Sentencing and beyond- JA General Discussion #6

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Tex.....,My DS (blondie :)) and one of his friends, gone fishing, some long while ago...


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We only have the texts, but actually, Travis rarely said anything sexual to her at any time between December 2007 and the day she killed him.

IIRC, there wasn't sex talk of any kind between Travis and anyone until January 2008; after that with the it was very occasionally, and almost always initiated by her.

In February and beyond Travis flirted with a fair number of women, sometimes suggestively, but IMO, virtually none of that was sexual. It was just Travis being the Travis his friends have all described as a flirt, which BTW, I interpret as being more about making people laugh than anything else.

In all the texts there are only a few explicitly sexual exchanges. Nurmi made sure every last one between Travis and the was introduced at trial. If you watched the trial you heard/saw them all, though not necessarily in their entirety.

Beyond that, there were a couple exchanges in February (maybe into March, whatever) with one "GF," and then the long exchange with NA55, IMO, very likely Travis himself.

After the was forced to leave Mesa, I can't think of a single time when Travis brought up anything even vaguely sexual with her (I don't think telling her she looks "hot" in the photos she badgered him to look at counts). The did with him, a number of times. Representative example: "I'd like to nail you. Just kidding. Sort of."


What do you believe the chances are that the murderess herself wrote both sides of the sexual conversations?
From the ones I remember it seems that messages attributed to Travis seem more like her style of speaking. Travis's texts, as a whole, seemed more truncated and riddled with abbreviations and misspelled words.

Juan did prove in court that some were written by the monster herself. It is not real hard for me to believe that all of the weird ones were written by JA.
the fish look scrumptious, but I'm still lusting after those crayfish... mouth watering...


They were very good. Sons and I cooked 40#. The ladies did the sauces to dip them in and the cake baking
That's a river?

2 different branches of the same river (in the mountains of WV), and a WV lake (propped up fishing pole).

Rainbow trout caught in the river, crappies and bass in the lake. :)

What do you believe the chances are that the murderess herself wrote both sides of the sexual conversations?
From the ones I remember it seems that messages attributed to Travis seem more like her style of speaking. Travis's texts, as a whole, seemed more truncated and riddled with abbreviations and misspelled words.

Juan did prove in court that some were written by the monster herself. It is not real hard for me to believe that all of the weird ones were written by JA.

IMO the few sexual conversations in the texts between the and Travis were real. There aren't many texts I've thought might be written by her, but the ones I wonder about aren't related to sex at all.
Well, Gus probably told peeps PPL is not a hobby but a serious business venture. To , it was her So no, not a hobby.

did open another checking account so she can promptly overdraw. She followed Gus' suggestion of separating business from personal finances, probably.

A good story to match the receipts. Receipts are good thing and serve many purposes. Maybe Gus was telling his pupils to save all receipts for tax purposes. And I'm sure Gus whips out his receipts for expensive purchases for show off purposes to his lady friends.
They can also exonerate you if you are planning to kill someone out-of-state. It's interesting she wrote 'a good story to match the receipt' instead of 'save all receipts for your deductions'. Yes, I think she realized from Gus' sermon that receipts and lack of receipts in certain places tell a good story.

Another example of her bizarre mind. She kept a mental file cabinet of information that she could easily reference and cross-reference. NORMAL people do not record information in this way. Much of what we remember is linked to emotion, which the murderess had so little of beyond outrage and self-aggrandizing. Information was a tool for her sick mind to help her bend reality. It is easy to slip into crediting her with snippets of normal thinking. I honestly think she viewed EVERYTHING in a skewed manner and was incapable of love. She did not want a husband and house and a happy life. That would be a foreign concept to her. She wanted to win. She would never attain any sort of contentment even if she had achieved her objective of possessing Travis. I knew a lady with many traits in common with the murderess. She literally took notes on everyone she encountered that she entered into spreadsheets, which she proudly told me about. She could tell you the birthdays, anniversaries, kids and grandkids, hobbies, vacation spots, etc of people she barely knew. When I realized how INSANE she was I quickly put distance between us . We only knew one another through a Navy mom group so I was able to avoid her, but she did not like it. She showed up at my house unannounced repeatedly and called and texted me for months after I tried to end our very slight friendship. So anyway, this type of illness is pervasive and in it's worse form (JA) can be deadly.
Another example of her bizarre mind. She kept a mental file cabinet of information that she could easily reference and cross-reference. NORMAL people do not record information in this way. Much of what we remember is linked to emotion, which the murderess had so little of beyond outrage and self-aggrandizing. Information was a tool for her sick mind to help her bend reality. It is easy to slip into crediting her with snippets of normal thinking. I honestly think she viewed EVERYTHING in a skewed manner and was incapable of love. She did not want a husband and house and a happy life. That would be a foreign concept to her. She wanted to win. She would never attain any sort of contentment even if she had achieved her objective of possessing Travis. I knew a lady with many traits in common with the murderess. She literally took notes on everyone she encountered that she entered into spreadsheets, which she proudly told me about. She could tell you the birthdays, anniversaries, kids and grandkids, hobbies, vacation spots, etc of people she barely knew. When I realized how INSANE she was I quickly put distance between us . We only knew one another through a Navy mom group so I was able to avoid her, but she did not like it. She showed up at my house unannounced repeatedly and called and texted me for months after I tried to end our very slight friendship. So anyway, this type of illness is pervasive and in it's worse form (JA) can be deadly.

