that won't play well or the expected criminal negligence.

My guess is that they are waiting after the election as AG Ravnsborg is a member of the Electoral College.
Have wondered if there was anyone else in the car with AG Ravsnborg the night he hit the man. It was never addressed that I saw in the news.

Although the absence of evidence doesn't equal evidence of absence... I don't see anything to lead us to even that supposition.

As a new member, you may not realize WS states there must be something to base our opinions on..(to prevent conspiracy theories etc from taking over the threads) . and there is nothing for such... I discount this out of hand as to a theory.

Have wondered if there was anyone else in the car with AG Ravsnborg the night he hit the man. It was never addressed that I saw in the news.

IMHO, due to the hole punched in the windshield (probably by the deceased gentleman's head) a front seat passenger would have sustained injuries in the accident.

(Still need to send that image to a family friend -- who teaches Accident Investigation at the Highway Patrol Academy.)

jmho ymmv lrr
Although the absence of evidence doesn't equal evidence of absence... I don't see anything to lead us to even that supposition.

As a new member, you may not realize WS states there must be something to base our opinions on..(to prevent conspiracy theories etc from taking over the threads) . and there is nothing for such... I discount this out of hand as to a theory.

Actually this is a theory that can be explored--there is a "black box" diagnostic for that year of Ford Taurus that should have some recoverable telemetry for investigators, passenger seat data, time of collision, speed, etc.. There is also likely a seat weight sensor if someone were in the passenger side. Interestingly, it does look like the passenger side airbags fired on the photos of it at the Highway Patrol station. Had not considered whether this could mean another passenger. Need a 2012 Ford Taurus expert to weigh-in if no passenger means no airbags, or if they fire on collision no matter what.
Although the absence of evidence doesn't equal evidence of absence... I don't see anything to lead us to even that supposition.

As a new member, you may not realize WS states there must be something to base our opinions on..(to prevent conspiracy theories etc from taking over the threads) . and there is nothing for such... I discount this out of hand as to a theory.

Thank you for the warm welcome.

The airbag on the passenger side appeared to be deployed in pictures taken of the car after the crash and that made me wonder. It was not a conspiracy theory, but rather a picture that made me wonder.
Thank you for the warm welcome.

The airbag on the passenger side appeared to be deployed in pictures taken of the car after the crash and that made me wonder. It was not a conspiracy theory, but rather a picture that made me wonder.

Excellent point made. Both points are on target. I apologize and recognize you have a very valid point.

And if I may start over, welcome to websleuths, and look forward to more of your Discerning posts.
Thank you for the warm welcome.

The airbag on the passenger side appeared to be deployed in pictures taken of the car after the crash and that made me wonder. It was not a conspiracy theory, but rather a picture that made me wonder.

Hey, news buff! Shame on me for not welcoming you. Thank you for joining us. We are very glad to have you here!

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