Sentencing and beyond- JA General Discussion #6

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The last sentence of this part of the Shawna F. letter makes me wonder why she would even be thinking of it.

Based on what I've seen from that child-killer and her blogging groupie, my guess is that the child-killer and her groupie are hoping whatever the little drama thing is will increase readership of the blog which will draw attention to the horrific miscarriage of justice that sent an innocent, guard-appreciating, philanthropic, non-racist, lover of all people to DR. Yada Yada.

Give away: the groupie not posting the whole letter, leaving off with the stupid "tease" of a child killer comparing the to Charles Manson -- oh the DRAMA!!

Then the groupie saying...oh my..should I post it or not?? Oh dear, once out there can't be withdrawn and maybe the child killer was just MAD when she said it....OH THE F'ing DRAMA!!!!!

Fail. If there's a petty little drama going on, the is loving it- she feeds on it, and the child killer is trying to benefit from it.

Two killers in a prison-pod.
More on the computer stuff and timing of the murder plan ...

Remember when Travis' computer got a virus and Taylor helped him? Wasn't that around the itme that she stole her grandfather's gun? Could it be that she had remote access to Travis' computer up till that point, and Taylor's 'fixes' ended her access? If so, that information black-out could've caused her to (flip out) put plans in action.

If Taylor wiped all her remote access, even if he didn't know he did, forsenics may not have been able to see the traces of the remote access due to reformatting partitions, deleting, defragmenting, etc.

IIRC, Taylor cleaned up TA's computer for him earlier on, but didn't in May. Travis asked Taylor (before May 26, iirc) about using Spybot, but Taylor's advice was to scrap the whole computer, that it was too compromised for him to help with.

I agree with you that the timing of attacks on TA's computer are mighty suspicious, and IMO suggest she still had access of some sort. May 27 - warning of attack, Windows fails altogether, and as JM pointed out, May 28- how curious it is that's the date "*advertiser censored*" of any kind showed up on his computer.

ETA-- it's also possible, though, that she attached a virus or whatever to one of the emails she sent him on May 26, which would explain the attack on May 27, and the *advertiser censored* showing up on May 28.

*advertiser censored* she later insisted to her DT existed because she was responsible for putting it there.

And about Flores saying remote access by her could be detected. Do we even know he was telling her the truth about that?

I didn't understand the evidence presented during the endless computer-related trial within a trial very well, so don't know if anything of significance other than virus- clean up activity was destroyed when the DT fired up the computer.
More on the computer stuff and timing of the murder plan ...

Remember when Travis' computer got a virus and Taylor helped him? Wasn't that around the itme that she stole her grandfather's gun? Could it be that she had remote access to Travis' computer up till that point, and Taylor's 'fixes' ended her access? If so, that information black-out could've caused her to (flip out) put plans in action.

If Taylor wiped all her remote access, even if he didn't know he did, forsenics may not have been able to see the traces of the remote access due to reformatting partitions, deleting, defragmenting, etc.

I very much doubt she had remote access because Travis would have seen her, you can't hide that kind of activity, but when Taylor helped him with the virus he likely had him change passwords to everything (pretty standard when doing a big clean up like that) so yeah, she would have been locked out of all of his accounts. And if so, she truly knew the jig was up at that point.

That silence here was spooky, glad it's been broken - in the words of Rambo..."Nothing's over!" LOL
IMO Jodi had nothing to do with the computer being infected.
The worst infection on his computer was a zlob Trojan

How do you get infected by a zlob in the first? The usual scenario is that you attempt to download a video, only to receive a message that a special codec is needed to view it. After this prompt, you install the required "codec". You may even have to accept an End User License Agreement (EULA), either spelling out exactly what will be downloaded onto your machine, or showing a fake EULA to make you believe the download's legitimacy.
I very much doubt she had remote access because Travis would have seen her, you can't hide that kind of activity, but when Taylor helped him with the virus he likely had him change passwords to everything (pretty standard when doing a big clean up like that) so yeah, she would have been locked out of all of his accounts. And if so, she truly knew the jig was up at that point.

That silence here was spooky, glad it's been broken - in the words of Rambo..."Nothing's over!" LOL

IMO Jodi had nothing to do with the computer being infected.
The worst infection on his computer was a zlob Trojan

How do you get infected by a zlob in the first? The usual scenario is that you attempt to download a video, only to receive a message that a special codec is needed to view it. After this prompt, you install the required "codec". You may even have to accept an End User License Agreement (EULA), either spelling out exactly what will be downloaded onto your machine, or showing a fake EULA to make you believe the download's legitimacy.

Hopefully double quoting here . :D

I totally and absolutely defer to anyone else's knowledge about computers, having none of my own.

But....Taylor didn't help TA with May problems, right?

And TexMex...not so sure she didn't at least contribute to infecting his computer, especially given her certainty about *advertiser censored* on it, etc.

Would this entirely speculative scenario match your getting Zlob on computer criteria? Say she set up a YouTube account (she did) and told him she'd posted a video of pics of him or her, and he downloaded it, or tried to, could she plant something in that process? Or another site other than YouTube ...MySpace or FB or whatever?

