Searching for Anna - #1

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Annasmom said:
Thank you, Gardenmom. You know, Anna had a little garden. When I moved from the farm, I dug the whole thing up (including the compost pile) and brought it seven miles to the community where I live now. Eventually all the plants and rocks disseminated all over the yard so that I never know where I'll find a souvenir.
That is so nice. I had an aunt who had this plant she called Henrietta. She loved that thing and it thrived. Every now and then she would cut off pieces of Henrietta and give them away. Well, when I got married I took my "Henrietta" with me. When I moved to Alaska I gave my Henrietta to my mom, who in turn killed the thing. Well, my aunt died a couple years ago. I wish I had that plant now. My mom planted a beautiful pink rose garden in her yard and made a plaque that says someone about it being my Aunt Ellen's memorial garden. She goes there when she wants to remember her. So, anyway, I understand.
I am a huge lurker here at websleuths,and I am always amazed at the intelligence of the posters.I spent somewhere from 8-10 hours reading the original thread on Anna.My heart breaks for your family.Dr Doogie what a special person you are helping Anna's family in this way.You are truly a hero in my books.The same goes out to all who have jumped in with great ideas,if anyone can help you Annasmom & Joe it is the great people here.I do alot of research through blackmarket adoptions in the Canadian areas so I will definatly keep my eyes peeled for anything.I don't have alot to offer you but my heartfelt hope you find out where Anna is very soon.
Good luck in your search and way to go all sleuthers you are truly the best.
Welcome!! Hi Alta! You have as much to offer as anyone. Not one of us knows everything and it's more insightful with all of us discussing the different scenarios, evidence, etc. I feel I have so little to offer as well...but you just never know!
Alta said:
I am a huge lurker here at websleuths,and I am always amazed at the intelligence of the posters.I spent somewhere from 8-10 hours reading the original thread on Anna.My heart breaks for your family.Dr Doogie what a special person you are helping Anna's family in this way.You are truly a hero in my books.The same goes out to all who have jumped in with great ideas,if anyone can help you Annasmom & Joe it is the great people here.I do alot of research through blackmarket adoptions in the Canadian areas so I will definatly keep my eyes peeled for anything.I don't have alot to offer you but my heartfelt hope you find out where Anna is very soon.
Good luck in your search and way to go all sleuthers you are truly the best.
I have updated the thread named "Possible Matches for Anna" to reflect all of the individuals who we have explored. Check it out for all of the details.
I sent Anna's poster to everyone in my address book and asked them to forward it on to everyone in theirs. That covers quite a few states. Just a small attempt to get her picture and story out there.
I am copying a link from the Rose Cole thread on cold cases because when I read this it reminded me of George Waters. I wonder if this could have been where his money was going.

Quote: "As such, it recruited a number of lawyers, architects, doctors, and businessmen – some of whom continued to work outside but turned their income over to Synanon."
Wow, Gardenmom, the hairs at the back of my neck stood up. I feel we are heading in the right direction. It all seems to fit really well. This may seem disjointed all, so bear with me. In cults, everyone has a "keeper", i.e., someone who watches over a new recruit to make sure the recruit is doing what the leader wants. Could Brody be Waters' keeper? A leader would realize that George Waters could generate money from being a doctor, plus he came from a wealthy family. I know Waters made demands from his family for money. I grew up in Northern California and Lord knows there were/are many cults. One was called "The Moore Family" and they drove a purple hearse around. Psycho! I digress. I researched cults in college and I found a website for "child survivors of cults". I am gonna go check it out again. What I wouldn't give fora list of members of Bay Area cults from that time.

Annasmom, Joe, Doogie: Were there any records of a steady payment to an organization by Waters? Maybe not, considering how secretive cults are. I believe George Waters was sadly, a victim. Interesting connection. Gardenmom.

Peace, Mary
Gardenmom and Viking... great posts and ideas. Sometimes thinking "outside of the box" gets us where we need to go. Not everything we come up with will work, but if we're constantly challenging old ideas, we stand a better chance of finding the real answers.

I doubt, from what little I know about the two Georges, that they sent checks to anyone... but perhaps in the BFH there are stubs from Money Orders or such. Who knows.
HeartofTexas said:
Gardenmom and Viking... great posts and ideas. Sometimes thinking "outside of the box" gets us where we need to go. Not everything we come up with will work, but if we're constantly challenging old ideas, we stand a better chance of finding the real answers.

I doubt, from what little I know about the two Georges, that they sent checks to anyone... but perhaps in the BFH there are stubs from Money Orders or such. Who knows.

