Sedation Of Caylee - Do you think it's common?

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Yes, I have reported her for drugging her kids, it does no good. CPS can't prove it and the kids are too young to tell them. I think it's sick too. I know the risks.
You know what I use to put my kids to sleep? A bedtime routine. lavender bath waah and melatonin on my older son in the winter. ( He has a melatinon deficiency and if he isn't getting sun to stimulate it's production, then we have to give it to him in pill form or the child sleeps three hours a night.)
They get Vicks and warm baths when they are sick and medication only if that doesn't work. I swaer, what is up with some freakin parents these days?

I feel for you in this situation with CPS doing nothing. A few years ago I had reported my ex sister in-law for almost the same thing she was using nyquill on my then 3yr. old niece. To make her sleep day and night. There were other complaints that I also reported. The nyquill issue was investigated along with the other issues. CPS would not open a case in regards to the nyquill issue they said they could not prove it. A case was opened in regards to the other complaints. It was open for 2 1/2 yrs. before the children were removed to state care. I even told them I would give a sworn statement that said that does no good its your word against hers. Not to mention that other people involved with this child always made comments to how sleepy or depressed she seemed. My heart breaks to hear all these stories and to live one first hand. I now am in a court battle to place the children with me and my family. Even though she has hurt these precious babies in many ways she still has rights. She is fighting there placement with me out of spite because she knows I filed the report. And for all the moms out there with little ones that have reflux I feel for you. All 4 of my children were born with milk allergies and reflux. I will admit it was a tough road and till 2 of them out grew it many, many sleepless nights. NOT ONCE DID IT CROSS MY MIND TO GIVE THEM ANYTHING TO SLEEP just some tender loving care. I think after my 4th I wore my rocking chair out. As someone stated in a early post about putting rice cereal in there bottle the G.I. doctor told us to do the same. It worked well for 1 of my children. I just don't understand the logic of what so parents do or thinking when it comes to there precious babies and causing them harm.
Geeze! I hope drugging your child these days for no medical reason is not common!! Whats this world comming too!!
I haven't weighed in on this topic before because, well, my kids are all in their 20's now but I am one of those annoying mothers that refused to give my kids any medication unless it was absolutely necessary. Cold or cough medicine when needed and tylenol occassionally for fever or headaches but that is about it.

I know that there were mothers that would give their children things to make them sleep, etc. I think it is a cruel thing to do to a child and is more for the mother's convenience than for the child. When does a mother's convenience become more important than the well being of their child?

Believe me, there were many times when my kids were cutting teeth or sick or just being pains that something to put them to sleep would have been a blessing but then I would have missed pacing the floors with them all night long during teething or sitting beside their bed when they were sick or coming up with some new game to occupy them when they were hyper. These things are important memories just like the good times and are times when you bond even more closely with your kids and I wouldn't give up one moment of any of that for one extra moment of peace and quiet.
I used to do something particularly evil to my daughter when I knew I needed her to sleep well through the night.

I played with her. Ran around the yard, wrestled with her, pillow fights, water pistols...until she was exhausted. Then she'd sleep like an angel all night long.

Problem was, it backfired sometimes and I ended up more tired than she was!!

Damn, all I needed was cough syrup???

LOL! Apparently so! Someone shoulda told ME that..

My son has ADHD also, as another said upthread, and yes the medications are a Godsend. As wild as my son has ever been, I've never given him Benadryl or anything else to make him sleep. I haven't even thought about it, probably because most meds do not make him sleepy, but more hyper. I can't say that I've never wished for some 'magical knock-out drops' just out of exhaustion & desperation before my son was diagnosed, but that's totally different from actually doing it.. I mean, I also wish I could wrinkle my nose like Samantha on Bewitched and make everyone in my house freeze just for an hour or so for some peace, but there again, I don't try to do that either... :confused: I don't understand how people could take such a chance with their children's lives :(

What makes me so sad is... ALL I want in life is a little daughter of my own, full of life and fun... someone to play dress up with and other 'girl stuff' with.
I can't have that. I would have given my right arm to adopt Caylee, as SO many other would have, and Casey just threw her away like trash.. didn't want her around. :(
Kids drinking coffee - my girls got upset with me because I wouldn't buy them Starbucks at 11 and 12 - I told them sorry - when they are 18 they can make the decision whether or not to drink coffee - I wouldn't contribute - the audacity of me to NOT do what my kids wanted! I am a terrible parent! Well my girls don't like coffee, they don't like alcohol, they do sometimes get a frappicino on their own (they are 20 and 17) they never finish it - all their friends can't do without a cup of coffee in the morning or smoking - my kids do none of that and they are healthier for it

