Searching for Anna

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Thought of Anna all day today. Still praying for answers.
Hi Annasmom,

It's been quite a long while since I've posted on here but I do come on from time to time and see if there is anything new going on.

I'm so pleased to see that your have done the Ancestry DNA test, it is pretty amazing. I did mine 12 months ago and within 24 hours of getting my results, I found the grandson of my GG Uncle who was adopted at approx. 2 years old from Chicago in 1874 (I live in Australia and my G Grandfather immigrated here in 1895). I had been looking for my GG Uncle for 9 years.

If I could make a suggestion, it would be a good idea if you could also get Anna's brother's and a couple of 1st cousins to do the their DNA and my reason for this is as follows. If Anna does not know that she was adopted/abducted and she gets a DNA hit for a parent, she may just think the test is inaccurate and dismiss it without researching it any further however, if she got a hit on a sibling or a cousin, she would probably be more inclined to follow these up. You can submit the additional DNA tests under your account so any research will come back to your profile anyway.

If you start a tree on Ancestry you can add a lot of info, stories/pictures, to Anna so it would be available for Anna to see if she finds you. I'm happy to help you set this up if you want to go ahead with it. I have 10 years of experience on Ancestry.

Let me know.
Thinking about Anna today...I am still of the opinion that authorities could spend more times on her case...
Thinking about Anna today...I am still of the opinion that authorities could spend more times on her case...
Hi, Miss Marple. So good to hear from you. I wish you could see the files that the Sheriff's Department has on Anna. When Doogie and I lent them the Box From Hell to copy, they had box after box, binder after binder of information already. I think if anything new ever surfaced, they would be on the case again, but everything has been so terribly quiet. As you see, hardly anybody ever posts here any more, though I know they would if they thought they had anything to add. The book Searching for Anna continues to sell and circulate, however, so some word is still getting out.
Praying that Anna is found. Anna’s Mom, your love, desire to find Anna and your determination is remarkable. I know you are a model for other parents and family members who are seeking their loved one.
What a surprise. As I was watching the ten o'clock news, I saw this collage of photos on the screen, Anna's kindergarten picture, fourth from left on the top row, and the current age-progressed picture, two more over to the right. San Mateo County held a Missing Persons Day (uknown to me) that hoped to call attention to those missing in the county--about 400, the news story said. The story itself dealt mostly with unidentifieds and gave parents a chance to get their DNA and their kids' DNA on file.


  • Anna 4-21-18.jpg
    Anna 4-21-18.jpg
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I posted this information on the 2017 site, but I realize we need an update, even though our people are not checking in very often. On Missing Children's Day (which I almost missed this year), San Mateo County held an event to call attention to the more than 400 children missing in this area. When we tuned into the evening news, we were shocked and surprised to see two photos of Anna on a collage on screen. I was able to photograph it. Anna's kindergarten picture is fourth from the left on the top row. Two pictures over to the right is one of the older age-progressed pictures produced by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.


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    Anna 4-21-18.jpg
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Whoa. I took one look and I think you'd have to have a Master's Degree in Genetics to do this. Really, I just couldn't understand a word of it. Sorry to be so dense.
Im a family historian and genealogist, I've suggested ancestry to adopted folks and people who have put children up for adoption as a way of locating one another. Found one ladies grandchild who did the test (as an adult) and it showed the close match. I also found the half-brother of another woman by having her do the test. Currently looking to two men who were given up for adoption in the 1940's when they were 5 and 7. If Anna had a children, they could possibly be in their 20's/early 30's and may have done a dna test just for fun.
Good luck. I ran across this case a month ago, and it's been on my mind.
Welcome to WS Darianne and thank you for your interest in Anna's case.
Im a family historian and genealogist, I've suggested ancestry to adopted folks and people who have put children up for adoption as a way of locating one another. Found one ladies grandchild who did the test (as an adult) and it showed the close match. I also found the half-brother of another woman by having her do the test. Currently looking to two men who were given up for adoption in the 1940's when they were 5 and 7. If Anna had a children, they could possibly be in their 20's/early 30's and may have done a dna test just for fun.
Good luck. I ran across this case a month ago, and it's been on my mind.


This could be perceived as a small thing, nit-picky, fussy, Grammar Nazi, whatever.

We are an unusual group of intelligent, caring people.

Several years ago, I made the decision to use the phrase placed for adoption.

Practically the same thing, but sounds less - - judgemental. At least to me.


Blessings, Anna, wherever you are and to everyone reading your threads!

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