I would like to say I get entirely where you are coming from.
Questioning protocol, cameras, LE, events, misreported news and facts, does not always mean a person thinks anything is nefarious, they are looking for the answers and for hope that the person is alive or the perp is caught. In every case, we do not know the workplace, the home, the families, the LE, the circumstances so it is never anything personally accusatory at anyone, how could it possibly be, we do not know the people involved or the facility, etc? And if something is bad in a case, it only takes one bad apple and does not mean the rest are either.
Only to speak for myself, I am not speaking for you or anyone else, but I question, I speculate. Our goals are always the same though.
The intent is only always to find out what happened and find some hope and hopefully hear the missing person, etc. has been found. If someone slipped up but with no ill intent, address it. If someone had an ill intent, find them and arrest them. If a protocol could have been better, discuss it and change it if one can these days, it probably is not easy to do so and maybe they are dam*ed if they do give chase and are dam*ed if they don't. If she took off and that is exactly what happened, well then they will be able to show that with video, the witness in the car, employee interviews, timelines and more facts maybe they have than we do at this point.
There are things people question and I believe we are still so far as I know a nation that allows one to think for themselves. One example is she had winter boots on but no coat. It is a perfectly normal question and normal curiosity to wonder why or so I would think.
Again entirely, jmo and thoughts.
My prayers and hope for Serenity will continue.