Searching for Seka

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Hi all! I've been lurking and researching for a few weeks now. I am so impressed by the quality of research that has been done here ... and the genuine comradery that has developed between you all! It is refreshing to see a group of people really working for the same goal ... so unlike what goes on in many of the other discussions here on WS.

I know that there is no way I can be as squared away as most of you on the specifics of this very complex case ... however, I wanted to toss out a few thoughts and observations.

When I started reading about GB's interest in the esoteric, specifically numerology ... I immediately thought of Kabbalah. Annasmom mentioned somewhere that some of the documents were literally written in Greek. So, I started searching in that area ... Greek Qabalah. Many scholars believe that it is the "grandfather" of Hebrew Kabbalah.

I know that someone else has touched on this regarding the name Eifee or the mirror of the word ... (by the way ... I found something on a Danish or Norwegian site that translated Eifee into 'toughie' or 'rigor') anyway, SeKa is Greek for "10" or "teen"... it is used frequently in the numerology practiced in Qabalah. I know that Seka is not an uncommon name in Croatia ... so it is of course possible that is her real given name ... but I thought that it might as easily be a better numerological name than her given name and therefore Mr. George "assigned" it to her.

One more thing ... and this does not belong in this thread ... I will try to put a note where it needs to be when I get Emma down for the night ...

I read in a very early post where someone used numerology on GB and ACEW ... and they did not come out to the same number. I was really surprised because I checked that out when I first started reading this board ... it was almost a reflex! The gadget that I used did have the same value for both names but it wasn't 27 or 29 as GB said ... it was 4.

Here is the site that I used
You entered: george brody There are 11 letters in your name.
Those 11 letters total to 67
There are 4 vowels and 7 consonants in your name.

Your number is: 4
The characteristics of #4 are: A foundation, order, service, struggle against limits, steady growth.
The expression or destiny for #4: (blah blah blah)

You entered: anna christian eifee watersThere are 24 letters in your name.
Those 24 letters total to 112
There are 11 vowels and 13 consonants in your name.
Your number is: 4 (so on and so forth)
Hi all! I've been lurking and researching for a few weeks now. I am so impressed by the quality of research that has been done here ... and the genuine comradery that has developed between you all! It is refreshing to see a group of people really working for the same goal ... so unlike what goes on in many of the other discussions here on WS.

When I started reading about GB's interest in the esoteric, specifically numerology ... I immediately thought of Kabbalah. Annasmom mentioned somewhere that some of the documents were literally written in Greek. So, I started searching in that area ... Greek Qabalah. Many scholars believe that it is the "grandfather" of Hebrew Kabbalah.

I know that someone else has touched on this regarding the name Eifee or the mirror of the word ... (by the way ... I found something on a Danish or Norwegian site that translated Eifee into 'toughie' or 'rigor') anyway, SeKa is Greek for "10" or "teen"... it is used frequently in the numerology practiced in Qabalah. I know that Seka is not an uncommon name in Croatia ... so it is of course possible that is her real given name ... but I thought that it might as easily be a better numerological name than her given name and therefore Mr. George "assigned" it to her.

I read in a very early post where someone used numerology on GB and ACEW ... and they did not come out to the same number. I was really surprised because I checked that out when I first started reading this board ... it was almost a reflex! The gadget that I used did have the same value for both names but it wasn't 27 or 29 as GB said ... it was 4.

Welcome, and thanks for your post. Happy reunion in two months! Interesting that even though this system of numerology comes up with a different number than GB's "27", at least his name and Anna's produce the same number. One minor correction regarding the Greek: The number for ten is Deka, not Seka. I have never heard of a Greek kabbalah and wonder if it refers somehow to Pythagoras (about whom I know almost nothing except maybe that he did think numbers had mystical properties.) Some of GW's notes were written in Greek letters just as a kind of code, but he was not proficient in Greek and I don't think GB knew any at all.

Yes, the camaraderie on this thread is something truly inspiring. I have only met one WSer face to face (apart from Doogie, who is a friend of the family from way back) but certainly the people on this forum have been wonderful friends to me. We have literally ruled out a thousand scenarios for what might have happened to Anna, and with each possibility we have examined, a little more light is shed on the mystery of Anna's disappearance.
Welcome, and thanks for your post. Happy reunion in two months! Interesting that even though this system of numerology comes up with a different number than GB's "27", at least his name and Anna's produce the same number. One minor correction regarding the Greek: The number for ten is Deka, not Seka. I have never heard of a Greek kabbalah and wonder if it refers somehow to Pythagoras (about whom I know almost nothing except maybe that he did think numbers had mystical properties.) Some of GW's notes were written in Greek letters just as a kind of code, but he was not proficient in Greek and I don't think GB knew any at all.

Yes, the camaraderie on this thread is something truly inspiring. I have only met one WSer face to face (apart from Doogie, who is a friend of the family from way back) but certainly the people on this forum have been wonderful friends to me. We have literally ruled out a thousand scenarios for what might have happened to Anna, and with each possibility we have examined, a little more light is shed on the mystery of Anna's disappearance.

