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i can bring it up with centralia college and see if there are any groups willng to come out and help in future searches as well.
I talked with an old instructor at Grays Harbor College and she is going to see if the HUST program there will get involved. So my fingers are crossed. They are a great group.

Just curious - what is the HUST program? I am just being nosey so will not be offended if you don't explain.
i have a question :)

since there was a bigger turn out last you think that some of it might be because of ron and don show? ...

....ive also wondered if because they took such a big intrest in Lindsey and had their listeners call the state asking why there was not more money put towards looking for her.....did the center seem to get a bit of founds from the state at all?

just curious....cause they had the lines lit up to the state :)

im really glad ron and don got involved :) i just hadnt heard anything from the locals here regarding them :)

Thank you search center!!! Im go glad you have a place to gather to help find Lindsey and bring her home!

I love all the posters that were put up! they are wonderful :)

if my family and i should want to make one and mail it....could we do that? :)
I came to the search (Sat.) due to Ron and Don show asking to get searchers out there. I have pics I can post as well. Don also posted some on his FB.
Sending thoughts and prayers to all the searchers (known and unknown) who are gearing up emotionally and mentally to hit the ground this weekend. Lots of focused thoughts to any unknowns who are debating going in an attempt to sway them to search :). May the angels be with you and with Lindsey and may she come home this weekend! (If not sooner)!

Out of curiosity, has anyone emailed or called all the local radio stations before each search to let the public know about it? Off the top of my head I can think of KAOS (evergreen's station), KMAS, KGY, KOMO, KIRO...I'll be they'd at least make an announcement about it and maybe post links on their local events calenders...
:wave: Boondock, need that link for all media outlets. They say, "Third time is a charm!" It may be a good thing for this thread to. Peeps can click and dial or email. :bow:
:wave: Boondock, need that link for all media outlets. They say, "Third time is a charm!" It may be a good thing for this thread to. Peeps can click and dial or email. :bow:

Here ya go Karen:

My original post didn't have any radio station links that I remember, but this link to the Yahoo directory for WA state media is more than helpful:
from Ohio.......

positive thoughts and prayers going out to all who head out to search. :praying:

if i lived around there, i'd be there.

i will have a candle lit...lets bring Lindsey home :(
I read on the FA thread that 50 NG'smen were coming to help with the search this weekend. Can anyone confirm that for me?

I'm praying they are there.

I don't know if they are NG.. but I can confirm that we are expecting a very large group of military people this weekend.
Just a note to all our dedicated and brave volunteers - THANK YOU! :blowkiss:
Just a note to all our dedicated and brave volunteers - THANK YOU! :blowkiss:
Yes! I also wrote Don O'Neill to see if he can step up his efforts to the "Nation" about getting volunteers out there for the current and upcoming search dates. Again... the weather will deter many folks from trekking the areas that need to be grid searched, once short daylight hours hit and wet, cold, windy days start.

I searched with a team last weekend... and the forest was great and easy to navigate in 65 degree weather with blue skies and sunshine... but as I walked...I imagining it in a month with rain and cloudy days.. and I think most would not want to walk where our team walked searching if it's dark and raining.

I also would like to plead to get donations or hold fundraisers to up the reward money.

I follow all the missing kids cases and have for years (and missing and abducted women) and it seems that most after a month or so have these huge rewards for any info. I feel the reward money may need to be increased... to really get some motivation for someone who may know talk...if they are hesitant to talk. Unfortunately - money talks.

Many of the rewards are like up to $75,000 and around there.

I would be happy to work with others to begin fundraisers. I know the economic woes of many and with the regular working folk of McCleary and I understand how hard it is to come up with money... (me knowing...with me being one of the unhappily unemployed at the moment...UGH...I call it "unenjoyment") but I know that it would only take a few people to get some fundraisers started to raise some money. I am a networking addict while I attempt to become re-employed and in my line of business in Sales and Marketing... I am offering to to throw this out and if anyone in the Renton - Seattle area is in... let me know. We can get this started.

I have 2 daughters and one son... 19 year old twins and a 25 year old.. and I can NOT imagine having one vanish.

Lindsey is somewhere close to McCleary. Someone there knows something.

Lets get this wrapped up and help LE and the Baum family with what we can.

I am on a mission. :)
Everyone needs to write the governor about helping with the reward fund.

Even the broke state of California was able to come up with some money for Amber Dubois' reward fund.

Seems Ms. Gregoire should have some gentle reminders that Lindsey needs her help. Money talks.. especially in an area such as McCleary. :)
Prayers to all of you out there on the ground today and everyone who is backing you up with support at the front line. May the angels be with you and Lindsey and may she come home today.

Prayers for all the volunteers today for divine guidance in locating Lindsey. Lindsey had a very special gift of discernment, she knew that danger awaited her. My prayer is that one of the searchers will be gifted with the same sense of discernment, a special unexplainable knowledge of just where to find her.

My prayer for all of you.
Please Lord, let em bring our girl home today! Please bring peace and closure for her family and please bring justice for her abductor. You are not a God who takes pleasure in evil, with you the wicked cannot dwell. (Psalm 11:5-7) You are a God who loves justice (Psalm 5:4). Bring forth justice Lord and bring peace over this situation, especially to Lindsey's family. Watch over those who are searching today Lord, and give them Your favor in the work You have set before them. May it please you Lord that they are giving so selflessly of themselves and may it be Your will that they be successful in finding Lindsey.
In Jesus name,



momtective - I read your prayer over a couple of times while visualizing Lindsey, MB & JB and the searchers. Thank you!
momtective - I read your prayer over a couple of times while visualizing Lindsey, MB & JB and the searchers. Thank you

speaking of prayers fellow sleuthers...this is OT but i have to fly back to Philadelphia to help my termanally ill Mom...please keep her in your prayers...i will try
to pop in now and then if i can...take care...Seventeenseconds
momtective - I read your prayer over a couple of times while visualizing Lindsey, MB & JB and the searchers. Thank you

speaking of prayers fellow sleuthers...this is OT but i have to fly back to Philadelphia to help my termanally ill Mom...please keep her in your prayers...i will try
to pop in now and then if i can...take care...Seventeenseconds

Hi SeventeenSeconds, I will keep both you and your Mom in my prayers.

And Momtective, Thanks for the meaningful prayer

Krams to you both and to all the searchers today. xox

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