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I posted this on another thread but here is what 1 of the SOS team said....

"Hi Brian its Tamra

Yes Moola and Hilo indicated on something. No, we dont know what it is. Also, we did not call the police as a very nice officer pulled over as we were working the area to ask if we were all ok (we had pulled the cars over and had our four ways on). So it was perfect timing lol. Please post this so everyone whos been e-mailig knows : )


Will do Tamra, and keep up the good work...let's get this case closed so we can move on the the others.

This is just so sad ...does anybody think she killed caylee because she was mad at her mother ????or that her mother was going to take caylee away from her ???
This is just so sad ...does anybody think she killed caylee because she was mad at her mother ????or that her mother was going to take caylee away from her ???

I had that thought too. And it doesn't rule out a desire to be free of the responsibility for her child. Get back at her mother and get back her child-free life at the same time. (I believe she's a sociopath, just as her mother said.)

The chloroform traces are a scary indicator, but there are circumstances under which chloroform can be created naturally (chlorine + urine, etc.) I'd be interested to find out what exactly how high the "suspiciously high" levels were, and also how likely it would have been for them to have been the result of an innocent chemical reaction.
I had that thought too. And it doesn't rule out a desire to be free of the responsibility for her child. Get back at her mother and get back her child-free life at the same time. (I believe she's a sociopath, just as her mother said.)

The chloroform traces are a scary indicator, but there are circumstances under which chloroform can be created naturally (chlorine + urine, etc.) I'd be interested to find out what exactly how high the "suspiciously high" levels were, and also how likely it would have been for them to have been the result of an innocent chemical reaction.

I am sure Cindy is researching all over the place chloroform and will come up with some ridiculous excuse for it being there. Do maggots make Chloroform?
hmmm..can someone update me - is this the new story??

Casey Anthony has told investigators that Caylee was kidnapped by a babysitter at Blanchard Park.

"The story she gave them was she went to Jay Blanchard Park, Zenaida and her older sister, Samantha, and Samantha's three young children were there and they were driving a silver Ford whatever and one of them jumped her and the other one took the baby and took her and said, 'Hey, this is the script. For the next 30 days, you read this to law enforcement and tell them this is what happened' and they zoomed off," bounty hunter Leonard Padilla said.

When did she say this???

Also...she was jumped, yet no one saw bruises or cuts/scraps that seemed like she was jumped. It is totally possible, but hmm...
I had that thought too. And it doesn't rule out a desire to be free of the responsibility for her child. Get back at her mother and get back her child-free life at the same time. (I believe she's a sociopath, just as her mother said.)

The chloroform traces are a scary indicator, but there are circumstances under which chloroform can be created naturally (chlorine + urine, etc.) I'd be interested to find out what exactly how high the "suspiciously high" levels were, and also how likely it would have been for them to have been the result of an innocent chemical reaction.

I would say the chloroform discovery is pretty useless info if it wasn't for the fact that she allegedly researched on it online. Those two together are not good for Casey.
I had also heard (can't remember where I read it or heard it), that Casey had also been visiting websites that talked about Florida "Sinkholes". Did anyone else hear about that, or has my brain fizzled on me?

No the only link between Casey and sinkholes is that a website service recommended a sinkhole site to Casey. There is no direct evidence she SEARCHED for info on sinkholes.
There was a site that she had some of her favorite websites and there was a sinkhole site listed but it wasn't specific to Florida.
I had that thought too. And it doesn't rule out a desire to be free of the responsibility for her child. Get back at her mother and get back her child-free life at the same time. (I believe she's a sociopath, just as her mother said.)

The chloroform traces are a scary indicator, but there are circumstances under which chloroform can be created naturally (chlorine + urine, etc.) I'd be interested to find out what exactly how high the "suspiciously high" levels were, and also how likely it would have been for them to have been the result of an innocent chemical reaction.

It was stated on NG tonite by the forensics chemical expert that chlorine and urine do NOT equate to chloroform. Not to mention it would be an absolute infintesimal coincidence that Casey's computer had websites she had researched on chloroform.
It was stated on NG tonite by the forensics chemical expert that chlorine and urine do NOT equate to chloroform. Not to mention it would be an absolute infintesimal coincidence that Casey's computer had websites she had researched on chloroform.


How many cases have we seen computer evidence as key in solving these cases?

I'm thinking right now about Scott Peterson googling tides in the bay where he dumped Lacy and Conner. :mad:

This chloroform news today makes me think murder, not an accident.

I also think this is just the beginning of a horrific tale of what really happened to this innocent child.

Does anyone else think that this towel Caylee is sitting on look like something Joseph's team found in their first search in Blanchard Park????
Joseph,.. was it a backpack or a towel?
Does anyone else think that this towel Caylee is sitting on look like something Joseph's team found in their first search in Blanchard Park????
Joseph,.. was it a backpack or a towel?

wow....looks very similar to me!
I think it *could* be .... I'm not sure. Although in the pic on the right, it kinda looks as if it may have some white in it?
I think it *could* be .... I'm not sure. Although in the pic on the right, it kinda looks as if it may have some white in it?

Yeah it looks like it has some white in it to me too. Something towards the back of it too that I can't make out.:confused:
not quite sure myself! Thats why I posted it. It is going around on Justice Caylee myspace pages. (there is TONS of them!)
Do a search. Someone posted photos here quite awhile ago showing this is not the same print as the towel at all. Blown up, you can see the material in the photo on the right is pink camo.
Looks like that is a cushion she is sitting on to me.

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