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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
as a team, we are determined to find Lindsey! as with every team, we have our ups and downs, it happens when you get so many women confined to a small area for several days! but nonetheless, we are getting things done!

as for funds, the center is in dire need! there are so many things we need but cant get. We have been blessed with a single phone line donated, wireless internet donated, a port o potty donated, and the building donated. We do need a table sized copy machine (commercial grade), gift cards for food such as walmart, costco, subway, pizza. etc. Funds can be donated several ways. we have bank accounts set up for the searches and for the reward, also they are tax deductable if donated thru Guardians of the Children. (a nonprofit that has been helping us) Together we can bring Lindsey home.!
Hey was the drive home?

Anyway...not a good search day at all. We only had 2 searchers show up besides our local group. Maybe 10 of us total. We did manage to check some areas, but if it continues like this....I don't know what we'll do.

No searches next weekend because of Halloween, too many of us have kids and grandkids and family things.

Last I heard, next search will be the weekend after next.

Hats off to all of you who are always there, and who keep showing up and searching. What else can we do but keep looking?

:praying:: grouphug:

And a special Thanks to Monica today. She was very helpful in guiding us as we searched. :dance:
The drive home was fine, Breanna. How was yours?

lmao@ monica

I wonder if she's friends with Margaret.
The drive home was fine, Breanna. How was yours?

lmao@ monica

I wonder if she's friends with Margaret.

It was just peachy.

LOL. That Margaret. I'm sure they are friends :) Good friends.
Hey was the drive home?

Anyway...not a good search day at all. We only had 2 searchers show up besides our local group. Maybe 10 of us total. We did manage to check some areas, but if it continues like this....I don't know what we'll do.

No searches next weekend because of Halloween, too many of us have kids and grandkids and family things.

Last I heard, next search will be the weekend after next.

Hats off to all of you who are always there, and who keep showing up and searching. What else can we do but keep looking?

:praying:: grouphug:

And a special Thanks to Monica today. She was very helpful in guiding us as we searched. :dance:
As I mentioned on other tread... I will shout out to Don O'Neill at KIRO to talk about the searches and have him get his radio show listeners involved and committing to come out and search before the weather really gets nasty!!

I will do what I can.
incase anyone wanted to know.. i finally arrived at home at 7pm! blah! my foot hurts, im whinning!!! but im ready for the next one! gonna be weird to be home for a weekend! can we have some phone support set up for those of us suffering from withdrawl symptoms?
thanks again to all of you at the search center......
thanks to all of you that are our boots on the ground!!!

I am surprised nothing is posted here this weekend - was there a search today and yesterday?
1 Searcher showed up Yesterday.
2 Searchers today.

The weather yesterday was bad (hail, heavy rain)

Ever seen wet (ahem soaked) jeans steam before?

Weather today was better but still rainy. I took a (boring) picture


Not too much to report. Other than the lack there of.
1 Searcher showed up Yesterday.
2 Searchers today.

The weather yesterday was bad (hail, heavy rain)

Ever seen wet (ahem soaked) jeans steam before?

Weather today was better but still rainy. I took a (boring) picture


Not too much to report. Other than the lack there of.

Oh, but it is so good to see you Jvk and what a trooper to be out searching in such bad weather. It rained over an inch in Portland yesterday so I knew you'd be getting it up there too.

BTW, it might be a boring photo but what a very clear one. LOL Plus the fact you had your camera with.

A quick question Jvk: There is no way to go from Libby's house and cut thru whatever is across the street from her to 3rd St, is there? It looks like they are joined apts across the street. So hard to tell on a Google map. It would just mean if they weren't home at Libby's she'd have to turn N on Main to get over to 3rd from there.

Have you ever driven up to the water tower? On the map it looks like Cedar becomes that dirt road. I have had a hard time finding a decent and more detailed map of McCleary.

thinking of all of you :hug:
thinking of all of you :hug:

Good to see you Note and hope you and your dear family are all over the flu and it is behind you. It would be so hard for everyone to have it about the same time like you did. xox
incase anyone wanted to know.. i finally arrived at home at 7pm! blah! my foot hurts, im whinning!!! but im ready for the next one! gonna be weird to be home for a weekend! can we have some phone support set up for those of us suffering from withdrawl symptoms?

JVK forgot to mention in his update that he forgot dry clothing so he was forced to sit around most of Sunday afternoon in wet jeans.

But his new boots kept his feet warm and dry.
I don't regret where i've been. Only where i haven't.
I decided to bring some thoughts about searching for Lindsey here to this thread and hope that is OK.

I have never been a part of a search party. The closest I have ever been to a search team in action was when they discovered the remains of a girl in Tualatin Or, over beyond some railroad tracks and left there by the Green River killer. A sad day it was.