Don't forget good old fashioned case either. What a great place to hide Anna, inside a place where she would be watched like a hawk, and never get out.
Annasmom, did Anna have a social security card? If so, have you checked with the social security office to see if there has been any activity on it since she disappeared?Also, I am wondering if you have checked with the court system in California to see if there was any name changes filed in their courts after Anna disappeared under her name? I know in our state of Ky. it is kept in the court house then when case is older it is sent to the capital (FRANKFORT) and kept in the archive files.
kyresearcher said:
Annasmom, did Anna have a social security card? If so, have you checked with the social security office to see if there has been any activity on it since she disappeared?Also, I am wondering if you have checked with the court system in California to see if there was any name changes filed in their courts after Anna disappeared under her name? I know in our state of Ky. it is kept in the court house then when case is older it is sent to the capital (FRANKFORT) and kept in the archive files.
Kyresearcher, she did not have a social security card. Checking under name changes sounds like a good idea, but I don't know how this would be done. Maybe I can find out.
Annasmom said:
Kyresearcher, she did not have a social security card. Checking under name changes sounds like a good idea, but I don't know how this would be done. Maybe I can find out.
Annasmom, call the court house nearest to you and ask them first if it is public records, but since you are her mother you should be privy to it.Then ask them if they have name change records back in the 70's or if they are in archives (since they are so old) I would explain to them why you are asking and tell them that possibly GW had her name changed. Have them search the name Anna Waters, it is possible that they can tell you if all the courts sent all their records to one office to be recorded. I worked in our court system for 16 1/2 yrs. and have seen the judge issue name changes for various reasons but the courts may be different in Ca. I would just call and call and somewhere you will find a person willing to help. I wish I was there to help you.
gardenmom said:
Don't forget good old fashioned case either. What a great place to hide Anna, inside a place where she would be watched like a hawk, and never get out.
Oops, That should be CASH, not case. Sorry.
gardenmom said:
"As such, it recruited a number of lawyers, architects, doctors, and businessmen – some of whom continued to work outside but turned their income over to Synanon."
As I continue to review the contents of the Box From Hell, I have come across a letter where GW was attempting to be hired at a clinic for alcohol treatment. I will review which clinic it was and see if there are any Synanon connections.
A summary of where the investigation currently stands:

1) We have found a woman living near San Francisco who has the same last name as the deceased woman who lived with Brody prior to his living with Waters. I hope to contact her and see if she is a relative who knew Brody and might shed some light on his history.

2) Kyresearcher has uncovered several unclaimed property cases where the names involved match either GB, GW or Anna. We are researching these to see if they are the people involved with this case. If any of these do match up, then it will provide us a clue as to where Anna might be.

3) Our friends "down under" are searching for an Australian actress/entertainer named Anna Waters who somewhat resembles the age-progression picture. Hopefully, they will be able to provide contact information that will allow us to see if she is our Anna.

4) The hunt for "Seka" continues. I pulled up a list of every Seka listed for California - almost all have a Serbian or Croatian sounding name, which would fit our Seka who is of Yugoslavian heritage. I am looking for some clue to narrow down the search before contacting every Seka that lives in California.

5) An actress names Anna Waters appeared in a U.K. movie concerning child abuse. People are trying to obtain a copy of the film to see if she resembles our Anna before we put too much effort into find her. I wonder if she is the same Anna Waters mentioned in point 3?

At a time like now when activity slows down a bit here in the forum, there is still valuable research being done because of the efforts of all of you. Thank you all very much! :clap:
Hello all,

I was very pleased to see a subforum dedicated to Anna's story.

I just wanted to remind Anna's mom and let the rest of you know that Anna is on Project Jason's current 18 Wheel Angel campaign. A special poster has been made for her and can be downloaded and printed for placement. More information about the program, and the link for the poster can be found here:

In addition to the campaign, Anna is also featured in a trucking publication called Through the Gears. This free magazine is distributed in truck stops nationwide. Her age progression photo is on the front cover, in the table of contents, and also on page 48, along with her childhood photo. A two page spread with her complete story, as told by her mother, is on page 48 and 50.

Through the Gears is one of JB Scott's many publications. In partnership with Project Jason, they feature one missing person per month. You can pick up your free copies at a local truck stop, but if it's far from you, you may want to call and ask if they carry that magazine. These are NOT with the regular for purchase magazines. At my truck stop, they are in a special rack outside the main truck stop door. At another truck stop, they are in a hallway between the store and the trucker's lounge.

Through the Gears has a circulation of about 150,000.

Anna's mom, if it's inconvenient for you to find these local to you, we will be happy to mail you several copies. Let me know via email.

We hope this helps in the search for Anna.

Kelly, you are an incredibly generous and amazing woman.

I agree, Viking. I've met some pretty amazing people on Websleuths and none are better than the moms who have endured the pain they have with such grace and dignity and a willingness to help others. I'm going to try to find a truck stop this weekend to see if I can pick up a copy of Through the Gears.

BTW, Doogie, that's a great summation you did and lets everyone know instantly where research is needed. Like you, I did a search on Seka's in California, expecting at the most 3-5 and was shocked to see they were everywhere! Who knew!
Dr. Doogie said:
A summary of where the investigation currently stands:

1) We have found a woman living near San Francisco who has the same last name as the deceased woman who lived with Brody prior to his living with Waters. I hope to contact her and see if she is a relative who knew Brody and might shed some light on his history.

2) Kyresearcher has uncovered several unclaimed property cases where the names involved match either GB, GW or Anna. We are researching these to see if they are the people involved with this case. If any of these do match up, then it will provide us a clue as to where Anna might be.

3) Our friends "down under" are searching for an Australian actress/entertainer named Anna Waters who somewhat resembles the age-progression picture. Hopefully, they will be able to provide contact information that will allow us to see if she is our Anna.

4) The hunt for "Seka" continues. I pulled up a list of every Seka listed for California - almost all have a Serbian or Croatian sounding name, which would fit our Seka who is of Yugoslavian heritage. I am looking for some clue to narrow down the search before contacting every Seka that lives in California.

5) An actress names Anna Waters appeared in a U.K. movie concerning child abuse. People are trying to obtain a copy of the film to see if she resembles our Anna before we put too much effort into find her. I wonder if she is the same Anna Waters mentioned in point 3?

At a time like now when activity slows down a bit here in the forum, there is still valuable research being done because of the efforts of all of you. Thank you all very much! :clap:
DrDoogie, the name Seka that you were referring to, did you see it spelled out or did someone just say the name to you and that is the way the spelling sounded to you? This inquiry has something to do with the name I sent you on the unclaimed money for Anna.
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