I just got through reading through this entire thread, and I have to said that my heart has broken for all of you great mothers who stick by your children, no matter what. You are all really awesome. :)

Now... what I came in here to post was something that really just grated on my nerves. I started reading up on some of this benadryl drugging, and I found something kind of atrocious.

They were talking about giving young children a lot of Mountain Dew soda several hours before bed, so they would be really hyper and then crash! Yes, because it's completely okay to get your child addicted to caffeine at that age. UGH!

One girl stepped in to say that it wasn't safe... and suggested using Benadryl at night instead. :mad:

I don't even know what to think about this... and it's even more sickening that these parents are taking to the net for validation of these practices.
Trac I posted this here earlier and for some reason it is now gone. When your doc had you medicate your sick kids it was for their comfort. The fact that you got a little relief was just an bonus side effect.

LOL yeah you mean sleep! when my kids were growing up they never got much medication but then they were never sick enough to go to the doctor - I lucked out, they were never sick like I was - I can drink cough medicine like it's candy, nothing really works for me anymore unless it's the real hard stuff that is controlled substances and I don't like those or take them - I let my body work through the bronchitis, takes longer but I don't lose days to codiene or whatever controlled substance the doctor wants to put me on
I cannot fathom drugging my baby to get him to sleep. I do know that my own mother routinely gave me Triaminic as a toddler when she wanted to knock me out. She joked about it until it came out that cold medicine was dangerous for children. Now she feels horrible about it, I'm sure.

I think some young parents should consider some sleep-training. My son is in bed and asleep every night by 6 30 pm and he sleeps until 7 am. It wasn't easy but it was important to me so I read a number of books and we made it a priority. The best advice I got on it came from posting on WS and getting some great help from fellow members.

As for the Xanax-- I don't think it's remotely possible that Casey would have used a drug that had a street value to sedate Caylee. She'd sell it, take it herself or trade it for marijuana. Xanax is INCREDIBLY bitter and also INCREDIBLY dangerous. I'd know. i was addicted to it for a number of years. The damage I did is believed to have caused my adult-onset epilepsy.

I think people may drug their children to get them to sleep. It's disgusting and a cop-out.
There is a lot of evidence now that giving fish oil to children with ADHD is really really beneficial

As per this article here

My 17 yr old was diagnosed ADHD and I had her on Ritalin for about a year - when I noticed that she was depressed, crying and I swear I thought she was so depressed she looked like she was going to commit suicide, I took her off of the medicaton - that was when she was 9 yrs old! It was a trip to Disneyland, we had passes and went all the time, when she was on the medication she had no emotion at Disneyland, who has no emotion at the 'Land???? And at 9 years old even?

We went through some rough times, and I did start the fish oil treatment, she hates it cause the pills are so big - she's I think growing out of it now, still a struggle in school and she was held back a year in HS -we are trudging through it tho
ADHD changes EVERYTHING! Love this post. Big hugs to you. :blowkiss:

My son is 8 and it took me years to finally agree with the diagnosis and allow him to be medicated. He's happier (and so are his teachers) on medication and he even apologizes for those times when he was "bad" (his word, not mine). He made the honor roll this quarter!

And..he's one of those kids who Benadryl and Nyquil make extremely hyper. So I don't even give it to him when he's sick LOL. That kind of proves to me that there's some sort of chemical imbalance involved with ADHD.

I just have a hard time judging parents for trying to make it work any way they know how. I get a lot of slack from people if I happen to mention that he has ADHD. I just don't want to pass that negativity on to anyone else.

