Deceased/Not Found SD - Catherine Tornquist, 56, Hot Springs, 5 Oct 2011 *M. Tornquist guilty*

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Not sure what you meant when you said; "think that Catherine is not where she should be" and could you provide the link to where you are talking about the SD DCI?

Not sure what you are apologizing for either, I did not find anyone's comments in this thread to be "stepping too far" as you stated your concern, nor even anything close to being inappropriate, at least from my stand point.
I did not post to this thread to throw it's motion off and derail it, nor would I want to influence anyone's direction that they wanted to take this thread, I simply added my two cents into the mix..Just thought to mention in case your reaction was due to my posting. I say what I mean, and you truly do not need to over analyze any unspoken emotions in what I have posted. I also don't feel that just because it is my Sister that we are talking about, doesn't mean that I have become some kind of imaginary sovereign over this post. That would be a logical fallacy I'm simply another poster just like you..

Freedom of speech is a wonderful thing in America. It's all good, relax and just be yourself and post your thoughts freely, that is simply what I'm doing.
Slyon, the link is on the SD DCI website, and I just checked tonight, and it was fixed. Previously, it didn't load anything, but I had sent them an email about it. Here is the link for it:

I'm sorry my comments came off as confusing. I know of people who have simply vanished, and not wanting to be found, and you mentioned that Catherine's investigation is private, and she is a private person herself. But, I shouldn't have made that assumption.
Slyon, I do have some questions. If you can't answer b/c it might hinder the investigation, then that's fine.

Who was supposed to go with Catherine to get the RV? I've seen both her son and Lytle mentioned.

Did someone actually see her the morning of 10/5 or not? Most reports say she was last seen by Lytle the evening before, but then a few reports (and her daughter) have said she was seen early the next morning. I believe her daughter has said that the son saw her.

Those are two really confusing points for me. If you can clarify, that would be great.

Belimom, I do not wish to comment on your two questions because of several reasons; not only the sensitivity of people that mentioned the above comments, but also because I'm not going to discuss Catherine's case due to the same reason that I have mentioned earlier; a large part of this investigation is private, and it is private for good reasons.
I hope that posters of this thread can put on our family member's shoes, walk around in them for a while, and maybe then they will understand what I am trying to convey in this thread.

Please keep in mind that some of Catherine's relatives are of a young age, some possess a very sensitive nature, and some are very close to her even though it is not well known in the media; and for them to read certain things on the internet espeically if it came from me, or any of their relatives, it can be very devistating for them. There is much at stake that I am protecting here; it is other people's hearts and feelings, it is also about me protecting Catherine's privacy that she cherished before she was known on the internet, it is also, and most importantly, a matter of keeping family and friends out of any possible "harm's way" and not just information that is vital to Cath's case, (private investigations are not only protecting the missing person, but other family members and friends as well by withholding information), even though I am fervently and vehemently protecting all of these things and will be relentless in doing so.
However, I "do" understand why all of you want to discuss her case, and thankfully it is discreetly being discussed in an appropiate website specifically for that purpose, and is tucked away nicely from the average internet surfer; since there is nothing worse than being a family member that is surfing the web for other non related subject matter or material, i.e. pictures for a homepage, or a school project, etc.., only to bump into a website that is stating possible graphic information about your relative. That is why I appreciate this thread, it is not all over the web for others to see, only for those that are serously interested in the subject matter would find this site.

Some things I can clarify, but not much: Don Lytle mentioned that there is a history of anersisms in our family, that was a misunderstanding on his part, I have since talked to him, and he now understands, so no, there is not a history per say of anersims in our family. Don Lytle was Catherine's boyfriend a long time ago, he has since then, been just Catherine's friend over the years. Catherine's bunny died before she showed up missing. It is true that Catherine would never even hurt a fly. Cathy also has many close relatives that are for some miraculous reason, we have remained hidden from the media and have thankfully not been in the spot light. What you read on the internet or in the media, is merely only the people that knew her, or are related to her, that have chosen to speak out due to frustration of not knowing everything, or just to speak their pain, some that have spoken out earlier, have since then decided to not speak out any further, and will not be heard from again. Many of us relatives are speaking very little on the internet and through media.

