Search Question?

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The prosecution has 'iron clad proof' tested from 3 labs that claim Caylee is dead and they all came back with the same results. I'm not worried.

There still is that chance that someone will not believe anything other than the body. Been there, done that.
We can't assume she was not diligent about hiding the body. We have to look to be sure. God willing we will have enough people to cover the search areas thoroughly and we can recover her. I have faith and believe we will.

AMEN Baz! I still plan on joining!:)
There still is that chance that someone will not believe anything other than the body. Been there, done that.

I hear what you're saying but there's no way to guarantee a guilty verdict anyway. That's why they have the jury process such as it is. I believe that LE has done an oustanding job and I feel KC's plight for a not guilty verdict is in serious trouble. If we do not find Caylee, it won't be the worst situation for the prosecution, as they certainly seem to have found enough specimen material to go around to 3 different labs. To me, that's huge.
Along with publicized searches, LE also conducts unpublicized searches.

LE has to keep some searches secret for reasons such as not wanting killers or possible accomplices to know they (LE) are close to the body or evidence, so as not to take a chance on them being moved or tampered with.

Sometimes they don't want to take a chance on the public going to the area. For example, if the area is large and the search will take more than a day, they don't to risk a member of the public going there and accidentally messing up evidence that LE hasn't yet found.

Sometimes it might be possible for a search area to be related to a person who has given them information, and they need to protect that person's identity for their safety.

Sometimes they publicize these searches when they're completed, sometimes they don't, for example if the search area is related to other evidence or testimony.
I disagree. I believe Casey was fully capable of gettin' down and dirty if it meant covering her tracks and her lies. Living the life of a liar is an exhausting affair. She's anything and everything but lazy. I fully believe she'd run to the ends of the earth and back if it meant keeping up her ruse.

thanks for saying this.....I have been wanting to say that one thing KC IS NOT is LAZY! (she cooks, she cleans, she shops , she parties hardy, she seemed constantly on the go) so to me that is not a factor.......besides that, adrenalin can push someone even beyond their past limitations........just thinkin'..
I hear what you're saying but there's no way to guarantee a guilty verdict anyway. That's why they have the jury process such as it is. I believe that LE has done an oustanding job and I feel KC's plight for a not guilty verdict is in serious trouble. If we do not find Caylee, it won't be the worst situation for the prosecution, as they certainly seem to have found enough specimen material to go around to 3 different labs. To me, that's huge.

Agreed, on all points.
The lack of a body is the fear I have, that one of the jurors will take as "reasonable doubt".

I think in this case the lack of a body will be the least important evidence. I believe they have more than enough to convict her and the Anthonys know it.
Baez knows it and that is why we have heard no viable defense statement. There is nothing to say at this point unless they can find someone else they can pin this on.
I think LE should have done more searches, and not leave it all up to TES. But they probably dont know where, because A. Casey lied/doesnt talk so B. they had no leads but cell pings.
Again, hopefully TES can still find her. I have my doubts due to time along with weather conditions. But if anyone can, TES can.
I think LE has searched, interviewed, investigated and gone above and beyond in this case. In 24 hours they already knew a lot of KC's lies. I think that is pretty quick. With all the lies that KC initially told LE, not to mention the fact they had a 31 day delay on starting a search for Caylee. Where were they to even start looking for Caylee? Think about how hard it is to find a set of misplaced keys. You know what they look like, you know where you had them last but dang sometimes they are hard to find....multiply that by millions and the state of Florida and no true place to even start. The family couldn't even tell them with any accuracy the last time they saw Caylee, what day even. Good grief. I give LE all the credit in the world. They amaze me when I really start thinking about what LE has done. JMHO.
I think LE should have done more searches, and not leave it all up to TES. But they probably dont know where, because A. Casey lied/doesnt talk so B. they had no leads but cell pings.
Again, hopefully TES can still find her. I have my doubts due to time along with weather conditions. But if anyone can, TES can.

LE has continually searched. I don't know why some people assume they haven't. They do what they can in every spare moment they have. It hasn't been all left up to TES. When they are here, they work in tandem. I hope this helps to clear up some misconceptions regarding LE and their lack of searching.
thanks for saying this.....I have been wanting to say that one thing KC IS NOT is LAZY! (she cooks, she cleans, she shops , she parties hardy, she seemed constantly on the go) so to me that is not a factor.......besides that, adrenalin can push someone even beyond their past limitations........just thinkin'..