My situation is exactly the same. I fought and fought having my son tested and then medicated... until he got suspended in 2nd grade for the SIXTH time. Each time was the same thing: talking, disrupting class, anger issues, cant stay in seat or keep hands to self etc etc. He should have failed 1st & 2nd grade, now he's on the Honor Roll :)

I get flack too for the meds that I railed so hard against. BUT I see now that it is cruel not to give him medication, as he can't learn, make friends, stay out of trouble etc.

sorry for the O/T I'll be quiet now :chicken:
Kids drinking coffee - my girls got upset with me because I wouldn't buy them Starbucks at 11 and 12 - I told them sorry - when they are 18 they can make the decision whether or not to drink coffee - I wouldn't contribute - the audacity of me to NOT do what my kids wanted! I am a terrible parent! Well my girls don't like coffee, they don't like alcohol, they do sometimes get a frappicino on their own (they are 20 and 17) they never finish it - all their friends can't do without a cup of coffee in the morning or smoking - my kids do none of that and they are healthier for it

I don't have a problem with coffee. I've been drinking the stuff since I was 4.
Coffee milk before those early morning fishing trips, loaded with sugar.

I am addicted to the stuff, though now I drink it black.

My son won't drink it.

LOL yeah you mean sleep! when my kids were growing up they never got much medication but then they were never sick enough to go to the doctor - I lucked out, they were never sick like I was - I can drink cough medicine like it's candy, nothing really works for me anymore unless it's the real hard stuff that is controlled substances and I don't like those or take them - I let my body work through the bronchitis, takes longer but I don't lose days to codiene or whatever controlled substance the doctor wants to put me on

Have you tried mucinex? This stuff works wonders.

As for the Xanax-- I don't think it's remotely possible that Casey would have used a drug that had a street value to sedate Caylee. She'd sell it, take it herself or trade it for marijuana. Xanax is INCREDIBLY bitter and also INCREDIBLY dangerous. I'd know. i was addicted to it for a number of years. The damage I did is believed to have caused my adult-onset epilepsy.

I think people may drug their children to get them to sleep. It's disgusting and a cop-out.

I can't see anyone with a drug problem, or liking their drugs giving it to their kids.

I used to be a huge fan of quaaludes. Knowing how I felt about them then, if I had a child back then, I would never part with one to give to my child. Uh uh. I had a special relationship with those things.
This is a very controversial topic. But this is not a usual suspect. I would say she used Chloroform because she couldn't rely on the old standbys for the amount of time she needed to be free to partay the way she wanted. She felt she needed to get something way more effective. She wanted the long sleep IMO.
I have heard of people giving their babies Nyquil or Benadryl to help them sleep.

I have a 3 year old, that thinks he is a little vampire and does not go to sleep at night, and I would never, ever give him anything to make him sleep. I have family members and friends telling me, "Give him some benadryl". Hell No! I would never!!!
Omg, my husband died from an adverse reaction to Tylenol. Not even an overdose. All it takes is one mishap with Tylenol aka acetaminophen and there are no second chances. You can't fix a liver that's destroyed. If you are lucky to get a liver transplant, in a couple of years you will need a lung and or kidney transplant. All it takes is one extra dose to kill someone or make them severely ill. Acetaminophen has it's therapeutic uses, but Acetaminophen is the number one cause of liver failure in the US. It is the most dangerous OCT med out there.

There are alot of OCT meds that have a sleep agent like Tylenol PM. That sleep agent is Benadryl and you are better off just taking Benadryl. Nyquil is another one that contains Acetaminophen. Almost all Cold and Flu products contan Acetaminophen. Alot of people have killed their children or themselves by not knowing this and then take Acetaminophen with their cold and flu meds, overdosing themselves. Also if you have any situtation that compromises your liver, it can't process Acetaminophen properly. Things that can cause this are dehydration, recovering from surgery, drinking liquor, caffiene, grapefruit juice, have a virus like the flu and even dieting. My husband was taking Acetaminophen while he had the RSV virus he caught from our baby.

Don't count on a doctor to give you a heads up on this. I have copy of a memo to from Tylenol to it's sales staff, ordering them to never ever mention the "L" word liver, when pushing their products to doctors. Quite a few years ago Tylenol did a blind survey in a Mall asking "Would you still buy a product that's currently in your home, if you knew it could kill you?" 75 percent of the respondents answered "NO". Yet Tylenol did the math and figured it was less costly to pay out on wrongful death and injury suits than to suffer loss in sales. I also have an interoffice memo where it's discussed that having the warning put on the label would be too costly.

Sorry for the long rant, every once in a while I need to get it off my chest.