Thanks Annasmom ... I feel so silly now! Of course deka is the number 10 in Greek! Somewhere along the way I forgot ... that and how to spell camaraderie! :crazy: I posted below what I was looking at when I thought that Seka was 10 or teen. After I read you post, I realized what the problem was ... the lowercase symbol for the letter D ... looks like an "s" ... I guess that the sources that refer to SeKa, in this way, must have the translation wrong?? To further the confusion, the search engines read the lowercase delta as an "S."

Snipped from

SeKuTrevre : SeKa, kin to decem, Gothic taihun, German
our ten ; irevre for 7T/x7re, German funf for fumf, our five for
fife, and that for finf. Hence SeKaTreVre = ten + five =

Numerology and Qabalah ... Kabbalah even ... are not at all my kind of thing ... but I find the people who are believers fascinating to study!

You mentioned Pythagorus ... Greek Qabalah is definitely based on his works ... and the numerology used in Greek Qabalah is the Pythagoream Method.

I was interested to find out if the numerology name analyzer that I used earlier on GB and ACEW's names used Pythagorean Numerology

I found instructions here:

anna christian eifee waters
1551 389912915 59655 512591


1+5+5+1=12 1+2=3

3+8+9+9+1+2+9+1+5 = 47 4+7=11 1+1=2

5+9+6+5+5=30 3+0=3

5+1+2+5+9+1= 23 2+3=5
3+2+3+5= 13 1+3=4


george brody
756975 29647

7+5+6+9+7+5 = 39 3+9=12 1+2=3

2+9+6+4+7 = 28 2+8= 10 1+0=1




So, it WAS Pythagorean Numerology that gave them the matching number of "4"!
Numerology and Qabalah ... Kabbalah even ... are not at all my kind of thing ... but I find the people who are believers fascinating to study!

You mentioned Pythagorus ... Greek Qabalah is definitely based on his works ... and the numerology used in Greek Qabalah is the Pythagorean Method...

So, it WAS Pythagorean Numerology that gave them the matching number of "4"!

Dear OHW,
You have obviously put some time into this, and I really appreciate it. I don't know what it means. I took a look at the book you mentioned, and it certainly covers a lot of ground....What it all means, I cannot tell. You never know how these bits of information may come into play, however.
We have a contact through Facebook who lives in the area the mysterious Seka came from. We had pretty much reached a dead end in our search for this woman who corresponded with the Georges. Our new contact knows media people in that part of the world and is preparing a news release asking anybody who might have known Seka to come forward. I'm hoping our contact will be able to join WebSleuths soon so that you can hear directly what she is doing.
We have a contact through Facebook who lives in the area the mysterious Seka came from. We had pretty much reached a dead end in our search for this woman who corresponded with the Georges. Our new contact knows media people in that part of the world and is preparing a news release asking anybody who might have known Seka to come forward. I'm hoping our contact will be able to join WebSleuths soon so that you can hear directly what she is doing.

This is great news Annasmom.
Excellent news Annasmom!

Is she still having troubles registering with WS? If so, please let me know off the forum her WS user name and the email address she is trying to register with. I will make sure to pass it onto the WS admin who is responsible for approving new members.

Excellent news Annasmom!

Is she still having troubles registering with WS? If so, please let me know off the forum her WS user name and the email address she is trying to register with. I will make sure to pass it onto the WS admin who is responsible for approving new members.


We need Miss Marple!
We need Miss Marple!

Finally!!! I so happy to be here.

My plan is based on the following premises: If you do not ask, you will never get the answer!!!

Someone somewhere knows who is Seka, and we will ask whoever needed to be asked in order to get the info.

P.S. English is not my first language and the despite the fact I have been learning and using the English language for about 25 years, I still have some problems....
Finally!!! I so happy to be here.

My plan is based on the following premises: If you do not ask, you will never get the answer!!!

Someone somewhere knows who is Seka, and we will ask whoever needed to be asked in order to get the info.

P.S. English is not my first language and the despite the fact I have been learning and using the English language for about 25 years, I still have some problems....

Yay, hurray, welcome, MissMarple!

Welcome to WS Miss Marple!
Thank you so much for your interest in Annas case.
I'm sure your English will be fine!

Looking forward to your idea's and info here to help find Seka.

Welcome to WS Miss Marple!
Thank you so much for your interest in Annas case.
I'm sure your English will be fine!

Looking forward to your idea's and info here to help find Seka.

Thank you, Cubby!

I learned about Anna's case at the end of April, because one day I was just wondering what happened with Madeleine McCann and wanted o find some info. I have started to read about Anna and especially, since the fact that someone from Serbia was somehow related to the case, I got got some ideas. I have noticed that one of the members posted about Seka on the Croatian and Serbian sites but no reasons why is she wanted. With no reason, people can hesitate, so my idea was to contact some Serbian magazines with a long tradition, which was done today, and to explain really why is Seka wanted. I agree with Annasmom about the text.