I dimly remember Sky (I think it was) saying the had obviously researched most if not all the women who either has friended or been friended by Travis on FB. That she knew way too much and specific info about women she'd never met.

Beyond creepy, and how scary your situation. I'm glad you were able to recognize the insanity and limit your contact.
I wish that Radar tabloid would lose interest in trying to profit off the non-story.

Now PI Dorian Bond is going for an extra nano-second of 3rd rate "fame.". What a non-story. He hasn't seen her (or been in contact, no doubt) since Estrella. Spent her retainer, no more $$ forthcoming. All he was hired to do was to hunt down those fictitious 2 men who didn't see bruises on her and who didn't joke about Travis beating her at that Tempe training she went to on April 1st instead of leaving Mesa.
I wish that Radar tabloid would lose interest in trying to profit off the non-story.

Now PI Dorian Bond is going for an extra nano-second of 3rd rate "fame.". What a non-story. He hasn't seen her (or been in contact, no doubt) since Estrella. Spent her retainer, no more $$ forthcoming. All he was hired to do was to hunt down those fictitious 2 men who didn't see bruises on her and who didn't joke about Travis beating her at that Tempe training she went to on April 1st instead of leaving Mesa.

What's Bond doing/saying now? I am interested, often finding his antics amusing, but not enough to click on that Radar tabloid site.
OT: I am watching "The Who Live in Hyde Park in June 2015" on Showtime. Too cool!
I wish that Radar tabloid would lose interest in trying to profit off the non-story.

Now PI Dorian Bond is going for an extra nano-second of 3rd rate "fame.". What a non-story. He hasn't seen her (or been in contact, no doubt) since Estrella. Spent her retainer, no more $$ forthcoming. All he was hired to do was to hunt down those fictitious 2 men who didn't see bruises on her and who didn't joke about Travis beating her at that Tempe training she went to on April 1st instead of leaving Mesa.
BBM - I agree. Since they are known to pay their sources for 'exclusives' I wonder how much of that money is being filtered back to the killer? Her appeal fund appears to be a big bust and she needs money for beano, creams for her various skin conditions :)sick:), and all those toothbrushes, so I wouldn't be surprised if this was her latest cash cow/scam. :facepalm:
What's Bond doing/saying now? I am interested, often finding his antics amusing, but not enough to click on that Radar tabloid site.

Gobbledygook, necessarily, because he isn't involved in her appeals but wants to be back in the news, or perhaps he just needed the few hundreds or so dollars that rag apparently pays folks to invent stories or trash talk.

Something about how he couldn't talk about the specifics (LOL) but that BOMBSHELL!!!, she didn't like Nurmi.

And that "he wasn't trying to get her out of jail" (does he even know she's in prison, not jail? But, whatever), but he HAD done detective type work to prove ineffective counsel.

Beyond that the garbage gets just disgusting...Bond sounds like one of her drooling fans who believes the wants to get out just to make him happy in those special ways of hers.
BTW, thank you to everyone here for making this forum the most civil, thoughtful, interesting, pleasant forum I've ever been on at WebSleuths in the years I've been here. :)
Huh & hmmm. I didn't peg you as a Who goer. ;)

One of my buddies had a mom who worked for a law firm of music promotion company. So pretty much any concert in Houston that wasn't Neil Diamond she give him the tickets that the promotion company gave to the law firm. Always great seats too!
Ineffective counsel has been proven, eh?

Good Grief~if any attorney ever went above and beyond the realms of common sense to try to instill reasonable doubt, it was Nurmi. She was guilty, he knew it. Killer has no redeeming qualities, he knew that. Travis was made to be the villain day in and day out in court. And that was done by none other than L. Kirk Nurmi, in an effort to create reasonable doubt about Killer's guilt, because that was a big part of his job.

If counsel is really ineffective it rarely takes a PI with nose to the ground to prove it.
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