ETA...Geevee. I'm a chronic misuser of computer terms. ;)
By "remote access" I mean being able to sign into his SM as him, which she definitely could and did do).
You know who you are--

BINGO!!!!!! All those hours and hours and hours, and the texts back and forth NEVER cross/overlap. They are ALL in sequence--question-reply, response-reply. Not one crossing over. Definitive? No, but very, very suggestive, along with everything else, including the very telling detail only you noticed. :)
Hopefully double quoting here . :D

I totally and absolutely defer to anyone else's knowledge about computers, having none of my own.

But....Taylor didn't help TA with May problems, right?

And TexMex...not so sure she didn't at least contribute to infecting his computer, especially given her certainty about *advertiser censored* on it, etc.

Would this entirely speculative scenario match your getting Zlob on computer criteria? Say she set up a YouTube account (she did) and told him she'd posted a video of pics of him or her, and he downloaded it, or tried to, could she plant something in that process? Or another site other than YouTube ...MySpace or FB or whatever?

ETA...Geevee. I'm a chronic misuser of computer terms. ;)
By "remote access" I mean being able to sign into his SM as him, which she definitely could and did do).

Not likely on YouTube. It's usually random videos viewed online.

There are many ways your computer could get infected with Zlob. Zlob can come bundled with shareware or other downloadable software.
Another method of distributing Zlob involves tricking you by displaying deceptive pop-up ads that may appear as regular Windows notifications with links which look like buttons reading Yes and No. No matter which "button" that you click on, a download starts, installing Zlob on your system. Zlob installs on your computer through a trojan and may infect your system without your knowledge or consent.
You know who you are--

BINGO!!!!!! All those hours and hours and hours, and the texts back and forth NEVER cross/overlap. They are ALL in sequence--question-reply, response-reply. Not one crossing over. Definitive? No, but very, very suggestive, along with everything else, including the very telling detail only you noticed. :)

I'm so confused. lol Please tell, what about no cross/overlap texts? What does that signify?
Not likely on YouTube. It's usually random videos viewed online.

There are many ways your computer could get infected with Zlob. Zlob can come bundled with shareware or other downloadable software.
Another method of distributing Zlob involves tricking you by displaying deceptive pop-up ads that may appear as regular Windows notifications with links which look like buttons reading Yes and No. No matter which "button" that you click on, a download starts, installing Zlob on your system. Zlob installs on your computer through a trojan and may infect your system without your knowledge or consent.

FWIW-- Just skimmed tests for May 26-28.

5-26. 3:32PM - TA told Regan his "internet (was) tripping"
5-27. Computer was working in the afternoon, because TA texted with Shawn that he had googled the "revolution theme," mentions a "coupon code REV50" that took 50% off, told Shawn that he'd received a reply email with a code to download, Shawn told him to forward it to him.

There's no other mention of computers or viruses in the texts for those days.
Hopefully double quoting here . :D

I totally and absolutely defer to anyone else's knowledge about computers, having none of my own.

But....Taylor didn't help TA with May problems, right?

And TexMex...not so sure she didn't at least contribute to infecting his computer, especially given her certainty about *advertiser censored* on it, etc.

Would this entirely speculative scenario match your getting Zlob on computer criteria? Say she set up a YouTube account (she did) and told him she'd posted a video of pics of him or her, and he downloaded it, or tried to, could she plant something in that process? Or another site other than YouTube ...MySpace or FB or whatever?

ETA...Geevee. I'm a chronic misuser of computer terms. ;)
By "remote access" I mean being able to sign into his SM as him, which she definitely could and did do).

LOL No problem, and oh yes, I believe she got into all of his online accounts, but did not have remote access to his actual computer (that would have been easily discovered by forensics). I also don't think she infected him, I think she was aware of the virus/*advertiser censored* because she got on his laptop the day she killed him and saw the pop-ups, she knew he wasn't a computer *advertiser censored* kind of guy so had to have inferred it was virus related.

She may have even been the one who tried to open a CD and couldn't get the menu to come up, we know someone was on the laptop at 1:44 and Spybot was either intentionally started or a file was activated because of virus/malware activity, that coincides with her story of being in the office in the afternoon (although the time is off) she could possibly have tried to run Spybot to stop the pop ups so she could open the CD, and someone was on it at least once or twice later before she left, maybe she was checking his e-mail to delete any that may have come in asking where he was all day, etc.
LOL No problem, and oh yes, I believe she got into all of his online accounts, but did not have remote access to his actual computer (that would have been easily discovered by forensics). I also don't think she infected him, I think she was aware of the virus/*advertiser censored* because she got on his laptop the day she killed him and saw the pop-ups, she knew he wasn't a computer *advertiser censored* kind of guy so had to have inferred it was virus related.

She may have even been the one who tried to open a CD and couldn't get the menu to come up, we know someone was on the laptop at 1:44 and Spybot was either intentionally started or a file was activated because of virus/malware activity, that coincides with her story of being in the office in the afternoon (although the time is off) she could possibly have tried to run Spybot to stop the pop ups so she could open the CD, and someone was on it at least once or twice later before she left, maybe she was checking his e-mail to delete any that may have come in asking where he was all day, etc.