Just for discussion...I do think KC is lazy. The ultimate in lazy. KC cooks to impress boyfriends, not because it is a matter of survival. We have heard about her cleaning boyfriends apartments...only to impress and in a backwards kinda way pay for shacking up at the boyfriends place. She shops with stolen funds because she didn't have a job. I don't know that she was constantly on the go other than to fake going to work and finding a place to hang out for 8 hours while she was supposed to be at work. Party hardy, was her excuse for working at night. KC didn't have the energy or ambition to get a real job, her own apt, her own car, her own cell phone, her own groceries, her parents provided all the neccessary things for Caylee, clothes, food and medical. The only picture in my mind of KC is that of a slug. With all that being said, I can't see her disposing of Caylee in a way that would have required any effort on her part.:(
I think LE should have done more searches, and not leave it all up to TES. But they probably dont know where, because A. Casey lied/doesnt talk so B. they had no leads but cell pings.
Again, hopefully TES can still find her. I have my doubts due to time along with weather conditions. But if anyone can, TES can.

Please remember, LE has the same road block TES has, all the standing water. While I'm sure they have continued their search. They are probably waiting for more of the water to recede before doing more massive searches, just like TES.
I think if Casey were "CYA" then she would go to extreme measures to hide Caylee's body. She may have been lazy as far as not providing for her child and letting her parents carry the responsibility but if her butt was on the line (as it is) I think she would get busy and hide the evidence.
It has not rained down here in a week or so. Also please remember in Florida rain can be very sporadic. It could be pouring at my house and yet a mile away it won't be raining.
They have been searching. They searched the Anthony home. They searched places Casey indicated were possibilities. In the Laci Peterson case, LE searched in the places that Scott first indicated (the park where she would walk, for example). It was receipts that led them to look in the bay. In effect, they had a way to narrow down where to search. In a city where the landscape is littered with hundreds of waterways, lakes, swamps, woods.....they can only, because they ARE limited, search where they have information a search there might produce evidence. Though we would love it to be so, they must also deal with the rest of the greater Orlando public's needs.

This is one reason why Tim Miller's group is invaluable and should be given donations. They can put "boots on the ground" so that the LE are not stretched beyond their capabilities.

Never assume that LE does not care. I have found that the men and women who have to work a missing child case care more than we will ever know or could ever understand.

I must also add that the terrain and weather in California are very predictable making searching a lot easier. We don't have a lot of woods or swamps around Modesto There was also extensive posting of flyers in the area - you didn't see a business or a pole in Stanislaus County without a poster. Flyers were pretty much in all businesses by the 26th of December - I know where I was working had one in the window early morning on the 26th.

I think the biggest problem in this case is the fact that Caylee was not reported missing for so long. People look at each other and ask - where do I search? No one in the family gave LE or anyone else any information on where to look for Caylee. There has been no picture of drawing provided of the phantom nanny. That would have helped a lot - but even with that, the way the family has tossed road blocks in front of anayone WANTING to help has really been discouraging for anyone who might want to search. Anyway you slice it, the last of searchers goes back to the family EVERY SINGLE TIME. If they would provide SOMETHING tangible for searchers to look, people might "get off their azzes" andd look. Example: if Caylee were really kidnapped in Blanchard Park, why is Blanchard Park not covered with photos of Caylee? Have the Anthonys gone and posted any there? The Anthonys want OTHER PEOPLE to do the work for them while they continually insult anyone who does helkp them. Thank goodness, TES has ignored the nastiness and will continue to search.

Police have to be very careful about letting citizens help in their searches. Also, they are very limited in time and resources.

Just because Cindy SAYS LE isn't looking does NOT mean they are not. Tell Cindy to tell LE WHERE to begin this search.
You know what I'm wondering? Why hasn't the man, or men ... who saw what they believe to have been KC in the woods ... gone themselves, or better yet, gotten a group of friends and family together, and start looking in that area?

If it were me, I'd surely have done that all ready. I guess I just couldn't sit idly by, waiting ... I'd do what I could with the people I could get together .. NOW.

What do you think?
Maybe they have evidence or believe that the body/remains are non recoverable.

Interesting that everyone thinks Casey doesn't have much going on upstairs so to speak , but she's managed to hide the biggest piece of evidence in this case against her!

That doesn't make her smart - it makes her sneaky.
thanks for saying this.....I have been wanting to say that one thing KC IS NOT is LAZY! (she cooks, she cleans, she shops , she parties hardy, she seemed constantly on the go) so to me that is not a factor.......besides that, adrenalin can push someone even beyond their past limitations........just thinkin'..
She does all that for a man - there's no evidence of her cooking, cleaning, shoppiung or partying to help Caylee.
Please understand that I was in no way trying to say that LE and TES are not doing enough to find Caylee's remains, I guess what I am getting at is that in other cases of missing persons you see large search teams (not just LE) out looking for the remains, And it just seems like in this case that if TES is not involved then LE is not attempting to gather others to help them look....I think that Tim Miller and TES are a great group of souls, and I have donated to them on more than on occasion and will continue to do so.

I just wish as we all do that this poor child's body would be located and her put to rest in the dignity and respect she deserves.


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