What I remember is how organized it seemed, the searchers oblivious to people parked out on the Sherwood Tualatin road who were gawking to see what was going on :angel:. That is what has me wondering about the searches that are ongoing in McCleary, now done with volunteers since the official LE search is long over.

I don't want anyone here to think I am anything but grateful to these 'friends of Lindsey' for the work they do to try and find her. I appreciate all that is being done by each of you at the search center.

Often it is the re-searching that brings the discovery of the remains. So you re-search areas I have read. I don't know why searchers would even be concerned with the media being there. They aren't at task to find clues left behind, or her body.

And I am concerned because in these volunteer searches there is no sight of LE presence as has been stated here. I know you have all been trained in what to do. I guess it is the casual feeling I came away with from reading some posts here on the main thread that bother me about the searches. Moving things with a stick is something I have never heard of before. Usually that searcher would stop and a qualified person would be called over to examine what has been found before the ground is touched.

I guess I would like to know more about the process. Like are there 'hot' areas that are reserved for only LE supervised searches? Again I thank you all for your good work for Lindsey. I hope she is found ASAP and before the Holidays come. xox
Scandi, I hope I can answer your questions thoroughly.

When someone comes in to volunteer to search they start by registering and getting a search vest, after we have enough people to send out on a search (areas are mapped by our "map specialist" using a method learned from Brad Dennis) we assemble them in the "briefing" room with the briefer, they are instructed on what they are looking for and how to handle it if they find something (whether it be a random bottle or a couple of bones). If they stumble upon what they feel is a crime scene or something they feel needs to be checked out right that minute they are given a number to call. They call and talk to a member of the core team. We instruct them on what to do and we call the LE to go with us/meet us there to check it out. Some times we send someone from the core team to go and check before calling the LE. But LE is involved in the searches if and when we call them.
Once a search area is complete the searchers return to the center and go into what is called the "debriefing" room. A "debriefer" then takes the notes from the team (everyone tells the debriefer what they saw) writes the report, everyone signs off on it, everyone is thanked for their time and they either go back out on another search or they leave.

At the end of the weekend all of the reports are turned into the LE for them to read.

Hope that helps clear up some of your questions.
Scandi, I hope I can answer your questions thoroughly.

When someone comes in to volunteer to search they start by registering and getting a search vest, after we have enough people to send out on a search (areas are mapped by our "map specialist" using a method learned from Brad Dennis) we assemble them in the "briefing" room with the briefer, they are instructed on what they are looking for and how to handle it if they find something (whether it be a random bottle or a couple of bones). If they stumble upon what they feel is a crime scene or something they feel needs to be checked out right that minute they are given a number to call. They call and talk to a member of the core team. We instruct them on what to do and we call the LE to go with us/meet us there to check it out. Some times we send someone from the core team to go and check before calling the LE. But LE is involved in the searches if and when we call them.
Once a search area is complete the searchers return to the center and go into what is called the "debriefing" room. A "debriefer" then takes the notes from the team (everyone tells the debriefer what they saw) writes the report, everyone signs off on it, everyone is thanked for their time and they either go back out on another search or they leave.

At the end of the weekend all of the reports are turned into the LE for them to read.

Hope that helps clear up some of your questions.

Thanks Jennifer and that does help allot. You are organized and work under the guidelines given to you by experts like Brad Dennis.

A question which I hope you can answer is are there areas you know about where the volunteer team do not search? Places set aside purposefully where only LE go as they have the time to search? I don't mean for you to mention specific areas as I know they wouldn't let that info out to the public. You might not even knew these areas. Just, do they have off linit areas for the volunteers?

And do you ever wonder about areas you don't think have been searched and wonder why?

Thanks Jennifer and that does help allot. You are organized and work under the guidelines given to you by experts like Brad Dennis.

A question which I hope you can answer is are there areas you know about where the volunteer team do not search? Places set aside purposefully where only LE go as they have the time to search? I don't mean for you to mention specific areas as I know they wouldn't let that info out to the public. You might not even knew these areas. Just, do they have off linit areas for the volunteers?

And do you ever wonder about areas you don't think have been searched and wonder why?


No, we are not limited to where we search (within reason. Obviously we can't search posted private property unless we have consent of the owners and again obviously we aren't searching inside peoples houses.)
No, we are not limited to where we search (within reason. Obviously we can't search posted private property unless we have consent of the owners and again obviously we aren't searching inside peoples houses.)

I appreciate your answer Jennifer. I was hoping LE had an area they have been silently working on.

Off to watch the Mentalist and listen to the rain in the background. ;}

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