So, do you think Travis was mistaken that she deleted an email he'd sent to Lisa? Doesn't that imply being able to access more than his SM? Or, maybe not if the email was sent on his SM account?

I genuinely am a luddite with this stuff. I don't do SM (I like my illusions of privacy). When I email it is on my computer, and when I text it is on my phone, and I've never done otherwise.
Okay, I am not willing to let this thread die, so here's a new topic:

I didn't get on WS until JA's retrial. At any time, were there any insiders that ever came here to WS to talk/answer questions? Are there any designated threads? There's no need for anyone to hunt down links for me, I can do that, but if anyone knows the user names, please let me know.
When will IT's appeals finally be over? I am looking forward to the day IT's name is never uttered again.
So, do you think Travis was mistaken that she deleted an email he'd sent to Lisa? Doesn't that imply being able to access more than his SM? Or, maybe not if the email was sent on his SM account?

I genuinely am a luddite with this stuff. I don't do SM (I like my illusions of privacy). When I email it is on my computer, and when I text it is on my phone, and I've never done otherwise.

I think all of his e-mail activity was online (yahoo, gmail) and yes, having his password she could go into any of his e-mail accounts and delete anything she wanted, she could also e-mail people from his account and it would look like he sent it. The only e-mail she couldn't have gotten into would have been an e-mail client like Outlook that's installed and accessible from the computer itself (not online), we haven't heard anything about him using Outlook so he probably didn't. Microsoft has recently renamed Hotmail to 'Outlook' so it's a bit confusing when using that name but back then Outlook was installed, not online accessible.
BTW and FWIW, from texts from Travis to Aaron on May 28, day she stole gun (what time of day did she?)

(Same day he texted a bunch of his friends that he’d left Lisa a VM asking her to call. He thought she might actually answer, especially since he’d tried to keep it humorous).

--Told Aaron about the VM and his hope she’d reply, but also that he was pissed about having to “ tiptoe” around Lisa, that they had a lot of mutual friends and he was tired of the awkwardness of having to avoid people and places that might cause a problem for her.

(Travis had told another friend earlier on that he was going to ask their bishop to intervene if Lisa continued to refuse to work things out with him).

---Travis told Aaron that Lisa didn’t have a problem hanging out with her other ex’s, and did so with one, even when he was “RING-SHOPPING.”

An engagement ring for Lisa? As in, the ring she stole wasn’t the one he had bought for Linda Ballard years earlier?

--Travis also told Aaron that if Lisa insisted upon treating him as a “leper,” that maybe they had stopped seeing each other for the wrong reasons, but “overlooked the right reasons” for not staying together.

--Travis asked Aaron about his new interest Brooke in this conversation, because Aaron had dated her a year earlier. He told Aaron he didn’t want another “Lisa-type experience.” Aaron had no objections to Travis dating her, said he hadn’t had the best experience with her, but that maybe she’d grown up some in the year since.

--Travis promptly texted Brooke (while still texting with Aaron), and told her a bit later that he’d changed his FB status, that it now read to call (her number) to talk with an awesome woman (paraphrasing). He posted that before 1:36PM (same time zone as Yreka).

Lisa did call back on the 28th (sometime before 7:30PM), Travis told everyone she had and some of what he told Lisa:

His regrets, “some of how I felt about her,” why he “acted the way (he) did. He gave her congrats on her new relationship and wished her well, telling friends he didn’t expect he and Lisa would be best friends anytime soon, and that for the “ sake of her new relationship (they could) only be cordial, but he felt progress had been made, and that maybe the two of them could begin chipping away at some of whatever bad feelings were still there.
When will IT's appeals finally be over? I am looking forward to the day IT's name is never uttered again.

No set time, sorry, but not less than several years from now, at the very,very earliest.
So, do you think Travis was mistaken that she deleted an email he'd sent to Lisa? Doesn't that imply being able to access more than his SM? Or, maybe not if the email was sent on his SM account?

I genuinely am a luddite with this stuff. I don't do SM (I like my illusions of privacy). When I email it is on my computer, and when I text it is on my phone, and I've never done otherwise.

For example if he had a yahoo email. From her laptop computer or a phone with Internet capability she could go to Yahoo, log in with his username and password then see his email activity. She could read, delete whatever she wished. She could do this whether she's laying in bed next to him while he slept, while in her rented room in Mesa or at grandmas in Yreka
For example if he had a yahoo email. From her laptop computer or a phone with Internet capability she could go to Yahoo, log in with his username and password then see his email activity. She could read, delete whatever she wished. She could do this whether she's laying in bed next to him while he slept, while in her rented room in Mesa or at grandmas in Yreka

Thanks for the explanation. And...if she accessed his SM from Yreka, would 2008 computer forensics be able to detect?
Okay, I am not willing to let this thread die, so here's a new topic:

I didn't get on WS until JA's retrial. At any time, were there any insiders that ever came here to WS to talk/answer questions? Are there any designated threads? There's no need for anyone to hunt down links for me, I can do that, but if anyone knows the user names, please let me know.

No insiders ever came here (not openly, at least).
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