I have some promises that this text will be published and that we can find out who is she. The best solution would be if Seka makes contact by herself. I am pretty sure that she heard by now about Anna.

By reading all the posts in past days, I have a filling that a final clue is near; maybe once again we all need to take a fresh look about the all facts.
Thank you Miss Marple.

It would be wonderful to find Seka and have her share what she knew about the two Georges and if they ever shared any knowledge of Anna with her.

I hope to find that information.

thanks again.

Welcome Miss Marple! Great to have you here on Anna's forum, looking forward to hopefully finding more about they mysterious Seka. I agree with you, someone knows Seka. I hope she comes forward and joins the forum, that.....would be awesome.


The FIRST first Serbian magazine has just published the letter-a short story about Anna!!!!

This newspaper were my first target due to such a long tradition!!!!

Please check:

P.S. It's Serbian language, but, maybe you will like it....

My job continues.....
It is in chirilics...

Потрага за ћерком

Добили смо чудно писмо чију аутентичност нисмо могли до краја да проверимо. Али, како је реч о вапају мајке која већ више деценија покушава да пронађе ћерку, објављујемо га.

“Моја кћерка је нестала прије 37 година и зато најљубазније молим да ми помогнете и објавите моју причу.

Ен Кристијан Вотерс, моја кћерка, рођена у Сан Франциску 25. септембра 1967. године, нестала је 16. јануара 1973. у близини Халф Мун Беја, Калифорнија. У почетку и породица и полиција били су мишљења да се удавила у оближњем потоку, али ни након детаљне и вишемјесечне потраге, ниједан траг, који би подржао ту теорију, није пронађен.

То је мене и моју породицу навело да почнемо да сумњамо да можда Анин отуђени отац Џорџ Вотерс, по занимању доктор, и његов чудни пријатељ из тог времена Џорџ Броди, можда знају нешто о њеном нестанку.

Главни разлог мог обраћања јесте што тражим женску особу из Београда која би ми можда могла помоћи у проналажењу Ен, а која је 1976. године живјела у Сан Франциску. Њен надимак или, мање вјероватно, име је Сека, која има брата а љета је проводила са породицом у Скрадину, покрај Шибеника, и највјероватније потиче из добростојеће породице. Џорџ Броди ју је у писмима називао “Мој мали Тито”. О Секи сам сазнала након што је породица мог бившгег мужа предала сву његову документацију, с надом да у њој постоји нешто у вези са Ен.

С озбиром на чињеницу да су и Џорџ Вотерс и Џорџ Броди били прилично отуђени од људи и да је Сека у периоду од 1976. до 1978. била посебно специјална у њиховим животима, можда су пред њом споменули неку малу дјевојчицу или нешто слично, наравно, уколико су били умијешани у киднаповање и можда би ме тај траг довео до моје Ен. Такође, Сека би могла доста да ми помогне да сазнам ко је у ствари био Џорџ Броди.

Искрено се надам да ћете објавити моју причу и да ће ваши читаоци помоћи да пронађем Секу. Уколико су вам потребне додатне информације, молим вас да ме контактирате.

Срдачан поздрав,

Мишел Бенедикт, Монтара, Калифорнија, САД”
Thank you Miss Marple!

Croatian to English translationShow romanization
Searching for daughter

We received a strange letter, whose authenticity could not until the end to check. But since this is a cry of a mother who has several decades trying to find her daughter, publish it.

"My daughter went missing 37 years ago, so please kindly help me and publish my story.

En Christian Voters, my daughter was born in San Francisco 25th September 1967th years, disappeared on 16 January 1973rd near Half Moon Beja, California. Initially, the family and the police were of the opinion that drowned in a nearby creek, but even after months of detailed and searching, no clue, that would support this theory, were found.

This is me and my family have led us to start to suspect that perhaps Anne's estranged father, George Waters, a doctor by profession, and his strange friend from the time George boat, maybe they know something about her disappearance.

The main reason for my speech is that I am looking for a female person from Belgrade, which we may be able to help you find En, which in 1976. she lived in San Francisco. Her nickname, or, less likely, the name is Seka, who has a brother and summers spent with his family in Skradin, near Sibenik, and probably comes from a wealthy family. George ship it in a letter called "My little Tito." About Seki I learned after my family bivšgeg husband submitted all his documentation, with the hope that it is something related to En.

S ozbirom the fact that both George and George Waters ships were quite alienated from the people and that Seka in the period from 1976th to 1978. was particularly special in their lives, perhaps before it mentioned a little girl or something like that, of course, if you have been involved in kidnappings and perhaps the clue led me to my En. Also, Seka could enough to help me find out who was in fact George boat.

I sincerely hope that you will publish my story and will help your readers to find Seku. If you need additional information, please contact me.

Yours sincerely,
<name Annasmom>

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