There is much information into investigation cases that are not revealed, even things that no one would have probably ever guessed were connected to a certain case. Most cases are complicated like that, it is not anything unusual, life is very detailed in general, so one could easily see how much information that investigators have to piece through. What you have read in the media is just a small tip of the ice berg, as one's common sense would lead one to know this to be true.
Most investigation cases are not public until they are resolved; criminal investigations as a whole don't usually provide information to the public while it is considered an "ongoing investigation", and each case includes investigatory material that is considered confidential under state law.

Ask me anything that you want to, but I will decline in answering any questions that are directly related to her case, whether it was revealed to the media or not. I will give you what little information that I feel is safe enough for my family and Cath's friends for you all to have (for example; if a suspect is still at large while a case is under investigation, it could put family members or friends in harm's way; I can't spell this out any clearer than that fokes, the words "safety" and "protection" become more important to families than informing the media with what they know, one could then understand why the family of a missing person is not speaking out, and please don't assume that this is the case with Catherine's investigation, but it also can't be ruled out of any case until that investigation is resolved). I know I have not told all of you much, but hopefully I have gotten my point across crystal clear on the very important reasons why information from many investigations are hidden from the public eye (it is a sensitive timing issue on when to involve the media and with only certain information) and why families do not partake in sharing in what they know.

p.s. Just wanted to make myself perfectly clear here; I am in no way upset with anyone involved in this thread; so please don't apologize for some imaginary feelings that you believe may have made me upset or hurt, that you may thought to have picked up from reading my post. My emotions have remained the same; steady, calm, and unruffled. No one in this thread has offended me in any way.

All my love goes out to Catherine, and thank you all for your concern for her welfare, it is always nice to know that Catherine has not been forgotten.
Peace and love to all of you and to all living kingdoms on our beloved mother earth.
Slyon, the link is on the SD DCI website, and I just checked tonight, and it was fixed. Previously, it didn't load anything, but I had sent them an email about it. Here is the link for it:

I'm sorry my comments came off as confusing. I know of people who have simply vanished, and not wanting to be found, and you mentioned that Catherine's investigation is private, and she is a private person herself. But, I shouldn't have made that assumption.

Thanks for the link M86. My personal thoughts on your comment is that Catherine would probably not have chosen to disappear from her family and friends with out informing them, but it can't be ruled out, as stranger things have happened in missing cases, it's just that the odds of this happening are very slim according to her family and friends that knew her, it would definitely shock us all if she had truly done that, of which I personally believe is that it would be highly unlikely.
The only assumption that I think I might question is, assuming that just because a person is private that they would be willing to disappear from their family and friends without ever contacting them. I do think that this particular assumption of others is highly unlikely when assuming that is mostly what private people do, since a desire to be private does not equate to someone's desire to disappear out of sight.
I am a very private person, but I am not willing to leave my family and leave my close friends to wonder what happened to me, I want them in my life as much as they want me in theirs.
Private people just have tighter and smaller circles of close friends and family members that truly know them, and each private person likes there personal life private for their own different reasons, and not the same reasons that others may want to be private.
Slyon, thank you for your post; it is understandable that you can't say much. I hope you are comfortable here and that you know there is support here for you. Take care, Jacie.
Slyon, I can totally understand and respect exactly where you are coming from when you state you will not reveal any personal information or specifics about this case. I've seen how some posters can just tear a family apart and I feel its so unfair. I can only imagine what you and your family are going through right now. My heart and prayers are with you and your family. God bless Catherine and I pray she is found and brought home safe and sound.
I hope she is found safe.
I still wonder if Catherine left any pets behind at home.

Surely an animal lover as she so greatly appears, would never have done such a thing - that is if she was planning on not being back home any time soon.

:frog: :moose: :lamb: :mickey: :hen: :wolf2: :beagle: :cat:
I still wonder if Catherine left any pets behind at home.

Surely an animal lover as she so greatly appears, would never have done such a thing - that is if she was planning on not being back home any time soon.