I am so sorry about your husband! :(

i personally know of people giving their kids benadryl,tylenol PM and nyquil to sedate their children.

i myself have given my 12 year old benadryl (ok'd by our family doctor) when he complained of not being able to sleep. i would never give it to a child younger than 12 because there is no recommended dose and it's too risky to guess what dose they would be able to tolerate.

i have also noticed on the package of benadryl that it says "do not use in young children to promote drowsiness" or something to that effect. so you know people out there have been doing this and it cause some unpleasant/dangerous effects.
Benedryl and Nyquil, yes.

Chlorororm, no.

I challenge Dr. Baden or anyone else to come up with a single case where parents used chloroform for a babysitter. You'd have to stand there all night, to dribble more on the rag to keep it working. What would be the point???????????

If the child is bound and gagged so she can't make noise from the trunk anyway, why bother? How does chloloform, which only puts you out for a few minutes per dribble dose, help?
I contend that Casey gave Caylee chloroform to either "put Caylee to sleep" forever OR because she wanted to make sure Caylee wasn't looking at her while she killed her another way.

The way chloroform needs to be administered to work as anaesthesia to keep someone "knocked out" is not condusive to "babysitting".
IMO, LKB is using her husband to mitigate the cause of Caylee's death to make Casey look better.

The NICEST way Dr. Baden can come up for Caylee to die that fits the evidence is, "Casey chloroformed her, bound and gagged her and stuck her in the trunk so Casey could party" was an unplanned accidental death.

I contend nobody has ever used chloroform for a babysitter. BUT, the theory that is supposed to make Casey look better is actually pretty stomach turning. And it is supposed to be kind of a defense.
My oldest son is almost ten, and also has ADHD. I've fought tooth and nail against medicating him all of these years. We have done very well managing it naturally and with behavior modification until this year in 4th grade at a new, much harder school. The bottom fell out and he is falling behind right along with it. The school has been very supportive, and we are lucky to have a principal who is very caring and compassionate. Even with 600 plus kids she makes us feel like the only family there, which is lovely. We are trying some different approaches in class, with good results so far. But I am just not sure it's all enough. I had ADHD as a child, and I remember what an awful struggle some of the more linear subjects were for me. I don't want him to experience the same frustration if I can help it.

May I ask what you are trying that is working so well? I am trying to be receptive to all of our options and would like to hear more from a parent that is experiencing this firsthand.

Thanks in advance. :D
Oh and a hearty apology for the WAY OT post folks. :blushing:

My daughter was officially diagnosed in grade one with severe adhd. She takes 54 mg of Concerta in the morning. Before she was on this medication she was becoming depressed and labeled by the other children for not being able to keep up and always being the "last one". She is doing wonderful since being on this medication and was placed in the gifted class in grade 4. She is now in grade six. She also takes 3 mg of melatonin at bedtime to help her sleep through the night.

I know it is a difficult decision to make on whether to give your child medication, but you have to weigh the pros and cons and make an informed decision based on what is right for your child. In two weeks we knew what the right dosage was that worked for my daughter and she is happy. On the weekends we choose not to give it to her so she has a better appetite for food.
I think it's used but not common. You occasionally hear about the moron who used alcohol on their baby, or benadryl, which can be deadly in both cases. People are selfish and stupid so nothing surprises me anymore.
My 17 yr old was diagnosed ADHD and I had her on Ritalin for about a year - when I noticed that she was depressed, crying and I swear I thought she was so depressed she looked like she was going to commit suicide, I took her off of the medicaton - that was when she was 9 yrs old! It was a trip to Disneyland, we had passes and went all the time, when she was on the medication she had no emotion at Disneyland, who has no emotion at the 'Land???? And at 9 years old even?

We went through some rough times, and I did start the fish oil treatment, she hates it cause the pills are so big - she's I think growing out of it now, still a struggle in school and she was held back a year in HS -we are trudging through it tho

OT: My sixteen year old has ADHD as well. The medicine always made him depressed too. Glad to hear your daughter might be growing out of it. School has always been a struggle for my son, but this year he is doing well without medicine.

A lot of people drug their small children so they can party or get extra sleep. I've never done it, but I know people who have. Two years ago, a grandmother here gave her two year old grandson xanax so he would calm down and take a nap. Sadly, the little boy never woke up.

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