:frog: :moose: :lamb: :mickey: :hen: :wolf2: :beagle: :cat:

Hi Tarabull, no pets were left at home, Catherine loved all animal kingdoms There is no need to ever worry about pets being left behind, none of us in her family would let that happen either. But in order for me to tell you why there were no pets at the time of her disappearance would entail me revealing some of her personal life of which I am currently protecting that information from the media and the internet; her friends and family that knew her know why. And no pets are considered an issue in any of her investigation as far as I know as well. Hope this helps alleviate any of your concerns for pets.
Slyon, I can totally understand and respect exactly where you are coming from when you state you will not reveal any personal information or specifics about this case. I've seen how some posters can just tear a family apart and I feel its so unfair. I can only imagine what you and your family are going through right now. My heart and prayers are with you and your family. God bless Catherine and I pray she is found and brought home safe and sound.

Hi there Snowbunny,
Yes I have seen some websites that allow posters to reveal more information than what I consider "safe" enough for family members and including for the missing person themselves. I believe it is just ignorance of not understanding the "tight spot" (between a rock and another hard spot) that some family members are in during an active investigative search, so I mostly just overlook and ignore those sites that do allow that kind of unmonitored behavior.

One nice thing I can say, the Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community here, was professional enough to validate my own identity on this website. I had received a letter from the moderator that requested verification to who I really was and one of the administrators had called my home to also validate. I was very pleased to know that this site works hard to keep their members genuine and protected from any fraudulent activity the best they can.

Which brings me to mind, there are sites that help in researching people's history, criminal background, etc..., my thoughts on this is that if someone suspects someone, I would think it would make sense to first look up their background of any that may have been involved in someone's disappearance, regardless of their relationship to that person with no one being excluded. This extra cautionary step might aid in your own searches into missing person cases, as it has aided in my Sisters. Just a thought if one had not considered in so doing.

It is difficult to be part of the family of a missing person, the key is to take breaks from the whole situation when you can. One problem that is hard to overcome, is when all of the relatives and friends are experiencing a difficult time with some of the details involved with a case, and that can leave you with no one left to go to for solace for a while. I'm not trying to solicit people to comfort me, it's just a circumstance that can happen; families can fall apart right in the middle of investigations; some are in denial and don't want to know about the case nor do they want to think about it, some disagree with other family members on who is a suspect and are trying to convince others to focus their time and energy on their ideas on this, and sometimes a family member can be accused, or the graphic details are too much to handle and feel unbearable, etc... So, yes, it is difficult to endure to say the least. Actually, not knowing information that the private investigators know can be a good thing until one is ready to slowly digest that knowledge.
Having a loved one disappear seems to force life changing experiences upon you and sometimes even when you are not conditioned for those experiences. It has been emotionally difficult, but I do not regret having been involved in my own Sister's case, I am a willing participant that wants to do this for her, it helps me to feel that I'm doing something about the situation instead of feeling hopeless and running from it all.
I still wonder if Catherine left any pets behind at home.

Surely an animal lover as she so greatly appears, would never have done such a thing - that is if she was planning on not being back home any time soon.

:frog: :moose: :lamb: :mickey: :hen: :wolf2: :beagle: :cat:
This can give you an idea on how much Cath loved animals, she always went that extra mile for all of her pets. Cath is whom she appears to be, she is a very warm hearted and very gentle person, she has been that way all of her life. In the photo in the below link, she is the second person in from the left of the photo.\
This can give you an idea on how much Cath loved animals, she always went that extra mile for all of her pets. Cath is whom she appears to be, she is a very warm hearted and very gentle person, she has been that way all of her life. In the photo in the below link, she is the second person in from the left of the photo.\

Thanks for sharing. I do understand the commitment that particular issue takes - we have two bunnies and one has the same problem.

I'm still checking daily and hoping there is some news on Catherine soon...
I did some more research and found out something interesting - may or may not be related to Catherine being missing:

Don Lytle (the last person known to have seen her) is an RSO... a CHILD RSO... :furious:

ETA: Here's the RSO link (there are a couple of Don Lytle's - his year of birth is 1958 and middle initial W (but not Wayne...)

That's very interesting... I hope he is investigated fully.

Slyon, thank you for the update! I hope you and your family are doing well.
That's very interesting... I hope he is investigated fully.

Slyon, thank you for the update! I hope you and your family are doing well.

Thanks M86,
And yes everyone involved with Catherine, or those whom have been around the time of Catherine's disappearance have been fully investigated.
Slyon, do you know why the link on the SD DCI is no longer working? I had emailed them earlier about it... They didn't respond, but the link was restored within a few days... However, now it is not working again.

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